Immortal Path Space

Chapter 189: City Defense

Chapter 189: City Defense

The ground tremors intensified as the tide of Demonic Beasts approached. The colossal noise, the quivering earth, and the relentless momentum of the Beast Tide created an overwhelming sense of pressure.

Wang Hong stood atop the city wall, silently observing the encroaching Beast Tide. Two hundred zhang, one hundred zhang, fifty zhang, thirty zhang...

Wang Hong drew a black large bow, a gift from the assassin Shadow Kill in the past.

At the forefront were not the fastest Demonic Beasts but rather the bulky ones with larger bodies, greater strength, and formidable defenses.

The swifter Demonic Beasts were generally smaller in size and weaker in strength, making them less effective as cannon fodder at the front lines.

Wang Hong, holding the longbow, aimed at the leading two-tier Iron Armor Rhino.

In front of the section of the city wall he defended, there were Demonic Beasts from the Iron Armor Rhino clan, with this particular Iron Armor Rhino having the highest cultivation level.

Capturing the leader first, Wang Hong aimed to eliminate this mid-grade two-tier Iron Armor Rhino first. This way, dealing with the remaining one-tier Demonic Beasts would become much easier.

Infusing his Spiritual Power into the black large bow, an arrow immediately formed on the bow, shooting towards the leading Iron Armor Rhino.

A swift "whoosh," the arrow formed from condensed Spiritual Power hit the Iron Armor Rhino's head, creating a bloody hole but not proving fatal.

Due to its robust defense, especially in the vital head area covered by a solid bone armor, the Iron Armor Rhino survived the attack. Additionally, the bone armor could serve as excellent material for refining tools.

Wang Hong conjured another arrow with his Spiritual Power while commanding several Qi Cultivation cultivators to operate the Spirit Energy Cannon, attacking the two-tier Iron Armor Rhino together.

By this time, the horde had reached the base of the city wall. The Iron Armor Rhinos accelerated towards the wall, causing the protective Light Screen to shake.

Seizing the opportunity, Wang Hong once again shot an arrow formed with Spiritual Power at the two-tier Iron Armor Rhino, while the Spirit Energy Cannon's beam also struck its head.

Despite the combined assault from Wang Hong and the Spirit Energy Cannon, the mid-grade two-tier Iron Armor Rhino did not succumb. Its head took two hits, leaving it a bit dizzy, but it continued attacking the wall alongside other Demonic Beasts.

Among Demonic Beasts, Iron Armor Rhinos had lower intelligence. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been sent as cannon fodder, let alone fight so valiantly.

At this point, the Beast Tide had reached the base of the city wall. It split into two groups, maneuvering along the wall and converging from both sides to completely besiege Jin'an City. Then, they attacked the city's defensive Large Formation from various directions.

In just a brief moment, at the core of the city's Large Formation, the cultivators responsible for changing Spirit Stones had replaced a batch, consuming over ten thousand Spirit Stones.

The Qi Cultivation cultivators in charge of the Spirit Stones exchange felt aching hearts. They had never seen such a vast quantity of Spirit Stones consumed in such a short time.

The two-tier Iron Armor Rhino attacking Wang Hong's section of the wall, after enduring several rounds of attacks, had its head thoroughly battered. What was once a pristine piece of refining tool material was now unusable.

Finally, this Iron Armor Rhino couldn't withstand any longer, and its two-zhang-tall body collapsed to the ground, crushing two one-tier Iron Armor Rhinos in the process.

At this moment, other Qi Cultivation cultivators also began slaughtering the Demonic Beasts below the wall. Protected by the defensive Large Formation, they only needed to focus on killing the Demonic Beasts without worrying about their own safety.

They usually directly summoned attack Magical Weapons to strike at the Demonic Beasts below.

However, the Divine Sense of Qi Cultivation cultivators typically doesn't extend beyond twenty zhang, and with the city wall being twenty zhang high, their accuracy significantly dropped.

Despite the multitude of Iron Armor Rhinos crowding below, hitting a Demonic Beast's rear and hitting its head would yield different results.

Facing the densely packed one-tier Demonic Beasts below, the Qi Cultivation cultivators' efficiency in killing them was still too low. They often needed more than ten strikes to kill a one-tier Iron Armor Rhino of the same rank.

After dealing with the two-tier Iron Armor Rhino, Wang Hong once again used his bow and arrows to kill the one-tier Demonic Beasts below, each arrow striking down one.

However, for someone like him with a Foundation Building cultivation level, consecutive killing of one-tier Demonic Beasts wasn't limitless.

After firing more than three hundred arrows continuously, his Spiritual Power was completely depleted, even with his deeper cultivation level compared to those of the same rank.

The Qi Cultivation cultivators beside him had long exhausted their Spiritual Energy, their faces pale as they held Spirit Stones, desperately absorbing the Spiritual Energy within to replenish their spent resources.

Originally planning to change shifts after an hour, the situation had already deteriorated before the designated time arrived.

They had no choice but to bring in another group early, while the exhausted group rested behind the city wall to recover their Spiritual Energy.

In fact, most of these Qi Cultivation cultivators had some Spirit Wine for replenishing Spiritual Energy. After all, one-tier Spirit Wine was still accessible, and everyone tended to keep some as a precaution. It's just that they hadn't reached a genuinely critical situation yet, so they hesitated to use it.

Wang Hong surveyed the bodies of the Demonic Beasts below the city wall. In nearly an hour, he had killed over six hundred one-tier Demonic Beasts in his section.

He had personally killed over three hundred, and the forty Qi Cultivation cultivators had killed nearly three hundred as well.

If everyone could maintain this pace, the hundreds of thousands of Demonic Beasts in this Beast Tide could be wiped out in just over a day.

However, the accounts didn't add up that way. After this round, everyone had depleted their Spiritual Energy and Spiritual Power, which couldn't be restored in just an hour.

Especially for Foundation Building cultivators whose Spiritual Power was exhausted, it would take at least half a day of Meditation to recover.

Wang Hong took a few sips of Spirit Wine, rapidly restoring his Spiritual Power. He picked up his longbow once again and began shooting the Demonic Beasts below.

On other sections of the city wall, Foundation Building cultivators had made some initial attacks in the first round but hadn't struck again.

After all, their Spiritual Power recovery was too slow, and there was no need to waste it on cannon fodder. The two-tier Demonic Beasts hadn't appeared prominently yet, which were the ones Foundation Building cultivators needed to deal with.

Wang Hong's Qi Cultivation cultivators had changed shifts twice by now. Each group could only endure for a short half-hour before their Spiritual Energy was depleted, and the number of Demonic Beasts they could kill gradually decreased.

Wang Hong didn't intervene anymore. At this point, all Foundation Building cultivators had refrained from killing one-tier Demonic Beasts again. Wang Hong doing it alone would attract too much attention, and with his sole strength, killing a few hundred one-tier Demonic Beasts wouldn't contribute significantly to the overall situation.

The Demonic Beast siege continued for five to six hours, entering the dark night. The Qi Cultivation cultivators defending the city wall were weary, some Foundation Building cultivators had depleted their Spiritual Power and were now in Meditation, aiming to recover as quickly as possible.

During this time, Wang Hong once again made a move, killing a two-tier Demonic Beast.

But as night fell, many Demonic Beasts became more active.

At this time, the main force attacking the city had switched to a type of Giant Lizard covered in tough scales.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


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