Immortal Path Space

Chapter 334: The First Battle

Chapter 334: The First Battle

Three cultivators, two men and one woman, all appeared to be in their early twenties.

Among them, Fang Xuan was introduced by the Black Tortoise sect leader as a junior disciple. He was polite and always had a smile on his face.

Zhan Shulong was introduced by the Blue Dragon faction leader as a junior disciple. He had a calm demeanor and was quite talkative.

The only female cultivator, Miao Rui, was a junior disciple of the White Tiger sect leader. She had a striking appearance and seemed quite proud.

The three of them stayed here for a while, arranged a meeting time with Wang Hong, and then left.

Wang Hong now served as the vice sect leader of the Blue Dragon faction and sometimes had combat missions that couldn't be avoided.

Half a month later, Wang Hong, along with the three disciples, descended the mountain. This time, they were tasked with clearing out a Demon Clan stronghold.

According to the intelligence, there were approximately over two thousand Demonic Beasts in this stronghold, including more than ten second-tier Demonic Beasts.

For Wang Hong, dealing with a group of this size of Demonic Beasts was not considered too difficult.

"Senior Brother Wang, I heard that we're going up against a group of over two thousand Demonic Beasts this time. Do we have enough people to handle them?" Fang Xuan asked curiously.

"In terms of manpower, we are naturally outnumbered by these Demonic Beasts, but it's not too difficult to deal with them," Wang Hong replied.

"It seems Senior Brother Wang has everything under control," Zhan Shulong praised.

On the way, the three of them chatted and laughed, but Miao Rui seemed uninterested in the conversation. They soon arrived at the Mountain Valley base.

Wang Hong led the three of them and introduced them to Luo Zhongjie, who arranged accommodations and daily necessities for them.

As they entered the Inner Valley, they saw many Qi Cultivation cultivators practicing in a uniform and disciplined manner. This training method was new and unheard of in the Cultivation World.

They were also amazed by the powerful aura formed by dozens or even hundreds of people simultaneously launching attacks, all hitting their targets without missing a beat.

If these hundreds of people were to attack them simultaneously, even with their current Foundation Building cultivation level, it would be difficult to withstand.

Luo Zhongjie arranged for the three of them to stay in the Inner Valley and provided them with some supplies.

"Senior Brother Zhan, I roughly estimated today. There are at least ninety Foundation Building cultivators in this Inner Valley. The previous information only mentioned he had over sixty Foundation Building cultivators, so it seems we underestimated."

"Including the Golden Core Elders, everyone has been deceived by him. He only sends out thirty to forty people each time, and at most, he sent out sixty Foundation Building cultivators at once. The outside world believed he had only sixty or so Foundation Building cultivators at most."

"I also noticed that the Foundation Building cultivators in this valley are trained just like Qi Cultivation cultivators, practicing every day. I'm not sure about their specific combat capabilities, but we'll find out tomorrow."

"Regardless of how many of them there are or their strength, we'll stick to the plan."

The next day, Wang Hong gathered forty Foundation Building cultivators and sixty Qi Cultivation cultivators from the Inner Valley. They flew towards the Demon Clan gathering point under the banner of the Qingxu Sect's Blue Dragon hall, riding a medium-sized Flying Boat. This was Wang Hong's first battle since becoming the vice sect leader of the Blue Dragon hall.

The three of them stood on the deck of the Flying Boat, watching as this team of a hundred people was about to confront a group of over two thousand Demonic Beasts. They couldn't help feeling uneasy.

All three of them had experience fighting the Demon Clan on the frontlines and knew that Demonic Beasts were fearless in battle. Dealing with over a thousand first-tier Demonic Beasts, led by more than a dozen second-tier Demonic Beasts, would likely result in significant casualties for the team.

As the Flying Boat approached a peak, they could see numerous giant gray birds with a wingspan of about ten feet circling and flying around the peak.

When a Flying Boat approached, dozens of these birds screeched and flew towards it.

"I didn't expect them to be Demon Clan sea creatures. They've already crossed the entire East Zhou Cultivation Realm in such a short time," Fang Xuan exclaimed, recognizing these Demonic Beasts.

The Qingxu Sect was located on the westernmost side of the East Zhou Cultivation Realm, so the presence of these sea creatures here indicated that there was no safe place left in the realm.

Sea creatures were known for their fast flying speeds, and often, the first wave was followed by a continuous stream of Demon Clan reinforcements.

As the dozens of sea creatures approached, the sixty Qi Cultivation cultivators on the Flying Boat simultaneously summoned their Flying Swords.

Sixty Flying Swords flew out, and in an instant, a rain of blood fell from the sky as dozens of sea creatures emitted mournful cries and fell to the ground.

This commotion quickly attracted more sea creatures, and a large group of over two hundred of them flew towards them.

Instead of getting closer, the Flying Boat remained in place, waiting silently for the sea creatures to approach.

When this group of sea creatures neared, another flurry of sword shadows filled the sky, forming a massive net.

None of the two hundred sea creatures could escape the onslaught of this vast sword net. In just a moment, they all perished.

This turn of events completely alarmed and angered the sea creatures on the peak.

After a loud screech, over two thousand sea creatures flew towards the Flying Boat.

Zhan Shulong and the other two were nervous, their fists clenched. Being surrounded by the sea creature horde at this moment would be highly unfavorable in battle.

They contemplated joining the fight several times but restrained themselves when they saw the calm demeanor of the Qi Cultivation cultivators around them.

At this moment, Luo Zhongjie gave the order, and the Flying Boat quickly retreated. Forty Foundation Building cultivators on board simultaneously flew out, forming two groups of twenty people each.

These two teams flew around the sides and flanked the sea creature horde, while the Flying Boat attacked from the front, drawing the attention of the sea creatures.

The two teams of twenty cultivators continued to slay sea creatures from the sides and rear, while the sea creatures in the front chased after the Flying Boat, leaving a trail of bodies behind them.

By the time the sea creatures in the front realized that their numbers were dwindling, it was too late.

The two teams at the sides and rear, along with the Flying Boat in front, had effectively encircled them.

The battle lasted only the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, and all the sea creatures were wiped out. Not a single one of Wang Hong's subordinates suffered any injuries.

Zhan Shulong and the other two were elated to see that the battle, which they had thought would be challenging, had ended so effortlessly. Their eyes gleamed with excitement.

The three of them descended from the Flying Boat and, along with the team members, cleaned up the battlefield, storing the sea creature corpses in Storage Bags.

Since these sea creatures were relatively large, Luo Zhongjie had prepared a large number of Storage Bags in advance.

"Isn't it enough to collect the most valuable parts of these sea creature corpses?" Fang Xuan asked one of the team members nearby.

Normally, after killing Demonic Beasts, everyone would collect the most valuable parts of the beasts. As for the flesh of first-tier Demonic Beasts, most of it was discarded because it piled up into mountains on the battlefield. Making Spirit Meals out of them was impossible for everyone, and it required the skills of a Spirit Meal master.

Not everyone had Wang Hong's mindset as a food lover, and creating Spirit Meals also required specialized expertise.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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