Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 696: Primordial Thunder Hellfire, Heaven Origin Shock!

Chapter 696: Primordial Thunder Hellfire, Heaven Origin Shock!

That Penglai Sage, transformed into a rose, had his head as the heart, his flesh as the petals, and his bones as the stem—an eerie masterpiece of lifelike artistry, unequaled in its exquisite detail.

Drenched upon the stem was the heart blood of the Penglai Sage, and carved into it were the words—A Love Beyond Compare!

A human flower begging for forgiveness.

On this brutal battlefield, the corpse-rose of the Penglai Sagel bloomed with a dual beauty of gore and artistry, making the powerful Immortals around it shudder and their stomachs turn.

This was the Penglai Sage! He attacked with full force but was instantly slain by Yun Xiao with a sword and sigil, his body turned into an artwork!

The terror that this young man in platinum white armor casually displayed was enough to chill his attackers to the bone, literally cold to the touch.

Most onlookers gasped in shock, their breath turning cold in the heat of the battlefield.

WHOOSH! The swirling flesh-and-bone red rose crossed the battlefield towards Divine Dawn, untouched as none dared interfere.

BOOM! The girl in the white dress shattered a golden demon ape with a hammer, then turned sharply as a white tiger with slit eyes set its gaze upon the blood rose.

Her look was one of incredible fascination, a mix of anger, incredulous laughter, and then annoyance.

“If you’re sick in the head, go get some help. Don’t embarrass yourself here.”

Though her words were cold, they carried an undertone of affectionate chiding, hinting at a love-hate relationship.

BUZZ! As the blood rose almost reached her, Divine Dawn blew a storm of thunder and lightning from her lips, sending it spiraling back towards Yun Xiao.

Naturally, no woman in this world would fancy a rose carved from an old man’s corpse, right? No matter how dazzling the craftsmanship, it remained a gift of death.

Yun Xiao, with a wry smile, remarked, "So you don't like this either? A girl's heart truly is a mystery."

"Enough already!" Blue Star rolled his eyes.

"Hey, set that rose aside for me! I might need it to woo a woman cow!" Red Moon nestled against his chest, his crimson eyes dominating the battlefield with eager anticipation. "Today, I must set a record. First one down, then double up, followed by a triple and fortune at the door..."

"Just wait." Yun Xiao gripped the Heaven Burial Sword Soul once more, plunging it into the human rose, absorbing the Seed of Creation from the Penglai Sage, along with the Sword Soul, Life Sigil, and all his blood and essence.

"If she doesn't want it, it's yours."

After consuming the essence, Yun Xiao nonchalantly tossed aside the Penglai Sage's corpse.

As the blood mist thickened, a cute white shadow flashed by, and the Penglai Sage was utterly dismantled, not a hair left intact.

"That little corpse demon is different from the old primeval hag—more immature, a bit twisted. Still, it's that corpse hag who's more flavorful. She's just the right age for our bro, ripe for a fiery encounter," Blue Star analyzed.

"Our bro is truly amazing, dominating every category of woman, even the undead ones!" Red Moon admired.

"Both of you cut the chatter."

After Yun Xiao had devoured the Penglai Sage, he knew a greater peril was upon them.

The enemy had not expected him to dispatch the Penglai Sage so swiftly. So, now they were forced to make their move ahead of schedule.

With the Pengla Sagei's fall, no demon or devil dared approach Yun Xiao. Instead, they coldly bypassed him, flooding towards Divine Dawn like a tidal wave!

Now, around 800 demons and devils encircled Divine Dawn, led by the Great Horned King, fiercely attacking the girl in white.

They realized that Divine Dawn's method of combat, unlike Yun Xiao's impeccable skill, was all brute force—offering a chance for the lesser Immortals to overwhelm her.

Her pressure doubled instantly. She faced one Rank 1 opponent, dozens of Rank 2s, and almost 800 Rank 3s!

Even the Nine Thunders Sovereign or the Northstar Sword Devil would find this situation lethal.

Yet, as Divine Dawn was ensnared in this bloody quagmire, a trace of tension flickered in her eyes as she looked towards Yun Xiao, cautioning, "Be careful!"

"Right." Yun Xiao understood then—that person had come. It was obvious he had arrived. Why else would all the other demons and devils target Divine Dawn?

His side grew eerily quiet, too quiet for the roaring battlefield around him. It was as if someone had muted his surroundings, leaving him in an unsettling silence.

"Here we meet again, Chaos Sovereign," Yun Xiao said as he slowly turned around.

Behind him stood a middle-aged man in golden robes, his hair unkempt, face a mix of black and red as if he lived a life of drunken stupor. He was holding a black gourd, from which he drank with a deep gurgle.

"Delicious." The man in the golden robes took another deep drink, relishing the taste before smiling at Yun Xiao. "Just call me Lu Fan, you know I'm not from around here."

"It doesn't matter," Yun Xiao replied coolly, his eyes a deep, chilling gaze. "Let's get started."

"Alright." Lu Fan grinned. "I'll take you somewhere interesting."

With that, he waved his sleeve, which astonishingly unfurled like an endless abyss, opening a vast, black maw that blotted out the sky and swallowed everything.

Yun Xiao found nowhere to hide and was instantly consumed by this endless void.

The sleeve even swept up Lu Fan himself, and as both men disappeared from sight, only a spinning gourd was left behind!

"Emperor Fan! Emperor Fan!"

At this sight, the Great Dao Celestial Army, Free Immortals, demons, and devils excitedly roared, shaking the heavens as if their Emperor Fan had indeed captured Yun Xiao.


Seeing this, Pale Revenant, Gu Suwan, and Yue Yin furrowed their brows in concern.

Where had Yun Xiao been swept off to? Could he have died?

This was a showdown between two peak talents of the Celestial Court, young and old, and that spinning black gourd tugged at everyone's hearts.

It also fueled the fury of those quick to anger.

Divine Dawn was such a person.

Amidst a battlefield surrounded by countless foes, she stared intensely at the black gourd. Hidden within her fierce gaze was a concern hard for the ordinary to discern.

BOOM! She rallied two great Primordial Doom Stars and charged towards the black gourd.

"Stop her!" the Great Horned King roared abruptly, reigniting the ferocity of the battlefield.


The 800 top-tier demons, devils, and Immortals surrounded her tightly, unleashing their magic, Sword Souls, Life Sigils, and celestial weapons like a torrential downpour upon the girl in the white dress!

Explosions boomed across heaven and earth.

Her silhouette fluttered in the air, seemingly on the brink of obliteration at any moment! The relentless barrage around her was like a colossal tidal wave. Each Sword Soul, Life Sigil, and celestial treasure was deadly!

The girl's brows furrowed, her slit eyes blazing with intense killing intent!

Suddenly, she looked up to the sky, like a fierce tiger standing on a cliff's edge, and roared.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" It was hard to imagine such a petite body emitting a roar like a thunderous beast, but this roar formed visible concentric light waves that rippled outward!

A roar like the heavens exploding!

BOOM! The light waves moved at a terrifying speed, cutting through the barrage of attacks, striking the heads of the 800 demons, devils, and Immortals!

POP! POP! POP! One by one, under the assault of this Primordial Tiger Roar, their ears burst open in puffs of blood, creating a fireworks display of gore in the sky, a truly spectacular sight.

After their ears burst, their cries of pain spread, as nearly everyone in the sky clutched their ears, faces ghostly pale!

Their eardrums, devastated by the Primordial Tiger Roar, disrupted their magic and sword attacks, greatly reducing their lethality, even causing them to collide with one another!

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The aftershocks of the Primordial Tiger Roar sent shockwaves outward, even pushing back the legions of the Celestial Court and the wandering Immortals, with hundreds of thousands of Immortals retreating, many with bleeding ears.

"The Seventh Princess is so fierce." Gu Suwan, sheltered within the Rain Sword Boat, was shaken to the point her ears rang.

"She's certainly a tough nut to crack." Yue Yin shuddered slightly.

"A certain someone we know seems to prefer it that way," Gu Suwan said with a slight smile.

"Look, she's still raging!" Yue Yin quickly added, her eyes fixed on the girl.

The girl in the white dress, having vented her anger, saw the demons, devils, and Immortals still blocking her path. Her anger did not subside; rather, her killing intent soared even higher.

"Primordial Thunder Hellfire, Heaven Origin Shock!"

In a display that required no Life Sigils, Divine Dawn released the Primordial Doom Stars and spread her arms wide in the air. A tiger-shaped white lightning bolt formed in her left hand, and a pale, intense flame blazed in her right.

She flipped her hands, merging the thunder and fire into the primordial circle. The fire sank downward and the thunder ascended, mirroring the cosmic act of creation: lightning spiraled in the heavens, generating endless bolts, forming a perfect circle of plasma while the flame blazed furiously below, also swirling into a circle of hellfire.

BOOM! Above was the thunder; below, the white fire. Suspended between them, the girl controlled the heavens with one hand and the earth with the other. Thunder roared down, wrapping around her arms, while the fire surged up, licking her hands.

At this moment, she was like a sovereign controlling celestial beasts, the entire world turning within her palms. Her hair flew about like electric dragons, her white dress burned with infinite primordial fire, and her eyes mirrored the plasma and hellfire. With a glance, she could shatter the heavens and crumble the earth, turn seas to dust and rocks to rubble.

In this instant of transcendent beauty, unforgettable to any who saw, she was no mere girl but a supreme Empress leading her race to break the world across the endless aeons!

"You lowly demons, vile devils, and contemptible humans, how dare you threaten the grand path of humanity’s survival?!"

Her words thundered, shaking the heavens amid the interplay of thunder and fire. In the sky, she dominated the cosmos, her fingers grasping control of the universe.

"Evil devils and demons, perish here and now!"

With a resonant boom, she pressed her hands together, and in an instant, celestial thunder and terrestrial fire collided. The world seemed to compress into her palm, then burst forth explosively.

BOOM! A blinding white light flashed, turning endless darkness into daylight, as thunder and fire transformed into numerous charging white tigers, smashing into the demons, devils, and Immortals around her.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Clouds of blood mist erupted. No matter how tough the demons or devils, under the destructive arc of the Heaven Origin Shock, any struck by it were obliterated instantly!

JustLivingJL's Thoughts


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