Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 540: Origin Orb!

Chapter 540: Origin Orb!

Two hours had passed when Yun Xiao rode his Skyruler Sword Vessel back to Sky Soaring City.

The sun had already reached its zenith.

"Traveling back and forth really eats into my cultivation time. But, the fruits of this journey have been immensely rewarding," Yun Xiao mused, his use of the word immensely betraying his satisfaction.

In the case of Sangju City, the bodies of the 15 Arbiters were yet cold, and he, the true culprit, had returned unchallenged to the bastion of justice, the Skyruler Immortal Manor!

As Yun Xiao had soared over Sky Soaring City, he could see that the entire populace was abuzz with the gruesome Sangju City murders.

None doubted the survivor Lu Yao.

Even within the precincts of the Skyruler Immortal Manor, Yun Xiao was met with no special treatment.

To most Arbiters, he was merely a lucky soul who had managed to survive. Otherwise, the two Sky Protectors wouldn’t have let him off so easily.

Yun Xiao did not head straight for the Skyruler Immortal Manor, but instead returned to the Lu Immortal Manor, to his home.

In the courtyard, a woman in plain clothes sat on a stone bench, her hands clenched tightly, her face etched with unease.

"Mother, I'm back," Yun Xiao said as he sat beside her.

"Lil Yao..." Miss Yu hurriedly reached out towards him.

Yun Xiao took her hands, saying, "You've heard about Sangju City, haven't you? Don’t worry, I was lucky—the villains didn’t set their sights on me. See? I've come back safe and sound."

"You weren't hurt, were you?" Miss Yu asked, her eyes brimming with tears again.

"Not a scratch. I was just there to stand around and look busy," Yun Xiao joked.

"That’s good, that’s very good." Miss Yu sighed in relief, her tension easing.

“Still, there is some bad news," Yun Xiao added somberly.

"What bad news?" Miss Yu gasped.

Yun Xiao looked around, then whispered in her ear, "The young master died valiantly trying to capture the villain."

"Oh, it's okay," Miss Yu blanked for a moment before she instinctively replied.

"It's okay?" Yun Xiao asked.

"No, no..." Miss Yu corrected herself slowly, "It’s just heartbreaking. Lord Lu and the Madame, having lost their daughter and now their son, must be in profound grief!"

"Indeed." Yun Xiao nodded. "Now, Lord Lu too belongs to a family of martyrs."

"Hush, don't speak foolishly; that's not a term to be taken lightly," Miss Yu hurriedly interjected.

Yun Xiao observed her troubled expression with a gentle smile. Unseen by Miss Yu, he did not have to hide it.

"Mother, I must leave now," Yun Xiao said, rising to his feet.

"So soon after you've come back? No, have a meal first," Miss Yu insisted.

"I can't stay for a meal. I'm swamped with work. If I delay, the leadership won't be happy, and I might lose my job," Yun Xiao replied.

"Alright then!" Miss Yu gripped his hand tightly, saying deeply, "Just be safe, my son."Thê sourc𝗲 of this content n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))

Yun Xiao nodded. "I will…"

With those words, he gently let go of her hand, turned, and walked out of the courtyard, quietly disappearing into the distance.

As Yun Xiao walked, he muttered to himself, "Did you see? Lu Changfeng is dead, and she's pleased."

"An insignificant woman. Whether she's happy or not, does it matter to you?" Blue Star scoffed.

"It matters, it matters a lot," Yun Xiao affirmed.

"If she's so important, why not bring her to the Skyruler Immortal Manor for protection?" Blue Star questioned.

"Taking her by force would only make things worse; it's like admitting guilt. She's safest right here," Yun Xiao explained as he left the Lu Immortal Manor and looked ahead. "The Skyruler Immortal Manor isn't exactly a safe place either."

"Licking the blade, how thrilling," Red Moon chuckled.


In a blink, Yun Xiao returned to the Wind Pavilion. It was his third day as an Arbiter, and he had already gotten his superior, Yuan Gang, dismissed and his direct superior, Lu Changfeng, slaughtered.

Next, the Wind Pavilion would likely be renamed, and a new Arbiter would take charge.

Yun Xiao wasn't concerned with these developments; his mind was on his training room!

At the entrance of the Wind Pavilion, a male and a female Arbiter were discussing.

"Have you heard? The Seventh Princess has been reborn but hasn't returned to the Celestial Court; she's missing," the male Arbiter said.

"The whole Great Dao Celestial Realm knows about it," the female Arbiter replied.

"How odd. Is she being pursued?" The male Arbiter scratched his head.

"Impossible, she's a princess of the Celestial Court; who would dare pursue her?" The female Arbiter shook her head.

"That's true..."

Just as they were discussing this, they saw Yun Xiao approaching.

"Have you two heard of the Seventh Princess appearing in other places outside Sky Soaring City?" Yun Xiao asked.

The two Arbiters gave him a cold look and, without answering, turned and walked away.

Not just them, but all the Arbiters in Skyruler Immortal Manor, having heard about the incident in Sangju City, began to distance themselves and ostracize him.

In their eyes, someone like Yun Xiao, regardless of his actual involvement, had no future.

The master had perished, but the servant had not; such was his fate.

"Ha." Yun Xiao found little amusement in the realization and retreated to his training room, shutting the great door behind him.

"Spit it out now," Yun Xiao commanded as he coaxed the small black beast from his embrace.

"This is my first time; I need a moment to prepare." Blue Star coughed.

"Your mouth is all worn out, and it's still your first time?" Yun Xiao retorted.

"Get lost." Blue Star shot him a glare, squatted down in a horse stance, his face twisted as if constipated.

"BLEGH!" With a held breath, turmoil churned in his stomach, turning his face a shade of green, Blue Star expelled a glowing orb!

Upon release, the orb tumbled through the air like a deflated balloon, and Blue Star finally collapsed to the ground with a whimper. "That nearly killed me!"

Yun Xiao paid no heed to the antics, his gaze fixed solely on the luminous sphere.

The surface of the orb shimmered, inside swirling like a spherical vortex.

"Is this an Origin Orb?" Yun Xiao inquired.


"Is this also what the Creator Immortal prepared for his rebirth? Can this thing directly nurture the spirit?" Yun Xiao continued.

"Why don't you try and find out?" The small black beast staggered to its feet, looking utterly drained.


Yun Xiao's cultivation relied on the Heavenly Dao Sariras, and the nurturing of the spirit depended on the Origin Orbs!

All Yun Xiao needed to grasp on his own was the Worldly Dao Heart, which grew with a person's insight and experiences.

"So much for just one Origin Orb?" Yun Xiao lamented with a hint of heartache.

"But this one will save you from worrying about the growth of your spirit for a while, allowing you to focus solely on the cultivation of your Worldly Dao Heart and breaking through your current realm," Blue Star explained.

"Remarkable," Yun Xiao couldn't hide his admiration. He could hardly wait to begin. Seating himself cross-legged, he held the Origin Orb in the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes, letting his spirit venture forth!

With a hum, his mundane spirit appeared before him, eyeing the Origin Orb that was nearly its own size.

"From the perspective of a spirit, this Origin Orb is a fatal temptation," Yun Xiao mused.

"It's like when he meets his Senior Sister Zhao," Red Moon added sentimentally.

"Get lost." Yun Xiao's spirit glared at Red Moon, then opened his arms and embraced the Origin Orb, nibbling at it bit by bit.

With just one bite, a fragrant aroma rushed straight to the crown of his spirit.

It was indeed like burying his head in Zhao Xuanran’s bosom—once he started, he couldn't stop.

His spirit feasted delightedly, swallowing the entire Origin Orb, an act that made Red Moon’s eyes bulge with envy.

Not that it cared for the Origin Orb itself—he had made it—but he envied Yun Xiao's spirit for the satisfaction it felt.

"Hey, when will you give me some milk to drink?" Red Moon gritted his teeth.

"Soon, very soon," Yun Xiao replied, his spirit satiated beyond measure.

JustLivingJL's Thoughts


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