I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 10: Chapter 14: The Duke of Banfield

Book 10: Chapter 14: The Duke of Banfield

Wedding day.

When it comes to noble weddings, it is more like a ceremony and a spectacle than a personal memory.

It was a ceremony to show that the Banfield family, which had usurped the Claudia family into its family, would become a dukedom.

So, after getting dressed, Rosetta and I were waiting for our cue.

The invited guests were basically nobles of the same faction who had fought on the battlefield and people related to the Banfield family.

Originally, I wanted to have more guests - but since I could no longer afford to play around, I decided to be selective about the people with whom I build relationships.

I don't have time to worry about people who are trying to slip up on me for my fortune.

This is the second time I've been to a wedding, including in a previous life.

"You seem nervous, Rosetta."

"Darling, why don't you take a seat in the chair?"

"I feel more comfortable standing."

I was going to tease Rosetta about her nervousness, but for some reason she was worried.

All the people around me are concerned about me, too.

Marie is leaving Rosetta alone and is only taking care of me.

"Liam-sama, you can do as you normally do."

"I'm the same as I always am."

"I understand. You have been restless since a while ago, so I was worried about you."

-Why do I get strangely nervous when I'm trying to make fun of Rosetta?

Ah, it reminds me of my previous life.

I think I was saying all kinds of things about how beautiful and caring my ex-wife was, but in hindsight, it was all for naught.

That's why I had made up my mind never to tell Rosetta--.


"What is it?"

"Darling, your outfit is very nice."

"This? I had to pay Thomas a lot of money to get it for me. I even prepared a spare, even though I'm only going to wear it once. It's gorgeous for nothing."

The costume is pale and naturally luminous, and because it's made of mithril, it's supposed to be a good luck charm, like a holy blessing or something.

--I would have preferred something more gilded, but gave up when Amagi told me, "--Please match it with Lady Rosetta's outfit."

Rosetta compliments my appearance.

"It's not a waste. It's perfect for you, darling. I'm not sure I can match you."

--What's this? Could it be that I'm the one being cared for?

Rosetta is depressed, so I follow up anyway.

"I don't think so. I'm sure it's balanced. Right, Marie!"

"What? Uh, yes."

She was somewhat surprised to hear, "Why are you dumping me there?" Marie showed a disgruntled look on her face.

--She was not allowed to look unhappy with me.

I was about to yell at her when the door opened and Amagi entered.

"Master, it's time for you to go."

"I see."

I left the waiting room, leaving Rosetta to take my turn first.

Rosetta giggles as Liam leaves the waiting room.

"What can I do for you?"

When Marie asked out of curiosity, Rosetta recalled Liam's condition and explained.

"I didn't think my darling would be that nervous, but watching him calmed me down, which was kind of funny."

Marie nodded in agreement and said that she, too, was surprised by Liam's appearance earlier.

"You won't see him like that on the battlefield. It's a privilege reserved for Rosetta-sama."

"That's not true. Maybe more than any other--'"

I was out of the waiting room and walking down the hallway.

Amagi followed diagonally behind me.

This is usual in the mansion, but today I feel strange.

" After this wedding, I am a duke. Amagi, I've come this far in a hundred years. --I owe it all to you."

The guide has helped me, but Amagi has also supported me over the years.

When I thank her for that, Amagi replies with a blank expression.

"I only provided support for the Master."

"Thanks to you, I've made it this far. I couldn't have done it without you."

When they handed me the deserted territory, I really had my head in the sand, but thanks to Amagi, I didn't have to struggle to manage my territory.

It was a lot of hard work, but it helped that I wasn't alone.

"I will be counting on you from now on. Stay by my side all the way."

And Amagi's presence will continue to be important to me.

As I tell her this, the tone of Amagi's voice changes slightly - very slightly, indeed.

The slight change, which only I can distinguish, sounds somewhat sad.

"I am sure that I am not the only one who can help Master now. When it comes to the affairs of your territory, you have achieved better results than I have."

"Well, I've been a lord for a long time."

I've been a lord for a hundred years, so I can do that.

"The work I can do is replaceable. From now on, I think you should be able to count on Rosetta."

"You can replace me, but I can't replace you. Stay by my side from now on. Didn't I tell you that before?"

When I look back, Amagi looks a little happy.

Then she smiled at me.

"I will serve at your side as long as I am able."

It is the same answer as before.

However, "as long as possible" is a bit of a stretch.

Does she think I will change my mind?

"Do you think I'm going to make you feel bad about yourself?"

"There are no absolutes in this world, so I cannot guarantee the future."

For the first time in a long time, I am laughing at an answer that seems to be from an artificial intelligence.

"Yes, that's right. But don't worry. You and I will be together forever."


Looking down on the main Banfield family planet was a guide with a bitter expression on his face.

"Don't think this is going to end like this, Liam!"

The guide looking down at the planet from space can see Liam performing the wedding ceremony with Rosetta.

"You son of a bitch, you say a lot of things with your mouth, but you rejoice. Where's your distrust of women!"

When the guide looked into Liam's mind, he said a lot of things with his mouth, but he was really happy.

For the guide, who wanted him to be more distrustful of women, it was not a fun story.

So--he decided to play a prank.

"I'm going to take all the negativity I've collected on the battlefield out on you! It's only a prank now, but I'm not going to let it go unattended."

After absorbing the negative emotions generated by the proxy war, the guide had regained some of his strength.

However, sadly, for Liam, who has one foot outside the human race, the best he can do to get back at him is to play pranks.

In addition, there is the disadvantage of losing a great deal of power if he gets even here.

However, the guide could not allow Liam to be happy.

He should have just let it go and saved his strength, but he couldn't stand it and decided to get back at Liam.

"I'm going to humiliate you in front of all these people, Liam!"

A black haze was about to arise from the guide's body and pour down to the main planet of the Banfield family - the wedding venue.

The guide could see Liam and Rosetta at the very moment they were about to kiss.

"Don't think this is going to end like this!--Hmm?"

However - the mithril costume they were wearing reacted to such a cursed attack by the guide, making it shine brighter.

The holy silver, which repels evil forces, protects them from the guide's attack - and returns more curses.

The haze is shaken off by the mithril, and its radiance - blessed by the lords and multitudes - further increases Liam's power.

The next thing he knows, a holy silver sword appears and points its tip at the guide.

As it took aim, it was closing in on the guide at the speed of light.

So the moment he cursed - the silver sword appeared before the guide's eyes.

With a briskness, a silver sword pierces the head of the guide, and his body is left to rot.

"Gyaaah!!! My body is crumbling!"

The body collapses and scatters into pieces, and the guide, now in hat only, flees from the scene.

"Remember this, Liamuuuuu!"

In the end, it was the guide who should have really just stayed out of it.

The wedding was over.

All around me, Klaus and other major family members are gathered to praise me.

It's tough being a hired hand, isn't it?

They have to attend the wedding and praise me.

"Liam-sama, my sincere congratulations from all the vassals."

Klaus will represent the congratulations - I've heard it dozens of times already.

With letters, e-mails and messages, I've received a billion congratulations.

"It's just a wedding."

I loosened my collar and slumped in my chair in discontent, looking at Klaus and the others as we talked about the future.

"More importantly, we can't have too many fancy ceremonies in the future."

In order to steer the company's full investment in the territory, the policy is to hold no ceremonies other than the minimum necessary.

Tia steps forward.

"I have a proposal for you on that matter, Liam-sama. If Liam-sama is going to be frugal, why don't we, his retainers, lower our salaries as well? It would be unbearable for Liam to be the only one to suffer.


I was in a bad mood all at once.

Marie stepped forward in place of Tia, as if she thought I was in a bad mood.

"The treatment of our knights is better than that of other families. However, this is putting pressure on our finances. We need to reevaluate the situation."

Are these guys saying - if I'm going to be frugal, I'm willing to take a pay cut?

What a beautiful story! --I would never say that.

I don't have faith in people.

"Are you idiots? If you do that, it will only lead to the flow of talented people to other families. Why would we need to do that?"


"All I want from you is a job that pays the bills. Nothing more, nothing less."

I don't trust people.

What if it's worthwhile even if the pay is low? It is stupid.

It's a convenient story for the employer, and the best people will just run away to places with better conditions.

As a result, only those who can't do the job are left.

I don't believe in loyalty.

When Tia and Marie were depressed, Klaus wittily asked me to talk to them.

"I think it would be better for you to go back, Liam-sama, if we leave the matter of the reward aside."


"So, since Rosetta is waiting for you, I think it's time for you to go back."

When Klaus told me to go back, I straightened my posture.

"No, look, you guys have a lot to say, don't you? I thought I'd listen to what you had to say."

As I say this, Kukri bows his head deeply.

"It is your wedding night, and this is a family affair. Please spend it with Rosetta-sama without worrying about us. And don't worry. We will protect you."

"That's peeping!"

When I yell at Kukri, Tia brazenly looks at me like she knows what's going on.

"If you're worried, I'm here to help.I, Christiana, would like to run for Liam-sama's training partner!"

When Tia says such a thing, even Marie joins in.

"Stay back, mincing bitch! Liam-sama, please use this Marie for practice. I am clean and have no strange diseases."

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

I give Tia and Marie a cold stare as they start fighting each other.

"You two shut up."

When they both shun, Klaus gives me some advice.

"Liam-sama, I think Rosetta-sama is anxious about the same thing."

"I'm not worried."

"In that case, I think you should take away Rosetta-sama's anxiety."

"I see. --Well, I'll be on my way."

I get up from my chair and the four of them each call out to me.

"Liam-sama, please do your best. I pray that Christiana here will also be successful this evening!"

"What a wonderful night for Liam-sama and Rosetta-sama to tie the knot! It made me so happy that I almost cried."

"Leave the escorting to me. We will surround you with women, with Kunai in the center."

"It's also a family affair."

--I think these guys are actually messing with me.

"Shut up, you bastards!"

When I moved to the bedroom, Rosetta was waiting for me nervously.

'Darling! Oh, um, I uh, well, w-what do you think?"

"Oh, oh."

Rosetta, dressed in a sensational outfit, makes an unfamiliar gesture on the wide bed.

Where did she learn it, it's called a sexy pose.

It just looks awkward.

When I got into bed and sat down in front of Rosetta, I somehow ended up sitting upright.

Rosetta imitates me and sits on the bed, too.

--What's this? And anyway, I have to explain things to Rosetta.


"! Hai, yes!"

" Woah, I'm sorry, but due to a number of circumstances, I'm going to have to live a frugal life for a while."

"Yes! --Mm-hmm?"

"I know you have a lot to complain about, but this is a decision. You may want to live a luxurious life after marriage, but that is a dream that will never come true."

I'm going to put serious effort into developing the territory to fight the empire.

This is different from the past games.

I will be serious for the future.

Then Rosetta nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, that's right. We must not be extravagant."


Rosetta was honestly convinced, but the time passed as it did, facing each other.

"Um, darling? Was that something we should be talking about right now?"

"No, not at all."

It wasn't something I would have talked about here, even if I hadn't thought it through.

Rosetta giggles and I wondered what's so funny.

"Hey, why are you laughing!"

"Because it's funny how nervous my darling is too."

"I'm not nervous!"

"Oh, really? Are you used to it after all?"

"Of course! I've been with a lot of women--a lot of women--"


--I was reborn in a different world, and a hundred years had passed, and the only woman I had ever been with was Amagi.

I was devastated by this fact.

"What have I been doing for the past hundred years?"

I was supposed to be a villainous lord and have a woman as my lady-in-waiting, but I found myself surrounded by nothing but disappointing people.

Rosetta is the second person who has experienced this.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this."

"Darling, don't cry! Here, let me comfort you."

As Rosetta hugged me, I finally realized the reality that one of my goals had not been accomplished at all.

For now, I decided to act more like a villainous lord from now on.

For now, I'll just start with Rosetta.

"Enough! Rosetta, I'm going to hold you!"


When I saw Rosetta smiling happily with her cheeks tinted - I thought she was a little cute.


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