I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 14: Chapter 2: The Sword God's Son

Book 14: Chapter 2: The Sword God's Son

TN: Sorry for the late post, was on an airplane the whole day yesterday.

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Yasushi’s mansion was situated on the Banfield Family’s main planet, and the property came equipped with a large garden. It was something Liam had prepared for him when he was still an Earl.

Despite being the proud owner of a fine mansion, Yasushi was sitting slouched on an expensive sofa clad in a worn-out kimono, his head drooping lazily.

“―Haaa, I blew it all.”

Having lost big time at the casino, Yasushi was as lifeless as could be.

Meanwhile, [Shishigami Fuuka], one of his disciples, was engaged in a cheerful conversation with his son, Yasuyuki.

“Pay close attention, Yasuyuki. Big Sis here is about to give you a lesson in swordsmanship.”


They were in a large living room, where Fuuka wielded two shock swords.

These specialized training tools delivered electric shocks upon contact, designed for safe use even with children, emitting only a mild zap at minimum output.

Despite her mastery of conventional swords, she’d brought the shock swords to prevent any accidental injury to Yasuyuki.

Her lesson revolved around the essence of swordsmanship.

“You must nurture your mind just as diligently as you refine your skills. Relying only on physical strength and techniques, you’ll never become full-fledged. Mastery comes from cultivating both the body and the mind. By doing so, you’ll find yourself reaching greater heights.”

During her encounter with Farabar, she had managed to land a blow on him, marking a pivotal moment in her growth as a swordswoman.

Yasuyuki could sense this development as well.

“It feels like Fuuka-nee-chan has become even stronger than before.”

Fuuka smiled, pleased to receive the praise of someone she viewed as a cute little brother.

With a swing of her sword, she effortlessly peeled a fruit that was supposed to be outside her reach, dividing it into four equal pieces for everyone to enjoy before indulging in one herself.

“You could tell? That means you’ve also grown as a swordsman. Wouldn’t you agree, Master?”

Yasushi was caught off guard by the sudden question as he was still mourning the loss of his money at the casino.

With folded arms, he tried to maintain his composure before his disciple, but the large sum of money he’d blown away kept distracting him.

His mind was preoccupied with coming up with excuses he’d give to his wife upon her return.

(I can already tell she'll be angry with me. I better hope it ends with just a scolding. Chances are, she’s going to give me a beating. Who knows, she might even bring out her knife.)

The old wound she’d inflicted began to itch.

(Today might be a little dangerous.)

Even as he entertained this thought, he didn’t forget to offer his response.

“Fumu. Fuuka has indeed grown as a swordswoman. The same goes for Yasuyuki. I expect you both to continue dedicating yourselves to your craft.”

For Yasushi, these were nothing more than empty words, but Fuuka beamed with delight upon hearing them.

“You bet I will!”

In one corner of the living room, Rinho sat on a chair, quietly observing the interactions between father and son, and master and disciple.

In particular, her gaze was fixated on Fuuka.

(I refuse to believe she’s better than me.)

They’d grown up together since childhood, and she’d always been confident that she was superior and stronger than Fuuka.

However, ever since their confrontation with Farabar, Fuuka seemed to have undergone a transformation, and her skills as a swordswoman rapidly improved.

Now, Fuuka had surpassed Rinho by a step or two, and she was slowly but surely edging closer toward Liam, who was a better swordsman than the both of them.

(Impossible. Just the thought of losing to Fuuka is ludicrous. It’s one thing to lose against Senior Brother, but against Fuuka―)

There was a longstanding rivalry between the two sisters, and Rinho began to feel a growing sense of urgency as she witnessed Fuuka’s improvement.

Just then, Fuuka's gaze fell upon the basket of fruit resting on the table.

As a fruit rolled out, it met Fuuka's blade, dividing it into four equal pieces the moment it touched the table.

Rinho's eyes widened in astonishment. Even she had to admit that what just happened was impressive.

Still reeling from the display, Rinho watched as Fuuka asked Yasushi’s opinion.

His response echoed in her mind.

“Fumu. Fuuka has indeed grown as a swordswoman. The same goes for Yasuyuki. I expect you both to continue dedicating yourselves to your craft.”

His words were directed solely at Fuuka and Yasuyuki, and not her.

When she got up from her seat, the attention of the others in the living room shifted towards her.

However, she only cared for Yasushi’s opinion.

The troubled look on his face seemed to speak for itself, and her pride as a swordswoman began to waver.


Her voice trembled.

(No. I don’t want to be abandoned. If Master abandons me, then I―)

With a heavy sigh, Yasushi muttered without so much as glancing in her direction.

“You should work hard as well.”

While he had told Fuuka and Yasuyuki to dedicate themselves to their crafts, all she received was a directive to “work hard”.

It was merely a difference of a few words, but it was enough to shake Rinho’s world.

“W-what do you mean, work hard…”

Yasuyuki noticed that she was acting strange and approached her with some fruits.

“You should have some too, Rinho-onee-chan.”

However, Rinho swatted his hands away.

She’d done it out of reflex, and it only took her a moment to realize what she had done.


“What was that for, Rinho!?”

Before she could apologize, Fuuka intervened, grabbing her by the collars and giving her a furious glare.

This was the final straw. With her patience worn thin, Rinho unleashed a One Flash from close range, packed with enough power to kill Fuuka.


“Yikes! That’s dangerous!”

Much to Rinho’s surprise, Fuuka effortlessly blocked the attack with her training swords.

(I can't believe she nullified it so easily…)

While Rinho had anticipated that her attack wouldn't be lethal, she had hoped it would at least inflict some damage on Fuuka. The fact that it was blocked with such ease shook her to the core.

Fuuka jumped back and discarded her training swords.

Sensing the escalating tension, Yasuyuki panicked and sought help from Yasushi, tugging on his kimono.

With a small sigh, Yasushi rose from his seat.

“Do it outside.”

―Their master had given them the green light.

Interpreting his words as such, Rinho invited Fuuka to fight outside.

“There you have it. Let’s go out for a spar. It’s time to settle who’s stronger.”

Fuuka looked at Rinho with a hint of pity in her gaze.

“You still don’t get it, do you?”

This only fueled Rinho’s anger further, as she couldn’t bear the thought of Fuuka looking down on her.

“You think you’ve already won? ―What a joke. I’ll tear you apart and show you your place.”

The battle between Rinho and Fuuka ended in a rather anticlimactic fashion.

They faced each other for roughly ten seconds before Rinho collapsed to the ground.

It seemed as if she had sustained numerous cuts from Fuuka’s One Flash, but none were fatal.

At first, Yasuyuki thought Rinho had intentionally avoided getting hit in vital areas, but this notion was soon dispelled by Fuuka, who spoke while staring down at Rinho.

“I avoided hitting your vitals.”

Shock, despair, and frustration washed over Rinho’s face when she heard this.

Not only did she lose, but her opponent had shown her mercy. This was humiliation beyond measure for someone like Rinho.

“You held back against me? You? Against me?”

Rinho erupted in anger, which left Fuuka slightly bewildered.

However, Rinho’s comment spurred her on as well.

“Did you really think you stood a chance against me?”

The outcome had been clear even before the battle began, and Rinho’s choking sobs only confirmed this.

It must have been a bitter pill to swallow for Rinho, losing to Fuuka as a swordsman.

Yasuyuki glanced at Yasushi, who stood nearby with his arms crossed.

“It all happened in the blink of an eye. I wasn’t able to keep up at all.”

He was hoping that his father could explain what went on during the fight, but he didn’t get the response he wanted.

“This was bound to happen sooner or later. Yasuyuki, tend to Rinho’s wounds. I’ll contact the hospital.”


There was a lot that he wished to ask, but Rinho’s treatment took precedence.

As he went back inside the mansion to fetch some bandages, he witnessed Rinho on the ground, tears streaming down her face as she watched Yasushi walk away.

(As if I could tell what happened! They’ve long since exceeded the realm of my understanding!)

Back in the mansion, Yasushi, who had contacted the hospital, shivered as he recalled the earlier match between his disciples.

(Rinho used to outmatch Fuuka in the past, but it seems she’s become stronger. But well, it’s not like I could tell the difference.)

Both of them had already surpassed human limitations, and it wasn’t his place to judge their flaws and strengths, nor was he interested in doing so.

(More importantly, how am I going to explain what happened at the casino…sigh.)

Yasushi was more concerned about what would happen once his wife returned.

And thus, the matter between Fuuka and Rinho was soon pushed to the back of his mind.

Fuuka spoke to Yasuyuki as the latter tended to the despondent Rinho.

“―I think it’s better that I leave. I’ll head home for today.”


The defeat seemed to weigh heavily on Rinho, as she remained silent with her head hung low.

Fuuka felt slightly concerned, but in their current state, whatever she said would sound like an insult, so she refrained from speaking and left the estate.

Yasuyuki thought this was for the best as well.

Once they were alone in the living room, he spoke to Rinho.

“From my perspective, both of you fought brilliantly. That’s why… never mind. I guess you wouldn’t want me comforting you.”

Rinho always spoiled him, calling herself his Big Sis, which was why he felt inclined to offer her words of encouragement.

However, she was miles ahead of him when it came to wielding the sword, and he couldn’t find the right words to console her.

Suddenly, Rinho raised her head.

“A member of One Flash must be strong.”

“Huh? Oh, yes, you’re right.”

What happened all of a sudden?

Yasuyuki was puzzled by her abrupt change in demeanor.

Rinho, with an expressionless face, began to shed tears.

“Someone as weak as me isn’t needed. That’s why Master turned his back on me as well.”

“That’s not true. Both of you are incredibly strong. Just because you lost once―”

“It’s not as simple as that. A wall has formed between Fuuka and me, one which can’t be overcome.”

Their duel had made this apparent.

The territory Fuuka had stepped into was a distant place that Rinho couldn’t reach.

In defeat, she had come to understand this simple fact.

“I have no hope of stepping into that territory. Do you get it, Yasuyuki? I simply don’t.”

“Rinho-onee-chan, I’m sure you’ll catch up to her soon enough.”


Hearing Yasuyuki's attempt at comforting her, the light vanished from her eyes.

“Master hasn’t taught you the techniques of One Flash, has he?”


“Between Fuuka and I, it’s now clear who’s the better of the two. And it’s not just that. I’ll never be able to step into the realm that Fuuka and Senior Brother have entered. I lack the necessary talent. Master, Senior Brother, and Fuuka have all come to realize this. Eventually, Ellen will also come to learn of my limit.”

This was something only a swordsman of One Flash could understand.

And with that, Rinho sobbed.

“I’ve failed to prove my worth before Master.”

Yasuyuki couldn’t find the right words to say in this situation. All he could do was stay by her side.


Brian (´;ω;`): “The misunderstanding is painful.”

Brian (。・ω・)ノ: “By the way, Happy New Year everyone!”


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