I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1102: External Output

Chapter 1102: External Output

Yuga didn't pay much attention to what happened between Sneasel and Persian, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't intervene. In his view, with so many Pokémon in the Ecopark, it was normal for there to be minor conflicts between them.

Several months passed, and during this time, Yuga gradually moved two Cloyster, a Dewgong, the Lapras family from the Shallow Beach Sub-Ecopark, and two Vulpix given to him by Principal Oak into the Snow Mountain Sub-Ecopark.

The Cloyster, Dewgong, and Lapras family didn't react much to their new home. In fact, they found the ice lake in the Snow Mountain Sub-Ecopark more suitable for them, so they settled there contentedly.

However, the two Vulpix had a good relationship with the Glaceon when they moved into the Ice Pillar Forest. On the other hand, they didn't get along with Sneasel, who was unhappy about having to share another part of its ice rock with them.

During the past few months, Yuga had been trying to figure out how to complete the main quest issued by the system, but he hadn't made any progress.

A few days ago, Yuga took some time to watch the Pokémon Contest in which May was participating. Robert didn't take part in this festival, but neither May nor Drew managed to win; the victory went to Soledad.

Yuga thought this outcome was expected. Soledad had been competing in contests for many years, and it made sense that she was stronger than newcomers like May and Drew. Her victory was well deserved.

Because Robert didn't participate in this Pokemon Contest, his longtime rival, Suzuna, didn't participate either.

Suzuna was still working at the Verdanturf Distribution Department. Due to the reformulation of the Innovation potion, Yuga often ran into her. If it weren't for the fact that she was constantly seen in special training, Yuga might have suspected that she had given up on being a Pokémon Coordinator altogether.

Even though May didn't win the Pokemon Contest, Yuga thought she performed very well. As a beginner, she showed great potential as a Coordinator Trainer, and as long as she continued to work hard, it wouldn't be difficult for her to become a top Coordinator Trainer in the future.

While watching the competition from the audience, Yuga realized that the person sitting next to him was also in the same line of work.

After some conversation, Yuga learned that this person ran a small Pokemon Day Care, the kind that sells Pokémon with ordinary potential to regular customers, much like YoYo Day Care before Yuga took it over.

Because such Pokemon Day Care are small-scale and don't have sufficient funds, they don't have their own Ecopark for raising Pokémon. Therefore, they need to purchase Pokémon from other breeders.

The customers of that Pokemon Day Care are mostly regular people who buy Pokémon as pets or companions, so they tend to stock Pokémon with ordinary potential, which are more affordable.

While chatting with this fellow breeder, Yuga suddenly had an idea.

Of course! He could imitate the breeding facilities run by the Pokémon League and wholesale the unsold Pokémon with ordinary potential from his Day Care to small Pokemon Day Care that need stock. If the League's facilities could do it, so could he!

With this idea in mind, Yuga rushed back to Verdanturf Town right after the Pokemon Contest ended.

Although the general idea was there, executing it was not easy. Yuga didn't intend to hand over his Pokémon casually to just any small Pokemon Day Care. Even though these Pokémon had ordinary potential, he still hoped they would go to good homes.

So before choosing a partner, Yuga would need to conduct thorough research. It was important to find out which Pokemon Day Care had good reputations and which would be suitable for collaborating with YoYo Day Care.

Yuga focused on small Pokemon Day Care in towns near Verdanturf Town, as working with those too far away would be inconvenient. Small Pokemon Day Care could be found in every town, so locating them wouldn't be difficult.

In order to better understand the situation of these small Pokemon Day Care in the surrounding towns, Yuga contacted the White Light Intelligence Bureau, asking them to investigate the reputations of various Pokemon Day Care behind the scenes.

A Pokemon Day Care's reputation can't be judged based on appearances alone—Yuga needed more detailed information.

As always, the White Light Intelligence Bureau worked with remarkable efficiency. In just three days, Yuga received information on all the small Pokemon Day Care in the surrounding areas.

Since the headquarters of the White Light Intelligence Bureau was located in Mauville City, close to Verdanturf Town, they were well-informed about the local situation. The intelligence they provided Yuga was very detailed.

After a week of careful selection, Yuga finally chose seven small Pokemon Day Care. Of course, these seven were merely Yuga's intended partners for collaboration, and whether or not the partnership would materialize depended on the decisions of the Pokemon Day Care themselves. Yuga wasn't arrogant enough to believe that just because he wanted to cooperate, others would rush to agree.

However, as long as four or five of these Pokemon Day Care ended up collaborating with YoYo Day Care, the issue of the low-potential Pokémon piling up would be resolved.

After much thought, Yuga decided to send an invitation to these seven Pokemon Day Care, under the guise of hosting a small Pokemon Day Care exchange meeting, inviting them to Verdanturf Town to discuss the management of Pokemon Day Care.

When the owners of the seven Pokemon Day Care received invitations from YoYo Pokemon Day Care, they were almost floored, utterly puzzled as to why YoYo Day Care would invite them to such an exchange.

What is YoYo Day Care? Thanks to its owner, Shimizu Yuga, YoYo Day Care had now become a major player in the Pokemon Day Care community.

These seven small Pokemon Day Care owners felt that if YoYo Day Care were to host an exchange, it should invite large Pokemon Day Care like Aroma Day Care or Night Day Care. What was the point of inviting small fry like them?

What Yuga didn't know was that in the eyes of these small Pokemon Day Care, YoYo Day Care was like an unattainable, high-class presence.

Initially, YoYo Day Care became famous within a small circle due to its monthly limited sale of high-potential Pokémon. At that time, YoYo Day Care hadn't even started selling Pokémon with low potential.

Although this small but high-quality sales model didn't draw much attention from large Pokemon Day Care, many small ones found YoYo Day Care to be quite extraordinary, especially given the rule that any trainer who wished to purchase a Pokémon had to travel to Verdanturf Town and pass an assessment by the Pokemon Day Care.

To the owners of some small Pokemon Day Care, this kind of behavior screamed "luxury." It seemed to say, "Look, I have an endless supply of high-potential Pokémon. I can do whatever I want, and customers will have to follow my rules!" Now that's confidence. Could an ordinary Pokemon Day Care pull that off? Wouldn't they go bankrupt in no time?

In short, YoYo Day Care left a first impression on many small Pokemon Day Care of being "high-class." Once this impression of high class was established, everything began to be viewed through a rose-colored lens.

As rumors of Yuga becoming a Gym Leader, defeating Rayquaza, and being an elite Pokémon League Trainer spread, the reputation of YoYo Day Care only grew. Many small Pokemon Day Care would think, "See, I told you! They have real backing!"

Now, in the eyes of these small Pokemon Day Care, YoYo Day Care was on par with large Pokemon Day Care, even though it hadn't opened multiple branches like the big ones had. In fact, this lack of expansion only reinforced their belief that YoYo Day Care operated on an entirely different level.

So, when this high-end Pokemon Day Care unexpectedly invited them to an exchange, the owners of the seven small Pokemon Day Care were flattered.

It felt almost unreal.

Nervously, all seven small Pokemon Day Care sent back a reply, confirming their attendance.

Soon enough, the day of the exchange arrived, and the seven small Pokemon Day Care owners showed up in Verdanturf Town as expected. Since their Pokemon Day Care were all located in nearby towns, they arrived quite early.

Once everyone had arrived, Yuga invited them into the guest room of the shop. Seeing that everyone looked nervous, Yuga laughed heartily and said, "Today is just a small exchange meeting, no need to be nervous. Take it easy, relax!"

But the owners found it hard to relax. In their eyes, Yuga was a figure far beyond their reach!

However, as the exchange meeting began, they realized that Yuga had a very easygoing personality, and gradually, their nerves began to settle.

Although the true purpose of Yuga hosting this meeting was to find business partners, since he had invited them under the pretense of sharing Pokemon Day Care management experiences, he didn't deceive them. He genuinely organized a discussion where everyone could share their management insights and the difficulties they faced.

As the meeting was nearing its end, Yuga suddenly suggested, "Would you all like to visit our Day Care's Ecopark?"

Yuga was referring to the new Ecopark. Since he wanted to collaborate with them, he had to let them see what Pokémon YoYo Day Care had to offer.

"Really? That would be amazing!"

"To have the honor of visiting Mr. Shimizu's Ecopark, this trip was totally worth it!"

The owners were overjoyed when they heard Yuga's suggestion. None of them had their own Ecopark, so of course, they were envious. But the cost of building and maintaining an Ecopark was far too high for small Pokemon Day Care like theirs to afford.

If it hadn't been for the system's help, Yuga himself wouldn't have been able to build an Ecopark in the beginning. Building the Ecopark wasn't the most expensive part—it was the maintenance that drained money.

Normally, a Pokemon Day Care's Ecopark would never be open to outsiders, as it involved many trade secrets. But things were different with Yuga; all his secrets were kept in the main Ecoparks, and the new Ecopark was just for show.

Led by Yuga, the seven owners arrived at the entrance of the new Ecopark. Gazing at the "luxurious" Ecopark, their eyes were filled with envy.

"I wonder when I'll be able to have an Ecopark like this!" This was the shared thought of all seven owners at that moment.

"Whoa, is that a Druddigon? It looks so fierce and majestic!"

"They even have a Dragon-type Pokémon guarding the gate. As expected of YoYo Day Care!"

Upon entering the park, the group immediately noticed a Druddigon sleeping at the entrance, and they began discussing it animatedly.

The Druddigon, disturbed from its nap, lazily lifted an eyelid. Seeing a group of strangers chattering in front of it, it irritably flicked its thick tail, making loud "thudding" sounds against the ground, until it quieted down after receiving a sharp glance from Yuga.

Closest to the entrance was a small artificial lake in the new Wcopark, home to many Clauncher. There were also some Carvanha, Shellder, and Remoraid living in the lake.

At that moment, several Clauncher emerged from the water. Some were lounging by the shore, resting with their eyes closed, others were sparring with their claws raised, and some were swimming with their tails propelling them through the water.

"These are Clauncher, native to the Kalos region, and they've become one of the highlights of YoYo Day Care. You don't see many of them in Hoenn." Yuga praised his Pokémon, doing his best to impress his guests and achieve his goal.

The seven owners were already well aware of the famous Clauncher from YoYo Day Care. In the Hoenn region, YoYo Day Care was the only place selling Clauncher on such a large scale.

After introducing the Clauncher, Yuga took the seven owners on a tour of the Gliscor, Trapinch, various Grass-type Pokémon, and others. These were the species that produced large numbers of low-quality Pokémon.

If it weren't for Drew's family helping with the Butterfly-type Pokémon, Yuga would also have a lot of Bug-types on his hands.

As they continued to tour the rare Pokémon, the seven owners were in awe. They were particularly impressed when they saw the enormous Never-Melting Ice that Yuga had placed in the new Ecopark—clearly a mark of luxury.

While guiding them, Yuga casually asked, "What do you think of these Pokémon?"

"No doubt, Mr. Shimizu's Ecopark is full of Pokémon that anyone would envy!" said the owner of a Pokemon Day Care from Fallarbor Town. The small Pokemon Day Care typically sold common species of Pokémon, and they rarely managed to stock rare ones. Rare Pokémon always sold better than the more common ones.

Yuga's Clauncher, Gliscor, Trapinch, Swablu... all of them were rare Pokémon.

Hearing this, Yuga smiled and said, "If any of you are interested in rare Pokémon, YoYo Day Care could supply them to you."

The owner from Fallarbor Town's eyes lit up. "Mr. Shimizu, are you serious?"

Ever since the League's breeding facility in Fallarbor Town closed down, he had to go all the way to Rustboro City to get stock. If he was buying Pokémon, they could be teleported, but Pokémon eggs were another matter—they had to be transported manually. The longer the distance, the higher the risk.

Just recently, one of his shipments had been stolen, which was a huge blow to his small-scale business.

Verdanturf Town was much closer to Fallarbor Town than Rustboro City, just a half-day's journey by shortcut. If he could source Pokémon from there, it would be a huge convenience.

Yuga replied, "Of course it's true. We at YoYo Day Care have no plans to open branches, so we can't sell all the Pokémon we breed ourselves. To be honest, the reason I invited you all today was to discuss potential partnerships.

We have a lot of rare Pokémon at YoYo Day Care—something other breeding facilities and breeding bases find hard to match. I hope you'll consider it."

Several owners became interested immediately. The rare Pokémon from YoYo Day Care were definitely appealing.

However, some were hesitant, like the owner from Mauville City.

Compared to the Pokemon Day Care in Fallarbor Town, Mauville City had its own breeding facility run by the League, so getting stock wasn't as difficult for them.

Also, being a privately-run Pokemon Day Care, YoYo Day Care didn't offer the same level of reassurance as the League's facilities.

Still, the owner from Mauville City had other thoughts.

Mauville was a big city with many Pokemon Day Care, including several branches of large Pokemon Day Care. In truth, small-scale Pokemon Day Care like his struggled to compete.

But if he could stock rare Pokémon from YoYo Day Care...

Although sourcing from Yuga might be more troublesome, rare Pokémon could give him a competitive edge!


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