Immortal In The Magic World

Chapter 46 - Herman’s Love

Chapter 46: Herman’s Love

Moving against the flow of people, Eli soon arrived at the city gate.

At this time, the city gate guards seemed to have become alert because of the explosion. The soldiers who were originally guarding the city had put down the barrier, and they needed to be checked before entering.

Eli didn’t plan on doing anything, so he followed the flow of people and lined up.

“Mr. eli!” when Eli arrived, a soldier greeted him in a familiar manner.

Eli nodded. as he often went out, some soldiers even recognized him, and he might even help out a little.

After a simple search, Eli went through the city gate.

After Eli left, another soldier beside the previous soldier asked curiously, “Do you know that gentleman?”

“I do. Mr. Eli is a scholar who goes out often and is always very polite, even to the homeless. He’s a man worthy of respect. He’s the one who gave me my son’s name.” the soldier replied with a smile.

“My wife is about to give birth. If I can meet this gentleman again, I’d like to ask.” another soldier exclaimed in admiration.

They were just the lowest-ranking soldiers in Jun Lin city. People of status would not even bother to talk to them, let alone ask a scholar to come up with a name for them.

“Of course. It’s rare to see a gentleman like Mr. eli who doesn’t discriminate between rich and poor. ” the soldier smiled and said proudly.

“Hurry up. Can you guys hurry up? You bunch of dog shit!”

suddenly, beside the city wall, a man who seemed to be a noble cut the line and said unhappily.

The soldier immediately put away his previous expression and said humbly, “my lord, I’m truly sorry!”

The soldier explained humbly, and the noble looked on arrogantly.

Naturally, Eli didn’t hear this.

Even if he saw it, he wouldn’t care because this was the current state of the empire, and it couldn’t be changed.

When Eli returned to the city, he didn’t go home. Instead, he went straight back to the library and began his work for the day.

Everything seemed to have returned to normal.

Advancing to a level 2 apprentice did not seem to have any substantial changes to Eli.

Of course, Eli knew that this was an illusion because as he advanced, he could do more things, and he had more freedom. His ability to survive in the face of danger had also greatly increased.

However, to him, he would still maintain the pace of his life from before.

He hoped that this kind of life could last for a long, long time.

A peaceful life was always fast.

In the blink of an eye, another year and a half had passed.

Year 313 of the Bryne calendar.

This year, Eli was 24 years old. He had been in this world for almost seven years.

In the past year, Eli had been familiarizing himself with the changes brought about by his advancement, and he had also learned many new spells, starting to learn other types of spells that he could not learn before.

For example, soul imprints, bewitching speech, and other spells that he might need in the future.

In addition, the Empire had not become stronger following the reformation. Instead, it had become much weaker. This was because the king had removed a large number of redundant parts and simplified the Empire to a certain extent.

This was beneficial to the empire’s long-term development, but in the short term, the empire’s strength had indeed weakened a lot, and many nobles had a lot of opinions about the king.

Of course, as mentioned before, none of this had much of an impact on Eli.

His life had always been peaceful and uneventful, but Herman’s life seemed to be a little turbulent recently.

Ever since her father passed away two years ago, Herman had been working even harder to learn all kinds of knowledge. However, after a long time, he would inevitably feel bored and even lonely.

Herman was also 24 years old. In this world, most people of this age were already married and even had children. Herman seemed to have realized this.

He seemed to have met a girl a few days ago and quickly fell in love.

“Eli, I’ve known Windsor for almost a month now. What gift should I give her? ”

In the library, eli was working with Herman, and he asked hesitantly.

“you can do as you like!” Eli replied as he put a book back on the shelf.

” Well, she told me that she liked perfume a lot, and her favorite was the tulip perfume from the tulip chamber of commerce, but that bottle cost three gold tars. It’s really expensive. But if she likes it, I’ll buy it for her. ” Herman thought of something sweet and said firmly.

“Yes, ” Eli responded.

Actually, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to Herman. It was just that this kid had been telling Eli about his sweet love every day since half a month ago.

At first, he was interested in hearing how beautiful, gentle, and nice the girl called Windsor was, but half a month later, he only felt a headache.

“Eli, can you lend me some money?” Suddenly, Herman turned around and said.

Eli turned his head and looked over.

Compared to three years ago, the current Herman was obviously more mature. He even had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He didn’t look as playful as he did three years ago. Instead, he looked more mature.

Of course, it was the same for eli. At this moment, his appearance also looked a lot more mature, but that was his transformation through the faceless mask. in fact, his true face was still how he looked when he was 18 years old.

“Borrow money? what’s wrong?” Eli asked, frowning.

If he remembered correctly, even though Herman’s father had died and divided the family property, he still had a part of the inheritance. Although it wasn’t much, there were at least twenty to thirty gold tars.

During the past three years, Herman had not spent much money. He had been studying and working in the library. Even when he went to relax occasionally, Eli would always treat him, so he should not have spent much. Why did he need to borrow money?

“Yeah, Eli, I know you have money. Can you lend me some? I promise I’ll return it to you. ” Herman extended his right hand and promised.

“where’s the money your father left you? All gone?” eli asked.

“Yup!” Herman nodded.

“What happened? where did your money go?” Eli’s eyes turned serious. With Herman’s spending power and the fact that he didn’t buy any real estate, how could he have spent so much in three years?

“Erm…” Herman seemed to be caught off guard by Eli’s sudden question. He stammered and didn’t want to answer.

“If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have lent it to you today. Or you could have gone to the teacher to borrow money, as long as you’re not afraid of the teacher breaking your legs.” Eli said.

“Don’t! Alright, I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone else!” Herman thought about the perfume that was worth three gold tars and hesitated before telling his story.

Eli was listening to the side.

However, his expression became weirder and weirder as Herman continued.

When Herman finished, Eli looked at him, his mouth twitching.

What a sweet love story.


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