Immortal Path Space

Chapter 342: Arrangements

Chapter 342: Arrangements

Wang Hong and his group were flying back on their Flying Boat when they encountered several small groups of Demonic Beasts.

As they were flying ahead, they suddenly heard the sounds of battle and fighting coming from the left, and it seemed to be a significant conflict.

"Let's go! Let's check it out," Wang Hong exclaimed.

They turned the Flying Boat towards the source of the commotion on the left.

When they arrived at the battlefield, they saw a group of cultivators engaged in a fierce battle with a horde of Demonic Beasts.

There were about two thousand cultivators below, with half of them wearing the robes of the Qingxu Sect. Among them, only ten were Foundation Building cultivators, while the rest were in the Qi Cultivation stage.

On the other hand, there were three to four thousand Demonic Beasts, including nearly twenty second-tier Demonic Beasts.

It was evident that the Qingxu Sect cultivators were at a disadvantage, with their fellow cultivators falling one by one, torn apart by the Demonic Beasts.

"East Master, should we help them?" Wen Lan asked as they witnessed Human Clan cultivators being killed by the Demonic Beasts.

"Of course, we must help," Wang Hong said decisively. The Demon Clan was the common enemy of the entire Human Clan, and in the current situation, no one could afford to stand idly by.

The Human Clan cultivators struggling in the battle below suddenly saw a Flying Boat descending from the sky, crashing directly into the midst of the Demonic Beasts. Numerous Demonic Beasts were sent flying by the impact.

At the same time, dozens of sword lights flew out from the Flying Boat, circling around it. Blood and body parts were scattered in all directions, creating a gruesome scene.

With an unstoppable momentum, the Flying Boat plowed through the Demonic Beast horde, leaving a path paved with severed limbs and body parts. Soon, it was engulfed by the swarm of Demonic Beasts again.

The Flying Boat continued to advance until it reached a group of Human Clan cultivators.

"Follow me! Fight alongside me!" Wang Hong shouted from the Flying Boat.

The Flying Boat changed direction and charged back into the midst of the Demonic Beasts, with the two thousand cultivators following closely behind.

The Flying Boat, acting like a sharp knife, cut through the Demonic Beasts, dividing them into two groups.

Then, it penetrated again, creating more divisions and eliminating the Demonic Beasts piece by piece.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wang, for your assistance!" After all the Demonic Beasts had been slain, a Foundation Building cultivator wearing a purple robe from the Qingxu Sect stepped forward.

Wang Hong, known as a core Alchemist of the Pill Hall in the Qingxu Sect, had gained some recognition among Foundation Building cultivators in the sect. Therefore, many people in the sect knew him.

"You don't need to be so polite. The Demon Clan is the common enemy of all Human Clan, and it's only natural for me to lend a hand. Please forgive my ignorance; I don't recognize you. May I ask for your name and which peak you are from, Junior Brother?" Wang Hong replied, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I am Liao Yang from the Yuheng Peak. I have heard of Senior Brother Wang's name for a long time, but we haven't had the chance to meet. Seeing you today, your reputation is well-deserved," Liao Yang said respectfully.Liao Yang praised, though deep down, he was more curious. Wang Hong was known in the sect for his Alchemy skills, and Liao Yang had never heard of his talent in battle. He couldn't fathom how Wang Hong, as an Alchemist, had entered the Blue Dragon Hall, primarily focused on external combat. Moreover, Wang Hong was in charge of the people on the Flying Boat. Liao Yang could only envy such a position.

"I'm not aware, Senior Brother Liao, why you and your group are fighting against the Demonic Beasts here? I just returned from elsewhere, and I'm not familiar with recent events. Could you please enlighten me?" Wang Hong inquired, realizing that Liao Yang was leading an organized effort.

From Liao Yang, Wang Hong learned that in the past month, a large number of Demonic Beasts had been pouring into this area. The Qingxu Sect had dispatched many disciples, along with other allied forces, to guard key routes in various locations.

Their group of over a thousand people had just arrived and hadn't had the chance to make any preparations when they encountered this group of Demonic Beasts. They were nearly overwhelmed, but fortunately, Wang Hong and his group had arrived in time.

After understanding the situation, Wang Hong knew that significant events might unfold in the near future. He swiftly led his people away from the area.

Back in the Mountain Valley, they were informed by Luo Zhongjie that Zhan Shulong and the others had been exposed for impersonating someone else. Wang Hong was only slightly surprised by this. He had long known that these three were up to no good, and he had prepared several contingencies. However, he hadn't had the chance to use them before the three had escaped.

Nonetheless, he planned to meet with these three Hall Masters when the opportunity arose. Some things could be done discreetly, but if someone caught wind of them openly, it would be an entirely different matter.

Upon returning to the valley, Wang Hong first retrieved the Spirit Vein pearls he had collected and found suitable locations to implant them underground. The fate of these over four thousand Spirit Vein pearls, and how many small Spirit Veins they would eventually birth, would only become clear after some time.

In the foreseeable future, things might not remain peaceful, and his Mountain Valley might become a target for Demonic Beast attacks. Therefore, he needed to make some preparations in advance.

He entered his Space and flew to the area where he had planted Devilish Vines. These Devilish Vines had been growing for thousands of years. Devilish Vines could hunt on their own, appearing as ordinary vines crawling on the ground or climbing on trees. However, as soon as any living being entered their range, they would attack.

Once they entangled their prey, they would release numerous poisonous thorns. The toxins in these thorns could immobilize the prey. Then, the thorns would absorb the prey's Spiritual Energy, demonic energy, and essence blood until the victim turned into a pile of bones.

Wang Hong planned to transplant some Devilish Vines and cover the surrounding peaks of the Mountain Valley with them. That way, if the Demonic Beasts dared to approach from those areas, they would have no way out.

For some reason, these Devilish Vines growing in his Space no longer attacked him. It could be that they had grown accustomed to his aura, or perhaps there was some subtle influence from the Space itself. Wang Hong couldn't be sure.

He floated to the center of these Devilish Vines and selected those that were less than eight hundred years old. The ones with two to three thousand years of age, while more powerful, did not suit his identity as a Foundation Building cultivator. It was better not to use such high-tier Spiritual Objects.

The Devilish Vines he dug up varied from several decades to a few hundred years old. These Devilish Vines would grow faster if they were regularly fed with Demonic Beasts.

Looking at the Devilish Vines he had dug up, Wang Hong realized that the quantity was still far from enough to cover the three surrounding peaks of the Mountain Valley.

Fortunately, there was a patch of mature Nourishing Essence Pill Spiritual Herb in his Space. He harvested all of them and used the vacant space to cultivate young Devilish Vine saplings.

After leaving his Space, it took Wang Hong two days to plant these Devilish Vines around the Mountain Valley's peaks, sparsely but strategically. This task could only be done by him, as anyone else approaching would trigger the Devilish Vines' attacks.

Wang Hong looked at the results of his two-day labor and felt satisfied. Although the planting was sparse for now, it would provide the equivalent protection of several hundred cultivators guarding him.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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