I’m the Only One Who Can’t See Ghosts

Chapter 64: Heavenly Ordeal (6)

Yoo Hajin realized that he knew what Mara was. And he also knew that Mara was the one who denied enlightenment. With that, Yoo Hajin achieved independent enlightenment.

Yoo Hajin understood that Yang was the very essence of the life force. He realized that Yang was infused into the blood. Thus, Yoo Hajin achieved sequential enlightenment.

Then, Yoo Hajin formed a pact with incantations and seals.

In this way, Yoo Hajin attained True Enlightenment.

“Heavenly Descent, you say?”

At the unfamiliar term, Nagu’s expression turned blank. But Yoo Hajin simply looked down at Nagu without a word.

Nagu shrank under that gaze.

For some reason, those eyes filled her with dread. The bloodshot eyes, on the brink of bursting with blood, terrified her.

So Nagu looked back. The members of the Heavenly Ordeal sect were staring at something in disbelief. At the end of their gaze was Nayu, sleeping peacefully.

Nayu was no longer tormented by Heavenly Punishment.

“This can’t be.”

Nayu was no longer suffering from Heavenly Punishment. Yet, Nayu had vowed to take on all the Heavenly Punishment controlled by the Heavenly Ordeal sect.

The Heavenly Punishment controlled by the Heavenly Ordeal sect. It was a grudge equivalent to one-fourth of the world’s resentment. The heavenly punishment concentrated from that grudge was something no individual could resolve.

How could anyone possibly stop Heavenly Punishment?

Especially when it surged from within the soul, not from external forces.

“Stop it. Please, stop this, Yoo Hajin-nim.”

Nagu pleaded earnestly.

“Nayu is an existence that society cannot bear! An existence that annihilates humanity, and an existence that can destroy humanity!!”

But Yoo Hajin remained unresponsive, merely continuing to look down at Nagu with cold eyes.

“Do you think the great powers will stand by and watch this happen?! Stop this now! Yoo Hajin-nim, do you intend to turn them into your enemies?!”

But Yoo Hajin did not stop. He did not cease his efforts to block Heavenly Punishment using the unheard-of technique called Heavenly Descent.

Nayu unconsciously began to heal her body. Despite not having learned Qigong techniques, she was recovering at an astonishing speed. Nagu was genuinely frightened by Nayu’s talent.

But there was something even more terrifying.

It was the punishment of Cheonji and the sect Alliance.

On the day the Heavenly Ordeal sect was overwhelmed by the sudden surge of information pollution, they were nearly wiped out because they couldn’t respond properly.

It was the Cheonji and the sect Alliance that saved them. But they didn’t forget to issue a warning.

Baekdu, with languid eyes that wouldn’t change even after killing dozens of children, personally ordered Nagu.

He said their only value was in suppressing Heaven’s Punishment. He didn’t care if they amassed wealth or played power games using the common people, but they must never forget their mission.

But now, Heaven’s Punishment was trying to break free from that suppression.

“Heavenly punishment is unavoidable; that’s why it’s called punishment! Once Nayu has vowed, it will inevitably return to her! Please stop this foolishness!”

Nagu screamed desperately. If she disobeyed the mission given by Baekdu of Cheonji, Nagu would never die peacefully. Baekdu were all equally cruel gods.


Yoo Hajin finally spoke after hearing Nagu’s desperate cries.

“What foolishness am I committing?”

“Aren’t you trying to stop Heavenly Punishment, the heavenly punishment turned into lightning? Heavenly punishment is a phenomenon that can only be stopped by shamans associated with the sky. Otherwise, it will continue to strike down endlessly.”

“What is this shaman associated with the sky?”

Nagu continued speaking in response to Yoo Hajin’s question.

“I mean shamans who resonate with lightning or the heavens, like me. In the old days, shamans connected to the sky, like clouds and stars, passed down this spiritual work...”

‘Wait, why am I saying this?’

Nagu looked at Nayu again.

There was no trace of Heavenly Punishment emanating from Nayu.

No, is it even possible to block Heavenly Punishment so cleanly? Heavenly Punishment is supposed to keep striking until it hits its target.

“Do you still not understand? What exactly I’m doing?”

At that moment, Yoo Hajin spoke.

“I’m not blocking Heavenly Punishment.”

Nagu looked up at Yoo Hajin with a bewildered expression.

“Th-Then what exactly are you doing...?”

“Nayu vowed to take on all the Heavenly Punishment that the Heavenly Ordeal sect controls. I’ve simply fulfilled that vow.”

Yoo Hajin smiled faintly.

“The Heavenly Ordeal sect can no longer control any Heavenly Punishment. So there’s no Heavenly Punishment left to fall on Nayu.”

The moment she heard those words, Nagu reached out to the sky, trying to resonate with the lightning. But the lightning gave no response.

Panicked, Nagu looked around.

But there wasn’t a single spirit to be seen.

She couldn’t sense anything spiritual at all.

Terrified, Nagu looked back at Yoo Hajin.

But Yoo Hajin silently hoisted Nayu onto her back.

As he turned to leave, he said,

“If you’re someone who practices spiritual work, you should know the term ‘karma.’ The karma of those who commit sins returns to its owner. What sin have you committed? Violating the heavens and nullifying the grudge of tens of millions.”

Yoo Hajin echoed the words his younger sister had once spoken.

His sister had said it like this back then.

“Can you handle the consequences of the sin you’ve committed?”

At that moment, Nagu turned around.

The karma had begun.

The members of the Heavenly Ordeal sect were dying miserably. Some were electrocuted by sudden sparks from their computers, others were crushed under collapsing pillars.

There were even those who were struck by shattered glass, their bodies bleeding profusely.

They died as if they were criminals who hadn’t realized anything.

“...Something that could easily be blocked with spiritual power, and yet.”

And then Nagu realized.

She had become a criminal no better than a bug.


Nothing could be seen.

Nothing could be heard.


Surely the karma was coming.

But nothing could be seen or heard.

“No!!! Why, why can’t I see anything!!!”

Nagu screamed in terror.


“No!!! Why, why can’t I see anything!!!”

A scream of terror came from a wretch.

Hearing that scream, I realized it for certain.

The Rejection Eye really is a technique that nullifies the opponent’s spiritual abilities.

I had inferred it from the hazy memories of the Big Hand Casino and from Cheonsu’s tightly shut eyes, and I was relieved to be right.

Heavenly Punishment, the heavenly punishment in the form of lightning. The one who controls such Heavenly Punishment is the lightning shaman, Nagu. If you nullify Nagu’s spiritual power, then the heavenly punishment that the Heavenly Ordeal sect can control disappears.

It was a perfect plan.

I really must be a genius.

At that moment, another scream echoed.

It was Nagu’s scream.

“Wh-What’s there?!”

Hmph, is not being able to see spirits that terrifying?

Even without seeing spirits, one should live with determination, like me.

I looked back at the young Nayus following me.

There were about ten little Nayus.

At some point, they had started trailing behind me.

“Alright, kids. Follow your oppa.”

“We like Hajin oppa.”

“Oppa, follow!”

I made several trips in the elevator, evacuating all of them from the building.

At that moment, I heard Nayu’s voice.

“Nayu, follow oppa.”

“Nayu! You’re awake!”

The Nayu on my back suddenly started trembling. She was fussing, wanting to walk on her own.

I sighed and set her down. The moment she was on her feet, Nayu spoke.

“Nayu is shaking with anger!”

“Why, why?”

Suddenly, Nayu began tapping my chest.

Of course, it didn’t hurt at all.

“Nayu says dangerous! Worrying feelings!”

So basically, this place was dangerous, and she was upset because I came here and caused a commotion, making her worry.

“Nayu, the shaman of the heavens.”

Nayu’s voice quivered as she spoke.

“Nayu says she knew. Nayu wanted to protect.”

Did she know the Heavenly Ordeal sect would do something like this? Well, considering she’s someone who can predict lottery numbers, it makes sense she knew what they’d do.

But the part about wanting to protect…

“Nayu says she wanted to protect you.”

She wanted to protect me. Knowing everything, she went along with the Heavenly Ordeal sect’s orders to protect me.

A girl who was still too young to be called a full-grown adult looked up at me. She had sky-blue hair, making her appear almost otherworldly.


Sometimes, when something is so beautiful, words fail you.

I gathered my thoughts and finally spoke.

“I wanted to protect you too.”

At that moment, Nayu fell silent. Her face turned a little red, and she started avoiding my gaze.

I had already undone the Rejection Eye, so why was this happening?

Just then, one of the young Nayus spoke up.

“Is big sister embarrassed?”

“N-Nayu has an expression that says she knows nothing.”

“No, big sister is happy!”

“Nayu strongly shakes her head in denial.”

Listening to the chatter of Nayu and her little sisters, I sat down on a nearby flower bed.

“This is really painful.”

My eyes felt like they were about to burst, and my head felt like it was on fire. I suppose there really is a price to pay for using this power.

If I want to understand this ability better, I’ll have no choice but to contact the Heavenly Demon Cult.

But contacting the Heavenly Demon Cult came with risks.

That bastard Jucheol did warn me.

Even Cheonji considers them a troublesome existence.

Cheonji might even be trying to hunt down Heavenly Demon.

I weighed the risks and potential benefits.

Honestly, the risks of approaching the Heavenly Demon Cult were far greater than the benefits. But in this particular situation, it seemed the benefits might outweigh the risks.

“After all, the best place to leave these kids…”

I looked at Nayu’s little sisters. The only place that would be safe for them, and that dislikes both Cheonji and the Sects, was the Heavenly Demon Cult.

With that, I made up my mind.

I would visit the Heavenly Demon Cult once more.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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