Immortal Path Space

Chapter 318: The Crimson Skull Flower

Chapter 318: The Crimson Skull Flower

When Wu Youshou and a large group of Treasure Hunters arrived at the valley entrance, it was eerily quiet, and not a soul could be seen.

At the entrance of the valley, there was a massive stone with the words, "Unauthorized entry, consequences at your own risk!" carved in bold red letters, making it stand out prominently.

Around the large stone, many vibrant flowers were planted, and chubby Spirit Bees, thicker than a thumb, danced among the blossoms.

"Leader, do you think the cultivators from the East Zhou Trading Company have already fled?" one of the Treasure Hunters asked.

"When they heard about the reputation of our Fellowship Alliance, who wouldn't be scared away?" another chimed in.

"Haha! I bet they were terrified out of their wits and ran back to Azure Void City. They probably won't dare to come out for the rest of their lives!"

"Since they abandoned their belongings, I think this place looks promising. Why don't we just take over this Mountain Valley and capture a few cultivators in the future to help us manage the spirit fields?"

Wu Youshou's trusted followers showered him with flattery, and he basked in their praises.

He lightly stroked his beard, squinted his eyes, and maintained an appearance of calm and composure. After all, a leader had to look the part.

"Is there anyone inside? If there is, come out and face your demise. Our leader is merciful; we will make it quick."

A Treasure Hunter stepped forward, shouting loudly. When there was no response from inside, he shouted a few more times, convinced that they had truly scared everyone away.

"Haha! Cowards!"

"From now on, anyone who dares to oppose the Fellowship Alliance will meet the same fate as this stone."

With a loud rumble, the large stone at the valley entrance, bearing the warning, shattered into pieces, and debris and flower petals flew in all directions.

This cultivator was clearly seeking attention and favor from their leader, which would translate into better rewards in the future.

As the dust scattered, a sweet fragrance filled the air, causing everyone to feel dazed. Unconsciously, they recalled some seductive scenes from their past experiences and found themselves immersed in those pleasurable feelings.

Some even emitted soft moans and involuntarily moved their bodies.

The cultivators watching the battle from the peak couldn't believe their eyes when they witnessed this bizarre spectacle.

"What... what's happening?" one of the hidden observers muttered, utterly perplexed by the unprecedented scene.

Wu Youshou had brought over three hundred people, and now, a significant portion of them were experiencing similar reactions.

"It might be some powerful formation or a kind of poison. I've heard of a rare poisonous flower that induces such reactions, but it's extremely rare," a more knowledgeable observer next to him explained, recalling the Red Powder Skull Flower.

Considering the many alluring flowers planted nearby, he couldn't help but suspect that some of them resembled the notorious flower. Unfortunately, the distance prevented him from making a definite identification.

"It looks like there's more to this than meets the eye!"

Wang Hong stood at the rear of the formation, closely observing the Treasure Hunters' reactions to the Red Powder Skull Flower's poison.

Behind him, over two hundred of his subordinates waited silently.

Wang Hong remained patient and observed the poisoned cultivators carefully.He wanted to gain a better understanding of the properties of this poison for future use and accumulate experience. While he had done some research before, nothing compared to the current effects.

During the previous use of the Red Powder Skull Flower against a Golden Core cultivator, he was unsure how effective it would be against them. When the Golden Core cultivator was poisoned, they used an arrow to kill him, but it had the opposite effect, waking the Golden Core cultivator up.

Over a hundred of those positioned toward the back were far from the source of the poison and remained unaffected. They watched as the over a hundred in front seemed to fall into a hallucination.

A young man with a fair complexion took a few steps forward, trying to push his friend ahead. His friend didn't respond, even after several attempts to call him. Seeing that his friend couldn't be awakened, he began to calmly remove the Storage Bags from his friend's body, hanging them on himself.

Now, each Treasure Hunter of their Fellowship Alliance had over ten Storage Bags hanging on them, essentially a mobile treasure trove.

One by one, they all considered taking advantage of this opportunity to benefit from their companions. Whether this would lead to the failure of the battle was not a concern for them; their own interests mattered more.

Seeing the Fellowship Alliance cultivators plundering the Storage Bags from their comrades, the hidden observers on the peak couldn't believe their eyes. They were filled with anger, thinking that these Treasure Hunters lacked humanity, even stealing from their own companions.

Meanwhile, the members of the merchant caravan within the Mountain Valley sighed with relief, grateful that everyone in their group could be trusted in life and death situations.

At that moment, some of the Fellowship Alliance cultivators, who had been busy collecting Storage Bags, were once again ensnared by the poison's hallucinations.

Seeing this, other Treasure Hunters dared not take the bags and hurriedly fled, utilizing their Spiritual Weapons to escape.

"Both sides haven't even engaged in battle yet, and the Fellowship Alliance is already on the brink of annihilation!" one of the observing cultivators exclaimed.

Sitting within the Mountain Valley, Wang Hong merely waved one hand forward and continued to observe the symptoms of those poisoned, paying no attention to the fleeing cultivators.

Luo Zhongjie and his companions, upon seeing Wang Hong's signal, charged toward the valley entrance like a torrent.

Once they rushed out of the valley, they paid no heed to the poisoned cultivators inside and chased after the fleeing Fellowship Alliance members.

"Goodness! So many Foundation Building cultivators were hiding in this Mountain Valley!"

"Previously, I thought the East Zhou Trading Company had around thirty Foundation Building cultivators, which was already impressive. Little did I know they had sixty Foundation Building cultivators!"

"The strength of this East Zhou Trading Company is far deeper than we imagined!"

In the end, Luo Zhongjie slew most of the fleeing Treasure Hunters, and the rest scattered in all directions.

Fu Li, who had once led a Treasure Hunters team, had been suppressed by Wu Youshou when he almost took control of the Fellowship Alliance. He was placed at the very back of the group, which had spared him from the poison. While others were busy grabbing Storage Bags, he only did so on the fringes. When it came time to escape, he finally had a chance to be in the front.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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