I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 95: Avengers SS Program

Chapter 95: Avengers SS Program

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead at chapter 101. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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With Tony and Banner working on curing the incurable, Peter and Fury started focusing on organizing the evidence against General Ross.

The man has a lot of connections in the government, so they wanted to be sure that the evidence was in order and easy to understand. After all, even those in power can be downright idiotic at times.

Almost every day since Peter announced that they had General Ross in custody, different government officials called and tried to persuade them into handing over the General for an internal investigation or some other nonsense.

Peter and Fury knew that these were just excuses to get the General out so they can minimize the damage as much as possible. After all, a high-level military scandal doesn't look good for the US government.

Even Obama called to ask about the situation in depth. He didn't ask for the General to be released or anything, but he would have zero power to do so even if he tried.

The Avengers are sanctioned by the United Nations as a whole, so it would take a big meeting and majority vote for anyone to tell them what to do, which would almost never happen.

It took Peter and Fury a few days to get the evidence put together. They had some help from people like Natasha and Mystique, who offered their help in organizing everything, but most of the work fell on them for the most part.

They separated the evidence into two parts, the evidence that would be released to the media, which would be unclassified information, while the rest would be given to the government.

Of course, Peter and Fury wouldn't be handing over any of the research data on the Super Soldier Serum. Neither of them trusted the idiotic politicians with something that could possibly produce more Hulks or Abominations.

With all evidence gathered, Fury called the military police to come and arrest General Ross, who has been in the Towers detention center all this time. He was imprisoned only a hallway away from Blonsky, who he could hear roaring and growling for the first few days of his detainment.

Thankfully, Blonsky calmed down later on.

Once the military police came and took him away with a flash drive full of carefully organized evidence, Peter tweeted out the unclassified evidence as they planned.



General Thaddeus Ross has been officially detained by military police. Here's some unclassified evidence :)



Within minutes of pressing tweet, every news and political commentator pounced like hungry lions. News channels and live streams were going over the evidence live and giving their opinions of the whole situation.

Peter wasn't phased by the attention his actions would receive any more. He could be tweeting about a burger he likes or evidence on a military general, but both tweets would end up being talked about in some way or another.

Stashing his phone away, Peter and Fury watched a military convoy drive off with General Ross in tow.

"Is it done?" Fury asks.

"Yeah, the evidence is public now." Peter says as the convoy turns away and disappears behind a building.

"Good, let's get to the meeting. They're probably waiting for us." Fury says and the two head back inside, taking the elevator up to the higher floors of the tower.

They specifically called a council meeting for when the General would leave, as that would wrap up everything from the Abomination incident.

Arriving at the council room, Fury and Peter found the rest of the council members waiting for their arrival, not knowing the reason for the meeting except Tony, who seemed to vibrate with excitement.

"Finally..." Charles says with a tired sigh. "What's this meeting about?"

Charles has been a very busy man ever since Spider-Man endorsed his school. That was also magnified after taking in Magneto's problem children, who have caused nothing but trouble ever since their first day of school.

The exasperated attitude that Charles was radiating throughout the room was due to those problem children as well.

"Getting straight to the point, the General is gone and now we need to vote on whether to continue his research into the Super Soldier Serum." Peter says as he and Fury take a seat.

Once again, Peter isn't the leader of the Avengers. He may be the one they look to for leadership most of the time, but that doesn't mean he can just make decisions like this without consulting the Council.

"Is there a need for it?" Charles says with a hesitant look in his eyes. "The damage that research has brought far exceeds the good."

"I would disagree..." Fury cuts in with a shake of his head. "World War 2 was won off the back of the Super Soldier Serum. Captain America was a weak and frail man before he was turned into the hero we know today. Don't let the work of a power-hungry idiot ruin what could be a strong force for good."

"I agree." Tony speaks up, wanting to enhance himself so Peter can't make fun of him for not having powers anymore. "We would obviously have to be far more careful than General Ross was. Procedures and safety measures would have to be put in place. Testing would have to start with mice and other animals before getting anywhere near humans."

Everyone in the room was slowly nodding unconsciously as Tony finished speaking.

"Who would we even use the serum on?" Erik asks, almost convinced.

"Those we find worthy and trustable." Peter answers instantly. "Natasha, Clint, Fury, and Tony would be prime candidates. Other candidates can be vetted later on. We may also be able to take it ourselves, but testing would have to be done to see how the serum would interact with our already existing powers. Who knows how the X-gene would react after all."

Tony nods excitedly while Fury looks surprised by Peter's words. He didn't expect to be one of the candidates for the serum but didn't voice any disagreement. Becoming a super soldier would help in his duties for Shield and the Avengers.

Peter also planned to offer this serum to his loved ones. He already has the resurrection elixir, which he plans to give them as well, but that would take time to make the way he wants. The Super Soldier Serum could be a good starting point for them before he can finish the elixir.

After all, with what Peter has planned, his resurrection elixir would be far more powerful than the original.

"As long as we get regulations put in place as Tony described, I have no problem with us making this serum." Erik says in full agreement at this point. "I would also like to add that we don't broadcast this to the world. If others know we can make our own Captain America's at will, then countries, companies, and powers all around the world would come knocking."

"But we can handle that easily." Tony says with an uncaring shrug.

"True, but do we want to deal with it?" Magneto asks with a raised eyebrow. "Everything would be far simpler if this remains between us and those we choose to enhance in the future."

"I agree, let's vote." Peter says and a few moments later a decision was made.

The vote was 4 to 5 in favor of completing the Super Soldier Serum research. The only one to vote against it was Charles, whose vote could probably be attributed to his bad mood.

Though, the vote didn't really matter. Peter knew that Tony and Fury would vote his way, so he already had enough votes to pass before walking into the council room. This was just a formality that needed to be done.


With the vote passed, Peter and Tony decided to move everything Super Soldier Serum related to Tony's workshop. It was the most secure place in the entire tower. Even more so than the detainment floor, which was built to hold super-powered criminals.

Safety regulations were written up and agreed upon by the council, while Peter and Tony agreed to only work on the serum together. Accidents happen as shown by what happened to Bruce, so they decided that it would be better to have two minds keeping track of any possible mistakes the other could or would make.

"HehehahaHAHAHA!" Tony laughed like a madman as he and Peter started working on the serum for the first time.

'Maybe this was a bad idea...'

A/N: 1421 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Pls & thnx 😊 *Holds knife threateningly*]


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