I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 36: Even Masters Can Fight!

Chapter 36: Even Masters Can Fight!

Midway of his orders, the water prison suddenly vanished, while Jenny appeared with body covered in fire, literally ignited with fire.

"Face this," she roared while waving both hands and the next moment another fiery attack hit the world.


Just as her fiery attack was spreading fast, Rick used his rare ability and the eight Kroaks were affected in his skill.

And the next moment the fire wave covered everyone without exception!







"Damn, how heavy you are!"

Amidst the loud hissing sounds, the groaning voice of pat came while he appeared like a meteorite exiting from the fiery zone while carrying the giant body of Rick, as both landed on the ground feeling extremely exhausted.

"Thanks," Rick patted Pat's back, while the two glanced at once towards the center of that fiery sea. "Will it work?" Pat muttered while Rick shrugged and said nothing.

Inside the fire wave, and as the eight Kroaks were paused in their place for three second, Jim finally showed the spell he knew.

His sword moved from the ground finally, while his body had double the layers he had before. The fireball got larger and then his sword landed over the nearest Kroak.


This sound was shocking, yet no one here understood the reason behind this. Just before Jim's attack landed, Jenny opened the flask and let a giant water wave cover everyone in no time.

The hissing sound went higher, yet when Jim hit the hard shell of the Kroak, it cracked and the next moment the entire Kroak's body got crumbled as he turned into a pile of stone, fell on the ground and turned to ash!

"One down, seven are left," Jim sneered while the next moment he didn't hold back his sword, hitting everyone he could reach.

Yet in two second he could only hit four of them. As the other four regained their freedom, Jim made sure to kill two more before the last two retreated.

And the leader of them was the second one he killed, making sure of the nasty unknown skill to him; the water swamp, not to be used in the arena today!

The two shocked and frightened Kroaks' youths retreated, and strangely they two were the ones who used the water prison skill just before.

"Wow, he did it!" Pat jumped off the ground, not caring anymore about the pain he felt all over his body, "he killed most of them as he anticipated!"

"Tsk, that kid that human kid he is scary!" Rick muttered as up till this moment he thought Jim's words and planning were just too perfect to come true.

"Yeah, I believe in him, totally believe in everything he says!" Pat shouted like mad while the entire arena ushered under heavy silence with no one speaking or even breathing.

This this outcome shocked everyone!

"Surrender and be my slaves to live" Jim moved with his sword and fire ball while his words echoed in the entire arena. "Resist and I promise you'll die and not even your family or friends will be able to tell who from which!"

His words were arrogant, yet they had their own weight when he said them. He moved, with his sword, fireball, and three perfectly fine members of his team ready to act any moment.

"Surrender and be part of my winning team, surrender and live to fight another day," he kept pressing them while the two retreated to the edge of the arena. Passed that place they would be considered forfeiting, announcing their surrender to Jim.

"Surrender and I'll make sure every single one of your family is killed till the last child!" Suddenly Pol's loud voice rang in the arena while he stood up with a reddened face and trembling body while threatening the Kroaks kids.

"He can't!" Armando stood up as he faced Pol face to face in the arena. "He isn't your master, or part of your clan. Be sure I will protect your families no matter what!"

Just as Pol was about to speak, a giant Kroak master suddenly appeared in the arena while glaring at Pol. "Who is this threatening my kids?" he arrogantly shouted and as he appeared, Armando moved a couple of steps to stand beside him, both were on equal stands here.

"Tsk," Pol sneered as he glanced at Jim while softly threatening, "trying to secure yourself a weapon against my boys? In your dreams!"

His words were soft, yet were perfectly heard by many, including Jim, who just shook his head. "Old masters are really scary monsters!" he muttered as it wasn't a fluke the two Kroaks who were able to use the water prison ability weren't killed.

He purposely killed everyone else and let them live. He was sure he didn't tell this future move to anyone; yet he was perfectly read by his enemy, at least.

"Kid, treat my boys well and I won't mistreat you in return," the Kroak master said to Jim, while Jim appreciated this gesture. "Thanks, master, and sorry for your loss," Jim tried to act humble, yet his words were met with a sneer from Pol who shouted:

"Shouldn't we get done with this fight already? Let the two cowards surrender and be a slave to the losers."

The Kroak master gave Pol a very toxic glance before he harrumphed and nodded to his two kids.

"We surrender," the two said in one tone and that announced the end of this fight.

"The fourth round ends by the win of Jim's team," Armando said while his voice showed how much joyful and excited he was.

"Should I fetch my master?" the Kroak master whispered to him.

"Won't harm," Armando said before adding, "I already informed my master."

"Nice," the Kroak master smiled before taking out a small piece of paper, writing something on it before spatting over it to disintegrate the next moment, going towards its destination.

"This round of test I like it!" the Kroak master laughed as he went to sit beside Armando, who laughed with him as he said, "me too."


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