Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 543: Stepping Out For Battle!

Chapter 543: Stepping Out For Battle!

The atmosphere in the room stiffened instantly.

Outside, the clamorous crowd silenced themselves, turning their gaze respectfully toward the group of Arbiters.

“Is a Judicial Immortal personally presiding?”

All eyes instantly focused on one figure standing centrally among them!

He was a towering middle-aged man, most of his armor shimmering in gold, designed to project an aura of formidable authority.

Beneath his helmet was a face of rugged sternness, with deep-set eyes, a hooked nose, and thick white eyebrows that likened him to a hawk of the Celestial Court, his presence commanding the attention of all.

This was Liu Zongyu, the Rank 6 Judicial Immortal!

He also presided over the Skyruler Immortal Manor!

In terms of rank, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Lord Lu, who was in charge of commerce, but in terms of actual power, the Judicial Immortal held a slight edge.

Beside Liu Zongyu stood several Sky Protectors of the Skyruler Immortal Manor, along with dozens of Arbiter Commanders.

Naturally, Liu Mumu was there as well!

It was clear that the Skyruler Immortal Manor placed great importance on the Celestial Court's Immortal Tournament!

“The Judicial Immortal’s grave demeanor must mean he knows about the six registrants,” someone whispered.

Indeed, after Liu Zongyu emerged, he glanced at the registration board, then turned his hawk-like gaze back to sweep over the Arbiter ranks and commanded, “Lu Yao, step forward.”

Instantly, all eyes lifted to watch the young man who wasn't supposed to belong at this event yet become the unintended focal point.

The crowd around Yun Xiao parted!

He stepped forward smoothly, approaching Liu Zongyu.

“You and your brother don’t look much alike,” Liu Zongyu noted.

Yun Xiao looked at him and nodded. “That’s true.”

Yet, in his heart, Yun Xiao couldn't help but wonder who Lu An had sought out after returning to the Celestial Court? Especially after finding out the Three Immortals were backed by the Peach Blossom Immortal. Could it possibly be his prospective father-in-law, Liu Zongyu, who thought lowly of him?

Yun Xiao harbored his suspicions, choosing not to delve deeper. He knew Liu Mumu must know something.

“Very well!” Liu Zongyu looked at him and suddenly smiled.

Placing his hand on Yun Xiao’s shoulder and facing the public, he proclaimed loudly, “Here stands a mere Arbiter Initiate, yet he possesses the courage to face ridicule and dares to challenge peaks that others deem insurmountable. Such spirit is exactly what every Arbiter should embody!”

People knew he was praising Yun Xiao, and many echoed the commendations. But even as they lauded him, a joke played silently on their lips. What a fool!

"Have all the other registrants arrived?" Liu Zongyu asked.

The crowd searched for a moment, but clearly, none had shown up yet. Just then, from afar, a swirl of colorful clouds rolled in, bearing many grand Immortals whose majestic presence descended upon the scene.

"It's Governor Jiang!"

"Governor Jiang himself has come!"

As the chief authority of Sky Soaring City and the sole Rank 5 Celestial Officer of the city, his arrival instantly escalated the atmosphere to a fever pitch.

"It seems Governor Jiang is personally leading the team to the Thunder Department this year?"

"That's right! He's about to take up his new post there, and two of his daughters who are participating in the tournament are with him. It's a good chance for them to get acquainted."

People spoke knowingly among themselves.

"From a Rank 5 Governor Immortal, he's moving up to the class of a great Golden Immortal!"

They couldn't help but feel profound respect.

The term Governor Immortal meant the ruler of a Celestial Court jurisdiction, typically a position far removed from the core of the Celestial Court.

But to step into the ranks of Golden Immortals, even if assigned to the Thunder Department, meant truly entering the innermost circle of power in the Heavenly Palace!

The leap from Rank 5 to Rank 4 was monumental!

Everyone revered Governor Jiang, known as Jiang Taiping.

Yun Xiao turned to look and saw that Jiang Taiping was not as imposing as he had imagined. Instead, he was an elderly man in a white robe, appearing quite genial and slightly ethereal, like a hermit from beyond the world.

He was flanked by two young women, one in green and one in blue, both strikingly beautiful, fair-skinned, poised, and proudly aloof.

These were his daughters, Haiyan and Heqing.

Alongside Jiang Taiping were several other Rank 6 Celestial Officers from Sky Soaring City, who had come to the Skyruler Immortal Manor.

In all of Sky Soaring City, the only Rank 6 Celestial Officer who wasn't here was probably Lord Lu.

These Rank 6 Celestial Officers assisted Jiang Taiping in governing Sky Soaring City's law enforcement, commerce, and mining, among other responsibilities.

Naturally, the other three Arbiter Commanders in their twenties, listed on the registration board, were also progeny of these high-ranking officers, all direct descendants.

They stood alongside Jiang Haiyan and Jiang Heqing, three young men of striking handsomeness, each surpassing both Jiang Lanyue and Lu Changfeng in demeanor.

At that moment, both the young and old had gathered.

"Governor!" Liu Zongyu led all the Arbiters in a salute to Jiang Taiping.

"Dispense with the formalities." Jiang Taiping chuckled warmly, his movements as fluid as the drifting clouds. "Today, the spotlight is on the young ones; let's give them our time."

Behind Governor Jiang, the Celestial Officers smiled, speaking little.

The presence of Yun Xiao stirred a touch of awkwardness in the air. The scale of the event had surpassed all expectations, catching many unprepared.

Fortunately, Liu Zongyu was a man of swift action.

He stepped forward and announced, "Six talents have registered, but there are only five spots. By regulation, I can select two to compete for one spot through battle—the victor will join, the loser will depart."

The crowd murmured in anticipation, their expectations aligned with his statement.

"Lu Yao really doesn’t know his place; why stir trouble in such a setting?"

"Indeed, which of these prodigies could he possibly surpass?"

"He wouldn't reach their knees even if he jumped..."

Before Liu Zongyu could name the challengers, whispers already filled the air.

Then, a man in green stepped forward and bowed to Liu Zongyu. "Honored Judicial Immortal, I wish to fight."

The other two, seeing the opportunity taken, showed a hint of regret.

Jiang Heqing, the youngest and indeed the weakest by rule, was meant to battle Yun Xiao for the spot. Yet, voluntary substitution was permissible.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heqing glanced at the man in green and snapped, "Don’t meddle where you're not needed. Stand aside!"

With that, she walked to the center, waving her hand impatiently at the crowd, "Move back, don’t block my view. I'm about to crush an easy opponent."

It was clear she was angered.

"Now Lu Yao has really done it—he’s in big trouble!"

Despite the blunders, the people of Sky Soaring City still held a fondness for Lu Yao, stirring their concern.

"Hopefully, the little princess of Sky Soaring City goes easy on him, leaving him a lifeline."

Worry marked their faces as Yun Xiao calmly stepped forward, approaching Jiang Heqing.

Seeing this, Liu Zongyu declared, "Then let it be between Jiang Heqing and Lu Yao, two young talents, to decide the outcome."

His words settled the matter, marking Lu Yao's breach of etiquette.

Many sighed in the moment.

Among the Arbiter ranks, several smiled in schadenfreude. Most came from humble beginnings and so held little sympathy for Yun Xiao, who, despite his ordinary origins and lack of worldly wisdom, always sought to stand out.

Only Liu Mumu, arms crossed, leaned against a Suan Ni beast sculpture at the entrance of the Skyruler Immortal Manor, her gaze deep and fixed on the fearless young man in white armor moving forward.


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