I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 14: Chapter : Prologue

Book 14: Chapter : Prologue

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On Hydra, the home planet of the Banfield Family, a select group of swordsmiths has been assembled under my leadership.

The School of One Flash specializes in the art of the sword, so I have recruited seasoned blacksmiths to join our ranks.

I’ve even prepared an optimal environment for them to work in.


“There don’t seem to be any flaws in your work, and the sword fits perfectly in my hand. But based on your expressions, I gather there’s something more to it.”

In the audience hall of my mansion, the leading figures of the swordsmiths kneel before me, their expressions fraught with frustration.

“As per your orders, we immediately went to work repairing the sword. However, the sword managed to mend itself without requiring our intervention. Lord Liam, if I may be so bold as to ask, where did you acquire this sword?”

The sword I cherish most is an antique that once belonged to Goaz, an infamous pirate who used to terrorize the Empire.

It got chipped during my fight with Farabar, but according to the swordsmiths, it apparently repaired itself.

It’s quite an enigma if you ask me.

I draw the sword from its sheath and inspect its blade. It’s been beautifully polished, and I can see my reflection as if it were a mirror.

“I obtained it after slaying some space pirates. I didn’t bother giving it a name because of its mysterious origin, but maybe I should.”

After all, it’s been with me through thick and thin.

As I'm contemplating a suitable name, the swordsmiths exchange meaningful glances before offering a word of advice.

“Just in case, we checked the sword’s composition and discovered several grams of unknown metal. It may not sound like much, but there are some metals that can harm those around them. Lord Liam, we believe it’s in your best interest to not carry it around anymore.”

Their investigation has failed to identify one of the metals mixed in the blade. Out of concern for my safety, they’re advising me against using it in the future.

However, I have no intention of heeding their advice, even if it’s out of goodwill.

“If it wished to harm me, it could’ve done so several times already. Since I’m still safe, there’s no need to worry. That said, what a mysterious sword. Keeping it nameless is also an option, but hmmm… Should I name it Nameless?”

…I wonder what its real name is.

I put the sword back in its sheath and look down at the swordsmiths who are kneeling before me.

“Well done. I’ve prepared a reward for you all.”

And with that, the meeting was adjourned.

They seem uneasy about my decision, but there’s no way I’m letting go of this sword.

After all―

“It’s a gift from the Guide. I’ll continue cherishing it in the future.”

―The Guide who’s watching over me must have given it to me as a present.

As I’m smiling to myself, Brian rushes into the audience hall.

“Lord Liam, big trouble!!”

I let out a small sigh as Brian forced his way in, calling it an emergency.

I bet he’s just making a mountain out of a molehill.

“What is it this time? Are space pirates attacking us in hundreds of thousands? Did the Imperial Army gather what little it could to launch another attack in the millions?”

Brian cries in protest when he notes my dismissive attitude.

“This is a serious matter, Lord Liam! It concerns Lord Edward!”

This catches my attention, and I turn to face Brian.

“What’s wrong with Edward?”

Liam’s first disciple, [Ellen Sera Tyler], was a female knight with red hair tied into a ponytail.

Although she was dressed as a knight, she was first and foremost a swordswoman of the School of One Flash.

It was only at Liam’s behest that she took on the responsibilities of a knight.

She had a disciple named [Edward Sera Banfield], the first child of Liam and Rosetta, making him the candidate for the next head of the Banfield Family.

He looked to be about ten years old, but in reality, several decades had passed since he was born.

Nevertheless, he was still considered a young child in this world.

With blonde hair and blue eyes, Edward had inherited much of Rosetta’s appearance, and even Ellen had to admit that he was quite handsome.

Having undergone regular training, his physique was coming along nicely as well.

However, as of late, his behavior had become rather problematic.

“How could you be late for your training? Ed, you must remember to conduct yourself as a swordsman of the School of One Flash.”

Unfortunately, her words fell on deaf ears as Edward simply yawned, showing no interest.

He had probably stayed up late playing games.

“So you say, but I’m really busy, you know? Sword training isn’t the only thing on my agenda,” he retorted.

Though he sounded cocky, he was making a fair point.

Edward was expected to succeed Liam as the next lord, a position that demanded more than just martial arts.

Ellen sighed in exasperation.

“Your father, who’s also my Master, was able to balance his studies and training when he was still a child. Not only that, he also had to handle political affairs from a young age.”

When Liam was brought up, Edward became visibly upset.

“Father’s father, and I’m me.”

Ellen quickly realized her mistake upon seeing Edward sulk.

(It might’ve been too harsh of me to compare him to Master.)

Liam was hailed as a prodigy from a young age and revered as a wise lord due to his extraordinary bearing.

In other words, he wasn’t exactly a good standard to set.

“―You’re right, Ed. You are you. But! That’s still no excuse for being late. You seem sleepy. What were you doing last night?”

Edward turned away from Ellen, finding it difficult to answer.

“You know, I invited some friends over to my room to play games.”

“In other words, instead of going to sleep, you decided to play video games. Ed, you need to be more aware of your position. I’m not saying you shouldn’t play games at all, but you should do it in moderation.”

“Master, why does it feel like you’re always out to get me? Besides you, the only person in this mansion who’s brave enough to scold me like that is mother.”

“So what, you want me to be more careful with my words? As I’ve already told you before, I was assigned to train you by your father. If you keep slacking like this, I’ll have to tell on your father.”

From Ellen’s perspective, Liam was a strict master.

Based on her memories, Liam was kind, but at times frightening, which made his scolding especially effective. However, Edward had a different opinion on this matter.

“Father won’t scold me. Even if I did something wrong, he would just ask me why I did it before telling me to be more careful in the future. ―I doubt he’s got any interest in me.”

“Oh Ed, I told you that’s not the case.”

Edward had never felt loved by his father.

“I’m just a second-generation wastrel after all,” he said, self-deprecatingly.

Ellen bent down to match Edward’s eye level.

“A swordsman who has mastered the One Flash ought not to look down on himself. Ed, despite your young age, you acquired the One Flash. It takes talent to do that. Be more confident about yourself.”

Hearing Ellen’s encouragement, Edward looked away with a blush on his face.

“Becoming a lord entails more than just swinging a sword. What’s important is the ability to govern. I’m sure the people would call me a stupid second-generation young master if I follow in my father’s footsteps.”

Liam’s reign had been so impeccable, Edward would always have to live in his shadows.

His father’s existence weighed heavily on his mind.

Maybe that was why―

Even though he didn’t really mean it, he said the following out loud.

“How about I make a name for myself, but in the opposite way? Leave my mark in history as the most evil lord in the universe.”

Ellen’s gaze became harsh.

“Are you trying to ruin your father’s reputation?”


Edward tensed up, sensing her anger, but that was when Liam arrived.

Having heard the sound of footsteps, the two turned around.

Apparently, Liam had overheard their conversation.

Edward fully expected admonishment, but to his disbelief, Liam appeared elated, so much so that it showed in his voice.

“The most evil lord, is it? Quite a big goal you have there.”

Edward froze in his place, feeling nervous around his father.

Liam was renowned as the Wise Lord of the Banfield Family, so he didn’t think his careless remark would be received well by his father.

However, Liam showed great interest in what he said.

“You show a striking resemblance to Rosetta, but there’s no doubt my blood flows in your veins.”


What in the world is he on about?

Edward was still processing what Liam said when he was given a piece of advice from his father.

“It’s not easy becoming an evil lord. I’m interested to see if you can pull it off.”


Though he had no idea what was going on, Edward nevertheless uttered a response.

Liam, on the other hand, looked away to face Ellen.

“How’s Ed faring?”

Ellen stood up and straightened her posture.

“R-reporting to Master! He’s learned to unleash the One Flash. However, he still has a lot to learn, especially when it comes down to the basics. He’ll have to train more to become full-fledged.”

Liam didn’t seem to mind that Edward was still rough around the edges.

He was more focused on the fact that his son could unleash the One Flash.

“He’s learned it faster than me. Have him polish up his foundation through regular practice. When he becomes full-fledged, I’ll prepare a fine sword for him as well. Until then, best of luck.”

And with that, Liam left.

Edward gave Ellen a questioning look, but she herself was still trying to process the situation.

“Anyway, let’s begin today’s practice.”

“Master―what does it take to anger father? I mean, that just now should’ve surely warranted his wrath, right?”

He had openly claimed that he wanted to become an evil lord, yet Liam had voiced his support.

Ellen felt troubled by Liam’s peculiar habits.

(From time to time, Master says some weird things. If it wasn’t for that, he’d simply be perfect. Oh well, I guess that’s also part of his charm.)

Brian had reported that there was a problem with Ed’s behavior, but to think he’d set his eyes on becoming an evil lord…

“He must’ve inherited quite a lot of my blood.”

Just like me, he’s aiming to be an evil lord.

I’m starting to think it’s not a bad idea to strive to be his role model.

“It seems the people are out of luck. Two generations of evil lords. Serves them right for coming up with stupid demonstrations. Us father and son shall wring them dry.”

Having arrived at that thought, I head towards my office with light steps.

Going back several minutes―

[Satsuki Rinho], yet another member of the School of One Flash, was observing Edward from the shadows, her long, dark blue hair swaying with the wind.

Her eyes were the color of cherry blossoms, and she was staring intently at Liam and the others. Her long sword was held tightly in her hands as she listened to their conversation.

Liam had just praised Edward and promised to prepare a sword for him in the future.

Although they were father and son, they didn’t have a master-apprentice relationship, which was why Liam seemed comfortable spoiling Edward.

As a swordswoman of One Flash, the scene should’ve been a heartwarming sight, but Rinho had a grim expression on her face as she watched the interaction.

With bloodshot eyes, she glared at Edward and Ellen.

“―The weak don’t belong in One Flash.”


Brain (〃´ω`〃)ゞ: “Volume 14, here we go! I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter.”


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