I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 13: Chapter 11: Situation Unknown

Book 13: Chapter 11: Situation Unknown

Alerts blared on the bridge of the Imperial Army’s flagship.

“Communication with our allies has been disrupted!”

“We have yet to figure out the affiliation of the unknown fleet!”

“The unknown fleet is engaged in combat with the Banfield Family―”

Cleo, the supreme commander of the subjugation force, listened as the confused operators reported their findings.

Pressing her back against her seat, she firmly gripped the armrest, feeling uneasy.

“What in the world is happening? Any news from Hampson? What about Toraido? Dustin?”

The people she had been relying on had cut off communication and were moving independently.

This naturally constituted a serious offense, but Cleo was aware that the current situation wasn’t normal.

She asked one of the military officers how many troops they had left.

“How many ships are still under our control?”

The military officer was quick in his response, but his mind seemed preoccupied by what was happening outside.

“A-around 3,000 of them.”

Some ships had been placed under the control of the unknown fleet, while others were too disoriented to act on orders. Some had even fled amidst the chaos.

As a result, only 3,000 ships remained of her fleet.

“We’re leaving the battlefield immediately.”

(We can’t keep fighting like this.)

Recognizing that she no longer had the means to defeat Liam, Cleo issued a retreat.

The soldiers were bewildered by her decision.

“But our allies are still―”

“Since they refuse to follow orders, we need not concern ourselves over their safety. Henceforth, our mission is to return to the Capital to inform His Majesty about what happened here. Now hurry up!”

“Yes, sir!”

The soldiers were initially baffled by her orders, but they quickly regained their composure.

They were more than happy to escape from this mess.

And just like that, Cleo and her forces disappeared from the battlefield.

(This isn’t my fault. I’ve done nothing wrong.)

As things stood, there was no other choice but to withdraw―that was how she justified her decision.

I’m sprinting through the enemy’s flagship with Rinho and Fuuka following diagonally behind me.

Every time an obstacle appears in our way, Rinho and Fuuka unleash their One Flash, cutting down the enemies and destroying the traps.

Most of the enemies that we come across are not our match, but occasionally, a tricky opponent appears.

“It seems we have ourselves a troublesome opponent.”

Rinho dashes forward upon hearing the news.

Waiting on the other side of the hallway is an old man with white hair and a beard.

The shabby clothes he’s wearing make him look like a village elder, but at a glance, we could tell that he’s a skilled sword master.

Sword in hand, he prepares to intercept us before we could arrive in front of him.

Rinho jumps out and laughs in delight.

“Who would’ve thought we’d come across someone that’s actually decent!”

Saying so, she unleashes a One Flash at the old man, which the latter skillfully avoids by turning his body.

“Hee~, you’ve got some nice moves, old man.”

Without uttering a word, the sword master lunges at us.

Judging from his physical abilities, it seems his body hasn’t been strengthened by any means whatsoever.

His sword doesn’t seem special, either. In fact, I’d even say it’s crudely made.

Nevertheless, he manages to reach Rinho using his agile footwork.

For some reason, Rinho draws her sword, no longer resorting to her One Flash.

She then goes on to engage the old man in a sword fight, no doubt trying to enjoy herself.

“Rinho,” I call out as a warning, but she laughs it off.

“Don’t worry, I’ll finish him off right away. Now come at me, old man!”

Wielding her long sword, Rinho engages in a series of moves with the old man.

Despite her superior speed and strength, the old man manages to hold on by employing various skills he had honed throughout life.

Nevertheless, by the fourth move, his body gets split in half by Rinho’s sword.

“Aha! It was fun while it lasted, old man!”

With no time to squander, we immediately head off once more.

Rinho wipes off the black goo from her sword before sheathing it.

Fuuka, who had observed the fight, asks for an explanation.

“Why did you bother exchanging swords with him? It would’ve been over in an instant if you had overwhelmed him with your One Flash.”

Rinho lets out a small sigh.

“Duh? ‘Cause it seemed fun. Senior Brother, weren’t you interested in fighting him as well?”

I answer without looking back.

“I was.”

Assuming his body hadn’t been tampered with in any way, he should be roughly half our age, yet he had honed his swordsmanship to the point where he could avoid a One Flash from Rinho.

It’s quite an amazing achievement.

“If we weren’t in a hurry, I would’ve liked to test him out as well.”

Hearing me agree with her opinion, Rinho becomes happy.

“Right? It’s a pity I couldn’t play with him a bit longer.”

Fuuka becomes dejected after hearing our conversation.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the time to be worrying about her.

“I guess that old man was Farabar’s champion.”

A massive door comes into view, indicating that we’ve reached the Demon Lord.

With a wave of One Flash, we tear the door down.

I peer inside the room as fragments of the thick metal door crumble to the floor.

I see why he called it the throne room.

A luxurious yet sinister-looking chamber unfolds before us. It’s hard to believe we’re still inside a spaceship.

This is indeed the perfect place for a Demon Lord to greet his challengers.

Still, it doesn’t suit my taste, so I don’t think I’ll be imitating him anytime soon.

“You could’ve spared us from those ‘obstacles’ of yours.”

Upon stepping into the throne room, Farabar rises from his throne and welcomes us with a round of applause.

It appears he’s been waiting alone in this room for our arrival.

“Most impressive. You’ve vanquished all the vassals I’ve stationed and managed to reach me. What’s more, it seems like it was light work for you all.”

Confronted by his easygoing attitude, Rinho assumes an offensive stance.

“You’re quite arrogant for a bag of bones that can only command a bunch of small fries.”

Despite her provocative words, she seems tense, with cold sweat running down her forehead.

As for Fuuka, her hands are slightly shaking.

―I can tell that it isn’t a warrior’s shiver. She’s shaking out of pure terror.

Farabar’s jaw rattles, perhaps finding Rinho’s stubbornness amusing.

“I always welcome a brave warrior! You’ll make a nice addition to my collection.”

“Drop dead!”

Rinho unleashes a One Flash at full throttle.

In response, Farabar grabs the greatsword that’s been leaning against his throne and thrusts it into the floor, blocking the attack.


Both Rinho and Fuuka are shocked to witness this. Farabar, on the other hand, seems to take delight in what just happened.

“Excellent! You had the courage to attack even after recognizing the vast difference in our strength! ―As for you, the one wielding two swords, I have to say I’m very disappointed. Having learned such a powerful sword technique, why are you trembling in fear?”

Farabar could tell that Fuuka was frightened by his presence.

Fuuka reaches for the hilt of her swords, but Farabar prevents her from doing so by unleashing an intimidating aura, which also stops Rinho in her tracks.


“How boring. You have the strength, but not the will. ―I don’t need someone like you in my collection.”

For some reason, Fuuka appears shaken after being told that she’s not needed.

Personally, I don’t see the point of getting his recognition.

“I-I’m not weak!”

“You are. As proof of that, aren’t you terrified of me? Both Liam-dono and the female swordsman have the resolve to confront me! Compared to them, what are you?”

“I’m…I’m a proud swordsman of―”

Farabar makes a sighing gesture seeing as she couldn’t complete her sentence.

“Liam-dono, surely you’ve noticed this already? This woman isn’t worthy of joining the ranks of the strong. Why is a powerful man like you carrying such a deadweight around?”

Without answering his question, I step forward and take out my favorite sword.

“He’s too much for you guys to handle. I’ll deal with him.”

Looking at my back, Fuuka opens her mouth.

“S-senior Brother, I―”

“We can have that conversation later.”

The skeleton may be acting frivolously, but his strength is real.

Farabar takes a close look at my sword.

“Oh, a sword that contains True Gold?”


I react at the mention of gold, which prompts an explanation from Farabar.

“True Gold, Divine Gold, God’s Gold, God of Gold ― it’s called by many names. Either way, it’s an extremely precious metal that exists in the vast universe.”

Is it something similar to mithril, which is often referred to as Scared Silver?

As someone who loves gold, I’m happy to learn that such a rare metal was used to forge my favorite sword.

―Should I try extracting it?

Farabar shivers, seemingly out of excitement, as he looks up to the sky, arms spread.

“Truly a sword worthy of the hero that challenges me!! To wield a sword that contains a small amount of God’s Gold, that which is like poison to us, you are without a doubt the Chosen Hero!”

Apparently, my sword is like poison to beings like him.

Having said that, what’s wrong with his head?

“Was it alright to give such a vital piece of information to your enemy?”

Farabar bursts out laughing.

“Apologies. I should’ve known how disrespectful it is to engage in pointless banter against your enemy. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“Whatever. There’s something I’d like to ask you―”

Just when I think it’s my turn to ask, Farabar appears before me and swings down his greatsword, forcing me to block it with my sword.

He was able to close the distance in an instant.

The way he fights is very similar to the Sword Saint I defeated in the past, but his techniques are on a completely different level.

A dull light gets emitted from the depths of his skull.

“Further talk is unnecessary! Let us enjoy this death match!”

―He must be another one of those, the type that doesn’t listen to others.

While deflecting Farabar’s blows with my sword, I continue my question.

There is something I must confirm, something I must get to the bottom of.

“I’ll have you answer my question, even if it’s by force.”

I swing my sword at the enemy’s torso, but Farabar manages to block it with his greatsword.

“Be my guest. If you can defeat me, that is. How about joining my immortal army? We’d have all of eternity to discuss to our heart’s content!”

“I refuse.”


Wakagi-chan (●≧艸≦): “Aren’t you happy to see Naegi-chan in the first postscript of the year? You are, right?”

Brian ヾ(・ω・';): “Happy New Year, everyone, and here’s to another good year for MobSeka and Evil Lord.”


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