I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C191 AllSpark Spotted!

C191 AllSpark Spotted!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



With the police busy talking to President Clinton and confirming everything, Peter saw an opportunity to take control of the situation. He didn't have much time—the water in the dam was still held back by him and him alone, as the Jedi needed a break, and if he let his concentration slip for even a second, it would all come crashing down again, unleashing a second, more devastating wave.

He couldn't let that happen.

So, pushing past his fatigue, Peter took charge. His voice was calm but firm as he started giving orders.

"Tony," he called, turning to the billionaire. "I need you to analyze the broken sections of the dam. Figure out how much metal we'll need for repairs and the best way to seal it up."

Tony raised an eyebrow, but he caught on quickly. His eyes flicked to Magneto, and he smirked, understanding Peter's plan. "Got it." 

Without another word, Tony's helmet snapped shut with a metallic click, and he shot into the air, flying toward the dam. His suit's scanners lit up as he began to analyze the structure, already calculating the amount of material needed and devising a quick solution.

Peter then turned his attention to Magneto, who had overheard the exchange with Tony. The older man's stern expression remained unmoved, his arms crossed as he hovered just above the ground, his cape billowing behind him. His eyes were cold as he met Peter's gaze, and it was clear what he was about to say before the words even left his mouth.

"I'm not wasting my time helping humans," Magneto declared, his voice laced with disdain. "It's their Dam, their cities, their lives at stake—not ours. Mutants won't suffer if that water is unleashed. Only they will."

Peter felt a surge of frustration, but he held it back. He needed Magneto's help, and he couldn't afford to let his temper get the better of him now.

He took a deep breath and addressed Magneto again, his voice calm but pointed. "How many mutants do you think live in those cities? You might think it's just a handful, but are you really willing to risk their lives? Let them suffer because you want to hold onto this grudge against humanity?"

Magneto's lips pressed into a thin line, but Peter continued, his tone shifting to something softer, almost pleading. "Mutants are still human, Erik. Whether you choose to believe it or not. We're all a part of this world. And right now, we need to save lives, not act like obstinate children."

For a long moment, Magneto was silent, his cold gaze locked onto Peter. But slowly, his expression softened, just slightly. He let out a long, frustrated breath before finally speaking.

"Fine," he grunted, clearly not pleased but unwilling to let innocent mutants die over petty pride. 

Without another word, Magneto floated higher into the sky, his powers reaching out to call upon the metal in the area and the raw materials buried in the earth below. Shards of metal and chunks of debris began to gather around him, forming a collection of resources for the repair work.

Peter let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Magneto hadn't put up more of a fight. With one part of the plan in motion, he turned to the final piece.

Walking up to Optimus Prime, who had been calming his men after their tense encounter with the police, Peter addressed the Autobot leader. "Optimus, we could use your help too. Once Magneto gathers the materials and Tony finishes the design, we'll need your team to weld the dam shut. You think you can handle that?"

Optimus nodded without hesitation. "Of course. You've done more than enough for us already, Peter. We will assist in any way we can."

A small smile tugged at Peter's lips. "Thanks, Optimus. I appreciate it."

With the plan set in motion, everything began to fall into place…

Tony's Iron Man suit flew around the dam, scanning every crack and fissure, calculating the exact measurements for the metal needed to patch it up. 

Above, Magneto's power swirled, gathering more and more materials as he prepared to reconstruct the dam's broken sections. 

Meanwhile, the Autobots, led by Optimus, stood at the ready, their plasma blasters primed to weld the metal into place as soon as the materials were set.

But just as they were about to begin, the police returned, having finished their call with the President. The lead officer approached Peter, his expression sheepish as he held out the phone.

"Uh… here's your phone back," he said, his tone far more respectful than before. "We apologize for the misunderstanding, sir."

Peter took the phone, tucking it into his jacket pocket as he nodded. "No problem. I understand things looked pretty crazy."

The officer glanced nervously at the dam, clearly still shaken by the sight of the massive wall of water being held back by what seemed like nothing at all. "How… how are you holding all of that back?"

Peter met the officer's gaze, his expression serious. "I'm holding it with my powers. But I won't be able to keep it up forever. That's why we're planning a quick repair—something that'll hold until the professionals can come and patch it up for real."

The officer's eyes widened, clearly in awe of the situation. "That's… incredible."

Peter just shrugged. "It's a lot of work, but we'll get it done."

The officer nodded, glancing toward Tony, who was still scanning the dam, then at Magneto, who was levitating massive chunks of metal into place. His awe was mixed with wariness, especially when he looked at the mutants, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Do you need any help from us?" the officer asked after a moment, his tone more cooperative than before.

Peter shook his head. "We've got it handled. But if you want to help, you can secure the area. Keep the news crews and anyone else from getting too close. The last thing we need is someone interrupting the repairs."

The officer followed Peter's gaze toward the news vans that were starting to roll up, along with more helicopters buzzing dangerously low in an attempt to get better shots of the scene.

"Got it," the officer said with a nod. "We'll make sure they don't get in your way."

As the police turned to handle the crowd control, the firefighters and other emergency responders joined them, setting up barricades and pushing the media back to a safe distance.

With the area secured and everyone in position, Peter looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath. The plan was in motion. Now it was just a matter of pulling it all together.

"Alright," he muttered to himself. "Time to fix a dam."


Meanwhile, far away from the destroyed Hoover Dam, Megatron and the Decepticons returned to their temporary base—an abandoned Stark Industries facility that Obadiah Stane had commandeered for them. 

The base, which had served its purpose for a time, was no longer safe. The destruction at the Hoover Dam and their connection to Stane had undoubtedly drawn unwanted attention. They would have to leave soon, but for now, Megatron had other matters to address.

After the tsunami from the dam had swept them away, some of Megatron's more fortunate lackeys had managed to locate and capture Stane. The man had been found knocked out and restrained in a parked ship, alongside a few Shield agents. 

The agents, of course, had been swiftly and efficiently dealt with—killed before they could even attempt to defend themselves. Stane, however, was spared.

Now, as the Decepticons settled into their base once more, Megatron's optics gleamed with fury as he surveyed his prisoner. His temper had been boiling ever since the debacle at the dam, and Stane was going to bear the brunt of his wrath.

Megatron's voice, deep and rumbling, echoed through the cold, metal corridors of the base. "Starscream!" he barked, his voice dripping with malice. "Wake the prisoner."

Starscream, who had been standing nearby with his usual smug expression, sneered in amusement at the order. "With pleasure, Lord Megatron," he hissed, turning to one of the Decepticon lackeys beside him. The lackey, standing obediently at attention, held Stane's unconscious body in its metallic hands.

Without warning or hesitation, Starscream snatched Stane's limp form from the lackey's grasp and tossed him unceremoniously to the ground, right at Megatron's feet. The human's body hit the hard floor with a sickening *thud*, jolting him awake with a pained groan.

Stane blinked, disoriented and aching all over. His head pounded, his body ached, and for a moment, he struggled to understand where he was. But when he opened his eyes and saw the massive, crimson optics of Megatron staring down at him, the cold fury radiating from the Decepticon leader was unmistakable.

Fear shot through Stane's veins as he realized the precariousness of his situation. The last thing he remembered was getting caught and knocked out—and now, he was at the mercy of the very creatures he had thought to manipulate.

Megatron's gaze bore into Stane, his towering frame casting an oppressive shadow over the trembling human. His metal fingers flexed, the sound of grinding steel filling the air as his fury simmered just beneath the surface.

"Stane," Megatron growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You have much to answer for."

Stane, groaning from the pain of his fall, finally managed to speak, his voice shaking with fear and desperation. "I— I can explain…"

But Megatron wasn't interested in excuses. His optics narrowed, and the room seemed to darken under the weight of his anger.

"You will explain," Megatron rumbled, his voice filled with cold menace. "But what would you like to explain first? The fact that the AllSpark wasn't where you said it was? The fact that you led me and my men into a trap? The fact that you are responsible for their deaths?"

Stane could only stutter in response, his mind racing for answers. "I-I didn't… I never meant… the information must've been—" He struggled to find his words, his eyes wide with fear. His thoughts scrambled, trying to grasp how everything had gone so wrong. Sure, his intel had been off, but leading them into a trap? He hadn't meant to do that.

Megatron's optics narrowed further as his voice grew darker. "And what about the humans with abilities? Did you fail to mention them on purpose?"

Stane's heart raced, his breath catching in his throat. "I didn't— I didn't know, I swear!" he gasped, desperation seeping into his voice. "I didn't think they'd be there… I had no idea!"

Before Megatron could deliver his next harsh reprimand, the sound of the television in the corner of the room caught his attention. The TV, one of many surveillance monitors lining the base, flickered with the images of a live news broadcast. A helicopter view showed a group of humans standing by the broken Hoover Dam.

The news anchors were already in full fear-mongering mode, their voices urgent as they blamed everyone they could for the disaster at the dam. "The presence of these robots, alongside mutants, raises troubling questions. Are these machines involved in the destruction? Are they controlled by the mutants?" the anchor questioned breathlessly.

Megatron's optics narrowed with curiosity. "Robots…?" he muttered under his breath.

At first, he thought they were talking about his Decepticons, but his suspicions were soon confirmed when the camera zoomed in on a familiar figure—Optimus Prime, flanked by a small army of Autobots. The sight of his nemesis made Megatron's fists clench, the metal grinding as his rage flared. "So… they're here as well."

For a moment, Stane saw his chance. Megatron's anger wasn't directed at him anymore. He silently thanked whatever luck had spared him from the brunt of the Decepticon leader's wrath, at least for now.

But then, something on the screen made Megatron freeze.

The camera captured the moment Peter stepped up to Optimus. The two exchanged words, and then Peter reached into his shirt and pulled out something on a chain. A necklace.

Megatron leaned in closer to the screen, his optics flickering with recognition. At first, he wasn't sure what it was that Peter had shown Optimus, but then, as he saw the reaction of the Autobots—kneeling before Peter—realization hit him like a thunderbolt.

The AllSpark.

The murmurs among Megatron's lackeys filled the room as they too recognized what was hanging from the human's neck. The AllSpark, the very thing they had been searching for, had fallen into the hands of a human.

Megatron's rage boiled over, but it wasn't directed at Stane anymore. He whirled around to face the screen, his optics flaring with intensity. "That human… who is he?" he growled, pointing a massive metal finger at Peter on the television screen.

Stane, still on the floor, stared at the screen, his heart pounding. He didn't know who Peter was, but he saw a sliver of an opportunity to save his own skin. "I-I don't know," Stane stammered, "but I can find out! I swear, I'll find out everything you want to know!"

Megatron loomed over Stane, his massive shadow swallowing the human whole. For a long, tense moment, he considered the offer. Then, slowly, he gave a curt nod, though his voice remained as cold as steel. "This is your last chance, Stane," he warned, his tone filled with lethal promise. "Fail me again, and you will wish I had killed you today."

Stane swallowed hard, nodding frantically…

A/N: 2272 words :)🚨🚨


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