I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 8: Chapter 15: The Guide and Gudwar

Book 8: Chapter 15: The Guide and Gudwar

In the Gudwar Kingdom of Dominions Capital, the power struggle over who would succeed Crown Prince Izels position had already begun to heat up.

Who would be fit to succeed as the Crown Prince, and by extension, who would become the next Overlord?

Not only was the Royal Family involved, aristocrats and commoners, who were confident in their strengths, also joined in the fray. So, skirmishes were happening all over the place.

Since they had just had their war with the Empire, the scale of these fights was not large, but everyone in the kingdom knew that things were about to become rough in the near future.

At the Capital, there was an arena that closely resembled the Coliseum. Gudwar was there with its eight legs extended out, shaking them as if they were whips.

The target of the whipping was the Guide, who had regressed back into his hat form.

No! It hurts! Stop!

The Guide was being beaten and struck so many times that he was all dirty from rolling on the ground after being thrown around.

Gudwar was in a state of rage and refused to listen to the Guide.

Izel was just one step away from becoming my servant, and yet! This is all your fault! Its all because of you!

It blamed the Guide for interfering needlessly in their situation.

Not only were its legs swelled up, even its octopus head had turned red from anger.

The Guide, however, begged to differ.

(What a joke. I had my hopes up after seeing how confident you were, but in the end, that treasured child of yours couldnt even beat Liam. Strongest my foot! My effort was wasted.)

He was furious as well, but he couldnt beat Gudwar in his current state.

Knowing this, the Guide tried to placate Gudwar.

I understand where youre coming from, but

What would you know?! Do you have any idea how much effort I poured into raising Izel?! Do you understand the excitement I felt every time he overcame challenges that I prepared for him, challenges that he could barely pass at the time? He was even able to overcome some that appeared impossible!

An existence like Izel could only be born when multiple miracles overlapped.

For some reason, the Guide felt a bad premonition after hearing this.

(Then what about Liam whos survived all the outrageous trials thats been thrown at him?)

Gudwar had to undergo a lot of trouble raising Izel.

In comparison, Liam had always overcome the impossible without ever being fazed.

To the Guide, this was nothing short of horrifying.

(Wouldnt it be better to leave him alone?)

The Guide was about to arrive at the correct conclusion, but his thoughts were interrupted by attacks from Gudwars octopi legs.


The Guide shivered and let out a weird scream.

Then, Gudwar issued him an order.

I expect you to cooperate with me. First, well prepare warriors that can kill Liam. Then, well equip them with the best weapons!

If one Izel wasnt enough, theyd simply equip mass-produced versions of Izel with excellent quality weapons and overwhelm Liam with numbers.

Or at least that was Gudwars plan.

The Guide fixed his crumpled hat and dusted it off with his small hands.

(If thats all it takes to beat Liam, I wouldnt be so troubled in the first place.)

He was thinking of running away and staying quiet until Liam passed away, but he couldnt do that anymore now that Gudwar had caught him.

Liam must die!

Despite feeling scared, the Guide asked Gudwar a question.

I thought you like people that are strong? Liam would fit the bill, wouldnt he?

The Guide was planning on handing Liam over to Gudwar before making his escape. However, he was denied this option.

Its different. Hes not a warrior that I raised.

I-is t-that so.

Apparently, it only acknowledged warriors that it raised itself.

Gudwar lifted the Guide with its outstretched legs.

Ill say it once again. I expect you to cooperate. If you try to run awayIll hunt you down and erase your existence.


Due to his previous obsession over Liam, the Guide couldnt escape anymore, further deepening his hatred towards him.

(Why did things turn out this way!? This is all Liams fault. Curse you Liam!)

His thirst for vengeance was rekindled, the evil hands of both the Guide and Gudwar were about to approach Liam.

Having returned to the Capital, I had a meeting with His Highness Cleo before coming back to the hotel.

At the hotel, Im greeted by none other than Rosetta.

Welcome back, Darling!

She jumps me and puts her arms around my neck, effectively latching onto my body.

I can feel her big breasts touching me, and she smells rather nicebut thats not the problem here.

Shes embarrassing the heck out of me.

It makes me uncomfortable whenever Im faced with such unconditional kindness.

Let go of me.

Darling, I have something to tell you!

Later. Im going to my room, so dont let anyone in.

The look of disappointment on her face after she separates from me reminds me of the feeling known as guilt, something which I thought Id forgotten.

I really hope she returns to her strong former self.

If it wont take long. Ill listen to what you have to say in 30 minutes, so have some tea prepared for us.

Rosettas expression visibly brightens, and she smiles at me.

Right away!

Then she scurries away.

Wait, is she going to brew the tea herself?

Are you okay with that? Youre a frickin Duchess-to-be, you know?!

Ciel, Rosettas servant, hurriedly chases after her.

Shoot. I was thinking of teasing her, but shes already chased after Rosetta.

Amagi, whos been listening to us, steps in.

Then I will ensure no one enters Masters room.

Amagis free to enter, though.

I head to the office thats been prepared for me.

Inside, there are people already waiting.

One of them is Kukuri.

Hes waiting on one knee along with Kunai, who Ive personally named.

When I sit down, Kukuri begins his report.

The result of our investigation matches that of the information provided by Marion. The Kingdom of Dominion has its hands full trying to handle the civil war thats erupted over who should become the next Overlord.

Obviously, I didnt take Marions information at face value. I had Kukuri and his men investigate its authenticity.

We would win if we were to fight them now.

Only if its against the Kingdom of Dominion.

Kukuri seems to think there are other sources of danger besides the Kingdom of Dominion.

Which force is on the move?

Kukuri must have received intel of other intergalactic nations eyeing the weakened Empire.

For now, we are only certain about the Parallel Federation.

The Parallel Federationa massive intergalactic alliance formed by a number of independent nations. It can be seen as a gathering of intergalactic nations with a common set of laws.

Its similar to the United Kingdoms in that sense, but the difference is that a presidential system is in place, meaning aristocracy isnt a thing.

This may sound like what the Lustral Unified Government has in place, but the Parallel Federation isnt as unified. As mentioned before, its more a gathering of independent nations.[1]

The Parallel Federation Hmm, I dont have any connections there.

Its situated very far from the Banfield Familys territory, so theres no need to worry about being called to the battlefield even if theres a war, Lord Liam has already participated in the battle against the Kingdom of Dominion.

Ive fought with the Kingdom of Dominion and racked up some achievements, so its highly likely that Ill be exempt in the next war.

However, if I am asked to participate, Ill refuse. Ill only provide funds and resources for the war effort.

Now I can return to my territory and hole up.

Im finally done with my long training, so I can do whatever I wish from now on.

Amagi dumps cold water on me just as Im getting excited over all the things to come.

Indeed. Master has yet to wed Lady Rosetta, so a wedding would be in order when we return to the territory. Once the wedding is over, the Banfield Family will be promoted to a Ducal household.


Now that Masters training is over, youre considered a full-fledged aristocrat. Once you marry Lady Rosetta, youll become a Duke.

Y-youre right.

I forgot. I totally forgot that I had to marry Rosetta.

Im interested in her familys title, but do I have to marry Rosetta as she is now?

Will I truly be satisfied with marrying the current Rosetta, whos acting like an easy woman, and not the previous Rosetta, who was a woman of steel?

But if I were to abandon Rosetta now, my reputation among the aristocrats would hit rock bottom, never to recover.

Seeing my reaction, Amagi looks at me with squinted eyes.

Master, you arent thinking of running away from the marriage this late in the game, right? That would be unforgivable.

Kukuri and Kunai remain silent, perhaps because they dont wish to get involved in such a silly topic.

Y-you guys should be helping your Master!

Its not like I can go against Amagi though.

O-of course not! Well host the wedding when were back. Yup, when were back!

I couldnt go out and play during the training period because of the various inconveniences along the way, so I want to enjoy being a bachelor for a little longer.

Sorry Rosetta, but Ill have to ask you to put up with it for a couple more years.

Ill come up with some excuse to remain in the Capital so that I can play around!

A knock on the door is heard as Im thinking hard about my plans for the future.

Eulisias voice is heard from the other side of the door.

Lord Liam, Baron Exner and Lord Kurt are here.

The Barons here? And Kurt?

I meet Baron Exner inside the reception room that I rent from the hotel.

Kurt, who has officially become a soldier after finishing his training, is there as well.

Hes as tall and handsome as always, but hes making a bitter expression.

Baron Exner performs a dogeza in front of me.

Liam-dono, Im truly sorry!

Baron Exner bangs his forehead repeatedly on the ground and apologizes.

Kurt, whos standing next to him, glares at Ciel. Shes also in the room, and looking down with teary eyes.

Im utterly confused as to why Baron Exners performing a dogeza.

Whats wrong, Baron? Please, take a seat on the sofa.

That, I cannot do!

Baron Exner keeps apologizing profusely. I turn towards Kurt, whos still glaring at Ciel, for an explanation.

Kurt is also wearing an apologetic look.

Im sorry about this, Liam.

Whats the issue here?

Ciel was doing things behind your back and interfered in matters regarding Rosettas personal guards.

I-is that so.

Kurt must have scolded Ciel before I arrived.

Shes keeping her head down while looking like shes about to cry.

Sorry, but I knew about that Is what I would like to say, but it doesnt seem like its the right time to say it.

To begin with, no matter what she does, Im informed about it.

Ciel makes up for the rebellious attitude that Rosetta lacks.

She heals me in a sense.

But how did Baron Exner and Kurt become aware of her actions?

No, theres a bigger problem that must first be addressed

I understand that apologizing wont be enough, so Ill take responsibility for what has happened! Please allow Kurt to succeed me, and Ill make sure that he properly compensates you.

I wouldnt be bothered all that much if he just intends on giving up his position as the head of family, but based on how hes phrasing it, I think Baron Exner intends on taking responsibility with his life.

Thatwould be a problem! After all, hes a fellow villainous lord!

Kurt scowls at Ciel.

To think shed be up to this sort of mischief inside the house thats taking care of her. Liam, let me also apologize on her behalf. Im really sorry that this has happened Ciel, you should apologize too.

Ciel bows her head with tears in her eyes, but I can see that her rebellious attitude is still there.

Fantastic, you should stay that way!

However, it appears Kurt has already made up his mind about what to do with her.

If youre willing to forgive her, were thinking of banishing her from the family and sending her somewhere remote. If you cant forgive her for what shes donewere willing to accept whatever punishment you have in store for her.

You mean to say that youre going to take her away from here?!

Among all the girls that I have right now, theres no one capable of healing my soul like Ciel!

Chino has her own role, and Ellens role is that of my discipleno, this wont do.

No one can replace her.

While my mind is in a state of disarray, Rosetta, whos been listening to our conversation, pleads for my mercy.

Darling, can you at least spare her life? Im also partly responsible and was involved in teaching this child, so please.

Rosettas asking me to spare Ciel, but that was never the problem here!

The only thing on my mind is what I should do to make sure Ciel remains within my grasp.

I approach Baron Exner before calling out to him.

Baronhow much will it be?

The compensation? Well, I was thinking of discussing that with Liam-dono as well

No, no, no. How much will it cost to pardon Ciel?


Baron Exner seems to not understand whats going on, so I give him a polite explanation.

Im willing to forgive Ciel. On top of that, I ask that you continue entrusting your daughters training to my household. Throwing her out like this will damage my reputation, you see. So how much will it take for me to convince you, Baron? 5,000? 10,000?

Obviously, Im omitting a couple of zeroes at the end when I say 5,000.

Eh? But why are we receiving compensation? Normally, it would be the other way around

You just have to nod your head!

Then how about 20,000? Oh, and I have a lot of acquaintances in the army, so I can put in a good word for Kurt.

Baron Exner shakes his head.

No, no, we cant possibly receive that. Allow us to take Ciel away and provide you with a formal apology.

And Im asking if you could do something about that! Please just continue to entrust your daughter with us! Okay, let us settle at 50,000. Ill also speak to the military about Kurt. Ill put pressure on them if thats what it takes! Hed be guaranteed a double promotion at the very least!

Stop, this is getting scary Kurt says, but this is all to keep Ciel by my side.

Ciel seems bewildered as well.

Rosetta admonishes her for what shes done.

Listen carefully, Ciel. You were forgiven this time because Darling is just that nice. Normally, youd be kicked out, no questions asked. Thats how serious your offense was, so make sure you reflect on your actions.

Y-yes, maam.

Ciel doesnt appear convinced, but with Rosetta beside her, she has no choice but to acquiesce.

Good thing too, since if she has a change of heart or something along that line, I will kick her out just like that. [2]

Please keep up with your rebellious spirit.

That will do, yes?

If Liam-dono is fine with that.

The baron still doesnt sound like he fully understands, but he accepts my proposal.

Phew, thats a relief.

Now, how did the information about Ciel get leaked?

Wakagi-chan (; `): E-even if I were to fall here, a second and third me will appear and continue to advertise. As long as there are things left to advertise, I am immortalgufu! Volume 4 of the manga The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs will be released tomorrowand chapter 23 will be updated tomorrow as well.

Yumeria (): Be a good girl~~ Be a good girl~~

Wakagi-chan ((( ;))): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?!?!!???

Wakagi-chan (): .

Wakagi-chan(): The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs is currently on sale with good reviews, and so is Im the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! Volume 4 will be released tomorrow, so please show both series your support~!

Yumeria (): Shes become a good girl!

Brian (): Its painful In many ways.

[1] Its more like the EU, or European Union.

[2] Change of heart like Rosettas change of heart


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