I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C196 Iron Monger!

C196 Iron Monger!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Peter stood in the middle of the hangar, his eyes locked onto the AllSpark hanging from his neck. His heart raced as the pulse of the relic seemed to grow stronger, more insistent, like a distant voice calling out to him. It had been silent ever since he first took possession of it, but now—now it felt alive in a way he couldn't quite explain.

“I… I think it wants me to use it,” Peter muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

Tony, who had been watching closely, immediately furrowed his brows. “Wait, hold on. What do you mean, ‘it wants you to use it?’ How can an object tell you that?”

Before Peter could even attempt an answer, Optimus Prime stepped forward, his towering frame casting a shadow over the group. His voice, calm but filled with a sense of wonder, broke the silence. “The AllSpark… it’s calling out to him,” Optimus said, his optics focused intently on the relic. “But I cannot hear it. There is no record in our history of the AllSpark ever speaking or communicating in such a way.”

Peter’s gaze flickered up to Optimus, his own confusion mirroring the Autobot leader’s. “It’s not exactly speaking, but I can feel it… feel what it wants me to do.” His voice was low, uncertain. “I think I need to listen.”

Tony and Rocket exchanged wary glances, their apprehension clear. “And we’re just supposed to trust whatever mystical space magic this thing is doing?” Rocket asked, his voice dripping with suspicion. “What if it’s got a mind of its own and decides to blow us all to hell?”

Tony nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’ve gotta say, not loving this whole ‘alien artifact is speaking to me’ bit. It doesn’t exactly scream ‘good news.’”

Peter didn’t respond to their concerns, his mind too focused on the pull of the AllSpark. The energy emanating from it had intensified, and he could feel it almost vibrating against his chest. Slowly, he knelt down on the floor of the hangar, pulling the chain from around his neck.

Optimus watched with something akin to awe in his optics, while Tony and Rocket stayed on high alert, clearly not ready to trust whatever was about to happen.

“Step back,” Peter murmured, his voice distant as he lowered the AllSpark toward the floor, holding it just above the ground as it glowed brighter. “Just… step back.”

The others hesitated for a moment, but they slowly complied, retreating a few steps as Peter’s focus intensified.

Peter’s breath slowed, his hands steady as he placed the AllSpark onto the floor. The moment it touched the cold surface of the hangar, its glow intensified, bathing the entire room in a pulsating light. The energy crackled through the air, almost alive, humming with a power that none of them had ever felt before.

Optimus stood transfixed, the light reflecting off his metallic form, while Tony and Rocket exchanged another uneasy glance. “You sure about this, Peter?” Tony asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

But Peter didn’t answer. His eyes glowed with the light of the AllSpark as its light continued to spread, the hum turning into a low, rhythmic thrum that vibrated through the very walls of the Red Room. The sound was strange, almost otherworldly.

Then, it began.

The walls of the hangar, the floors, and even the metal framework that held the Red Room together started to shift—slowly at first, but unmistakably. The very structure around them began to move, as if it were alive, as if the AllSpark was breathing life into the base itself.

“What the hell is happening?” Rocket asked, taking a step back, his fur bristling with anxiety.

Tony’s suit began scanning the surroundings, but even his tech couldn’t keep up with what was unfolding. “This… this is something else,” he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and worry.

Optimus, however, seemed more in tune with what was happening. “It is transforming,” he said, his voice filled with reverence. “The AllSpark is reshaping this place… turning it into one of us…”

Peter’s focus never wavered. He could feel the AllSpark’s power coursing through him, like he was part of the process, guiding it in some way, though he didn’t fully understand how. The Red Room—his home, their base of operations—was slowly being transformed before their very eyes. 

“It’s… bringing the Red Room to life,” Peter breathed, his voice filled with awe as the realization hit him.

But the transformation was slow, gradual. It wasn’t something that would happen instantly. Whatever the AllSpark was doing, it would take time.

Optimus nodded, his voice calm but urgent. “This will take a while. The AllSpark is powerful, but its work is not immediate.”

Tony looked at Optimus, then back at Peter, his brow furrowed with concern. “So, what? We just leave Peter here to play god with the AllSpark while we go fight a war?”

Peter finally spoke, his voice calm and centered. “I’ll stay here. The AllSpark has to finish what it’s started. You all need to go prepare for the battle. Megatron is coming, I can feel him through the AllSpark.”

Optimus nodded, understanding. “We will prepare. The Autobots are ready to defend this place, no matter the cost.”

Tony sighed, clearly still uncomfortable with the whole situation, but he nodded. “Alright, fine. We’ll handle things for now, but you better not blow this place up...”

Rocket grumbled something under his breath but didn’t argue. “Let’s get ready.”

As they turned to leave, Peter remained kneeling in front of the AllSpark, his mind locked on the task at hand. “…”

The Red Room was changing. The battle was about to begin. 

And Peter was at the center of it all.



High above the clouds, hidden by the artificial cover that shielded it from prying eyes, the Red Room floated like a fortress in the sky. The Autobot ship was docked securely alongside it, both vessels fortified and bristling with defenses, prepared for the inevitable battle. 

Within the base, tension hung heavy in the air as everyone waited for the onslaught they knew was coming.

The transformation of the Red Room, driven by the power of the AllSpark, was still underway. Its walls and floors subtly shifted, the once purely human design morphing into something far more alien—something Cybertronian. 

The changes were subtle but growing more noticeable with each passing minute, leaving many of Peter’s allies both confused and concerned.

Peggy and the SHIELD agents exchanged wary glances as they watched the metal framework shift beneath their feet, becoming more fluid and complex. “What the hell is going on?” one of the Black Widows murmured, her eyes wide as a section of the wall seemed to ripple like liquid metal.

Even the Jedi, usually composed in the face of danger, were taken aback by the strange energy that now pulsed through the base. Windu’s brow furrowed as he watched the transformation, his senses attuned to the Force but unable to make sense of what he was feeling. “The energy here… it’s unlike anything I’ve encountered before.”

“Is it dangerous?” asked one of the Jedi knights, her eyes flicking nervously toward the shifting walls.

Windu’s expression was unreadable. “Not to us. But it’s… unsettling.”

Before anyone could voice further concern, the alarms blared to life, echoing throughout the base. The moment everyone had been dreading had arrived.

High above the Red Room, the sky began to darken as Megatron’s flagship, the Nemesis, entered Earth’s atmosphere. Its massive, looming shape cast a shadow over the clouds, blocking out the sun as it descended with ominous purpose. Flying Decepticon air fighters swarmed out of the flagship like a dark cloud, their engines roaring as they prepared to engage the Red Room and the Autobot ship.

Inside the Nemesis, Megatron stood at the helm, his optics glowing with cold fury as he stared down at the distant floating base. “Begin the assault,” he commanded, his voice a low growl that carried through the bridge. “I want the AllSpark. Destroy everything in your way.”

Starscream, perched nearby with a sneer on his face, gave a mocking salute before taking off into the sky, leading the Decepticon aerial assault. 

The battle began in an instant.

The Red Room and the Autobot ship unleashed their automated defenses, turrets springing to life and anti-aircraft cannons blazing as they opened fire on the approaching Decepticons. The sky was filled with explosions and the bright flashes of laser fire as the two sides clashed.

But the Decepticons’ numbers were overwhelming, their warships and fighters quickly pressing the attack. Rocket stood in the command center, his hands flying over the controls as he coordinated the defense alongside Alfred. The screens in front of him displayed countless red blips—enemy fighters closing in fast.

“We’ve got incoming on all sides!” Rocket shouted, his voice tense but controlled. “Activate all countermeasures! We need to thin their ranks before they get too close.”

Outside, Windu and the other Jedi launched into the sky in their starfighters, joining the aerial battle. Their ships weaved and darted through the chaos, lasers blazing as they engaged the incoming Decepticon fighters. 

Tony, now suited up in his Iron Man armor, rocketed into the sky alongside them, repulsors blazing as he joined the fray. “Time for some payback, Jarvis…”

“Yes, sir, I believe it’s overdue,” Jarvis responded, activating all of the suit's weapons and locking onto the approaching Autobots.

Optimus Prime, Bee, Ironhide, and the other Autobots took up positions on the outer perimeter of the Red Room and their ship, their plasma cannons firing in unison as they defended against the waves of Decepticon ground forces. The sky above was a battlefield, but the real fight was about to begin on the ground.

Meanwhile, inside the Red Room’s command center, the non-combatants worked furiously to follow Rockets instructions, keeping the turrets and automated defenses operational. Peggy, Steve, and their team of SHIELD agents, alongside the Black Widows, manned the control stations, their hands flying over the panels as they directed the turrets to fire at the incoming Decepticons.

Cosmo, Groot, Howard the Duck, Teefs, Lylla, and Floor manned the various defense systems as well, their determination evident as they worked to protect the Red Room. The tension in the command center was palpable, but they all shared the same thought: they needed to hold out until Peter finally arrived.

Outside, the battle raged on.

Jazz, leading a small team of aerial Autobots alongside Jedi starfighters, flew in fast, flanking the Decepticons from the side. “Keep them off balance!” he shouted, his team breaking through the enemy formation with precision.

But the Decepticons were relentless, their overwhelming numbers beginning to push back against the defenders. Explosions rocked the sky as the Red Room and the Autobots fought to hold the line.

And then, in the midst of the chaos, Tony’s stolen Iron Man armor suddenly appeared, soaring into the battlefield, its gleaming surface radiating power. The suit dove straight into the fray, repulsors firing as it targeted two Autobots in quick succession. With brutal efficiency, it blasted them apart, their metallic forms collapsing to the ground.

A familiar laugh echoed through the comms as the figure turned toward Tony, its faceplate retracting to reveal Obadiah Stane’s face. “Hey, kid! Miss me?”

Tony, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the man he once considered an Uncle, barely had time to react before Stane’s repulsor blast slammed into him, sending him flying through the air.

Tony’s suit sparked as he struggled to regain control. “Stane! You son of a—“

But before he could finish, Stane was already coming at him again, firing another volley of repulsor blasts with deadly precision. “?!”

A/N: 2002 words :)🚨🚨


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