Immortal Path Space

Chapter 194: Temptation and Slaughter

Chapter 194: Temptation and Slaughter

At the East Gate of Jin'an City, hordes of Demonic Beasts continued to pour in from outside the city, moving westward along the main street.

Wang Hong and his group wisely refrained from rashly charging into the chaos. Instead, they sought refuge in a nearby five-story store.

This particular store had an excellent vantage point, offering a clear view of the situation near the East Gate. Its backyard was spacious enough to comfortably accommodate dozens of people.

The group silently ascended to the top floor of the store, discreetly observing the situation of the Demonic Beasts at the city gate.

After half an hour, no more Demonic Beasts entered from outside the city. However, a considerable number lingered near the gate, and some still occupied the city walls.

Rough estimates suggested there were around ten thousand Demonic Beasts near the gate and surrounding walls, with more than twenty of them being second-tier. At the gate, approximately ten second-tier Demonic Beasts stood alongside over a thousand first-tier ones.

In different circumstances, they might have dared to force their way through. But in the current situation, any engagement risked attracting nearby Demonic Beasts, resulting in an overwhelming siege.

"This can't go on. Once the cultivators at the West Gate either succeed or fail in breaking through, a large number of Demonic Beasts will return here. It will be difficult to hide when that happens. Does anyone have a better idea?" Wu Dayong wore a worried expression, having lost count of the Demonic Beasts countless times, with no signs of a miracle.

"I'm thinking, what if we lure these Demonic Beasts in batches, kill a portion of them, and then make a run for it?" Shen Jian suggested after some thought.

While the idea had merit, the challenge lay in deciding who would be the bait and how to lure them. If they attracted too many, handling the situation would become even more precarious.

For a while, the group struggled to devise a workable plan.

"Perhaps we can let my Spirit Beast give it a try?" Wang Hong proposed, unsure.

"Oh? What kind of Spirit Beast do you have?" Shen Jian inquired hastily.

Wang Hong released Little Peng from the Spirit Beast pouch. Little Peng emerged in high spirits, stretching its wings and legsit had been confined for quite some time.

"It's an immature Rock Sand Carver," Wang Hong explained. Rock Sand Carvers were large Demonic Beasts that could reach the second tier once fully grown.

After some communication with Little Peng through mental intention, Wang Hong managed to convey his plan. However, due to Little Peng's limited comprehension, it took a considerable amount of time to reach a vague agreement.

After a while, Little Peng, holding two jugs of Spirit Wine, confidently approached the East Gate.

As it neared the Demonic Beast crowd, one of the jugs accidentally fell and shattered on the ground, releasing a fragrant aroma that wafted far and wide.

Observing from a distance, Wang Hong shook his head in disappointment. Little Peng's acting skills were truly terrible; anyone in the shadows could see that the jug had been deliberately smashed.

Yet, the Demonic Beasts were not discerning critics. Catching the scent of the wine, they moved towards Little Peng with sniffing noses and drooling mouths, forming a pack around it.

Clutching the remaining jug, Little Peng turned and darted into a narrow alley.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The pack roared in pursuit, with two second-tier Demonic Beasts leading the charge, followed by two to three hundred first-tier Demonic Beasts.

A quarter of an hour later, Little Peng emerged from the narrow alley, still cradling two jugs of Spirit Wine with its wings. However, the large group of Demonic Beasts that had been chasing it was nowhere to be seen.

Approaching the Demonic Beast crowd again, Little Peng accidentally broke another jug, releasing the enticing aroma once more. It triggered a repeated pursuit and escape, drawing the attention of the Demonic Beasts each time.

This showcased the major flaw of the Demon Clanthe low intelligence of their lower-tier Demonic Beasts. Even at Little Peng's level of cunning, it was considered quite intelligent among them.

With crude acting, repetitive tactics, and five iterations, each round managed to fool more or fewer Demonic Beasts. However, on the sixth attempt, a more intelligent second-tier Demonic Beast grew suspicious.

This three-eyed Yao Leopard roared loudly, swiping at Little Peng with its claws. Little Peng hastily dropped the wine jug and fled. The swipe left its tail feathers scattered, leaving its backside exposed.

Flapping its wings, Little Peng flew into a narrow alley, closely pursued by the second-tier Yao Leopard. As the Yao Leopard entered the alley, a black rope suddenly flew out from the side, swiftly entangling the Yao Leopard.

Simultaneously, Shen Jian unleashed his Flying Sword from the other end of the alley. Like a lightning bolt, the Flying Sword severed the Yao Leopard's head, blood spraying from its neck.

After the kill, the group emerged from the shadows. Little Peng, seeing the dead Yao Leopard, proudly strutted towards Wang Hong, wagging its tail. Even with a bare backside, it seemed unfazed, perhaps enjoying the breeze.

Wang Hong gently stroked Little Peng's back feathers, then fed it a spirit fruit as a reward, asking, "Fellow seniors, do you think we can break through the siege now?"

Reluctant to send Little Peng out again, Wang Hong was relieved that it managed to escape earlier. "At the East Gate, there are only five second-tier Demonic Beasts left, and about three to four hundred first-tier ones. If we swiftly engage and break through before the surrounding Demonic Beasts arrive, we can successfully escape."

Wu Dayong, grateful for Wang Hong's assistance throughout their journey, voiced his agreement. Shen Jian and another Foundation Building cultivator also concurred, acknowledging that since the Spirit Beast belonged to Wang Hong, and he was providing the Spirit Wine, they had no better alternatives.

After the decision was made, Wang Hong reluctantly stowed Little Peng back into the Spirit Beast pouch.

The four carefully devised an escape plan and quietly made their way towards the East Gate.

When they approached within fifty yards of the city wall, they were spotted by a Demonic Beast.

"Roar!" The Demonic Beast bellowed in their direction, alerting other Demonic Beasts, who turned to look.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Seeing that the Demonic Beast crowd was alerted, the group abandoned stealth and sprinted towards the East Gate.

They refrained from using flying techniques, not daring to fly too high and draw attention from Demonic Beasts in the vicinity.

Surrounded by encroaching Demonic Beasts, the group charged forward, ignoring those closing in.

When the distance between them and the Demonic Beasts was twenty yards, Wang Hong deployed the Binding Spirit Rope, and Wu Dayong unleashed his Flying Sword, both attacking a second-tier Demonic Beast.

This was a prearranged strategyWang Hong, using the Binding Spirit Rope, and Wu Dayong working together, could swiftly eliminate second-tier Demonic Beasts.

Shen Jian and the other Foundation Building cultivator collaborated as well. With Shen Jian's late Foundation Building cultivation level and the assistance of the other, their efficiency in dispatching enemies was exceptionally high.

The remaining Qi Cultivation cultivators focused on dealing with the first-tier Demonic Beasts that were too close for comfort.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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