I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C187 Frozen Tsunami

C187 Frozen Tsunami

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



The Autobots stood in stunned silence for a brief moment as the Hoover Dam crumbled before them, unleashing a tsunami of water that surged out with terrifying speed and force. 

The massive wall of water roared like an angry beast, its sheer power sending tremors through the earth beneath their feet. 

From their vantage point, the Autobots watched helplessly as the wave began its destructive path downriver, oblivious to the devastation it would soon bring to the nearby towns and cities.

Optimus Prime, his towering form gleaming in the moonlight, took a step forward, his optics narrowing in grim realization. "Bee," he rumbled, his deep voice resonating with authority. "Are there any human settlements nearby?"

Bee, standing just ahead, his yellow-and-black frame tense with urgency, received a signal from Alfred, the Red Room’s AI, who was still maintaining communications with him.

The AI's voice came through loud and clear for all to hear. "The wave is heading toward multiple populated areas downstream, including Laughlin, Nevada; Needles, California; Lake Havasu, Arizona; and potentially as far south as Yuma, Arizona, and San Luis Rey, Colorado. If that wave reaches those cities, countless human lives will be lost."

Optimus clenched his fists, his optics dimming momentarily as he processed the gravity of the situation. They didn’t have the time or luxury to ponder how to handle such an overwhelming force of nature, but they had to act. Now.

“We can’t let that happen,” Optimus said, turning sharply to face the others. “Autobots, we need to stop that wave before it reaches those cities. We must protect the humans.”

Standing beside Bee was Jazz, one of the more nimble and swift Autobots. His sleek silver-and-black frame glinted in the dim light, built for speed and agility, with a visor that gave his optics an extra sharpness. “I’m ready, Prime,” Jazz said confidently, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "Let’s go save some lives.”

[Insert picture of Jazz here]

Ironhide stepped forward next. The large, heavily-armored Autobot was built for war, his bulky black-and-grey frame bristling with weapons. His cannon arms were already primed, his rugged exterior looking every bit the veteran soldier he was. “Let’s do this,” Ironhide growled, his optics flashing with determination.

[Insert picture of Ironhide here]

Finally, Ratchet moved into position. The medic of the group, Ratchet’s green-and-white frame was more streamlined than Ironhide’s, but just as imposing. His function was to save lives, and his sharp, focused optics scanned the scene before them, already calculating the damage. “If we don’t stop that wave, we’re looking at a catastrophic loss of life,” Ratchet said grimly, his voice calm but filled with urgency.

[Insert picture of Ratchet here]

Optimus didn’t waste any time. With a quick motion, he pressed a button on his arm, summoning their ship. A brief signal flashed, confirming that the massive ship was on its way.

Then, turning back to his team, Optimus nodded. “Move out. We need to stop that wave. Now!”

Without another word, Bee and the other Autobots sprinted forward, their massive frames moving swiftly through the trees and rough terrain—each of them driven by the need to reach the tsunami before it reached the unsuspecting cities downstream.

Optimus clenched his fists as he ran, knowing they didn’t have much time. "We need to be ready when it arrives. Autobots, prepare yourselves!”

As they broke through the final line of trees, they saw it—a towering wall of water rushing toward them with incredible speed. The sheer size and force of it was terrifying, the power of nature unleashed in full.

Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bee, and the other Autobots skidded to a halt as they reached the clearing. The wave was monstrous, the water cresting high into the sky, dark and swirling with debris as it hurtled downriver, threatening to drown everything in its path.

They had no time to think. The lives of thousands of humans hung in the balance, and if they didn’t act now, cities would be obliterated, and countless lives lost.

Optimus raised his hand, signaling the others. “Autobots, ready your weapons! We’re stopping that wave, no matter what it takes!”

Without hesitation, Ironhide primed his cannons, his bulky frame bracing against the oncoming tide. Jazz drew out his twin blasters, taking a defensive stance alongside Bee, whose hand cannon was already glowing as it charged. Ratchet, though a medic, had armed himself as well, preparing for the task ahead.

They were ready to literally fight off the wave with everything they had—bracing for impact, prepared to use their weapons, their bodies, and whatever it took to save human lives.

The ground beneath them vibrated as the wave bore down, the roar of rushing water louder than anything they had ever heard. The air grew thick with moisture, and debris from the riverbanks flew through the air like deadly projectiles.

But just as the water was about to crash down on them, something unexpected happened.

The wave… slowed.

Optimus blinked, his optics narrowing as the immense wall of water, which had been barreling toward them with unstoppable force, suddenly began to lose momentum. 

The powerful surge that should have swallowed them whole slowed down, the water no longer rushing forward with deadly intent. The Autobots, prepared for a titanic struggle, stood frozen, their weapons primed but unused.

"What in the name of Primus…?" Ironhide muttered, his cannons still aimed at the wave. 

Optimus lowered his hand slightly, his optics focused on the water. "Everyone, hold your fire."

The wave, massive and overwhelming just moments before, came to a halt only a few yards away from the Autobots. The water, now frozen in place, formed an eerie, motionless wall that towered over them, still and silent. It was as if time itself had stopped the wave in its tracks.

Jazz, his blasters still at the ready, tilted his head in confusion. "Uh… Prime, what the hell is going on?"

Bee, equally baffled, beeped and whirred in response, his own systems struggling to process what he was seeing. He slowly walked up to the frozen wave, his optics wide with disbelief. The water should have been crashing down on them, but it remained perfectly still, like a statue carved out of the river itself.

Bee reached out, his yellow hand cautiously extending toward the frozen wall of water. He hesitated for a moment, then pressed his fingers into the surface.

His hand sank into the water, his metal fingers parting the liquid as they would in any normal body of water—but the wave didn’t move. It didn’t react. It stayed completely still.

"Impossible…" Bee beeped in confusion, pulling his hand back. The water rippled slightly where he had touched it, but it did not surge forward, and it did not crash down.

The Autobots exchanged glances, their confusion evident.

Jazz tilted his head, turning to Optimus with a puzzled expression. "Uh, boss… what just happened?"

Optimus Prime, his optics narrowing in contemplation, stepped forward cautiously. He extended his hand towards the water but didn’t touch it, his sensors detecting nothing that explained the sudden stop. The entire scene was unnerving, to say the least.

"I don’t know," Optimus admitted, his deep voice tinged with unease. "Something... or someone, stopped it."

Ironheart and Ratchet exchanged confused looks. Ironheart, always one for action, raised his weapon, his optics scanning the area for any possible threats. "Maybe it’s the Decepticons messing with us?" he suggested.

Ratchet, ever the voice of reason, shook his head. "No. They don’t have this kind of power..."

Before the Autobots could speculate further, the roar of approaching engines filled the sky. Two small Jedi ships descended from the clouds, landing a short distance from where the Autobots stood. The ships’ sleek, white frames gleamed against the chaotic backdrop, and the Autobots turned to face them, their confusion deepening.

The ships’ ramps hissed open, and from the first vessel emerged the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier. Storm, her white hair flowing in the wind, stepped out beside him, followed by Beast, with his towering blue-furred form, and Colossus, his metallic skin gleaming under the ship’s lights.

From the second ship, the Brotherhood arrived. Magneto, his imposing figure draped in a red cape, floated effortlessly from the ship, followed by Mystique, Juggernaut, Sabertooth, and Toad, their eyes locked onto the Autobots.

The moment Magneto laid eyes on the massive, metallic forms of Optimus and his team, his expression hardened. "There they are," he growled, mistaking the Autobots for the Decepticons. 

Optimus Prime took a step forward, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. "Wait, we’re not—"

But Magneto wasn’t interested in listening. With a wave of his hand, he reached out with his powers, sensing the metal that made up the entirety of their bodies. 

“Kneel!” He uttered. 

Instantly, Optimus and the others felt the crushing force of Magneto’s power as he commanded their metal forms, forcing them to their knees.



Meanwhile, inside the massive wall of water, obscured from the confused Autobots outside, Peter stood in the middle of a giant air bubble—a protective barrier he had crafted using the Force. 

Surrounding him were Tony, Peggy, Steve, the Maximoff twins, the Jedi, and the rest of the group he had brought to fight the Decepticons. 

The scene inside was surreal; they were cocooned in the air pocket while the rushing water of the Hoover Dam pressed violently against them.

Of course, the water swallowed Megatron and his soldiers whole, carrying them away in the torrent.

Peter had chosen not to save Megatron and the Decepticons.

As the water surged forward, he had seen them—the towering figures of Megatron, Starscream, and their forces, swept up by the wave. He could have extended his protective bubble to cover them as well, but he didn’t. 

The Decepticons had caused too much destruction, too much death, and Peter wasn’t going to risk his friends' lives or civilians downstream to spare them.

‘It's not like a wall of water could take out a Decepticon anyway. They're probably all still alive somewhere,’ Peter thought, hoping they hadn't decided to run, as tracking them down again would be a hassle. “Ugh…” he groaned under the pressure. 

The water churned and surged, hammering against the barrier like a battering ram trying to shatter it. But Peter held his ground, his outstretched hands trembling as he used the Force to keep the torrent at bay—not just protecting those within the bubble, but also holding back the entire mass of water, shielding those outside as well. 

He could feel the immense pressure, knowing that if the wave broke loose, it would unleash destruction downstream, wiping out towns and cities in its path.

Peter’s body shook with the effort, but it wasn’t the weight of the water that was the issue—if it had been something solid, like a giant warship or even a fleet of them, he could have handled it with far less strain. 

The difficulty lay in the nature of the water itself. It was liquid—constantly shifting, flowing, and changing shape. To hold it in place, Peter needed to expand his grip over the entire mass, controlling its every movement all at once. 

He had never trained for something like this before. Holding back a solid object was one thing, but trying to contain a force as chaotic and unpredictable as water was an entirely different challenge.

‘It weighs nothing… like a feather…’ Peter repeated the mantra over and over in his mind, trying to calm himself as the pressure mounted.

As those around Peter watched him struggle, they recognized the magnitude of what he was accomplishing, though most couldn’t truly grasp the effort it required. 

Only the Jedi could. 

They observed in stunned silence, eyes wide with shock and awe at the sheer power Peter wielded through the Force. One of them murmured under his breath, “The Chosen One…” Though only one person was close enough to hear—Peggy Carter. 

She glanced at him in confusion, noticing the reverence in his gaze as he looked at Peter. “?”

A/N: 2051 words :) 🚨🚨

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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