I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 27: Conflict between Murkrow and Chimeco

Chapter 27: Conflict between Murkrow and Chimeco

The speed of Elite Pokémon was truly impressive. In no time, Yuga and his companions returned to Lavaridge Town, where Moore kindly saw him off at the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

After arriving at the Pokémon Center, Yuga had all his newly captured Pokémon examined by Nurse Joy.

After all, aside from Vulpix, most of them had suffered some injuries.

Once the examination was completed, Yuga went to the backyard of the Pokémon Center and released Vulpix, Chimeco, Absol, and Murkrow together.

Chimeco had been captured by Yuga while it was unconscious and was currently groggy, unaware of what had happened.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Yuga, and from now on, I'll be your Trainer. Please take care of me in the future."

Both Vulpix and Absol had already accepted this fact and nodded in acknowledgment.

Murkrow had been captured by Yuga through sheer strength and had no objections to Yuga becoming its Trainer. However, it was incessantly making agitated "Murkrow, Murkrow" noises while pointing at Chimeco.

Chimeco seemed to understand why Murkrow was so angry with it and that only Yuga could protect it now. As a result, it timidly hid behind Yuga.

Seeing this, Yuga tried to mediate, saying, "Alright, Murkrow, calm down. No matter what happened, we're partners now. Can we stop being angry?"

However, Murkrow wasn't ready to back down. Especially when it saw Yuga protecting Chimeco, it became even angrier. Its wings started glowing white, preparing to attack Chimeco.

Murkrow was the highest-level among these Pokémon, and there was no way Chimeco, lacking any attacking moves, could match its strength.

Seeing Murkrow behavior, Yuga realized that his approach was wrong.

Instead of trying to downplay the issue, he should have identified the root of the problem and addressed it.

As the situation was about to spiral out of control, Yuga quickly spoke up:

"Murkrow, please calm down. Let's talk it out. Tell me what happened, and we'll find a solution together, okay?"

Hearing Yuga words, Murkrow finally abandoned its attacking stance and flew onto Yuga shoulder, flapping its wings as it started explaining.

However, Yuga couldn't understand Murkrow language at all. He watched as Murkrow gestured and tried to piece things together, often guessing with the help of Chimeco occasional explanations. Finally, he managed to grasp the sequence of events.

It all started from a food-related incident.

Chimeco strength was quite low, and it didn't possess any attack moves. It couldn't compete with other Pokémon in the wild, so it often went hungry.

Today was no different. Chimeco hadn't eaten anything for several days, leaving it dizzy from hunger.

In this half-conscious state, it stumbled upon a pile of berries in a tree hollow.

In its desperate hunger, Chimeco paid no attention to consequences and devoured all the berries without hesitation.

After eating, instead of leaving the hollow, it decided to take a nap right there, oblivious to the fact that the berries likely had an owner.

Clearly, those berries belonged to Murkrow, and the hollow was its home.

Upon returning from its search for food, Murkrow was enraged to find that not only were its hard-earned berries gone, but its nest had also been taken over.

Without any hesitation, it launched an attack on Chimeco.

Awakened by the commotion, Chimeco understood the situation upon seeing Murkrow aggressive posture.

It wanted to apologize to Murkrow, but Murkrow had lost its temper and only wanted to attack it. It refused to accept any apologies.

Furthermore, even if it apologized, the food was already gone. Should it just suffer this loss in vain? Thinking this, Murkrow became even more determined not to let Chimeco off the hook.

And so, one pursued, and the other fled, until they encountered Yuga.

Yuga found the situation both funny and exasperating after learning the whole story.

"Alright, Murkrow. Here's what we'll do. Let Chimeco apologize to you first. Then, I'll treat you to a feast that's way more delicious than those berries. Consider it compensation, alright?"

"Murkrow, Murkrow!"

Hearing about a feast, Murkrow eyes lit up. It quickly nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the situation was resolved, Yuga breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but marvel at Murkrow nature. It was indeed a food lover. It had "chased" Chimeco for the sake of food and was now willing to let go of its grudge for an immediate feast.

With this, Yuga officially tamed these Pokémon.

To fulfill his promise to Murkrow, Yuga took all the Pokémon inside the Pokémon Center and ordered a heap of food.

Aside from Murkrow, Yuga also ordered some food for the other Pokémon, as they seemed quite hungry too.

Murkrow truly lived up to its reputation as a food lover. It devoured the heap of food that Yuga ordered and ended up with a round belly. Eventually, it plopped down on the ground, unable to fly due to being overly full.

Seeing Murkrow practically wanting to devour the entire Pokémon Center, Yuga couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Murkrow, you don't have to eat like this. If you ever want more food, I'll get it for you."

Hearing Yuga words, Murkrow, which was lying on its back on the ground, immediately got up and stared at Yuga with a fixed gaze, as if asking: "Is that really true?"

"I'm not lying. If you still want to eat in the future, I'll get more for you."

After Yuga provided a definite answer, Murkrow made a "plop" sound and flopped back onto the ground motionless.

Shaking his head, Yuga picked up the "lifeless" Murkrow from the ground, used a Poké Ball to recall the other satisfied Pokémon, and then returned to his room at the Pokémon Center.

Deciding to return to Verdanturf Town tomorrow, Yuga reflected that even though he had spent less than two days in Lavaridge Town, he had gained a lot.

Aside from the hundred yellow potential Pokémon eggs, he had also bought 32 green and blue potential eggs at a low price.

Although these eggs had some genetic flaws and the Pokémon hatched from them might be considered "inferior" by others, it wasn't a problem for Yuga, who had the system reward and the formula for the small genetic repair potion.

In addition to that, Yuga had also tamed Murkrow, Absol, and Vulpix, three green potential Pokémon.

They would be the first residents of his ecological park.


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