I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C199 Megatrons End

C199 Megatrons End

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Peter stepped up to the hangar doors, the open sky stretching out before him. The wind whipped at his face, carrying the scent of smoke and metal from the battlefield raging below. 

He stood on the edge for a moment, taking in the chaotic sight—his allies and the Decepticons locked in deadly combat, the massive figure of the humanoid Red Room looming above them all, its colossal limbs cutting through the air with deliberate precision as it decimated the Decepticon forces.

Peter’s hand instinctively went to the small device attached to his belt. "Let’s do this," he muttered under his breath as he hit the button. 

In an instant, his boots roared to life, propelling him off the ground with a powerful burst of energy that shot from the soles. 

Peter shot into the sky, the wind rushing past him as he soared high above the battlefield. His heart raced, but there was a strange exhilaration that came with it. The freedom of flight, the thrill of the fight ahead—it all melded into one as he sped into the air.

All around, everyone on the battlefield turned their gaze as they saw him—Peter Quill, rocketing into the fray, many excited about his appearance. 

But it was Megatron who reacted most violently.

As Peter shot through the sky, weaving between blasts and debris, the AllSpark dangling visibly around his neck, Megatron’s optics blazed with pure fury. He had been locked in combat with Optimus, their blades clashing in mid-air, but the sight of Peter drew his focus.

"Human!" Megatron roared, his voice filled with venom. “You dare to flaunt the AllSpark, the very essence of Cybertronian life, as though it belongs to you?! You’re nothing but a fleshling, unworthy of its power!”

Peter didn’t respond to Megatron’s taunts, his focus razor-sharp as he closed the distance between himself and the Red Room Cybertronian. With a deft maneuver, he landed on one of its massive arms, the metal beneath his feet shifting slightly as the living construct adjusted to his presence. 

The sheer scale of it was awe-inspiring—Peter felt like an insect standing on the arm of a giant, but he felt the connection between them, the bond created through the AllSpark. The Red Room was his creation. 

“Maybe I should give you a proper name?” Peter muttered, looking up at the giant Cybertronian. 

Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time, as even though Magneto had immobilized the Decepticons, they still somehow managed to fire their weapons at both Peter and the Red Room. Blasts of plasma fire streaked through the air, but Peter moved swiftly, the Force guiding his movements as he ran along the massive arm, his lightsaber igniting in his hand with a brilliant hum.

With a swift motion, Peter deflected an incoming blast, the energy ricocheting off his black saber and into a nearby Decepticon. 

The metal creature exploded in a shower of sparks, but Peter didn’t stop. He sprinted along the arm, using the Force to leap high into the air, his boots boosting him forward as he sliced through a handful of Decepticons mid-flight before landing gracefully on the Red Room’s other arm.

The Red Room itself fought alongside Peter, its massive limbs swatting away entire squads of Decepticons with ease. Each swing of its arms sent metal bodies flying, crushing its enemies beneath its sheer power.

Peter darted between the giant’s attacks, his lightsaber cutting through Decepticons in droves. He used the Force to yank them from the sky, pulling them toward him before dispatching them with swift, precise strikes.

The battlefield around them erupted in chaos as Decepticons fell by the hundreds, unable to keep up with the combined might of Peter and the Red Room. Peter’s allies rallied behind the massive figure, gaining new momentum as they pushed back against the Decepticons.

Optimus, still locked in combat with Megatron, couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride at the sight of Peter fighting alongside his creation. Though it pained him to witness the loss of so many Cybertronians, he had to admit that the AllSpark had made a wise choice in Peter.

But Megatron’s fury knew no bounds. Watching Peter slaughter his forces with the AllSpark hanging from his neck was the ultimate insult. “You think you can use our power against us?!” he bellowed, breaking away from Optimus and surging toward Peter with murderous intent. “I’ll tear you apart, piece by piece!”

Meanwhile, the battle raged, chaos unfolding on all sides, but Peter remained focused, dispatching Decepticons by the dozen as he moved along the arm of the massive structure.

But then, without warning, the Force screamed a warning in his mind—a surge of danger that sent his senses into overdrive.

Peter didn’t hesitate.

He twisted to the side, narrowly dodging a massive green energy sword that sliced through the air where his head had been moments before. The sheer force of the swing sent a gust of wind howling past him, and as Peter straightened, his eyes locked onto the source.


The towering Decepticon warlord stood before him, his optics blazing with fury. His massive form crackled with energy, and his sword shimmered with lethal intent. “You dare to use the AllSpark against me, human?!” Megatron roared, his voice a deep, thunderous growl that seemed to shake the very air. “I will tear you apart for your insolence!”

Peter’s heart pounded in his chest as he faced the Decepticon leader, his lightsaber still ignited, its blue blade casting a glow in the dim light of the battlefield. “You’ll have to catch me first,” Peter shot back, his voice calm but filled with determination. 

Megatron lunged, his sword raised high, but Peter was ready. His instincts, honed by years of training and the guidance of the Force, kicked in. He leapt backward, the boosters on his boots firing as he soared into the air, just out of Megatron’s reach. The Decepticon’s blade crashed into the Red Room’s metal surface, sending sparks flying as it carved a deep gash into the structure.

Peter twisted mid-air, using his boots to propel himself forward, slashing his lightsaber in a wide arc as he closed the distance. 

Megatron’s reflexes were faster than Peter anticipated, and the Decepticon leader brought his blade up just in time to block the strike. The two weapons collided with a brilliant flash of light, the hum of Peter’s lightsaber clashing with the deep, resonant hum of Megatron’s sword.

The impact rattled Peter’s bones, but he held firm, pushing back with all his strength. Megatron snarled, his optics narrowing as he leaned into the strike, forcing Peter back with sheer brute force.

Off to the side, Optimus saw the clash between his two enemies. His optics widened in alarm as he watched Megatron target Peter with a renewed fury. “Peter!” Optimus roared, his voice carrying over the battlefield as he tried to rush to his ally’s aid.

But before Optimus could reach them, a swarm of Decepticons descended upon him. Dozens of them swarmed the Autobot leader, firing plasma bolts and slashing with energy weapons, forcing Optimus to defend himself. He swung his sword in wide arcs, cutting down Decepticon after Decepticon, but the sheer number of them kept him pinned in place.

“Move aside!” Optimus bellowed, his voice strained as he fought to break free from the onslaught of Decepticons.

Although he heard Optimus, Peter’s attention was focused on Megatron, who had used the momentary distraction to press his attack. With a roar, Megatron swung his energy sword in a brutal arc, aiming to cleave Peter in two.

Peter barely managed to raise his lightsaber in time, the blades colliding with a flash of light and sparks. The force of the impact nearly knocked Peter off his feet, but he held his ground, gritting his teeth as he pushed back against Megatron’s overwhelming strength.

"You are nothing but a parasite!" Megatron snarled, his optics glowing with malice. "You wield power that is not yours to command!"

Peter’s muscles burned with the effort of holding Megatron’s blade at bay, but he didn’t falter. “Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?”

With a grunt of effort, Peter pushed off, disengaging from the blade lock and leaping backward, putting distance between himself and Megatron. He breathed heavily, his mind racing as he tried to figure out how to get the upper hand. Megatron was far stronger and more experienced in combat, but Peter had the Force—and he was going to use it.

Megatron didn’t give him a moment to rest. The Decepticon warlord charged again, his massive form moving with surprising speed for his size. He swung his sword in a series of brutal, overhead strikes, each one aiming to crush Peter beneath its weight.

But Peter was faster. The Force flowed through him, sharpening his reflexes and heightening his awareness. He dodged each strike with precision, his boots firing bursts of energy to propel him out of harm’s way. Every time Megatron’s sword came down, Peter was already gone, darting to the side or leaping into the air.

He landed a few quick strikes on Megatron’s arm and leg, his lightsaber slicing through armor but not deep enough to cause significant damage. It was a hit-and-run strategy, and Peter knew he had to wear Megatron down before he could land a decisive blow.

Megatron, however, was growing more and more enraged with every passing second. “Stand still and die!” he roared, his voice shaking the battlefield as he unleashed a flurry of wild, powerful swings.

Peter narrowly dodged one of Megatron’s strikes, rolling along the massive arm of the Red Room Cybertronian. He came up on one knee, breathing heavily, his lightsaber humming in his hand. "You talk too much," Peter muttered, his eyes narrowing.

With a surge of energy, Peter launched himself at Megatron, using the Force to amplify his leap. He swung his lightsaber in a wide arc, aiming for Megatron’s chest. The Decepticon leader snarled, raising his sword to block the strike.

But Peter was ready.

At the last second, he redirected his swing, using the Force to push off Megatron’s sword and spin mid-air. As his lightsaber came down in a blur of black light, Peter extended his free hand, unleashing a pulse of Ionize—an electrical burst of raw energy that crackled through Megatron’s circuits.

The Decepticon froze, his systems momentarily stunned by the EMP-like blast. Sparks erupted from his joints, and his optics flickered as the wave of electricity crippled his movements.

‘It worked…’ he thought. 

Seizing the opening, Peter’s lightsaber sliced deep into Megatron’s exposed side.

Megatron roared in pain, staggering back as more sparks flew from the wound. His optics reignited, blazing with fury as he clutched his side, glaring at Peter with murderous intent. But for a crucial moment, the Decepticon was vulnerable, and Peter stood ready for the next strike.

“You’ll pay for that!” Megatron bellowed, his voice filled with rage as he raised his sword for a final, killing blow.

But Peter wasn’t done yet.

He reached out with the Force, grabbing hold of Megatron’s energy sword and yanking it downward. The Decepticon leader stumbled, his balance thrown off by the sudden pull. Peter seized the opportunity, using the Force to leap high into the air.

Time seemed to slow as Peter twisted mid-air, his lightsaber poised for the final strike. With all his strength, he brought the blade down, aiming directly for Megatron’s spark.

The lightsaber pierced through Megatron’s chest, driving deep into his spark chamber. The Decepticon leader’s optics flared wide in shock and pain as he staggered, his massive frame shuddering.

“No…” Megatron whispered, his voice weak as the light in his optics began to fade.

Peter channeled his energy, his hand sparking with raw power as he unleashed Ionize once more. Lightning crackled along the blade, surging through Megatron’s Spark, short-circuiting everything in its path. 

The Decepticon leader’s body convulsed violently, his systems failing as his spark was extinguished. With one final, agonized roar, Megatron collapsed, his body crashing into the arm of the Red Room Cybertronian with a deafening thud.

Peter landed gracefully a few feet away, breathing heavily as he watched Megatron’s lifeless body slump to the ground. The battle around him seemed to fall silent for a moment, the weight of what had just happened sinking in.

Optimus, having finally broken free from the swarm of Decepticons, rushed toward the scene. His optics widened as he took in the sight of Megatron’s fallen form.

For a long moment, Optimus stood still, staring down at the body of his former brother, his former friend. There was no triumph in his expression—only a deep, quiet sorrow. A small part of him had always hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but he knew, deep down, that Megatron had been too far gone for too long.

Peter turned toward Optimus, his breathing heavy but steady. He could see the pain in Optimus’s eyes, and for a moment, neither of them spoke.

Finally, Optimus broke the silence, his voice low and filled with regret. “He was once my friend… my brother. But there was no other way.”

Peter nodded, sheathing his lightsaber. “I’m sorry, Optimus.”

Optimus looked up, meeting Peter’s gaze with a weary but grateful nod. “You did what had to be done. Megatron’s war is over.”

The battle was won…

A/N: 2300 words :)🚨🚨


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