Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 178 Water Body Transformation Technique


Mira subconsciously called out the name of her first Sister, a name that she has almost forgotten about until this moment.

"Eh? Aurora? Who's Aurora? Is there perhaps someone that entered this city without my knowledge?" Queen Asherah looked at Mira with a weird expression. She felt there was something wrong with Mira right now, but she didn't know what it was.

"Ah! No, you just reminded me of a sister I used to have." Mira had a nostalgic look on her face as she answered.

"You have a sister? And I remind you of your sister? I never thought that I would be compared to a human." Asherah answered with an innocent smile, but Mira just had a bitter look on her face and didn't say anything else.

Mira had a crazy thought that this mermaid in front of her might be the reincarnation of her sister, Aurora, but that thought left as quickly as it came. The reason being is that the chance of meeting her sister's reincarnation after nearly 1,000 years in some random realm at the bottom of an ocean is… Well, she has a higher chance of killing that 'Primordial One' with her current strength than the probability of finding Aurora's reincarnation.

Also, it's not like it would matter if Asherah was her reincarnation as she most likely doesn't have memories of her past life. Mira's unsure if reincarnated souls retain their memories, but if she had to guess, then she'd wager that they probably don't.

"Anyway, I don't think me and my companions should stay in this place much longer. We only have a certain amount of time in this place and there are still other locations for us to explore." Mira decided to change the topic.

"Eh? Wanting to leave so soon? And I was starting to like you too…" Asherah pouted while looking at Mira. She clearly didn't want Mira to leave.

"It's not like there is anything for us to do here. Not only is pretty much everyone here stronger than us, but you also have more knowledge than us. Not to mention you mermaids can fight much better in the water compared to us. There is really no reason for us to stay here." Mira explained, but Asherah still pouted unhappily.

"I know that, but I don't care. I enjoy talking to you and that's more than enough reason for you to stay here with me!"


Mira sighed and started rubbing her temples. She was worried that if she kept pushing the subject that Asherah might just capture her and prevent her from leaving. If she were to do that, there would be nothing Mira could do. She had a feeling that even if she were to go all out against Asherah that she wouldn't even be able to scratch her skin.

"Even if I did want to stay here, in a little under 3 years I'll be ejected from this place anyway. I've already mapped out all of the locations I'd like to make it to and I doubt that I'd even be able to get to all of them during this time. I can't afford to waste any more time here… Unless there is a reason for us to stay here…" Mira tried to hint that she needed Asherah to make it worth her time here. She also chose this time to say it as Asherah's guard was down while talking to her and practically begging her to stay for a bit longer.

Asherah, however, knew what Mira was trying to do, but didn't get upset. Even if she is a bit naive, she is still a Queen, but she also knew that Mira wasn't lying. If they didn't have a reason to stay here then there is no point in remaining.

"Hmm… Okay, I think I know what I can offer, but you won't be able to take it with you nor will you be able to start using it now. You'll have to wait until you get a bit stronger." Asherah got up and walked away after saying that.

Mira was now curious what Asherah was going to offer.

A few minutes later, Asherah came back into the room with a scroll in her hands.

She carefully passed the scroll over to Mira and then started to explain the contents.

"This is a technique called the Water Body Transformation technique. Essentially, you are absorbing water to temper your body while also cleansing it of impurities. It also has the effect of strengthening your Qi and blood. There are also other benefits, but I'll leave those for later. Now, I know what you might be thinking 'Why would I have to be stronger to cultivate this technique?' Well, that's because you need to stay in a place where the water pressure is extremely high. At your strength, if you were to try cultivating this technique right now, your body would collapse from the pressure." Asherah exclaimed, but Mira was still a bit confused.

"I get that, but I'm fine swimming under such pressure right now. Why would my body collapse if I cultivated this technique?" Mira asked.

"That's because you would be forcing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of kilograms of pressure into your meridians, organs, blood, and other parts of your body. Can your body handle such pressure right now?"

"I see. I suppose you're right." Mira nodded in understanding.

"Good, now it'll probably take some time for you to learn that technique as it's much more complicated than how I just described it. I'll also give your friends a downgraded version that most of the weaker citizens use so they won't be bored. In the meantime, you'll also have to talk to me while you are studying!" Asherah declared with a bright smile on her face.

Mira nodded and briefly looked at the scroll in her hands, or it'd be more precise to call it a book with how long the scroll is. It described all of the steps one needs to go through in order to successfully cultivate the technique along with the stages to the technique.

It was a really interesting technique, but Mira wasn't sure if she'd be able to incorporate it into her own physique. Well, she felt like she'd have to cultivate the technique to completion or at least near completion for that to happen. Either way, Mira felt satisfied and knew that as long as she was given time she'd be able to do it.

"From what I've seen so far, this technique is truly amazing. In fact, I feel like it's a little too good for what you're getting out of it." Mira praised which caused Asherah to giggle.

"Hehe. It's not that big of a deal, everyone here uses some form of that technique. It's not even the best technique that we have! This is just something that will help you reach even higher levels but offers little strength to your actual body. Also, if you feel it's too good then you'll just have to spend more time with me hehe." Asherah seemed satisfied and Mira could only shake her head.

Mira then began to study and memorize the technique, but she felt like most of her time will probably be spent hanging out with Asherah.


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