Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 690: Life and Death Eight Trigrams

Chapter 690: Life and Death Eight Trigrams

The Heavenly Palace was never cloaked in darkness, yet now it dimmed. Not by a curtain of night, but by a swarm of demons and devils from Naraka, their numbers vast, their forms colossal, their natures cruel.

These celestial demons and devils unleashed ear-splitting howls and war cries, their savage sounds swallowing the divine land of the Celestial Court.

Thunderous roars echoed as the Constellation Army mobilized.

As the protectors of the Heavenly Palace, they maintained high discipline. Even in such chaos, they organized swiftly, ascending and flying towards the eight critical points of the Sacred Emperor Barrier.

Stationed at these points, backed by the grand formation, they stood like sentinels atop ramparts, overlooking their foes, commanding the terrain.

"The Crown Prince himself oversees the battle, commanding from the front of the Three Great Constellations! All Rank 1 and 2 Heavenly Officers are present!"

"Victory to the Celestial Court! Victory to Immortals!"

Their loud and authoritative chants drowned out the howls of the countless demons and devils.

Compared to the ordered and well-trained celestial army, the invaders from Naraka seemed much more chaotic.

The celestial devils were manageable, but the celestial demons, unable to shed their beastly nature, were ferociously undisciplined.

Yet, their ferocity and greed were also their strengths, for in their fearlessness in the face of death, the demons surpassed the celestial troops.

"Prepare for battle!"

With a commanding roar from the Crown Prince, a solemn silence descended, as if a tide swept across the Celestial Court.

Above, countless demons and devils stirred a sky-obscuring fog of malevolence, like a tempestuous sea poised to crash down upon them.

Only through this demonic miasma could one see the sea's hidden crimson eyes and vicious fangs.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! As the first wave of the demonic assault reached the Constellation Army, a giant eight-trigram array suddenly materialized between them.

Its form resembled a massive stump-shaped barrier, locking down the Heavenly Palace.

This eight-pointed array, layered in black and white, matched the octagonal shape of the Immortal Asylum, reminiscent of the one seen back in the Nine Hells.

But this Sacred Emperor Barrier was much larger, its layers representing the forces of life and death.

Inside the Sacred Emperor Barrier, not the five elemental energies of the Five Infernos Star Barrier nor the thunderous might of the Thunder Immortal Formation held sway, but rather the formidable energies of life and death!

The force of life infused the Constellation Army, seeping into their beings, bolstering their combat strength and self-healing capabilities, making them fiercer with every skirmish.

Meanwhile, the force of death naturally gravitated toward the demons and devils, corroding their flesh and essence, as if they were trapped in a poisonous miasma, struggling for every step.

In terms of sheer destructive capability, the Sacred Emperor Barrier surpassed the Five Infernos Star Barrier, making it the most lethal in the Celestial Court!

This was the source of confidence for the Crown Prince and officials.

"The Eight Trigrams Life and Death sub-array has been activated. The gates of life and death are revolving. This ground belongs to the Celestial Court. Whichever corner of the vast expanse you hail from, you shall be annihilated, body and soul!"

The Crown Prince's cold and imperious voice swept across the battlefield, striking terror into the hearts of the demonic horde.

At that very first clash against the energies of life and death, the impact of the deathly force was a brutal awakening. Many demons and devils who dared penetrate the Sacred Emperor Barrier changed color, their bodies trembling, gasping for breath as blood spurted from their mouths and noses.

"Charge!!" The Three Great Constellations, along with various officials, seeing their chance, roared in unison, their killing intent soaring to the heavens.

In an instant, celestial weapons, Sword Souls, Life Sigils, and a few Anima Immortal spirits launched three ferocious waves of assaults, slicing through the ranks of Naraka's army!

The sky was a spray of blood and flesh.

From the outset, the battlefield was nothing short of carnage, with the Sacred Emperor Barrier acting like a giant meat grinder.

"We, the human race, are the pinnacle of all beings, superior in our spiritual path, our methods, and our civilizing virtues, above these brutish demons and devils!"

"What can these primitive creatures, these eaters of raw flesh, hope to achieve against us?"

"Leaving their wretched Naraka was but to deliver their heads to us over 1,000 miles."

"Brothers, take no prisoners, claim all that is due."

"So what if we don't have the Five Infernos Star Barrier! They need the handicap!"

The results of this initial clash inflated the spirits of the Constellation Army, their outlook ever more optimistic.

This bolstered not just their confidence but ensured they struck harder, not out of underestimation, but from a place of unyielding ferocity!

The force of life not only strengthened their essence and physical resilience but also spurred their spirits, making them even more disdainful and fierce.

The buzz of energy filled the air as the Constellation Army pressed back against their foes within the Sacred Emperor Barrier.

Led by the Martial Peak Constellation, the Martial Immortals headed the vanguard, paving the path forward with offensive and defensive celestial weapons. Behind them, the Inscription Immortals led by the Nine Arcanes Constellation cast a volley of celestial treasures, techniques, and formations.

Yet, the most lethal of these forces were the Sword Immortals, led by the Heaven-Reaching Constellation. This elite band of imperial Sword Immortals surpassed even those of the Immortal Sword Court in prowess.

These Sword Immortals, positioned on the flanks of the Martial and Inscription Immortals, mastered Sovereign Sword flight, their agility unmatched. They could launch devastating long-range Flying Sword attacks or engage in close-quarters combat with the Palm Sword. And if overwhelmed, they could swiftly retreat with their swords, making them the most formidable and elusive foes on the battlefield.

"With the support of the Sacred Emperor Barrier at our backs, once we crush the enemy's core strength and morale, the 18 supporting legions can strike from behind, encircling and annihilating these demons and devils right here!"

"Forever ending the menace of Naraka!"

With these thoughts, the Constellation Army's resolve swelled, their ambitions growing to utterly destroy Naraka.

They seemed to forget why the White Emperor and Crown Prince had spread the method of receiving incense offerings throughout the Celestial Court, and what pressures had compelled them to do so!

Just as the Constellation Army and Naraka's forces clashed, turning the battlefield into a river of blood, a massive mountain of flesh fell from the sky into the midst of the Sacred Emperor Barrier.

A foul stench of death and decay erupted, forming a dense, ghastly green fog that swept across the battlefield and rolled into the Heavenly Palace, enveloping it in a nauseating miasma of rot.

It was an utterly suffocating sight.

Perhaps the demons and devils of Naraka were accustomed to such stenches, but the Constellation Army was certainly not.

"This smell..."

"Damn it!"

It was like being locked in a sealed room with dozens of decomposing, maggot-infested, pus-leaking corpses!

One by one, the Constellation Army's soldiers turned pale, their stomachs churning, and they vomited on the spot!

The life force of the Sacred Emperor Barrier seemed ineffective against the stench of decay.

And that was not the end of it!

As the Great Mother descended onto the battlefield, countless streams of the death force actively sought her out, forming numerous mouths on her body that greedily absorbed the deathly energy.

The buzz was ominous as the forces of decay, naturally meant to rot flesh, assailed the Great Mother, a being already an amalgamation of decayed corpses.

As vast amounts of this deadly energy flooded into her, the mountain of flesh and corpses she embodied grew more foul, more decayed, and more repulsive to behold. Yet, it did not shrink; rather, it seemed to swell with a more dreadful presence as it absorbed the deathly force.

From within this grotesque mass, hundreds of thousands of long necks sprang forth, each topped with a demon's head, darting into the fray like arrows, snapping at the celestial soldiers.

"Great Mother! Great Mother!"

For the first time in the Heavenly Palace, and in her initial foray, the Great Mother almost nullified the power of the Sacred Emperor Barrier!

Her terror was palpable. She was the very entity that the White Emperor had most dreaded!

Her reversal of the situation invigorated the demonic horde; their eyes turned a bloodshot red, their ferocity fully unleashed!

The frustration they had felt was now matched by their brutality!

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Naraka's counterattack began in earnest!

As the Constellation Army started falling, their grand formation disrupted, their inflated confidence and pride were brutally shattered!

Seeing comrades and friends torn asunder and devoured by the demons, the hearts of many celestial soldiers were rent with horror.

This brutal reality made them deeply realize that war was no trivial matter. This was not a simple command of tactics but a critical moment for the survival of the Celestial Court and humanity!

"Do not worry, someone will handle the Great Mother!"

Thankfully, just then, the Crown Prince's firm declaration steadied the hearts of the Immortals.

"And we still have the support of the 18 Department Legions!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

As the Sacred Emperor Barrier and Great Mother unleashed their might in turn, the battlefield was momentarily balanced again. Both sides clashed fiercely, trading blows with flesh and blood, each life fiercely defending its side.

For a time, neither could break the stalemate.

"Devil Eye!"

Dissatisfied, the Great Mother's gaze turned beyond the Sacred Emperor Barrier!

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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