I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1091: Zoroark Love At First Sight

Chapter 1091: Zoroark Love At First Sight

The next day, Professor Sycamore indeed asked about trading for Riolu or Lucario on Yuga's behalf. At first, Gurkinn was unwilling to agree because he did not want to hand over Riolu or Lucario to someone of unknown identity.

In the end, it was Professor Sycamore who vouched for Yuga, assuring Gurkinn that Yuga would take good care of either Riolu or Lucario. Only then did Gurkinn agree to trade one.

In the afternoon, Yuga and Professor Sycamore returned to the Tower of Mastery, and under Gurkinn's guidance, they entered the Ecopark of the Shalour Gym.

The Ecopark of the Shalour Gym was not large, but it housed a considerable number of Fighting-type Pokémon. Some belonged to Gurkinn personally, some were used for battles at the gym, and others were part of their family's long-standing collection.

The most numerous Fighting-type Pokémon inside were not Riolu or Lucario, but rather Machop, Machoke, and Machamp. There were also quite a few common Fighting-types like Mankey, Primeape, and Poliwrath.

As they walked through a small path in the Ecopark, Yuga finally saw the Riolu and Lucario he had been thinking about. There were not many of them, fewer than fifty in total, and they were clustered together in small groups, honing their fighting skills, creating a lively atmosphere.

Upon arriving, Gurkinn pointed to the Riolu and Lucario and said, "You can choose one yourself, but the quality of what you get depends entirely on your luck."

In Gurkinn's view, luck and fate were very important when selecting Pokémon. Whether Yuga had good luck or had a connection with a high-quality Pokémon was not something he cared about.

Unfortunately, he did not know that Yuga had a cheat.

Hearing Gurkinn's words, Yuga activated his Insight to examine Riolu and Lucario. Among this group of Pokémon, there were those with red, orange, and yellow potential, as well as some with green and blue potential, but there were no indigo or higher potentials.

Moreover, there were not many with blue potential, totaling only five—four Lucario and one Riolu.

Since he had to choose, Yuga naturally aimed for the Pokémon with better potential; he wouldn't consider the green and below. The five with blue potential were his target.

Unlike the situation when Professor Sycamore gifted him a Fennekin, this time he and Gurkinn were engaging in an equivalent exchange.

When others gifted Pokémon, he didn't want to impose on their generosity, which was why he had only chosen the green potential Fennekin back then. However, with an equivalent exchange, there were no such concerns.

They had already agreed in advance: if Yuga selected a blue potential Riolu, he would exchange it for one blue potential Meditite and two green potential Meditite; if he selected a blue potential Lucario, he would exchange it for one blue potential Medicham and two green potential Medicham.

In any case, Gurkinn wouldn't be at a loss.

Yuga's Insight scanned the four Lucario and one Riolu.

The only blue potential Riolu looked quite young and was following its parents, playfully showing affection.

Among the four Lucario, two of them seemed to be a pair; even though they were practicing against each other at that moment, the flirtatious atmosphere naturally influenced those around them.

Another female Lucario appeared to be pursued by a male Mienshao. Although she looked a bit aloof, she didn't respond coldly to him, indicating that Mienshao might still have a chance.

The remaining Lucario stood apart from its siblings, completely out of sync with the lively atmosphere. It was quietly practicing its slicing technique against a thick wooden stump in the corner.


[ Lucario ]

Type: Fighting, Steel

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Blue

Level: 39

Moves: Detect, Quick Attack, Force Palm, Aura Sphere, Metal Claw, Boost Punch, Swords Dance, Bone Rush, Slicing Technique, Low Sweep, Shadow Claw, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Comet Punch.


This Lucario had excellent qualities across the board and had unexpectedly inherited two Steel-type moves: Bullet Punch and Comet Punch.

Although Lucario is a Steel-type Pokémon, the number of Steel-type physical attack moves it can learn through leveling up is actually quite limited. The inherited Bullet Punch and Comet Punch helped to make up for this deficiency.

Although the power of Bullet Punch isn't strong, it allows for a priority attack; Comet Punch not only has significant power but also has a chance to increase the user's attack, making both moves quite practical.

Decided! It's this one!

With that thought, Yuga pointed and said, "Mr. Gurkinn, I choose that one."

Seeing which Lucario Yuga pointed to, Mr. Gurkinn was quite surprised; he hadn't expected Yuga to immediately pick a blue potential Pokémon.

He was well aware of his own Riolu and Lucario and could easily identify that this particular Lucario had blue potential, especially since there were only five in total.

"Why did you choose that one in particular? Its temperament is quite aloof, making it hard to get along with," Gurkinn curiously asked Yuga.

Yuga smiled as he replied, "I noticed that the other Riolu and Lucario here all have their own social circles. If I chose one of them, it would definitely affect their dynamics. But that Lucario is different; it's all alone. Even if it leaves with me, it won't impact the other Pokémon here."

"That's a fair point," Gurkinn nodded in agreement, successfully convinced by Yuga's reasoning.

As he handed the Poké Ball containing the Lucario to Yuga, Gurkinn cautioned him, "This Lucario has a somewhat special situation. When it was born, its aura wasn't very obvious, which led to its parents' disdain and resulted in its aloof personality.

However, it has worked very hard. Just look at how it currently outshines other Lucario; that's all due to its effort. I hope you treat it well."

Yuga solemnly took the Poké Ball and said, "Don't worry, I will."

At the same time, Yuga handed over the three Medicham he had brought with him to Gurkinn.

After chatting with Gurkinn for a while, Yuga and Professor Sycamore decided to take their leave. However, just as they reached the entrance of the Tower of Mastery, a girl on roller skates came rushing over.

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

Behind the girl was a Lucario running alongside her.

"Can't you see there are guests here? You have no manners at all!" Gurkinn reprimanded her with a stern face as she approached.

The girl noticed Yuga and Professor Sycamore's presence, nodded and greeted them before playfully sticking her tongue out at her grandfather.

Once Yuga and Professor Sycamore had left, the girl turned around to Gurkinn and asked, "Who was that person in the hat and sunglasses?" She recognized Professor Sycamore.

Gurkinn shook his head and said, "I don't know. But, Korrina, there are many strong person in this world. You must remember to always keep a humble heart."

The girl, who was Korrina, nodded as if she somewhat understood.

"By the way, I have a gift for you." Saying this, Gurkinn handed Korrina the Poké Ball containing the blue potential Medicham that Yuga had given him.

Surprised, Korrina asked as she took the Poké Ball from her grandfather, "Is this a new Pokémon for me?"

Gurkinn nodded with a smile, saying, "Open it and see."

Upon seeing the new Medicham, Korrina was indeed very happy. She gave her grandfather a big hug, and although he scolded her for her lack of manners, the smile on his face was unmistakable.

As soon as Yuga returned to Professor Sycamore's residence, he sent both the Fennekin and Lucario back to the YoYo Day Care via transfer device, since he needed to hurry to Geosenge Town the next day and couldn't bring them along.

After receiving Yuga's instructions, Audino promptly delivered the transported Fennekin and Lucario to the Volcanic Sub-Ecopark and the Main Ecopark, respectively.

The Fennekin, being young and lively, quickly found many companions in the Volcanic Sub-Ecopark, including Vulpix, Charmander, Ponyta, and Houndour. Before long, the Fennekin had blended in seamlessly with them, showing no signs of discomfort.

A strong adaptability and receptiveness are common advantages possessed by the three Pokémon cultivated by the League.

Lucario, as Gurkinn had mentioned, was indeed a very diligent Pokémon. Upon entering the Main Ecopark, it saw an Gallade training and immediately went over to discuss training techniques with it.

When the Liepard and the Zoroark family walked back in from patrolling outside, Lucario was in the midst of sparring with Gallade.

Gallade also had blue potential, and with Nana's guidance, its level and skill proficiency were superior to Lucario's, so Lucario found itself being significantly overpowered.

However, Lucario had a very resilient personality; no matter how many times it was knocked down by Aegislash, it would resolutely get back up and challenge Gallade again.

Zoroark, who was chatting and laughing with her dad, mom, and older sister, immediately spotted the struggling Lucario and was instantly captivated by the determined expression on its face.

Although Lucario looked quite disheveled at that moment, in Zoroark's eyes, it was incredibly cool.

Perhaps this was love at first sight!

Zoroark couldn't help but think to herself.

The first to notice her change in emotions was Liepard sister, who followed Zoroark's gaze and saw Lucario.

However, to Liepard, Lucario seemed no different from any other Pokémon, especially since it looked so disheveled at that moment.

Sister Liepard and Zoroark had completely different aesthetics; she preferred the elegance of quadrupedal Pokémon over bipedal ones. For instance, she found Absol, with its four legs, to be much more appealing.

Moreover, she favored strong Pokémon, and Lucario seemed too weak and was currently getting beaten up, which wasn't her type at all.

Having grown up in a life of wandering on street and developing an early maturity, sister Liepard greatly admired strength.

Drawn to Lucario, Zoroark unconsciously walked over, while Liepard and Zoroark's parents also noticed their daughter's unusual behavior, simultaneously spotting Lucario.

Seeing his daughter being captivated by an unknown boy, father Liepard almost lost his cool, but just as he was about to call out to Zoroark, Zoroark's mother stopped him.

"Don't make a fuss!" Zoroark said, dragging her visibly displeased husband away. She was indeed an understanding and sensible mother.

With her parents gone, sister Liepard looked at her sister from a distance, walking over proudly with her head held high: "Hmph! I'm going to find a partner who is both handsome and strong in the future."

Zoroark quietly sat nearby, waiting for Lucario and Gallade's sparring session to conclude.

Gallade had learned a healing move called Heal Pulse from Nana, so after their sparring, it gave Lucario a quick treatment. However, since its mastery of Heal Pulse wasn't very proficient, Gallade suggested that Lucario seek out Miltank or Blissey for a more thorough check afterward.

Lucario humbly accepted Gallade's advice, but since it had just arrived, it didn't know how to find a Blissey or Miltank.

Before Gallade could offer directions, Zoroark volunteered to guide Lucario herself.

Thus, Zoroark helped Lucario to the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, leaving Gallade with a thoughtful expression.

"Thank you," Lucario said to Zoroark as they made their way to the Grassland Sub-Ecopark.

"No need to thank me," Zoroark replied shyly.

Anyone with a discerning eye could easily see the expression on Zoroark's face, but unfortunately, Lucario was too oblivious to pick up on it.

"Do you want to spar with me too?" Lucario asked Zoroark. It assumed that her eagerness to help guide it was because she wanted to have a spar once it was healed.

Upon hearing Lucario's words, Zoroark was momentarily stunned: "Who would want to spar with you? I just find you attractive!"

And thus, the long journey of love began for Zoroark and Lucario.

Yuga stayed at Professor Sycamore's house for another night, and early the next morning, he bid farewell and prepared to head to Geosenge Town.

Geosenge Town is very close to Shalour City. Riding Absol, Yuga galloped and reached his destination in just one morning.

Geosenge Town got its name from the jagged rocks outside the town.

It is said that these bizarre stones are remnants of ancient ruins and possess incredible powers, but no one can clearly explain what special qualities they might have.

Upon entering Geosenge Town, Yuga immediately spotted those strange rocks.

In fact, the Pokémon world has many such stones left from ancient ruins, like Oldale Town in Hoenn, but Geosenge Town has an especially large number of them, and the giant stone in the center is particularly striking and draws attention.

"Whoa..." I feel like there's something over there...

Floette suddenly popped out of Yuga's backpack and said, staring intently at the stone forest.

"What is it?" Yuga instinctively asked.

"Maybe AZ is over there!" Floette replied uncertainly.

Yuga felt puzzled at this: Could it be that Floette and AZ have formed a bond that allows them to sense each other? However, the truth is that Floette's relationship with AZ is far more complex than mere intuition.

It was Floette who was revived by the ultimate weapon and played a crucial role in its activation, thus granting Floette eternal life. But what about AZ? How did AZ achieve immortality?


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