Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 566: Misty Rebirth, Ascend the Heavens!

Chapter 566: Misty Rebirth, Ascend the Heavens!

"Fifty thousand True Immortal Jades!" Yun Xiao exclaimed.

This was no small sum.

The True Immortal Jades in the mine back in Sangju City were mostly rough, unprocessed ore. Of course, this wasn't too much of an issue thanks to Red Moon's ultra-efficient stomach.

However, even if that mine was fully excavated, it was doubtful they could produce 5,000 True Immortal Jades.

Even the combined possessions of Zhao Danming and Chen Yu only amounted to 7,000 True Immortal Jades.

Excluding the amount Blue Star and Red Moon skimmed off for themselves, this amount was enough to help Yun Xiao break through two stages.

Red Moon didn't mind since he could pretty much digest anything.

"I'll need a lot more Tri Heaven Sariras to advance further. I'll also need to set aside a portion to convert into Origin Orbs too."

Yun Xiao's consumption was only going to increase.

Even so, these 50,000 True Immortal Jades were enough to alleviate Yun Xiao's immediate money issues.

Blue Star and Red Moon converted part of it into Tri Heaven Sariras and part of it into Origin Orbs, handing them over to Yun Xiao.

As night descended, the second round of selection was about to begin!

Yun Xiao seized the moment. First, he absorbed the Origin Orbs with his spirit, then channeled the power of the Tri Heaven Sariras into his Nine Suns Dantian. Operating the Primordial Void Technique, he ground the Tri Heaven Sariras into dust and integrated them into his Primordial Sacred Wheel, enhancing its strength continuously.

The Sacred Wheel grew robust, the spirit solidified, the Dao heart matured, and his cultivation broke through!

"I've broken through two stages, reaching the Perfect Essence Manifestation Realm!" Yun Xiao remarked, breathing out. Like this, the spirit he manifested would grow stronger, appearing more corporeal.

For him, advancing two stages at a time was normal, even considered slow.

Fortunately, Blue Star and Red Moon still hadn't completely processed the 50,000 True Immortal Jades.

As long as Yun Xiao's Dao Heart kept up, he'd have no issue advancing to the Divine Self Realm.

"Recently, these Seeds of Creation have all been the Core attribute. None of them could replace the Nine Suns Dantian or Nine Heavens Star Meridians… It's also a shame I couldn't absorb Dongfang Yong's Seed of Creation, with there being so many powerful figures around.

"Of course, with the Third Dao Tribulation being about cultivating the Genesis Spirit, what I need the most now is a Spirit attribute Seed of Creation. So far, apart from that Chaos Sovereign, Lu Fan, I haven't encountered any others."

To Yun Xiao, the Thunder Department was a treasure trove, for it was filled entirely with Seeds of Creation!

Speaking of treasure troves, Yun Xiao was also pretty pleased with gaining a foster mother to provide him funds. Wasn't this much more efficient than a senseless slaughter?

Under the scrutiny of celestial laws and regulations, one had to cleanse their sins after killing. Only by finding a powerful backer could one truly command power and influence!

"To put it plainly, the Celestial Court is a genuine society of power and status!"

This was utterly contrary to the Heavenly Palace that Yun Xiao had envisioned.

In comparison, the Azure Spirit Sword Sect seemed more akin to a world of Immortals.

Mortals always harbored ethereal imaginations of the Immortals above. But given the nature of human society, the higher the ladder of cultivation, the more inevitably it became a battleground for resources. With such wars came a system of power, designed to monopolize treasures and pass down legacies.

Immortals? They were just fiercer fighters!

Yun Xiao had long discarded the wispy illusions a mortal might have about the path of the Immortals. He had integrated perfectly.

Apart from the 50,000 True Immortal Jades, Yun Xiao retrieved the two other things from the Bag of Holding his new foster mother had given him. They were two jade amulets, a violet sword-shaped one and another blue talisman-shaped one. Both bristled with electricity, not just deadly to mortals, but even Yin-Yang Immortals might be reduced to ashes upon contact.

This indicated the high caliber of the Bag of Holding that Gu Suwan had given him.

"Without enough strength, one can't even practice the laws of immortality!" Yun Xiao shook his head with a smile, then grasped the sword-shaped jade amulet.

"The Thunder Sword Technique of the Cao Immortal Manor, given to me, an outsider? That's a heavy investment."

Even Liu Mumu wouldn’t dare to spread the Liu Family’s celestial techniques outside, showing how secretive the Great Dao Celestial Realm was about their sacred teachings.

Yun Xiao stilled his mind, then let his spirit enter the violet sword-shaped jade!

BOOM! Before him unfolded a world of violet thunder, endless bolts converging into swords, traveling and darting through the void!

A peal of thunder resonated beside his spirit.

"Ascend the Heavens!"

This phrase echoed within his spirit.

"A lofty origin, yet this celestial sword technique is rooted in fierceness, brutality, and the wrathful control of thunder." Yun Xiao saw through the essence of this sword technique at a glance.

Indeed, this technique was dozens of times more complex and powerful than those of the Primordial Academy or the basic ones in the Skyruler Immortal Manor.

It wasn't even on the same level!

Derived from the legacy of General Cao's ancestors from the Thunder Department of righteous immortals!

"A fine piece, this celestial sword technique rooted in fury fits my current state of mind." Yun Xiao was prone to anger. He was still a man of greed, wrath, and foolishness.

That’s why, when Zhao Danming and Chen Yu crossed him, he retaliated on the spot.

In the Thunder Department, where dominance ruled and hearts were shrouded in dark, inscrutable desires, Yun Xiao found a deep discontent gnawing at him.

Yet, the mortal realms and people like Lu An also held an important place in his heart.

"With the fury of thunder, carried by the sword, ascending toward the heavens." Yun Xiao murmured these words, his eyes roaring with the sword of thunder. His spirit withdrew from the sword-shaped amulet, then ventured into another amulet—this one blue and shaped like a talisman.

"A Melody of Heartbreak, Misty Rebirth."

Misty Rebirth was the name of this daoist spell. It was ethereal and celestial. But it was a fusion of thunder and torrential rain.

Before him, the world burst into countless palm-sized spheres of blue lightning that crackled sharply, converging as if a thunderstorm were plummeting down, drowning the whole world in its tempestuous rage.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The sound of the storm magnified the deluge. When it rose and fell in waves, it really did sound like heartbreak.

"Not bad," Yun Xiao remarked, taking another look. As his spirit left, it seemed as though countless storms of lightning rained down in his eyes.

"Mid Vast Heaven grade?" Yun Xiao remarked, recognizing the grades of these two celestial techniques.

The Celestial Court’s system of magic, Sword Souls, Life Sigils, flora and fauna, and mineral spirit weapons all fell into a conventionally agreed hierarchy, seemingly referred to as the Nine Heavens Celestial Grades, delineated by the heavens themselves.

For Yun Xiao, already exposed to numerous celestial techniques, Mid Vast Heaven grade was quite esteemed.

"Truly not bad."

Enlightened, Yun Xiao stood up. Though it was a last-minute effort, his high aptitude made mastery almost instant.

At that moment, someone knocked at the door. It was Jiang Haiyan.

Her voice trembled slightly as she said, "Lu Yao, it’s time to go to the Nine Thunders Arena."

"Yes," Yun Xiao replied, walking over and opening the stone door.

Outside stood the blue-eyed woman, appearing isolated and forlorn. Her gaze towards Yun Xiao had transformed from one of lofty pride to one of admiration mixed with fear.

"Let’s go," Jiang Haiyan whispered.

Yun Xiao glanced at her, then suddenly took her hand, pulling her inside before shutting the stone door.

"You…" Jiang Haiyan's heart raced, her cheeks flushed as she said, "I know what you want to do... but there's no time."

"What do you think you know?" Yun Xiao asked.

Biting her lip, Jiang Haiyan said with some indignation, "I'm sorry, I underestimated you before. Now that you've ascended so quickly, you surely want revenge."

"How would I seek revenge?" Yun Xiao looked at her and asked.

"You and my father are on the same path. We sisters no longer dare oppose you. What more could you want from me but this body of mine?" Jiang Haiyan spoke, her emotions a mix of fear and anticipation.

"Jiang Haiyan," Yun Xiao shook his head, "why must you see me as a mere beast?"

"Uh…" Jiang Haiyan paused, then said, "The end of conflict between men and women is a relationship of conquest. Such has always been the way of Immortals."

"Is it possible that I'm not interested in you at all?" Yun Xiao asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Haiyan's eyes dimmed, and she nodded silently, "I understand."

After a moment of silence, she spoke again, "Since this is so, and my family no longer poses a threat to you, and since we are indebted to you, could you give my sister a chance for early release?"

"Come here. I'll tell you," Yun Xiao suddenly said.

Jiang Haiyan looked at him and stepped within a foot of where he stood.

"Don't move." Yun Xiao suddenly extended his hand, pressing a Sword Soul against her throat.

"You…" Jiang Haiyan's face paled, her body trembled slightly, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

Yun Xiao gripped her neck, pinning her against the stone door, while his other hand moved the Sword Soul to her heart!

From his forehead, a slit opened, revealing a violet vertical eye like that of a true dragon, staring intently at Jiang Haiyan.

"Look into my eye, submit to my spirit, do not move, do not resist, or tonight, your father will mourn his daughter." Yun Xiao's face, cold and eerie in the violet light, came close to hers.

"No, no, you can't do this…" Jiang Haiyan trembled violently, tears streaming down as she looked at Yun Xiao in despair.

She had come to plead for her sister, not to entangle herself.

In her eyes, with Yun Xiao's new status as General Cao's foster son, he surely didn’t need to use them to threaten her father anymore.

"Jiang Haiyan, I won't give you a second chance. If you want to live, you need to behave," Yun Xiao said coldly.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

"Uh…" Jiang Haiyan paused, then said, "The end of conflict between men and women is a relationship of conquest. Such has always been the way of Immortals."

"Is it possible that I'm not interested in you at all?" Yun Xiao asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Haiyan's eyes dimmed, and she nodded silently, "I understand."


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