I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 20: Failed Creations

Chapter 20: Failed Creations

Director Mond led Yuga to the shelf where Green-potential Pokémon eggs were kept.

The quantity of Green-potential eggs was scarce, estimated to be no more than 200 in total.

"Director Mond, are all the Green-potential eggs from the breeding center here?" Yuga asked.

Understanding Yuga curiosity, Director Mond sighed and explained, "For high-potential eggs like Green-potential ones, there is a limited supply for breeding centers like ours. We usually have about this many at a time, no more."

"Our breeding center serves as an intermediary between research facilities and larger Day Care Centers. We don't have the authority to breed Pokémon or produce eggs. Our role is to sell the Pokémon and eggs bred by research facilities to various Day Care Centers."

"Since the larger Day Care Centers need to consider profits, they can fetch high prices for high-potential Pokémon and eggs. However, smaller centers like ours can't easily access these larger centers."

"Furthermore, the larger breeding centers under the research institute won't casually sell precious Pokémon and eggs to just any Day Care Center. The Day Care Centers they cooperate with must pass rigorous assessments."

"The League also wants to prevent these precious Pokémon from falling into the wrong hands. So, only qualified Day Care Centers, capable of selling rare Pokémon like the starters, undergo strict evaluations."

"That's why the Green-potential eggs here lack valuable Pokémon like the starters. Instead, we have common species like Swellow and Shroomish. Even the number of these eggs is strictly limited."

Listening to Director Mond explanation, Yuga realized that Pokémon sales had many intricate aspects.

Deep in thought, Yuga realized that his hopes of obtaining the League endorsement to sell starters were slim through YoYo Day Care. Its small size and lack of a strong background would hinder its ability to pass the League evaluations.

It seemed he would have to rely on himself, Yuga concluded.

Just as Yuga was pondering whether to buy some Green-potential Pokémon, he noticed a disorderly display of eggs on a part of the warehouse shelf. There were quite a few of them.

"Director Mond, what's the story behind those eggs?" Yuga pointed and inquired.

Director Mond followed Yuga gaze, then chuckled, saying, "Ah, those? Those are the failed products from the research facility breeding attempts."

"Specifically, I'm not entirely sure. I don't know how the research facility produces these eggs."

"I've heard that during the breeding process, various issues arise, resulting in Pokémon that are deemed problematic for hatching."

"For instance, they might have stunted growth, difficulty controlling their elemental energies, or they can't execute moves properly."

"Due to genetic disorders, even the machines that evaluate egg potential can't accurately assess their qualities. However, based on the condition of the hatched Pokémon, their potential is indeed quite poor."

"Our breeding center lacks the equipment for independently assessing Pokémon and egg potential. The ones we receive from the research facility are already evaluated."

"So, I can't determine the exact qualities of these eggs."

"Whenever these kinds of eggs appear, the research facility sends them to small-scale breeding centers like ours for a lower price."

"It's said that these eggs were originally supposed to be offspring of outstanding Pokémon, but something went wrong, making it quite a pity."

Yuga hadn't anticipated this situation. It seemed that breeding Pokémon was not as straightforward as he had thought. He realized he needed to be extra cautious if he wanted to pursue this path in the future.

"Director Mond, may I take a look at those eggs?" Yuga asked.

Director Mond hadn't expected Yuga continued interest after his explanation. He smiled and replied, "Of course, there's no reason you can't."

Yuga approached the shelf where the eggs were and activated his Insight ability.

Yuga eyes lit up with a rainbow of colors – red, orange, yellow, and green.

He recalled Director Mond explanation that these eggs had genetic disorders, rendering their potential unidentifiable. Yet, Yuga Insight ability was still able to discern their qualities.

More importantly, these eggs exhibited surprisingly decent potential, not just yellow but even green.

Yuga turned to Director Mond and asked, "Director Mond, can I purchase some of these eggs?"

Director Mond hadn't expected Yuga to actually consider buying these eggs. He warned, "You need to think this through. These eggs are indeed problematic. According to reports from those who bought them, the hatched Pokémon tend to have physical issues of varying degrees. Their potential is consistently very poor."

"Although we can't accurately determine their potential with machines, these Pokémon, in terms of skill learning and level advancement, are on par with or even worse than red or orange potential Pokémon."

"Just think about it. These are supposed to be eggs of rare Pokémon. If they weren't truly problematic, why would the research facility handle them so casually? If there were any opportunities to capitalize on, others would have already taken them. Why would they wait for you?"

Yuga shook his head, expressing his determination.

Seeing Yuga persistence, Director Mond sighed and relented, saying, "Fine, if you want to buy them, go ahead. After all, these eggs are cheap. If any issues arise, consider it a lesson learned. Choose the ones you want, and I'll have someone help you carry them out."

Yuga sincerely thanked Director Mond, "Thank you, Director Mond."

Yuga was touched by how much Director Mond had explained to him. These eggs did indeed look quite unsatisfactory – their eggshells were dull and even a bit rough. Even the red and orange potential eggs appeared more presentable than these.

Yuga selected all the Green-potential eggs, even discovering five cyan potential ones.

The colors green and cyan were quite similar, which initially caused Yuga to overlook them.

Among them, one cyan egg surprised him the most. It emitted a dense cyan glow, with a halo of blue light around the edges.

What did this mean? It indicated that the potential of this egg was very close to blue.

And what did blue potential signify? If green-potential Pokémon were a rarity, then cyan-potential ones were a rarity among rarities, and blue potential was even more elusive, appearing in only one out of a million Pokémon in the wild. (This refers to average wild encounter probabilities, excluding Day Care Centers or special areas.)

This clearly highlighted the preciousness of Pokémon with blue potential.

Yuga was filled with anticipation about what kind of Pokémon would hatch from this egg.

In the end, Yuga selected a total of 32 eggs. Besides the five cyan-potential ones, the remaining 27 were all green-potential.

Yuga couldn't help but think – if he visited more breeding centers, could he potentially strike it rich?

However, this remained wishful thinking. Each breeding center had fixed partnerships with Day Care Centers and wouldn't readily collaborate with others.


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