I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 13: Chapter 9: Garun, the Immortal Ship

Book 13: Chapter 9: Garun, the Immortal Ship

What!? Is he thinking of charging in alone with his ship? How bold indeed!

Farabar, who was observing the Banfield Familys fleet as it retreated to recover its formation, noticed that Argos was attacking alone, surrounded by twelve unmanned shield ships.

The shield ships were meant to protect Argos from enemy attacks, but it was still reckless to charge at a fleet that numbered over a million.

Under normal circumstances, Farabar wouldve deemed this an act of desperation. However

We shall pay homage to their courage! All ships, concentrate your fire on the hero!!

When it came to someone as strong as Liam, he felt nothing but admiration.

Under Farabars order, the immortal fleet showered Argos with waves of reddish-black beams.

At first, they were blocked by the shield ships energy fields. But as the ships were bombarded with hundreds of thousands of attacks, they eventually exploded from within, having exceeded the limit of their power output.

Soon enough, they began to sink one after another, their defensive fields penetrated.

The time they bought was less than a minute, but they had fulfilled their role of protecting Argos during that period.

The immortal fleet then proceeded to rain down its attacks on Argos.

Its withstanding the attacks. I must admit, its a nice battleship. Nevertheless, it cant hold a candle to Garun, the ship that Im aboard.

Argos, with its field and armor plate, was essentially a lump of rare metal capable of withstanding the full attack of the immortal fleet as it charged.

Unsurprisingly, however, it wasnt able to come out of the bombardment unscathed. Some of the attacks were able to pass through the energy field and damage the armor, making Farabar somewhat worried and disappointed.

Id be troubled if they were to fall so easily. Should I lower the intensity of the attacks and lure them to where I am? Nn?

Just as he was wondering if he should invite Liam over, there was a change in Argos movement.

Argos was being attacked by enemies from all sides, but Liam was nowhere to be seen on the bridge.

The energy field is at its limit!

The engineers are warning us that its dangerous to increase the output any further!

The damage to the ship is minimal! However, at the rate that were going, Argos will sink before it reaches the center of the enemy fleet!

Even the shield ships that specialized in defense were ripped to shreds within a minute. The fact that Argos could withstand several minutes of that was already an unbelievable feat.

The captain yelled out an order.

Prepare for short-distance warp!

To survive the enemys onslaught, they were going to execute a short-range warp.

They were doing so in the heat of combat. Moreover, their destination was the center of the enemy fleet.

All would be well if they succeeded, but the risk involved was dangerously high. In the worst-case scenario, an accident could occur, leading to Argos destruction.

It took a few moments, but the helmsmen were able to locate a safe warping point several hundred kilometers away.

Executing short-distance warp!

For a split second, Argos was free of the enemys assault, but almost immediately after the successful warp, it once again found itself being rained down by the enemies attacks.

The captain had seen this coming and ordered their next move.

Deploy the energy field sharply in the front! Well be abandoning all attack and charging forward at maximum speed!

Argos rushed through a hail of attacks immediately after completing a dangerous warp, all to deliver Liam to the enemy flagship.

Missiles and anti-aircraft projectiles continued to rain down on it, and while it wasnt as bad as before, they were still heavily outnumbered.

The damage to Argos gradually increased, and certain compartments were beginning to explode, requiring the crew in that region to evacuate.

They still had to cover some more distance before they could arrive at the enemy flagship.

However, a certain change occurred.

The enemies are trying to block Argos path!

The captain responded angrily to the operators scream.

Charge past them!

Having deployed its energy field sharply in the front, Argos crashed into the enemy ships that were trying to block its path, pulverizing them instantly.

Debris scattered all around it, but it wasnt just one or two ships that it had to deal with.

Hundreds of thousands of ships were trying to get in its way.

Our speed is dropping! The engines becoming weaker as well!

The operator cried out in horror, and the captain swung down his fist in frustration.

Just a little go! We only had a little more

Right then, the enemy ships standing in Argos way began to be blown away after being sliced to pieces.

A message arrived from Liam just as the captain was wondering what was going on.

[Well eliminate the ships that are in our way. Continue moving forward as before.]

The call ended just as abruptly as it began, and the captain immediately sprang to action, giving orders to his subordinates.

Lord Liam has spoken! We must keep up the charge!

Despite being hit countless times, Argos continued pushing forth toward the enemy flagship.

When they drew close to their target, they noticed that the enemy flagship was pointing its main cannon at them.

The captain let out a roar just before a beam was shot out, threatening to swallow Argos.

Danger ahead!

We wont be able to move away in time!

The captain had to make a split-second decision.

Then well charge straight past it!

Breaking through the beam, Argos finally made it to the enemys flagship, colliding with it and piercing its bow.

It was only then that Argos came to a halt.

A call immediately arrived from Liam.

[Youve done well. Leave the rest to us.]

Eulisia clung to Liams seat, on the verge of tears after experiencing such a ridiculous battle.

Weve come this far; you better make sure that you win! And once you return from this battle, take me in as an official concubine!

On the other side of the monitor, Liam showed a disgusted face.

[If it had been anyone else, I wouldve had them thrown out just now.]

Where does she get the audacity to make such a request in this situation?

Besides, Im a married man, you know?

Yes, I know that its okay for me to have a concubine, and yes, Brians been pressuring me to get some.

But Edwards still young. Itd be strange to take in a concubine at this point in time.

Rinho contacted me while I was preoccupied with such thoughts.

[Senior Brother, arent we attacking?]

Right. Before anything, we should get rid of the enemies before us.

Avids engine roars, causing the aircraft to shake a bit.

I grasp the control sticks.

We shall prove to the world once and for all that the School of One Flash is the strongest, even as were piloting mobile knights.

Rinho opens her eyes wide and grins.

[You got it, boss!]

Ellen, on the other hand, responds in a calm fashion.

[As Master commands.]

Fuuka, however, fails to respond.

Fuuka, do you copy?

[Eh? O-oh, yeah, of course.]

If you dont feel confident, you should stay behind. Protecting Argos shouldnt be too hard, even in the state that youre in.

Coming to the conclusion that Fuukas not in the right state of mind, I decide to entrust her with guarding Argos.

However, she insists otherwise.

[N-no, its fine! I can do it! I can keep up with you!]

In that case, get your act together and cut down the enemies that are swarming before you! Dont forget, not only are you a member of One Flash, but youre also a disciple of Master Yasushi!

Avid, Amaryllis the First, and Gerbera were weaving around the enemy flagship, destroying any and all enemies that swarmed toward them, be it battleships or mobile knights.

Their performance was so brilliant that it made onlookers forget that they were at an overwhelming disadvantage.

Watching this scene unfold, Fuuka slashed at an enemy knight with her twin swords. However, instead of being cut down, the enemy knight quickly recovered.

How are we meant to deal with this!?

She wasnt able to exert her usual strength.

She had no trouble unleashing the One Flash, and her piloting skills were still there as well.

But her recent failures were getting to her head.

(I mustnt disappoint Senior Brother anymore. If he abandons me, Ill only have Master leftand if I fail here, even he might turn his back on me.)

Fuuka, with her flashy appearance, gave off the air of being strong-willed, but in reality, it was just a cover to hide the insecurities plaguing her heart.

She wished to be strong, but she couldnt be as calm and collected as Rinho, who was her fellow disciple.

The One Flash that Rinho had realized was more powerful than hers, so she had to increase the number of her slashes to somehow get on equal footing with her.

She was painfully aware of the fact that Rinhos talent surpassed hers, and it took all she had just to keep up.

(I dont want to be thrown away, at least not a second time.)

Fuuka used to be an orphan until she was picked up by Yasushi to be trained as a swordswoman of One Flash.

Being recognized as a member of One Flash was her pride and joy.

However, both Rinho and her Senior Brother were stronger than her.

Would Ellen eventually surpass her as well? Such fear constantly lingered in her mind.

Even as she grew stronger, there was still a weak part of her that she couldnt get rid of.

(Neither Rinho nor Ellen had their Griffins destroyed. Only I did. Im always a step behind everyone else)

As her breath became erratic, she was attacked by an enemy aircraft and was blown away.

Rinho, who took notice of this, barged in to help.

[Pay attention, you dunce!]

I-Im not a dunce!

She was somehow able to get her act back together with the help of Rinho, but her mind was slowly crumbling down.


Avids been unleashing the One Flash at the enemys flagship, but the damage keeps getting repaired.

No matter how much I attack, it would be meaningless if it gets repaired.

I could force Avid to attack harder and faster, but it might break first before we can damage the flagship.

Avid has been improved many times and has undergone many powerups, but it seems its performance still isnt enough to go up against this peculiar spaceship.

Since its come to this, Ill go out and personally

As Im thinking of getting off Avid, the hatch to the enemys flagship, which has a design that makes it look like its made of human bones, opens.

The heck?

An image gets projected in outer space.

A skeleton clad in armor appears, and the undead begins speaking in a rather lively manner.

[Splendid. Your performance has been truly splendid, O Hero.]

Oh? And who are you?

[My name is Farabar, and the ship that youve been attacking is called Garun! I must say its impressive that you can inflict damage on Garun. I would like to invite the four of you on board. I would very much enjoy playing against you four! What say you?]

And why should we do that? Whats preventing us from slowly destroying the ship from the outside?

The skeleton is behaving cheerfully, but the presence it gives off is clearly sinister in nature. Its existence must be an evil one.

[Considering your strength, your point is valid. However, that would be boring for me!]


[For you see, I crave an exhilarating battle! Ive traveled across numerous worlds, battling against opponents hailed as heroes. And yet my heart has never felt a sliver of excitement. But against you, my wish may come true. I challenge you to a fight!]

Im not obligated to entertain your wishes.

[Youre right, youre under no obligation to do so. I guess it cant be helped. Since thats the case]

He had been behaving like an honorable warrior until now.

However, after hearing my response, he reveals his evil nature.

[I shall spread death onto this world, death that deviates from the norm! The souls of the deceased shall no longer enter the cycle of reincarnation, and they will forever be bound to their corpses, fated to mindlessly roam this world. If you cant defeat me, I shall cover this world with such death!]

The monsters words manage to rile me up.

You better be prepared to be crushed.

Farabar takes delight in my anger and continues his speech.

[Im no stranger to humanoid weapons, but I much prefer fighting directly with my body, so I shall await your arrival. Oh, and theres no point trying to destroy Garun. After all, I will be the one spreading death. If you refuse to fight me, I might just escape to another world. It would be fun to watch you chase after me. I wonder if you have the means to cross over to another world?]

Farabars jaws rattle as he laughs, and the image disappears.

You are so dead, I mutter quietly under my breath, signaling to Ellen and the others to board the enemy ship.

And just like that, I have Avid move towards the enemy ship.


Brian (;;): A cheerful evil entity? Its painful.

Wakagi-chan ( ): It seems like Amagis dakimakura has started taking pre-orders. If it had been mine, I bet pre-orders wouldve flooded in like crazy. What a shame, huh?

Brian (`): (Thats not true!) On to the advertisements! Volume 11 of The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs and Volume 1 of This World of Otome Games is Tough for Us [AnoSeka] are now on sale. AnoSeka tells a story different from the original, and it explores the relationship of Leon-dono and Marie-dono. Its a must-read for fans that wish to enjoy the main storyline even more.

Wakagi-chan (*`): Volume 6 of Im the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! and the critically acclaimed Volume 1 of Im the Heroic Knight of an Intergalactic Empire! have also been released. In Heroic Knight, you get to enjoy the unexpected side of characters who appear in the main story. Im sure fans will enjoy reading about that as well.

Brian ( * *): Wed very much appreciate it if you could purchase even one but preferably all four of them.


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