Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 112: 1st Division Commander: Zhao Shu

Chapter 112: 1st Division Commander: Zhao Shu

To say this was a surprise would be an understatement. It was quite easy to see the immense shock written all over the two boys' faces. Once again they should've learned to hide their emotions, but luckily they were just showing them to someone who was already an ally. 

Between the two, it was of course Jian who was the most shocked. But after the initial shock, his thoughts began to move at a frightening pace.

'It's good, I have equipments for them and there are a lot of things we got from the tournament prize box. I could also learn the techniques of the Sea Sword Sect through them while they'll learn the techniques of the Raja Sect through me. I need to work on those techniques first though. I still haven't looked at them due to how distracted and busy I am.' Jian thought.

"Wait...You're handing us 50 of your disciples just like that ?" Shu asked. This sounded a bit too good to be true. He was taught from a very young age that people cannot be too nice unless they have a precise goal. 

"Haha ! You seem to underestimate just how much the Royal Family is important to me, to us. They are the ones who'll decide whether we survive or not. If we have to leave this kingdom, we will surely be shredded to pieces. Such a huge organisation moving away and searching for a place to live...I cannot even dare to imagine what will fall upon us if that happens. I know the world becomes more and more dangerous the bigger a target you are. "Xin Deshi explained. He then got up and left the room, beckoning the two to follow him. 

They went back to the outer court and the two boys were shocked to see fifty disciples already standing in line.

"Damn I was shocked to see those two guys the patriarch called, I forgot we were supposed to be transferred today."

"Do we even know where we're going ?"

"No. However we had to sign pacts to ensure we wouldn't be able to reveal anything about our new leader and for the patriarch to give us away...This smells fishy to me." 

The disciples were busy talking to each others and only noticed the group of three when they were standing right in front of them. The patriarch cleared his throat, getting all of the disciples attentions.

Jian took a good look at them and saw that some weren't wearing the basic robes...This meant they weren't gonna be given only outer disciples. He shared that discovery with shu who cursed under his breath.

"I'm telling you this is really weird ! " 

"It ain't weird. The royal family does exactly the same thing I do, they try to have us be indebted to them. It's good to have people owing you. Especially when those people are linked to you through contracts. " Jian said just as the patriarch finished his explanation to the disciples. He had just told them that two representatives of the order they were joining were there. Jian and Shu came forth and introduced themselves.

The disciples looked at them, and they were obviously completely floored.

"The hell ?! It's those two ?!"

"Of course it is you morons, why would they come the very day we are to be transferred ?" One of the inner disciples who had been selected said. He moved to the front of the group and slightly bowed to the two. It wasn't a full bow, showing that he wasn't really respectful, he was just doing this to be polite.

"Greetings, I am Sung Ki-Tae, you can call me Kitae." He said before looking at the two with a smile. A quick usage of the system showed that this man was relatively young and was already at the peak of the mortal realm.

'Alright, this is clearly the best we got. Let's look at the others just in case.' Jian thought. In the end the others were all pretty basic but had talents. Some of them even had some unique techniques. However this Kitae was clearly the best recruit out of the whole bunch. And he knew it too, he clearly knew it.

"Alright since you'll all be working for me, I guess I should also explain to you how this whole thing will work. You will be placed under a division commander, that commander being him...Zhao Shu." Jian said, pointing at Shu who simply opened wide his mouth.

"Eh ?" 

" I know some of you may not be okay with working under a Zhao Warrior but...Yes ? Why are you lifting your hand ?" Jian asked Kitae who had lifted his hand so he could speak. It seemed like even though he was strong and talented, and knew it, he wasn't arrogant enough to just cut him off.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say this...There are people who are scared of the zhao warriors, who hate them...Thing is, we respect them. We look up to their strengh and to their determination. There is their horrifying warmongers side, and then there is the unstoppable berserkers side. We have no problems working under one, in fact we will happy to do so." He said while bowing once more. It seemed he was genuinely happy to work under Zhao Shu's supervision. This actually brought a smile on the face of the warrior. He had gone over his shock and hearing Kitae say this, he just felt like he should smile. 

It was a pretty good thing. He would get subordinates and they liked Zhao Warriors. This was a win no matter how you looked at it.

"Alright, good..Uhmm...Yes so, you'll train with Shu and you'll listen to his orders. The other commanders who don't have divisions yet are also your leaders, so listen to them too. For now we will remain in the country for two weeks at most. After that we'll move to another country that isn't all that far away from here. Since you'll be training non-stop, the tournament that will start in that country should be a good thing for you. So work hard, I expect you all to do great in the tournament !" Jian exclaimed. He mentioned the tournament because he felt like it would excite them and he wasn't wrong. Even Kitae seemed quite pumped up.

"Since you got all the informations, go back to your rooms and pack your things ! " The patriarch ordered...However none of them moved. The middle aged man then proceeded to face palm while shaking his head.

"What's happening ?" Jian asked.

"Well the thing is...I am not their leader anymore, so they won't obey my orders." The patriarch said. It filled Jian with a weird sensation, knowing that these disciples now belonged to him and his order only. It was a good sensation to him.

"Do what he said !" Shu suddenly yelled and they all ran to their quarters. 

"You nearly made me deaf." Jian deadpanned at Shu who literally yelled while he was right in Jian's back.

"Yeah well sorry, I have to get used to being a leader now." Shu said while scratching the back of his head.

'Look at him, the bastard is enjoying this...Can't say it ain't the case for me too.' 

"Well I gotta say kiddo, while this kingdom brought many problems...It also brought a damn lotta opportunities. Damn, a 12 year olds becoming the leader of an order while he is weaker than many of it's members...Wait actually...Are you still 12 ? Shouldn't you be 13 now ?" Mara said as he thought this over. Logically, Jian's birthday should have come up already.

' Can't say. I don't know when I was born. I usually add 1 year every years that passes. So in a few months, when we get to a new year, I'll be 13. Talking about this, it will be winter soon. I freaking love winter.' Jian thought.

"Alright enough, I knew you were weird but what you just said should be considered a crime. Winter is the worst season !" 

As Jian started to argue over winter, he also followed after the patriarch and shu. It was time to leave the sect, so they went to the gates and waited for the disciples to arrive. They all came a few minutes later, with Kitae arriving first of course.

"Well, guess it's time to move out." Jian said but Shu put a hand on his shoulders.

"Uhmm...Did you think about housing ? Because we can't fit everyone in the mansion...Well we can but it won't be comfortable." Shu said. Seeing Jian starting to sweat, he cursed under his breath once more.

"Alright you guys, we'll now go to the mansion we are using for the time being. The Order is still fresh and we haven't gotten an actual base yet. This will be for another time. For two weeks at most, we will all stay at the mansion, I hope you won't complain about it...Actually I don't give a damn anyway !" Shu exclaimed. The disciples looked like they didn't really care..However Shu brought up something important.

The Order would be moving a lot, but they needed a base of operation. They needed one quickly too, they couldn't stay fresh forever. It would be hard to get a lot of allies or even be taken seriously by people if they had no base on top of having no name. The name was a problem Jian always put in the back of his mind. Of course he had many ideas, but none of them sounded right. 

Anyway, the group left the sect and started to march towards the capital. The disciples were all wearing their robes so it wouldn't look too weird. People didn't need to see a group of fifty people moving in ranks through the city while wearing casual clothes. This would attract more attention than a group of fifty disciples.

As the group moved, no one noticed two figures sitting atop a cliff that overlooked the sect's headquarter. 

"So this is the man we are supposed to introduce ourselves to...." Said the first figure

"Boy, he is a boy technically. At least that's what Wang Meilin said" The second figure corrected.

"I don't care. I am surprised though, he seems as interesting as you said he would be.....Spider."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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