I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 17: Absol

Chapter 17: Absol

Yuga was startled by the sudden voice of the system, and he couldn't help but reprimand it.

"Come on, can you please not startle me like that? Even if my heart is strong, it could still cause issues."

[ Apologies, it was a lapse on my part. I'll be more careful next time. ]

The emotionless voice of the system echoed again.

After scolding the system, Yuga remembered the task it had just mentioned.

"Why did another random task suddenly appear? And the reward is just 10 Poké Balls? Seriously, I can afford Poké Balls."

[ System tasks are triggered randomly and are based on the host actual circumstances. ]

"But seriously, this reward is quite underwhelming."

[ Host can choose not to accept. ]

"No, I mean, I just think the rewards could be a bit more thoughtful. 10 Poké Balls just seem a bit casual."

[ System-crafted Poké Balls are different from those sold outside. They provide a more comfortable living environment inside and are beneficial for the growth of Pokémon. ]

"More of the system advanced technology?"

Yuga voice couldn't hide his excitement.

"I'll accept, I'll accept."

Speaking of which, Yuga hadn't used his "Insight" skill to examine Absol yet, and he didn't know its potential. Mainly because the previous events had left him too stressed to think about it.

Through the Poké Ball, Yuga activated his "Insight" skill.

[ Absol

Gender: Male

Ability: Pressure

Potential: Excellent

Level: 32

Moves: Thunderbolt, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Sucker Punch ]

Upon reading the details, Yuga couldn't help but be surprised. The potential, level, and moveset were all impressive. Could he really easily tame a Pokémon like this?

He didn't need to say anything about the potential; it was even higher than Floette, which had consumed an Evolutionary Essence. This meant that under the same level, Floette wouldn't stand a chance against Absol.

And that level, let alone the potential, even if the potential were the same, Floette wouldn't be able to defeat Absol. Moreover, Absol was over ten levels higher.

How could he even approach this? Sending Floette would be like sending it to be defeated, and he couldn't possibly fight Absol head-on himself.

Not to mention the level and potential, just the moveset was superior to Floette in several ways.

For close combat, Thunderbolt and Sucker Punch were available, and for ranged attacks, there was Psycho Cut, not to mention the powerful Sword Dance technique for enhancement.

In terms of attack power alone, apart from Thunderbolt, both Sucker Punch and Psycho Cut were stronger than any of Floette moves.

With the same five moves, Absol was clearly much more impressive than Floette. No wonder the system wanted him to tame it.

However, while Absol was strong, taming it would be incredibly difficult, almost like a hellish task.

After thinking for a long time, Yuga decided to wait until Absol woke up the next day. Worst case scenario, he'd fail the task, but there wouldn't be any punishment.

Looking out of the window, he noticed it was already getting dark. Yuga booked a room at the Pokémon Center to stay for the night.

However, staying at the Pokémon Center wasn't free. He had even paid for Absol treatment earlier.

Only official League trainers were entitled to free room and board at the Pokémon Center.

Trainers were generally divided into League trainers and non-League trainers.

As long as one registered at the Pokémon Center, had no negative record, and met certain criteria, they could become a League trainer.

League trainers were further divided into Peripheral Trainers, Official Trainers, Elite Trainers, Lineage Trainers, and Top Trainers.

Gym trainers and Champions, who were part of the League, didn't belong to these divisions, and the ranking wasn't solely determined by strength.

Staying for free at the Pokémon Center was reserved not only for League trainers but also for those with the status of Official Trainers or higher (including Official Trainers).

As for the identity of non-League trainers, it varied greatly.

Some people who didn't want to be bound by the League, criminals, and evil organizations were all part of the non-League trainers.

However, the majority of trainers were League trainers, as everyone understood the benefits of having the League support.

The reason Yuga wasn't registered as a League trainer was that he hadn't considered becoming a trainer in his previous life, so registering wasn't on his mind.

After resting for the night, Yuga woke up early and headed to the battle area behind the Pokémon Center, releasing Absol.

Nurse Joy medical skills at the Pokémon Center were truly remarkable, bordering on the realm of Pokémon world advanced technology.

So, after Nurse Joy treatment and a night of rest, Absol injuries were no longer a major concern. While it couldn't participate in battles yet, its freedom of movement remained unaffected.

"Absol, do you have any plans for the future?"

Yuga realized how foolish his question was.

He couldn't understand Pokémon language, and Absol couldn't speak human language either. Even if Absol had plans, there was no way for it to communicate them to him.

Looking at the expressionless and motionless Absol, Yuga seemed to realize he had asked a foolish question and quickly spoke up again.

"I mentioned before that I would let you go after we leave Rusturf Tunnel, but if you don't have any plans for the future, how about becoming my Pokémon? You won't lose out by following me. I promise you'll have the best of everything.

Moreover, those people who were after you might still show up. If they find you again, it could be troublesome."

As he spoke, Yuga took out Absol Poké Ball.

"This is the temporary Poké Ball I used for you earlier. If you don't want to stay, I'll destroy it. I won't force you."

Yuga had considered many ways to tame Absol, but ultimately decided to be straightforward and directly ask if it wanted to become his Pokémon.

Absol stared at Yuga for a moment, its eyes seemingly saying, "I see through your intentions. I know you're planning this."

Then it extended a claw and pointed at Floette.

Initially, Yuga didn't understand, until Absol pointed again. It became clear that Absol wanted to have a Pokémon battle.

Yuga hastily waved his hands, "No, no, no... let's forget about battling. I've just become a trainer, and there's no way I could defeat you. Look at Floette here. Does it look like it can win against you in any way?

Besides, your current injuries aren't suitable for battling."

As he spoke, Yuga also pointed to Floette, who was watching the scene from the sidelines.

Seeing Yuga downplay himself once again, Floette flew up and started tugging on his hair in protest.

Yuga yanked Floette off his head, exclaiming, "Did I say anything wrong? If you think you can beat Absol, then let's give it a shot."

Of course, Floette knew it couldn't defeat Absol. It wasn't into self-torture, so it gave up.

Meanwhile, Absol, who had been listening to Yuga speech, was stunned. After a while, its expression seemed to say, "So you want to freeload off me, huh? Well... I guess that's not a bad idea."

Then Yuga saw Absol nod in his direction.

"Absol, you agree!"

Yuga couldn't believe it; he might have been seeing things.

Absol nodded again.

This time, Yuga was sure he wasn't imagining things. He ecstatically pulled Absol into a hug and planted a firm kiss on its face.

"This is incredible! From now on, we're a team. Please guide me."

Absol, seeing Yuga excitement, subtly took a step back.

Witnessing this scene, Yuga awkwardly chuckled, "Sorry about that, got a bit carried away. Don't mind me."

"By the way, I hope I didn't touch your wounds just now."

Absol shook its head to indicate it was fine.

Just then, the system voice rang in Yuga mind.

[ Congratulations, host, on completing the random task.

Task: Tame Absol.


Evaluation: None

Reward: 10 system-crafted Poké Balls.

The reward has been sent to the host system backpack. Please check. ]

Once again, Yuga was startled by the system voice.

"1314520, come out, I'll make sure to knock some sense into you. Weren't you supposed to remind me before speaking suddenly?"

[ Apologies, host, it was a lapse on my part. I'll be more careful next time. ]

The cold voice of 1314520 sounded.

"I can't hear a hint of remorse in your voice for that."

"Never mind, I just completed a task and received a reward. I'm in a good mood, so I won't hold it against you."


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