Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 693: Razing the City!

Chapter 693: Razing the City!

Sky Soaring City!

Darkness smothered everything, the city chillingly devoid of light.

From east, west, south, north, to the skies above, the vast forces of the Great Dao Celestial Army formed a frigid wall of death. They ruthlessly slaughtered any Immortal folk daring to flee the city.

A mere few thousand deaths quelled any thoughts of escape.

On those shadowy streets, True and Yin-Yang Immortals alike were cast into chaos and despair.

Their hearts were seized by immense panic.

THUD! THUD! THUD! One by one, the citizens of Sky Soaring City knelt before the Great Dao Celestial Army's troops, their voices quivering with sorrow, "Honored Immortals, what crimes have we committed?"

"Why crush our humble city with such force?"

"Isn't the Great Dao Celestial Army meant to protect us? Aren't your parents mere cultivators like us? Why do you treat us so?"

No matter the pleas, the Great Dao Celestial Army stood impassive as a cold iron wall.

In their icy gaze, no trace of emotion could be found.

"Mother! Mother! My head hurts so!"

Suddenly, a child no taller than a knee, clutching his head, burst into tears.

His mother thought him scared, but a glance revealed a terror beyond belief.

A black flame sprouted from the child’s head, burning in the shape of a lotus, emitting white smoke and a hissing sound!

"Wahhh!" The child, barely over a year old, rolled on the ground, his cries heart-wrenching and immature. His face contorted with pain, tears streaming down, breaking the hearts of all who saw.

"His soul is burning!"

"It’s the Departing Soul Fire of the Chaos Sovereign!"

Cries of horror echoed, sending shivers through the crowd, their very guts turning cold.

"Even such a young child isn't being spared. You wretched fiend, Lu Bufan! I’ll fight you with my last breath!"

The child’s father, eyes red with fury, roared and charged skyward, only to be restrained by his kinsmen.

"Lu Bufan! You are devoid of virtue, unworthy of your powers, you will meet a grim end!"

The father’s screams tore through the air as his family held him, their tears mingling with pain and anger.

And as the mother, cradling her child, knelt with her head pressed to the ground, begging for mercy from Sovereign Lu...

Above each head a black lotus flame began to burn.

The shrieks filled the air as the people of Sky Soaring City fell to the ground, clutching their heads in agonizing howls.

The Departing Soul Fire swept through the city like a tidal wave in the ocean, sparing no one—man, woman, or child, the weak or the frail felt its ruthless sting the most, a pain magnified.

It was as if countless spikes were driven deep into their brains and bones, twisting and pulling relentlessly.

Soon, not a soul in the grand Sky Soaring City could stand.

Even an Arbiter like Sun Xiaoqi found herself curled on the ground, her eyes turning white, her gaze dim, as tears of confusion streamed down.

For the common folk, it was better to be a dog in times of peace than a human in chaos...

When chaos descended, all morals and laws were lost, and the common people were stripped of any right to control their destinies.

"I, devoid of morality and virtue? Straying from the Dao? "

Beneath the floating Sky Soaring City, a disheveled man in golden robes chuckled to himself.

He held a massive black lotus in his hand, the lotus' soul fire scorching the entire city.

As Lu Fan razed the city, he laughed, "What is the Dao? What is virtue? Let me tell you, the Dao is the setting, and virtue is its governance. Together, they form the system."

After speaking, he shook his head, sighing with boredom, "A broken instance, a bunch of broken NPCs, they really think they're real."

Then, he intensified the flames of the Departing Soul Fire. Under the command of his black lotus spirit, the whole Sky Soaring City blazed with the black lotus soul fire!

"But, I must say, the realism of this world is one hundred percent, especially the girls, delightfully real.

"System, oh system, all I want is to enjoy my life forever, such a simple thing, yet you complicate it. Now you create a model of the ultimate hero, handsome and with freakish growth traits, as if you don't want me to keep playing. Well, don't blame me for going all out and using my trump card to win."

As he spoke, a line of golden text appeared on the golden interface in front of him.


System: Yun Xiao is an external element, unrelated to this system. To maintain normal system operation, it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Enough with the prompts, you've told me a thousand times, stop pestering me, I'm dealing with it now!"

The man in the golden robes took a deep breath, his features twisted for a moment as he looked up at Sky Soaring City.

"If this continues, everyone will be burnt to death, and still no appearance?"

His gaze seemed calm, but deep within, a brutal madness surged.

The human tragedy unfolding across Sky Soaring City—the wailing, lamenting, pleading, families torn apart—was all just scripted to him, meaningless.

"In gaming, you have to play the game; without a little challenge, you might as well go home and farm!"

The man in the golden robes murmured to himself, a smirk curling his lips, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

His laughter contrasted sharply with the cries from the city above and the chilling indifference of the countless Great Dao Celestial Army troops hovering higher above.

"The pot's almost ready; if they don't come soon, the whole batch will be done."

After saying this, Lu Fan looked skyward, his pupils suddenly narrowing.

Indeed, someone was coming...

Like a hunter flashing a grin, Lu Fan bared his white teeth.

"Brothers, watch me take down these husband and wife bosses first!"


Above Sky Soaring City, the Penglai Sage, Great Horned King, and eight Supreme Generals, along with thousands of Free Immortals, half-devils, and powerful demons, looked down from their high vantage, overlooking the human tragedy below, chatting and laughing with ease.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar split the sky, and a dazzling white light burst forth, illuminating all of Sky Soaring City as if it were daylight.

"What the!"

The Penglai Sage and the others looked up in shock, only to see a boundless white expanse plummeting down above them!


Feeling the oppressive, destructive power of this white expanse, the Penglai Sage quickly commanded everyone to dodge!

Still, many from the Great Dao Celestial Army were struck by the white expanse, instantly turned into blood dust.

Those like the Penglai Sage who dodged in time turned back to see that what had descended from the sky was an immense white pagoda.

The white expanse was merely the base of this pagoda!

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! At that moment, the base of the boundless pagoda opened like a vast primordial maw, swallowing the entire Sky Soaring City in one gulp.

The sheer size of the pagoda was now apparent!

"My heavens!"

Cries of astonishment rose among the Great Dao Celestial Army.

The scene was truly explosive, stunning many onlookers!

BUZZ! That immense force pressed down, swallowing Sky Soaring City in an instant, and even shook Lu Fan apart, separating him from Sky Soaring City!

"Wh-who saved us?"

Inside Sky Soaring City, the Immortal folk, who had been tormented by the Departing Soul Fire, finally found relief from their agony.

They looked up, seeing only the white walls of the pagoda around them—pure, flawless, and immensely thick, instilling an inexplicable sense of calm.

On the walls, stripes of black and white, both domineering and sacred, easily reminded them of someone...

Sun Xiaoqi shivered, realization dawning, and she exclaimed with excitement, "It must be the Seventh Princess! It's Divine Dawn!"

Even though this Seventh Princess had been declared a Divine Heaven grade criminal by the Celestial Court, she still held a positive image here in Sky Soaring City, a place far from the White Emperor's immediate reach.

Especially the citizens of Sky Soaring City, who were somewhat aware of the incense offerings, knew of the rumors between Yun Xiao and Divine Dawn.

"The Great Dao Celestial Army's troops slaughter us, yet a Divine Heaven grade criminal comes to our rescue—what kind of world is this!"

"Have we done something wrong, are we also criminals?"

Relieved from pain, they wept for joy, yet their hearts were filled with doubts that shook their souls.

"Princess Divine Dawn, defeat the villains!" Among the crowd, a barely one-year-old child, weak and fading, clenched his fist tightly. In his large, innocent eyes lay the purest judgment of good and evil.

"Such a small child, his heart knows only kindness, what crime could he have? Those who want to kill him are the truly unforgivable ones!" Sun Xiaoqi said angrily.


From that moment on, the Immortals of Sky Soaring City were certain in their hearts who the true future of the Celestial Court should be.


"Divine Dawn!"

A chorus of clenched, growling voices echoed around the vast Primordial Pagoda.

The core powerhouses under Sovereign Lu, filled with towering murderous intent, immediately locked onto their target!

Atop the spire of the Primordial Pagoda stood a snow-white girl of about 15 years old, the wind blowing her long hair and dress, yet unable to sway the white tiger mask on her face that symbolized ferocity.

She stood like a majestic white tiger above all creation, her pupils slit-like through the mask, gazing coldly and sternly at the Penglai Sage and others.

In her hand, she held a long chain, and at the ends of the chain dangled two dazzling stars!

One was massive and heavy, burning with primordial flames.

The other bristled with spikes, white lightning crackling around it!

The Penglai Sage's eyelids twitched at his first sight of her! She had grown stronger! That was why Lu Fan was worried.

"We cannot give her even a moment's respite!" The Penglai Sage suddenly swung his arm, his voice fierce, "Everyone together, slaughter this little white tiger first!"


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