I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 92: Wrapping Up

Chapter 92: Wrapping Up

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead at chapter 98. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Staring at the big fleeing back of the Hulk, Peter sighed and turned to Tony, who just landed beside the unconscious Abomination. His helmet opened as he bends a little to get a closer look at the monster.

"Tony, go follow Hulk." Peter says and instantly receives a reluctant look from Tony, who didn't want to do any grunt work. "Don't look at me like that. Just follow him from a distance and bring Banner back to the tower when he switches back."

Tony sighed as his helmet closed and he flew off to chase after the escaping Hulk. When Tony left, a few police officers came forward.

"Is that thing real?" One of them asks as they look at the sleeping Abomination.

"Is it alive?"

"I don't think our cuffs are big enough for this..."

"Don't worry about it. We'll be taking it into our custody, so you won't have to worry about anything." Peter says to the police as he turns toward Magneto, who was still floating above everyone. "Erik, use the strongest metal in the area to restrain this thing. Feel free to go overboard. We can't have it escaping and destroying another part of the city, after all."

Nodding his head, Magneto uses his powers to draw metal from the nearby rubble in the area and uses that to tie up Abomination in what looked like a complicated bondage style.

"That's very... interesting," Peter says as he recalls seeing something similar in a Japanese p*rn video.

"Thanks." Erik reply's with a smile, knowing full well what Peter was thinking. "I had a lot of practice in my youth."

"Right..." Peter says as he turns to the police officers, who stood around them without a clue as to how to handle this situation. "We'll handle this. If you guys can focus on crowd control, that would be helpful. Keep the media and civilians out of the area."

"Yes, sir." One Officer said and the rest followed suit.

Once Abomination was all tied up and secured and the police had a perimeter in place, news crews and curious civilians started pouring into the area in droves.

Since the news crews couldn't get past the police, they set up outside the barriers and started interviewing witnesses. While this was happening, Peter was talking to Fury over the phone.

"Yeah, have Jarvis give you the location where this thing first appeared and see if there's a lab there or something... Alright, call me back when you have more information." Peter says and hangs up the phone.

"Where are we bringing this guy? We can't just stay here all night." Erik gestures between Abomination and the crowd of onlookers forming around them.

"Take him back to the tower for now. You go ahead of me. I'll catch up in a bit." Peter says as he looks around at the destroyed portion of the city. "Is there anyone left that needs help?"

As Peter thinks out loud, Erik nods his head and flies off with the bound Abomination floating behind him. The news helicopters followed their departure, while the ground news crews stayed behind to continue their interviews and film the destruction.

When Erik left with their prisoner, Peter ran around the area looking for any people in need. Although Magneto and Iron Man did their best to contain the fighting to the streets, that didn't mean buildings weren't damaged or destroyed here and there.

Thankfully, the police were on rescue duty since the beginning of all of this, so not many people needed Peter's help at this point. Using his super hearing to locate survivors of tonight's festivities, Peter delivered injured victims to paramedics.

As he dropped off the last of the injured, the news crews pounced and surrounded him with questions.

"Spider-Man! What was that thing?"

"How did this happen?"

"Was that second monster an Avenger?"

"Spider-Man! Over here!"



They were far too excited to even give Peter a chance to speak, so he simply swung away and headed back to the tower.

Along the way, Peter took out his phone and started writing a tweet.



Press conference at Avengers Tower at 7 AM. Don't be late.


The people needed answers and Peter knew it was best to give them swiftly. If you don't do that, those with bad intentions will twist the narrative to support whatever they're trying to sell to the general public.

Arriving back at the tower, Peter found Magneto on the roof with Abomination contorted in metal bondage on the helipad. The news Helicopters were still up above, filming the Abomination this whole time.

"He can't fit inside the building..." Erik explains as soon as Peter arrived.

"Hmm, okay this is something we should've thought about when designing the tower..." Peter said with an exasperated sigh.

"True, we have a detainment floor, but none of the cells are big enough to fit this guy. We need bigger and stronger cells for situations like this..." Erik says matter of factly.

"Okay, let me call Fury and see if he has something for this..." Peter says as he enters the building through the rooftop door.

Peter didn't know how they imprisoned someone as strong as the Hulk in the movies, possibly in an extremely reinforced cell or cryogenic storage.

Peter wasn't sure.

'Killing him would be easier, but that wouldn't be a good idea with the cameras everywhere...' Peter thought as he texted Fury about their problem.


By the time morning came along, Magneto and Abomination were still on the rooftop, but thankfully, a solution was on the way.

Fury had a reinforced cage, similar to the one they used on the Hulk in the Avengers movie. They had it made especially for the Hulk so it should also work on Abomination. It wouldn't be a permanent solution, but it would hopefully be enough for the time being.

As for the laboratory where Abomination was made, Fury found it easily as there was an abomination-shaped hole in the side of the building.

Fury's men were still going through the building, but they already found security footage of Blonsky being turned into the Abomination. Everything was pointing at General Ross, which was good as it gave them someone to blame for all of this.

Dr. Sterns wasn't found in the laboratory, which wasn't good. He appeared to have been affected by whatever made Blonsky into a monster, as his head swelled and grew in the security footage.

10 minutes before the press conference was planned to start, Tony returned with a knocked-out Bruce Banner in his arms. Hulk ran all the way to upstate New York and found a safe location in the woods before reverting back to Bruce.

"I'm going to sleep." Tony said as he dropped Banner onto a nearby couch and walked off tiredly.

"Lucky b*stard..." Peter muttered as he can't sleep until the press conference is over and Abomination is contained.


Standing at a podium in an auditorium on a lower floor of the tower, Peter addressed the plethora of journalists and news cameras.

"I won't be taking any questions today. I'll simply explain what happened and what we know. Today's incident was a tragedy brought on by the mistakes and actions of one man. General Thaddeus Ross wanted to recreate the same thing that made Captain America and failed twice. You all saw both of those failures fighting each other today. Hulk, the big green guy that helped us capture the Abomination on the roof was his first failure. The guy on the roof is the general's most recent failure."

"They were both normal people like you and me, but the General wanted to make them into super soldiers. This is the result of that." As Peter says this, a big screen TV beside him lights up and shows the security footage from he lab.

All in attendance gasped in shock as they watched a normal soldier transform into a giant monster. They couldn't believe hat thing used to be a human. After all, everyone thought it was an alien or something in the beginning.

"Every bit of evidence we have points to General Ross, which is why we have him detained already. We'll continue to collect evidence against him before handing him and the evidence over to the US government." Peter says, his image being broadcasted all over the world.

"This was the first mission of the Avengers and I'd say it was a successful one. I'm afraid that's all we have for you today though." Peter says with a wave goodbye as he walks off stage. "Have a good day."

A/N: 1447 words



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