Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 178 A Silhouette Of Smoke

As though in a tacit agreement, the moment the four new entries were distracted by the sudden development, the vampire woman switched targets from Maiden 001 and attacked the two who appeared behind Maiden 001.

As for Maiden 001, she immediately drew her longbow and shot two consecutive arrows that brushed past the woman's temples on either side, striking at the two behind her.

The four that made it here were three men and a woman, but all of them wore almost identical dark red uniforms.

Perhaps the only conspicuous difference was the woman with a black scarf around her neck, but that wasn't at all necessary at the moment.

From their sudden shock and bewilderment to assessing the situation, the four immediately made concise and timely countermeasures to either block or dodge.

Behind Maiden 001, the woman's long scarf suddenly twisted into a snake that sprayed a venomous mist that almost instantly corroded the blood projectiles. However, two projectiles were quick enough to slash her waist and cheek, sending blood splashing into the water.

As for the other man, he drew two short blades from a strap on his thighs, excessive yet transparent mist discharging from his skin to cover his immediate surroundings as though it was a mini domain.

The moment the projectiles pierced through the layers of mist, his blades seemed to have eyes of their own as they cut beautifully through the air, decimating these projectiles without a harm done to his body.

The moment he sheathed his blades, only then did the sound of ripping through air blast into the area.

The vampire's crimson eyes flashed with a hint of trepidation at this display, knowing that this man, in a scenario where no one could utilize their domains, was the most dangerous.

The two behind the vampire woman weren't as lucky, though.

The ridiculous spinning force of Maiden 001's arrows actually caused them to split in two each the moment they were within striking range of those two's swords, and before they realized it, both of them had an arrow piercing each eye socket respectively, blasting their brains out.

There was a powerful blast of air as blood and brain matter splashed everywhere, followed by the sound of two plops and two out of the four were dead.

When everyone was stunned by this archery, including the vampire woman, Maiden 001 quickly retreated into a position forcing the group into a triangle of three factions.

Then, everyone's senses and muscles went tense in hyper-sensitive mode.

Drip! Drip! Drip! Drip!

The sound of blood dripping into the water resonated clearly in everyone's ears this time, as it seemed like the sound wave's interference weakened. Then, everyone simultaneously looked beneath their feet at the source of this sound, sending shivers down their spines.

Blood was being constantly drawn onto the white petals, and these white petals began to gravitate toward one another very quickly, clashing and fusing as a body of mist began to form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although this was a power triangle before, it now became a power square as the blood from the vampire woman, the black scarf woman, the two men, and Maiden 001 congregated to form a beating heart on the shallow water at the bottom of the silhouette's feet.

Then, this humanoid silhouette of smoke picked up the heart and placed it in its chest, only to be wrapped by smoke once again.

Then, faint bloody wisps of blood began to seep through the curtains of smoke surrounding the shallow waters, rushing into the humanoid silhouette.

Everyone was shocked as the vibrant essence in the bloodstream proved that this was the blood from creatures, or even people who had just died recently.

This abundance of blood essence flowed endlessly into the shallow, weak-looking heart as the mysterious energy in the shallow water helped convert the blood from a liquid to a solid, while the smoke also went from gaseous to solid.

However, no one of the three parties dared to make a move as no one was willing to pave the path to the others as a scapegoat. However, they also knew that they couldn't simply stare dumbly as this creature began to take form under their noses.

The vampire woman and Maiden 001 exchanged a look, and these two women's thoughts seemed to coincide once more as they moved simultaneously.

Everyone here seemed to be an expert in their own rights and must have experienced plenty of battles, and they knew how to put their priorities into order. Thus, the man and the woman with the scarf exchanged a look and took one step back each, indicating that they had no plans of ambushing the mid-range and long-range combats from probing the opponent.

The only reason Maiden 001 made this compromise was that she was worried something might happen to Leonardo while he was aimlessly roaming the foggy mist, while the vampire woman was purely interested in the heart of blood.

While Maiden 001 was worried about Leonardo's current situation, he was still in the same position since he decided not to move around carelessly. Nonetheless, he could also sense the subtle changes to the fog based on the movement of ether in the environment.

However, the change wasn't to the point of alarming him awake from his meditation.

That was until Rosaline's embryo grew a bit restless and pulsed out with a mysterious wave that caused Leonardo's heart to skip a beat, it was as though this embryo was trying to communicate with him.

The moment Leonardo's eyes snapped open, they were a pair of deep crimson pools swirling with a dense thirst for blood.

Leonardo was shocked as these eyes gave him a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, as though they were his eyes yet at the same time, they weren't. At the same time, he was shocked as other than the endless stretch of fog, he could see numerous threads of blood flowing in a certain direction, and a voice deep in his mind seemed to urge him into following the blood strings.

Leonardo instantly connected this to Rosaline's dormant soul and the bloodthirsty martial intent, once again shocked by this martial intent.

It could actually ignore the laws of this domain and pierce its illusions, but Leonardo immediately contributed this to the phenomenon of dense blood essence and the fact that Rosaline's former cultivation placed her way above the power of divinity. Moreover, his bloodthirsty martial intent was incomparable to Rosaline's, not to mention her inheritance wasn't the bloodthirsty armament but the bloodthirsty territory.

When he thought about that, Leonardo was no longer shocked but instead felt it was only natural. Now, he seemed to realize that Rosaline's embryo didn't only need ether, but perhaps it needed massive volumes of blood, at least divinity blood, to officially revive.

With that in mind, he stood up and dusted himself before making his way over in the direction of the congregation.


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