Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 7 - 7 Carefree Wandering_1

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Carefree Wandering_1

Since inheriting this body after crossing over, his proficiency would only increase if he succeeded.

So, he had never considered that he could gain proficiency even in failure.

But after thinking about it, why couldn't failure increase proficiency?

Success never comes directly, it accumulates through repeated failures.

Although the experience gained from failure is little, isn't this minuscule experience part of success?

Just like learning to drive, a newbie indeed can't drift around corners.

But a successful start uphill, a successful parallel park, a successful linear acceleration, aren't all these small successes?

It's by accumulating these tiny victories that they finally transform into daredevil city drivers or gods of mountain road racing.

And there's one more thing!

He's not without a single complete success!

He has one!

The system's Achievement Points helped him to take the first step, which actually meant that he had experienced success once.

Why are orthodox pill refiners only backed by sects or Immortal Cultivation Clans, while rogue pill refiners are so rare?

The reason is simple - the initial investment is huge.

So enormous that a novice pill refiner, who fails consistently, with no hope for success, could only step back in face of the astronomical up-front fees.

But sects and clans are different, they have sufficient wealth to weather these initial failures.

Once a pill refining apprentice succeeds once, they have gained experience in success, and subsequent successes will naturally follow.

This is why successful people are always successful.

And Luo Chen, in a sense, had an influential force behind him, enabling him to skip all the initial failures and directly get a head start!

Moreover, this system thing, is far more awesome than any sect or clan.

Some people truly lack talent, but once Luo Chen takes his first step, it's as though he possesses a certain talent.

Naturally, these initial steps are facilitated by the achievement points gained from breaking through the proficiency stages of each skill.

Therefore, he said,

"All my successes come from my hard work!"

After discovering the increase in his proficiency, Luo Chen's already buoyant mood got even better.

He was so excited, it was as if he'd had a shot of adrenaline!

But having realized yesterday that haste makes waste, he knew that being over-excited wouldn't be conducive to pill refinement at this moment.

So today, he planned to do something else, for a change.

What should he do?

Practice martial arts!

To be precise, he should practice Qing Gong.

Knowing yourself is essential. With a low realm level, insufficient Qi power, and a lower grade flying sword that is only for show, he hadn't even learned the attraction technique, the flying sword could only be used for hacking.

When the previous host ventured into the mountains, he only worked in the outskirts, collecting demon beast meat for others.

Under such circumstances, what answer can provide the greatest chance of survival?

The answer, of course, is being able to run!

Logically, the best escape method for a Qi Refinement Stage Cultivator would be the teleportation talisman, or temporary flight with a magic tool, or at the very least, the Wind Riding Technique.

But unfortunately, teleportation talismans are incredibly expensive, and not generally available.

Magic tools require collaboration with the Attraction Technique, and their effectiveness is even less than the Wind Riding Technique.

Then there's the Wind Riding Technique, a method that Luo Chen could never afford in the past.

One scroll would cost dozens of lower grade spirit stones.

So, his only option was to focus on the Qing Gong styles of worldly martial arts.

Although it's just a mortal-level martial art, that doesn't mean it's useless - at the very least, it doesn't rely on spirit qi.

Luo Chen's spirit qi isn't very plentiful, and the spirit qi of lower-level rogue cultivators isn't much better. Oftentimes, battles rely on standing still and dealing out damage.

So, worldly Qing Gong, which doesn't consume spirit qi, has its place!

Sitting at the doorway, spreading out a Qing Gong manual that he bought from the market for ten gold ingots.

"Carefree Wandering"

A very impressive name!

The introduction too is impressive, "Indulge in the righteousness of heaven and earth, balance the Six Qi, and enjoy infinite freedom!"

Of course, in reality, this is just the founder's grand fantasy.

After reading it carefully a few times, Luo Chen began to put it into practice, or rather, onto his feet!

This isn't a combat-focused Qing Gong that relies on tricky footwork. Instead, it centers around leveraging and discharging forces, adjusting bodily posture at high speeds, and includes rhythmic breathing to achieve fast and long-distance travel.

At the beginning, Luo Chen was a little uncomfortable.

The whole leveraging and discharging of forces, and balance of the Six Qi sounded a bit mysterious!

However, after running across the plain on the opposite side of the creek for a morning, he had some insights.

"When the wind is strong, adjust your posture and direction. Don't go against the wind."

"When there's a tree branch or steep slope, leverage it to leap up. When landing, either discharge your force for a light landing or use the recoil to speed up."

"The rhythm of your breath shouldn't be disrupted. Your mentality should also be calm. Although you may not be completely carefree, you ought to strive with all your heart."

"Hey, this Qing Gong really does have substance!"

At lunchtime, Luo Chen glanced at the Proficiency Panel.

In the skills column, there brazenly emerged a new entry: [Beginner Carefree Wandering: 13/100].

"I've made it to beginner level, and the proficiency is going up pretty fast!"

"The path of Immortal Cultivation is like a turtle's crawl, while Martial Arts is like a roc's flight. Apparently, I am a rare martial arts genius!"

With a huge bowl in his grip, Luo Chen chuckled gleefully.

Sadly, the path of martial arts cannot grant longevity. Otherwise, playing around as a martial god wouldn't be a bad idea.

After practicing Carefree Wandering for half a day in the afternoon, Luo Chen became more adept, and his proficiency kept rising.

When Luo Chen was resting, he pondered about it and concluded that it was due to the current strength of his body.

Eating spirit rice and demon beast meat every day while cultivating Longevity Technique, even if he were a pig, he would still be a spirit pig.

With a powerful physique, wouldn't his control over his body improve?

Just like those basketball superstars in his previous world. Do you think they became superstars only due to skill? No, they primarily had a body full of talent.

Even those hailed as talent-less superstars have stronger bodies than average basketball professionals.

Now his body is powerful enough, and he has got a manual for physical training. This is not overperforming; it's merely utilizing the potential his body is supposed to have. Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

In the evening, Luo Chen waded into the creek, about a meter deep, and furiously dug out a pile of yellow mud.

Then, using his memory, he molded a mud figure.

With phoenix eyes, caterpillar brows, a dignified face, and a formidable air, even art school girls would have to complement his sculpting skills if they saw it.

"Second Elder Guan, you just wait. I'll paste on your beard tonight and carve an Azure Dragon Crescent Blade for you!"

As he muttered to himself, a few roars of beasts echoed from the mountains several miles away.

Then, several glints of light, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, flew out of the woods.

Luo Chen quickly rose to his feet with alertness, returned to his home, grabbed his magical sword, and bolted the gate.

On the plains across the creek, the glints of light had already touched down, staring towards the depths of the mountains from amidst the weeds.


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