I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 84: Enemies Seek Power

Chapter 84: Enemies Seek Power

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 8 chapters ahead at chapter 92. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Outside of Stanley's Pizza Parlor, Betty's boyfriend, Leonard was speaking in hushed tones over his cellphone.

"Yeah, you told me to call you if he ever shows up, so this is me doing that... I know... I'll try but you know how bull-headed she can be..." Leonard practically whispered into the phone as he paced back and forth outside of the building.

"This guy is a weaselly little sh*t, isn't he?" Across the street, inside the same building that Natasha and Clint previously occupied, Tony comments to his fellow Avengers.

Just as they planned, Tony, Charles, Erik, Storm, and Nightcrawler tagged along for this mission. They followed Peter and Banner at a distance and sneakily hid in the building, listening to the conversation thanks to the microphone that they placed on Peters suit beforehand.

Though that wasn't the most interesting conversation going on across the street. When Betty Ross showed up with what appeared to be her boyfriend, all of them instantly knew that this could get complicated, as love tends to complicate just about everything.

As soon as her boyfriend left the shop without her, they all knew that Betty caught on somehow, but what surprised them was the little rodent's actions upon stepping outside.

He made a call almost instantly.

Using one of the many abilities he added to his Iron Man suit, Tony was able to listen in on the call and was shocked to hear Betty Ross' boyfriend calling her father and ratting out Bruce without a shred of shame.

"What should we do?" Charles asks, knowing that the military would rush over.

"Let's see what Web-Head wants to do." Tony says as he opens communications to Peter once again. "Hey, we got a problem..."


"...Where is it?" Peter asks after hearing that Betty has the research that Bruce needs.

As soon as Betty was about to answer him, Peter's earpiece goes off.

"Hey, we got a problem." Tony's voice came through. "Betty's boyfriend just called the General and ratted Banner out."

Furrowing his brows and going silent for a moment, Peter puts his hand on his ear, tapping the earpiece so he can speak back to Tony.

"Did he say that I'm here as well?" Peter asks, confusing both Bruce and Betty, who wondered what was going on.

"Who are you talking to?" Banner asks a bit anxiously.

Waiting for a reply from Tony, Peter holds up his hand briefly, nonverbally telling the two to give him a minute.

"No, he didn't seem to know." Stark replies.

"Good, when he's off the phone, send Black Widow to sweep him up. We can't have the General know that we're involved just yet. He'll start backtracking and maybe go into hiding." Peter says and takes his hand off the earpiece.

"You got it." Starks says and the line goes quiet again.

"Who's Black Widow? What's going on?" Betty starts asking as she saw that Peter was done speaking.

"Why did you mention the General?" Banner asks suspiciously.

"Calm down." Peter says to Banner and looks toward Betty. "Your boyfriend just called your father and snitched on Bruce, so now General Ross is on the way."

"I need to leave." Banner mutters as he instantly jumps to his feet and starts heading toward the door.

As he reaches for the doorknob, Peter shoots a web at the door, sealing it shut and causing Bruce to whirl around and look at him dangerously.

"Oh, calm down." Peter rolled his eyes at Banner's behavior. "He only just found out and he's definitely not even in the state. It'll most likely take him hours to get here at the least. We have time, so relax."

Taking a deep breath, Banner paces around the room and try's to calm himself down as he can feel his pulse was rising.

Betty, on the other hand, was shocked and didn't want to believe that Leonard would do such a thing. Then she remembers what Peter said about sweeping him up and rushed to the door.

Sadly, the door was blocked by webs and a normal human would never be able to pull them off.

"If you're worried about your boyfriend, he'll be fine. We're just going to detain him until this is all wrapped up. He won't be harmed. You have my word." Peter says as he walks to one of the windows and peaked out just in time to see Natasha luring the man into an alleyway.

As soon as they were out of the public eye, Natasha used a needle to inject him with something, causing the little rat to fall unconscious almost instantly.

"Target detained." Peter heard Natasha's voice over the comms.

"Since that's taken care of, let's go and get that research data. Then Banner can leave before the General arrives." Peter says, breaking the two from their thoughts.

"I-It's in my basement." She says, scared for Leonard.

"Relax, we're the good guys. Your boyfriend will be released by tomorrow night at the latest. Now, let's go and get that data." Peter says as he walks over to the door and rips the webs off easily.

As Peter walks down the stairs, both Bruce and Betty lock eyes and stare at each other for a brief moment before following after him.


At an undisclosed military base, a middle-aged man in a blue shirt showed up out of nowhere and asked to speak to General Ross. He was almost turned away at the gates, but then he mentioned Bruce Banners name, which immediately grabbed the Generals attention.

[Insert picture of Samuel Sterns or Mr. Blue here]

Dr. Samuel Sterns is a world-class cellular biologist, who has been using his connection with Bruce Banner to study what happened to him, hoping to do something similar but more controlled to himself.

"Dr. Sterns, are you telling me that you've been in contact with Banner and can make more like him?" Ross asks after hearing what the man had to say.

As soon as Banner didn't have the research data anymore, his helpful 'friend' Mr. Blue gave up on him and went straight to a different source, General Ross.

"No, not yet! I've sorted out a few pieces, but it's not like I can put the same Humpty Dumpty back together if that's what you're asking. He was a freak accident, the goal is to do it better!" The eccentric scientist explains.

"I like the sound of that!" A new voice echoes into the room as Blonsky comes strolling in.

"Blonsky, I don't believe that I called for you..." General Ross didn't like his subordinate acting so open in his presence.

"Sorry, sir." Blonsky says respectfully. "But I would like to volunteer as Dr. Stern's test subject."

"Why? You're already enhanced." Ross asks in confusion.

After being the one and only soldier to escape the Hulk's clutches back in Brazil, Blonsky was enhanced with a knockoff version of the Super Soldier Serum, which was still being tested by Ross' scientists.

Sadly, even compared to the original serum, the recreation used on him was about 50% weaker than the original, while the Hulk is well over 10000% stronger than Captain America.

"Yeah, well, I want more. You've seen what he becomes, right? I can never measure up to that with just my current strength." Blonsky says, getting nods from both Ross and Sterns.

"I have…and it's beautiful. Almost godlike." Dr. Sterns comments with a far off fanatical look.

"Make me that. It's the only way we can beat the green b*stard." Blonsky says pleadingly.

He wanted nothing more than to be a titan like the Hulk. A man that could move mountains with his strength alone.

"I don't know what you've got inside of you already. The mixture could become…an abomination." Stern's comments after a moment's thought.

Hearing this seems to anger Blonsky, who grabs Dr. Sterns by the collar and raises him into the air with ease.

"Stand down, Blonsky!" General Ross orders with a threatening glare.

"Tsk, Yes sir..." Blonsky reluctantly dropped the scientist, who didn't expect it and fell on his backside.

"Good." The General says as he turns to Sterns and offers him a hand, pulling the scientist onto his feet once again. "Abomination or not, we need all the help we can get."

"I never said that I was unwilling..." Dr. Sterns looks over at Blonsky in fear. "I just needed informed consent. I can get to work on him immediately."

*ring ring ring*

"Get to work. I need to take this." General Ross shoos them out of his office and picks up his phone after seeing the caller ID. "Leonard? Is there an emergency with my daughter?"

A/N: 1456 words



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