Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 264 Another Stress Relief

Seeing as Attendant Rue entered a daze, Leonardo sighed and turned his back to the woman, closing his eyes to enjoy this moment of peace. If he wanted to win over someone as devoted and loyal, the process needed to be slow and steady, and he would gradually tempt the woman from all corners. 

About twenty minutes later, Attendant Rue blinked her beautiful eyes and softly breathed. She felt her breadth of mind expand, new insights into the Staircast to Enlightenment sutra flooded her mind in a consistent stream; she wished for nothing more than to find a quiet place and meditate on these new insights and try the countless variations of harmonizing the seven emotions and six desires, creating an illusion of a multi-faceted life with her music. 

After some hesitation, Attendant Rue placed her sting instrument to the side and got up on her two, little feet. Leonardo could hear her soft approaching steps, yet he acted oblivious to it all. Moments later, he felt a pair of gentle hands tug at his head, lift it up, and then he felt like he leaned back on a mound of soft flesh. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Attendant Rue's inverted face as she looked down at him, a crimson flush on her pale face. 

"Close your eyes!" she shouted in a low voice. "I'm only doing this as a way to express… express my gratitude…" 

Even as she spoke, she bit her bottom lip and despite the tingling discomfort buzzing through her body, she brought the slender fingers and began to massage Leonardo's temples. 

As for Leonardo, he smiled faintly but didn't close his eyes. He simply stared up at the discomforted attendant as her body jolted ever-so-slightly from the intermittent currents of electricity rushing into her body. A moment later, Leonardo let out a gentle sigh and closed his eyes as though sleeping. 

Attendant Rue, of course, knew he wasn't one bit sleepy. However, seeing him breathing evenly with closed eyes provided her with a false sense of privacy, and her expression began to gradually relax. Her clenched jaw loosened, her rosy lips parted, and while she massaged carefully, soft whimpers otherwise drowned by the sound of water currents left her lips. Unaware of it, her eyes also closed. Unbeknownst to Attendant Rue, the frequency of those electric changes increased, and the duration of each pulse seemed to also amplify. 

In but a few moments, Attendant Rue's rushed breathing caused Leonardo to open his eyes, only to find her slender fingers roaming off from his cranium to all corners of his face, from the forehead to his cheeks, and occasionally her thumbs would brush past his lips. 

Beguiled by the temptation and rekindled flames aroused by Emily's actions, Leonardo opened his lips and lured the slender thumb past, gently biting down on the little guy as moisture and warmth from his tongue encased it. 


Attendant Rue felt electrocuted all over, jumping in fright, and just like that, with a splash, she landed in the deep pool of water. Her mind was still in a fuzzy state when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her thin waist the moment her upper half surfaced from the water. She instinctively felt like resisting, but Leonardo's warm lips rested on the wet nape of her neck, and with a cold gasp not unlike a moan, her entire body went rigid. 

"B-brother Ye…" Attendant Rue breathed out even as the heat muddled her head. In moments, she felt lost and confused. Then, she felt something poking at her buttocks, face flushed red even as that thing protruded through her thighs and pressed against her uncharted regions, even though the flesh was separated by wet cloth. 

Attendant Rue's mind immediately went blank, not knowing how to react. It was also at this moment that Leonardo finally grasped hold of himself, his body going rigid for a split second as clarity returned to his eyes. However, he couldn't just retreat and thus, he brushed Attendant Rue's long, black hair aside and kissed her wet nape once more, even as he embraced her waist tighter. "I almost lost control over myself right now… Aren't you quite dangerous?" 

Only when the water splashed did Attendant Rue come to her senses, and Leonardo's words registered in her mind. She blushed, but Leonardo's next words shocked her even more, and not in a good way. 

"Send some willing maids to my bedroom chambers, preferably 4th-tier cultivators at minimum." 

Leonardo might have held back on digging his claws into Attendant Rue, but that didn't change the fact he was still feeling very hot. Even as Attendant Rue was shaking from a wave of indescribable anger, the maids stationed outside the bathing chambers heard the orders and scampered off to spread the word. To a rebirth realm cultivator, doing it on a whim might seem too much and all, but these maids saw it as an opportunity to promote themselves to their new lord. 

Attendant Rue just finished tidying herself up when she stepped out from the bathing chambers and saw a flock of maids, at least thirty of them, giggling to themselves and rushing like a spring breeze into Leonardo's bedroom chambers. 

She was stunned, not having expected so many of them to have already rushed over. 

Her face alternated between red, white, and pink as she rushed off to a secluded room to isolate herself and contemplate the new insights she gained. Whatever Leonardo did no longer concerned her, so she told herself as she scampered away. 


When Leonardo entered his bedroom chambers after a spin in the wardrobe, he found a crowd of beautiful maidservants anxiously waiting in the room. They scattered all over the bed, flood, and furniture. A uniform set of white and black lingerie, and despite their divergent figures from short to tall, petite and full, mature and vivacious, bold and timid, all of them were candy to the eyes. 

While the timidest of the bunch huddled up on the bed, some of the bold ones bent their bodies like flexible rubber on the tables and the floor, while others crawled their way over like docile, honest little pets. 

The display immediately sent Leonardo's blood boiling, and as the bathrobes fell off his body, coquettish gasps that soon transitioned into soul-stirring moans filled the room. 


Later that day after dusk, Viola and the maidservant with colorful eyes returned to the Ye Estate. The two habitually scanned with their spiritual senses, and both women's expressions changed drastically. 

Viola's expression shifted for a bit and quickly relaxed when she didn't find Attendant Rue entangled with the women all over the floor and bed. As for the maidservant with colorful eyes, her face went pale thinking that if she weren't busy attending to Lady Viola, she might have had to join those maids in that disgusting display of debauchery. 

"Seems like you missed conforming to Attendant Ye's needs together with your maid sisters," Viola spoke with a hint of tease in her tone, while a weird expression surfaced on the faces of the Qing family members behind her. 

They too used their senses to sweep the manor after noticing that momentary pause in Lady Viola's steps. 

However, they didn't feel like this was something too out of the ordinary for a young man full of vigor. Instead, they felt weird thinking that their young lady had just spied on another man doing such things, yet the only thing she had to say was a teasing comment. 

As for the maidservant, her heart was in turmoil as she flashed with myriad thoughts to refuse Leonardo's advances in the future were to harbor any intentions about her. 

Viola thought for a moment and looked at this 6th-tier cultivator disguised as a maid, a mischievous light in her eyes as she said, "Go tell Attendant Ye that I have returned, and we can continue to discuss the excursion." 

The maidservant quivered ever-so-slightly, but she took a deep breath nonetheless, even as her little fists clenched tightly. "As you wish, Lady Viola." 

In the bedroom chambers, entangled in the soft white flesh of multiple women, Leonardo's lazily resting eyes slowly opened with a twinkling tease in their depths. 

While the people outside were observing him, he was also watching them with his spirit sense the moment they entered the perimeter of the Ye Estate. 

He slowly untangled himself from the soft arms wrapped around his shoulders and torso as he sat up against the headboard. Soon, he heard knocking on the door to his bedroom chambers. She spoke after hearing a grunt from Leonardo. "Attendant Ye, the lady is back and would wish to continue the earlier discussion." 

Leonardo chuckled, "Go prepare a bath and a set of clothes for me, I think I need one." 

Even though he just had quite the passionate skinny dip, he nonetheless didn't wish to go around carrying the odor of intensive sexual activity on his person. Furthermore, since that maidservant wished to 'get' close to him, he might as well play the game on both sides and give her the same attention he provided Attendant Rue. 


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