I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Chapter 30: Baron Razel

Chapter 30: Baron Razel

A noble house had been demoted.

Their resource satellites had been confiscated by the Empire, and they lost their credibility as nobles.

The Viscount-no, Baron Razel house was deemed as an inadequate place for training.

How did this happen?

When the Banfield house was attacked by pirates, they were suspected of not sending relief aid intentionally.

Their only silver lining was that Liam had completely slaughtered the ambushers.

The remaining pirates in the territory were then easily able to be dealt with by Randolph.

More so than they imagined, the Empire went all-out with its investigation into the incident which eventually led to the current situation.

The reason why they didnt just completely crush the house was because itd be troublesome for the Empire to suddenly have to rule over their territory.

In addition to that, they were already being punished in their own way.

The Peetak house they were affiliated with was almost confirmed to collapse, while the huge debts they carried would be pushed onto them.

The reason for that lies in the woman they married off to them, Katerina.

If Peter died, itd be more than likely that Katerina would become the houses head.

It was possible for them to just abandon everything and run away, but then theyd be despised by all of the Peetak houses relatives as the cause for its destruction.

Theyd be looked at with cold eyes within the Empires aristocratic society.

No matter what they did, Randolph couldnt see a bright future in store for them.

On the other hand

All the businessmen ran away.

The merchants who heard the news had abandoned them.

All the businessmen they had connections with suddenly started giving them the cold shoulder after the demotion. In the first place, their relationship wasnt the best because of their connection to the pirates, so they all took this chance to jump ship.

The quick-minded subordinates all left in search of a new lord to serve.

All that remained were the inflexible ones.

Among them were the knights who were in charge of teaching Liam.

What went wrong just where did we go wrong?

Randoph was falling into despair and the guide was watching him.

He was standing right in front of him, but Randolph didnt seem to notice anything.

Youve disappointed me, but thanks to your despair, Im feeling a little better now. I will definitely take revenge on Liam using the power youve given me.

Randolph, Peter and others their misfortunes brought a little power back to the guide.

But it still wasnt enough to make Liam unhappy.

The guide fell into deep thought,

If things are just going to be like this, lets just reveal everything to Liam.

Liams grateful feelings were still being transmitted to him even this far away.

Without Randolph or Peters negative feelings, things wouldve been dangerous for him.

if things had gone wrong, then he mightve completely run out of power and disappeared.

He wished that they were more unhappy.

The guide really thought so.

With your negative emotions powering me, I will definitely send Liam into a living hell!

As the guide disappeared, Randolph raised his face.

The change to his expression was small but it had a bit of a refreshed feeling to it.

It was probably because the guide had absorbed his negative emotions.

I need to work hard. If things are like this, then I just need to start all over again. First, lets get in get into contact with my son, and then Ill call Katerina after.

He needed to make sure there was a future for his children.

Even without anyones help, Randolph was going to bring them back up.

Peter, whose manhood had exploded, had a sullen expression on his face.

Katerina was by his side.

Lying down on his bed, Peter started to hollowly laugh.

The great me was1 no, I was a fool.

You finally noticed?

Katerina was amazed.

You can go home Katerina. You can break off our engagement now. Ill testify that we havent had a physical relationship, and make sure that you arent troubled by this.

To the Peter that everyone had abandoned, Katerina started shaking her head.

Nothing will change even if I leave. My father told me to go back, but Im not going to. If I leave you alone, your house will be destroyed.

Katerina, Im sorry. Im so sorry.

Its okay.

Katerina had a frustrated expression on her face.

Even so, she was seriously thinking of ways to help manage the Peetak house.

If the Peetak house bounces back even a little bit, then theres bound to be somebody wholl appear to take the position of head. Once that happens, lets throw this all away and retire together.

Okay, Ill do my best.

Peter was the same as Liam.

He had grown up without knowing a parents love.

Having abandoned him, his parents had fled to the imperial capital.

Peter was happy to have someone he could rely on for the first time in his life.

The imperial capital.

After graduating from university, Tia was currently receiving training to become an official.

The training period spanned over two years, during which theyd be forced to do various odd-jobs.

However, those who were expected to rise up in the future were assigned to appropriate departments where they received preferential treatment.

Tia was one of them.

When she entered the government office in a suit, she could see the heir of the Razel house in work clothes.

He was being scolded by his superiors.

Hey, newbie! Is saying the same thing over and over again, the only thing you can do?!

Sorry, Im so sorry.

Are you not interested in this kind of work?!

Thats not true.

Whats wrong? Except for those in the star department, all you heirs of noble houses are useless. If you keep this up for two more years, do you really think youll be ready for your position?!

No, I definitely wouldnt.

Even people like you arent allowed to escape from this. For your two years of training, youre going to be cleaning the toilets.

His head was lowered, and his hands were clenched.

The Razel house had been demoted, and as a result their son wasnt placed in the star department.

Instead, he was silently doing janitor jobs.

That department wasnt a place that noble heirs were usually assigned.

Even so, he was working seriously.

(well, even if I dont say anything, I hope he does his best.)

If she said something here, itd mean that she had forgiven the Razel house that had ill-treated Liam, but the serious figure the guy gave off even made Tia slightly sympathetic.

(Lets see, two years of training, then four more years of practice and then the military academy? Between the university and the academy, I wonder which one Lord Liam will choose.)

For this, she decided she had to change.

Tia was working hard for Liams future.

There was a strong backlash against the lord.

For the last few years, Ive been struggling against foolish insurgents whove been crying out for their rights and freedoms.

But their rights and freedoms were mine!

They had no freedoms or rights!

Why are they so adamant about having whatever hairstyle they want?!

I hit the desk in my office as I made plans to send out the military to various places.

Luckily, they were just propaganda parades where theyd walk around showing off what hairstyles were appropriate.

However, the soldiers werent motivated.

Some of them were even saying, That hairstyle looks good.

Dont screw with me!

Ill never accept such a hairstyle!

I dont care how many years it takes! Ill force them into using the hairstyles I want instead of that stupid tornado cut!

The territory sure is peaceful.

I was stunned by Amagis comment.

How can that be?! There are people that are rising against me!

When I told the broadcast stations Isnt this banned?, they told me, There arent any laws that regulate hairstyles.

Whose side were they supposed to be on?! I was the ruling power here!

Dont screw with me!

When I tried to make the laws by force, the officials told me, Thats a bit much.

Then theyd start to lecture me that deciding which hairstyles were good, and which were bad was a useless venture to spend my time on.

I knew that I knew that but-!

You guys, why do you care so much about your hairstyles?!

Was it that?! Was this their reaction to the tax increase?! It had to be that!

More importantly, it looks like the fourth team has arrived at the pioneer planet safely. Development seems to be going better than expected. The tax increase made by Master seems to have made large contributions towards that result.

The hairstyle problem is more important! I hate it! People with with tornado hairstyles are showing up everywhere!

Before I enrolled into elementary school, I was definitely going to stop that hairstyle!

The head maid was giving a report to the prime minister.

and thats the situation. Everything seems to be calm except for the military demonstrations.

I understand his pain enough that even I feel hurt from this.

After hearing about Liams current situation, the prime minister grew sympathetic.

In any case, the time for him to enroll in the elementary school is approaching.

As a count, he shouldnt have any problems, but Ive heard that theres been quite a few problem-children enrolling these days.

Elementary schools also had their problems.

The prime minister had high hopes for Liam, who was like a shining light in the rise of the Empires corruption.

By the way, I heard he bought a fortress-class from the Seventh Weapons Factory. It looks like hes building up his forces, is there a reason?

The head maid answered,

Were using it as a temporary defensive base for the pioneer areas. Itll take several years to prepare a full-fledged base, so were using it like this until then.

I see. So thats the reason why? I thought it was something like that.

The noble children were being taken care of in Liams residence.

Although they were living in the mansion, they were being strictly treated as servants during their three years of training.

They were also being educated, but what happened to those that werent going to advance to elementary school like Liam?

the answer was simple.

Theyd continue to spend time in Liams territory.

Universities were being built, so they stayed to study in the school of their choice.

Two girls who had already spent three years in the mansion were walking around the university grounds in plain clothes.

Wow~ The Count sure is generous. He even covered our tuition and living expenses.

Their tuition fees were exempted.

Allowances were even given to them, but if it wasnt enough, theyd start working part-time jobs or ask for more from their parents.

We wouldnt be able to play around as much back home either.

In their territories there werent any universities built.

Compared to its surrounding area, Liams territory was exceptionally developed.

The reason why the minor lords let their children study abroad was because they wanted them to learn from Liams already fully developed territory.

I dont really want to go back home~

The girl then turned to smile at her lamenting friend,

Then you just need to marry a local and then move here.

The lamenting girl glared at her friend,

That sounds fine~ I want to keep relaxing here for a least a decade.

Dont give up! Im sure that youll find someone among the knights youll take a fancy to.

The girls looked like they were really having fun.

Though the same could be said for the men.

They continued to study at the university while experiencing lives full of love and youth.


I was furious that I was about to enter elementary school.

The reason being-

Picking up a fashion magazine, the hairstyle on the cover had evolved even further.

Brian commented on it,

Lord Liam, if you make a bad law, its only natural that youll meet opposition.

Ill crush it thoroughly!

I didnt think that they would go this far to make me angry.

I wonder if this was their retaliation in response to me having Amagi raise their taxes to the limit.

If that was the case no, either way it would be necessary for me to let them know whos on top here.

Are you sure you dont want to just give up?

As if Ill give up! Ill make them regret the day they rebelled against me the person in power!

But the people seem to still be enjoying themselves.

Then I definitely cant forgive them!

Its okay for me to take from my people, but I definitely mustnt be taken from.

Ill have to use the corruption Ive installed as an evil lord for this.

If this is how its going to be, then Ill send out the knights and force them all to have haircu-

While I was speaking, I couldnt help but notice that Brian seemed a little strange.

He wasnt moving at all, as if time had stopped.

This feeling yes, I knew what this was.

When I looked around, I could see a slightly tired-looking guide, just like before.

He was sitting on his suitcase with his legs folded.

A top hat was deeply worn on his head to the point where I couldnt see his eyes.

However, the crescent moon-like smile on his face was clear.

Long time no see, Liam.

Its you.

The guide spread out his hands.

I really wanted to see you, but I couldnt meet you until today.

To the happy looking guide, I wanted to convey a few words of thanks,

I actually wanted to see you too. In needed to do so in order to than

The guide brought his index finger to his mouth in a gesture for me to keep silent.

Let me go first Liam. I have a lot I want to say.

After standing up, the guide started to talk to me in a light tone,

Didnt you think that it was funny?

What was?

Various things, but if I were to choose a recent topic, itd be the Razel house. Liam, havent you ever wondered why you were treated in such a way there?

Not really.

You did!

The guide who suddenly started shouting apologised, saying it was rude of him before continuing.

Liam, in actuality it was you who was supposed to have Peters treatment. It was your chance to meet with the Razel houses daughter and build a connection with a powerful house. It was that sort of setting.

youre kidding me.

As I opened my eyes in surprise, the guide spread out his hands and started to laugh,

So why did Peter take away everything that was supposed to be for you? Its because there was someone moving behind the scenes.

Behind the scenes?

which was me.

The bowing guide directed a smile at me as he looked up.

It was always me.

I started thinking over the facts,

I-it was all-

It wasnt Peter who took everything away from you! You lost everything because of me! Thats how it is Liam! You were being deceived!


Brian( `) Wwhat?!

Peter has been referring to himself as oresama() this entire time, I didnt directly translate it though because The great me is just plain awkward to use in English. I only brought it back here because it directly correlates to what he says next, in which he starts referring to himself normally.

Written by Mishima Yomu/Wai ( )


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