Immortal Path Space

Chapter 356: Retreat

Chapter 356: Retreat

In reality, training Immortal Cultivators to obey orders like Wang Hong seemed easy on the surface, but it was far more complex than it appeared.

First and foremost, Immortal Cultivators fundamentally opposed such obedience. They pursued freedom and the path to immortality.

To make them comply with orders, constant suppression with overwhelming strength was necessary, or they might rebel.

Moreover, this method wasn't sustainable; prolonged suppression would eventually lead to unforeseen outbreaks.

Human nature tends to seek benefits and avoid harm. Wang Hong not only used his formidable power to control these cultivators but also guided them with certain incentives.

For example, the Foundation Establishment Pill, the most potent tool to motivate these Qi Cultivation practitioners. Besides, there were other rewards, such as coveted Spiritual Objects, that these cultivators desired.

Qi Shaoqing, after hearing Wang Hong's explanation, fell into contemplation. With his current strength, he could only train Qi Cultivation stage cultivators at best.

The hundred Foundation Building cultivators he had brought with him had only joined him because of the Nascent Soul ancestor's influence. Training them without their compliance could lead to their departure, and no one in the sect would follow him in the future.

People followed him because they saw benefits, not to be constantly troubled. Loyalty was easily achieved with Spirit Stones and other rewards.

Of course, Wang Hong didn't reveal some of the more critical aspects to Qi Shaoqing.

Wang Hong believed that relying solely on "benefits" and "harm" might work for a while, but if there came a time when they were not enough to motivate hearts, all the hard work put into training might go to waste.

That's why he insisted on training his subordinates from a young age.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Wang, for your guidance. Our current mission of holding the fort is almost over. When I return to the sect in a few days, I will gather some more people. I might need Junior Brother Wang's help again."

Since he knew that training a loyal team required considerable effort, he wanted to ensure he had trustworthy subordinates.

The ones currently stationed here were considered expendable by the sect, not worth too much effort on his part.

After a brief chat, Qi Shaoqing also purchased some pre-prepared Spirit Meals before leaving.

"Junior Brother Wang, I've received word that the Beast Tide has reached nearby and might approach our defenses soon. Please be cautious."

As he departed, Qi Shaoqing reminded Wang Hong. His unique position granted him access to information even more up-to-date than Wang Hong's.

"Thank you for the reminder, Senior Brother Qi," Wang Hong expressed his gratitude.

Over the next few days, the five strongholds under his responsibility faced numerous waves of Demonic Beasts, with their numbers growing steadily. However, they managed to repel all of them.

During this time, Wang Hong was continually preparing for the retreat. As soon as the time came, they would leave without hesitation, as the danger in this area had escalated significantly.

One day, Wang Hong received an urgent plea for help from Fu Li. They had spotted a massive horde of Demonic Beasts approaching their stronghold, numbering in the tens of thousands.

Once again, facing tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts, he had to gather all available forces and fight with everything they had to stand a chance.

With three days left until their scheduled retreat, they had to hold on a little longer to complete their mission.

He immediately dispatched all available personnel to reinforce the Fu Li stronghold, and they quickly engaged in battle.

From the beginning, the fight was intense, with Demonic Beasts constantly attempting to breach the city walls. However, they managed to push them back each time.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, they held their ground for several hours, refusing to give an inch. This was the result of their intensive training over the past few days.

A Foundation Building cultivator had just slain a Demonic Beast that leaped onto the city wall and glanced in the direction from which the Demonic Beasts were coming.

In the distance, a dark line had appeared, stretching across the horizon and slowly approaching their location.

"What... what is that?" the cultivator stammered, his voice trembling.

Others took a look during a lull in the battle. The black line had thickened, resembling a black tide rolling towards them.

Simultaneously, the ground began to shake, and a deafening rumble echoed from afar.

"God! So many Demonic Beasts!"

"Are there tens of thousands? Or even millions?"

"We're done for! This time, we're done!"

Facing the overwhelming onslaught of Demonic Beasts, many had abandoned their training principles and started yelling in panic.

Some had even started to retreat quietly. At this point, staying here was a sure path to death.

However, those few cultivators who attempted to retreat were cut down into two pieces by a golden Flying Sword controlled by Wang Hong.

Wang Hong, after dealing with the retreating cultivators, shouted, "Anyone daring to retreat without orders will be executed!"

"Wang Fellow Daoist, the Demon Clan's numbers are overwhelming, and defending here is like hitting a rock with an egg. Do you have a plan?" a Foundation Building cultivator asked Wang Hong, his gaze flickering with hidden intentions.

As he posed his question, the other cultivators around, except for Wang Hong's trusted team who remained focused on the battle, perked up their ears, eager to hear Wang Hong's response. If Wang Hong insisted on holding the position at this point, these cultivators might revolt.

After all, there was no way to survive by holding the fort anymore, and very few would choose to die in place.

Luo Zhongjie and Wen Lan had also temporarily abandoned their fight with the Demonic Beasts and moved closer to Wang Hong's position. They were ready to support him no matter what decision he made.

Wang Hong scanned the crowd and then shouted, "We are currently engaged in battle. If we retreat abruptly now, the Demonic Beasts could easily catch up to us. Please, my fellow Daoists, hold on for half an hour. I will make some preparations, and then we'll retreat together. However, until that moment, anyone who dares to retreat without orders will be executed!"

Wang Hong understood that the situation was dire. Holding the position was no longer an option, and he didn't want to sacrifice his and his subordinates' lives needlessly.

But retreating at this very moment, amidst the ongoing battle, could lead to the Demonic Beasts catching up to them. So, they needed to stand firm for a while.

In the time it took him to speak, more Demonic Beasts rushed onto the city wall, and several cultivators who had been eavesdropping on the conversation were instantly killed.

The cultivators on the city wall, after hearing Wang Hong's promise and under the watchful eyes of Luo Zhongjie and others, quickly returned to the battle with the Demonic Beasts.

"Arrange for messengers to inform all our other strongholds to retreat," Wang Hong instructed Luo Zhongjie through a Message Transmission.

His subordinates were now spread out in various strongholds, and preparations needed to be made in advance. Given the scale of this Beast Tide, all the strongholds in this area would likely be affected, including those belonging to Qi Shaoqing and Shi Fei nearby.

"Wait for me for half an hour, and I'll be back!" Wang Hong shouted and, riding on Little Peng, charged into the sea of Demonic Beasts outside the city walls. Countless flying Demonic Beasts surrounded him and his avian companion.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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