Immortal Path Space

Chapter 339: Qian Huanzi

Chapter 339: Qian Huanzi

Wang Hong gathered everyone together and began teaching them the secret techniques passed down to him by Sloppy Old Daoist.

This secret realm was not overly complex, and within just five days, everyone had mastered it.

Wang Hong divided them into groups of four or five people, a move designed to save some Spiritual Power and conserve Spirit Wine. Though he had plenty of Spirit Wine, it wasn't practical to use tens of thousands of catties of second-tier Spirit Wine all at once.

Several months after Wang Hong had left the Mountain Valley base, Zhan Shulong and his companions started brainstorming. They believed it was an opportune moment to make their move.

"Even though Wang Hong is not in Mountain Valley right now, loyal followers like Luo Zhongjie, Yin Ze, and Hu Jian are still there. It's not easy to infiltrate," Miao Rui sighed, surprised by their unwavering loyalty.

"Indeed, the East Zhou Trading Company in Azure Void City is under the control of people like Xu Lun, making it equally difficult to break through," Zhan Shulong added, sharing the same sentiment.

"I have an idea. Since they are loyal to Wang Hong, why don't we act in Wang Hong's name? Let's see how they can refuse then," Fang Xuan said with a sly smile.

"Oh? How can we act in Wang Hong's name?" Zhan Shulong asked, and Miao Rui turned their attention to Fang Xuan as well.

"I once met a Fellow Daoist skilled in the art of shape-shifting and impersonation. Their imitations are often indistinguishable from the real thing."

"Are you suggesting... we have this person impersonate Wang Hong?" Zhan Shulong, not one to miss a beat, immediately grasped the plan.

"Yes! We can have this person impersonate Wang Hong, then we'll bring them into Mountain Valley. 'Wang Hong' can personally issue orders, allowing us to gradually take control of his subordinates' powers. In the process, we can cultivate our own loyal followers and use our newfound authority to strengthen our position. Those loyal to Wang Hong will either submit to us or face dire consequences. Once we've secured all the power, even if the real Wang Hong returns, he won't be able to do anything against us. We can even turn the tables and accuse him of being an imposter. After completing these steps, everything here will belong to us entirely!"

Fang Xuan's laughter couldn't be contained as he spoke. He was truly impressed with his own cleverness.

"Brilliant, Junior Brother Fang! This plan is ingenious!" Zhan Shulong couldn't help but applaud, realizing that this plan was far superior to what he had initially considered.

"Senior Brother Fang's intelligence is unmatched. I'm in awe!" Miao Rui gazed at Fang Xuan with admiration.

"There are still a few issues to address, though. Firstly, how reliable is this Fellow Daoist's disguise technique? What if it gets uncovered? That would be a disaster. Secondly, Wang Hong has been away for several months, and if he returns too soon and we haven't completed our mission yet, it could be problematic," Zhan Shulong pointed out, thinking of potential pitfalls and suggesting that they should discuss countermeasures in advance.

"Don't worry about these two points, Senior Brother Zhan. First, I've already thoroughly investigated it. Wang Hong is expected to be away for at least a year, which gives us plenty of time to execute our plan." Fang Xuan reassured them as he laid out his strategy.

As for the other matter, seeing is believing. Let's first meet with this Fellow Daoist to witness their disguise skills."

The three of them left Mountain Valley and flew for a day until they reached a not-so-tall peak, guarded by a simple concealed formation. From a distance, all they could see was a vague mist.

Factions like this, lacking significant power and strong support from Spirit Veins, didn't keep their defensive formations active all the time. After all, maintaining such formations consumed a considerable amount of Spiritual Energy constantly.

Approaching closer, they landed in front of the peak, feeling that the Spiritual Qi here was even thinner than at Wang Hong's Mountain Valley base. This faction had likely recently relocated, and newcomers like them often didn't have ideal places to settle. The areas with Spirit Veins had already been occupied, so they were content with finding any place to call home.

Fang Xuan took out a Transmission Talisman and imprinted it with a message before launching it toward the peak.

After a brief moment, a Daoist of about fifteen or sixteen years old, with rosy lips and white teeth, emerged from the mist.

"May I inquire if the three seniors are here to find Master Qian Huanzi?" After offering a respectful greeting, taoist asked.

"That's correct! Is Fellow Daoist Qian Huanzi within the mountain?" Fang Xuan inquired.

"Master is currently on the mountain, but temporarily unable to come far to welcome you. Please forgive us and follow me," taoist replied.

Afterwards, taoist led the three of them to a grand hall and arranged for them to sit down.

"Please wait for a moment, sirs. I will go inform Master."

After offering another bow, taoist exited the grand hall.

A while later, a person walked into the hall from outside, surprising the three visitors. The person who entered was none other than Fang Xuan, looking exactly like the Fang Xuan sitting among them. Even their gait and demeanor were indistinguishable.

"Senior Brother Zhan, Greetings, Miao Sister. Don't tell me you don't recognize me?" The "Fang Xuan" who had just entered greeted them, adopting the same tone and manner of speaking.

If there hadn't been another Fang Xuan sitting in the hall, they might have mistaken this one for the real thing.

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoist Qian Huanzi, your skills have become even more exquisite. Please, no more tricks," the real Fang Xuan chuckled.

"Just a trivial skill. Please bear with me for a moment," the imposter Fang Xuan replied before leaving the grand hall once more. In just a short while, they returned, now dressed differently.

This Qian Huanzi appeared slightly leaner but radiated vitality in their facial features. It was hard to tell if this was their true appearance.

After reintroducing themselves and engaging in casual conversation, they learned that taoist who had guided them up the mountain was also Qian Huanzi in disguise. They had traveled together for quite some time, and yet the three of them had not suspected a thing.

"To be honest, we've come here to request a favor, Fellow Daoist," Fang Xuan said, receiving silent approval from Zhan Shulong and Miao Rui before continuing, "Could you assist us with something?"

"Oh, I see. As long as it's within my capabilities, I will do my best to help," Qian Huanzi replied.

Fang Xuan retrieved a Storage Bag from his pocket and handed it to Qian Huanzi before explaining, "This matter is certainly within Fellow Daoist's capabilities. These are just earnest money, and if the task is successful, there will be more rewards."

Qian Huanzi accepted the Storage Bag and scanned its contents with Divine Sense, immediately drawn to the valuable items inside. They had just relocated and were in dire need of resources. With this substantial wealth, they could overcome their current hardships. Moreover, these were just the earnest money. After clarifying the details, Qian Huanzi readily agreed to help.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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