I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 75: Recap 2 Electric Boogaloo

Chapter 75: Recap 2 Electric Boogaloo

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 85. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Once the Avengers Tower was fully renovated, the Council started its first round of recruitment.

Sadly, the only person on Fury's list of people to recruit that they didn't already know about is Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk.

Thor hasn't been banished to Earth yet. Captain Marvel is off-planet most likely fighting the Kree. Captain America hasn't been found in the ice yet.

Though that should be happening soon.

Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver haven't unlocked their powers yet. Vision hasn't been built yet. Ant-Man, Falcon, and War Machine haven't received the tech that makes them into heroes either.

Thankfully, the X-men exist in this world as well, or the Avengers wouldn't have much to recruit from this early on.

Saving Hulk for later, as Bruce Banner's alter ego would be hard to deal with, they all decide to start with meta-humans instead.

They first started with the teachers at Xavier's school, as they were the easiest to deal with. Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Storm were all brought in and put on the payroll.

Though that wasn't all. Peter met someone that he didn't encounter during his many trips to Xavier's school.


As the members of the X-men were arriving at a meeting room in Avengers Tower for the first time, Peter noticed another blue animalistic man besides Nightcrawler.

The new meta-human looked like a big blue hairy gorilla. Of course, he was clothed in a normal human outfit and even had glasses, which made him look like a gorilla that someone stole from the zoo, painted blue, and dressed up in nice clothes.

[Insert picture of Dr. Henry McCoy or Beast here]

"Who this? I thought that I met everyone from your school." Peter asks Charles, who sat with all of the other council members around Peter.

"This is Doctor Henry McCoy but we like to call him Beast. He's in my humble opinion, one of the smartest people in the world and has six PhDs, including one in biophysics, and happens to be a world-renowned biochemist. Making him a leading expert in the X-gene, far superior to even me." Charles introduces the man, who became a bit self-conscious due to the attention suddenly being shifted on himself.

As a founding member of the X-Men, the intelligently gifted Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans for most of his life. Born with a physique, strength, and muscular structure greatly resembling an ape, giving him the nickname Beast.

"The reason you haven't seen him until now is that Hank here practically lives in his lab. If we didn't deliver him food every day, he'd probably starve to death before coming out." Charles explains with a laugh.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Henry says with a deep British accent.

"..." Every member of the X-men looked toward Beast with a look that said 'Yeah... right', causing Henry to scratch his hairy neck embarrassedly.

-Flashback End-

Beast wasn't the only new face that Peter met during the recruitment process for the Avengers.

After taking in the X-men, who were pleasantly surprised by the new paycheck they would be receiving every month from now on, and scheduling their training, the next group of meta-humans was a bit more unruly than the last.


On the day after the X-men signed their contracts and were accepted into the Avengers, the Council welcomed the members of the former Brotherhood of Mutants as well.

Magneto threw away that name after Peter introduced the meta-human name into the world. At first, he didn't know what to rename themselves, but that problem disappeared with his appointment to the Avengers Council.

Now he can just say that they're Avengers.

As every subordinate of Magneto strolled into the meeting room, they all looked like the typical villains they were once meant to be.

'They're gonna need a higher level of training than the rest will get. I have a feeling that the rule book won't be enough for this group...' Peter thought as he watched what appeared to be a group of delinquents enter the room.

The other members of the council had these thoughts as well. Charles was especially doubtful about having them join the Avengers.

Though he did smile warmly upon seeing a certain blue woman with orange hair.

Six people walked into the room and Peter only recognized two of them. Those being Mystique and Sabertooth. The other four happened to be a group of young teenagers that were probably around the age of Cyclops.

One was a green and slimy-looking kid, who saw a fly in the room and caught it with his extremely long tongue, eating it in front of everyone without an ounce of shame.

[Insert picture of Toad here]

As his name implies, Toad possesses almost all of the traits and abilities of a common toad, most notably his superhuman jumping and leaping abilities.

Next was a big obese-looking boy that seemed to have been overfed for every waking moment of his life.

[Insert picture of Blob here]

Blob's mutant physiology grants him several abilities, such as incredible superhuman strength, endurance, and invulnerability.

After that was a dark-haired kid dressed in all black with a scowl on his face. He certainly gives off a very edgy vibe.

[Insert picture of Avalanche here]

Avalanche has the power to generate powerful seismic waves from his hands, which he can use to highly destructive effects. These seismic waves can cause any form of inorganic matter to shatter or crumble to dust.

Lastly is a blonde kid with a cocky smile plastered on his smug little face. He eyed all of the flammable items in the room with an almost manic look on his face.

[Insert picture of Pyro here]

Pyro is a mutant with the psionic ability to manipulate fire to increase or decrease its size, intensity, and heat. He can then control and mold that fire to take on any form he can imagine, even living creatures.

"What are we doing here!" The edgy teenager amongst the group speaks up first.

"Yeah, I have games to play..." The fatty spoke next.

"Can I burn this place, boss?" Lastly, the pyromaniac of the group speaks and takes out a lighter from his pocket.

The green boy just stood behind them and continued eyeing every inch of the room for any more flys or other bugs to eat.

"As I've explained multiple times already, you're here to join the Avengers. The new group I've taken a leadership role in. If you listened to the last five times I've told you this, then you'd know." Erik was already fed up with these unruly kids.

"Sigh, this is worse than I thought..." Peter mutters and gets nods of agreement from everyone in the room beside the kids, Magneto, and Sabertooth, who just didn't care.

Shooting a web at the fire happy kid, Peter snatches the lighter before the tower was set on fire.

"Hey! That's mine!" The angry blonde kid yells.

"Well, it's mine now. You're far too young to be allowed something like this." Peter says as he puts the lighter aside. "Now, please be quiet while the adults are speaking."

None of the teenagers liked hearing this and sent dagger-like glares in Spider-Mans direction as if Peter isn't only a few years older than them.

Though no one in the room knows that.

"Erik, we can't have children joining the Avengers," Peter says what everyone else was thinking.

"Yeah, they can join when they're older but maybe a psyche evaluation will be needed as well..." Tony whispered the last part so the kids couldn't hear what he said.

"I agree, these children need to be in school, not whatever you've had them doing, Erik." Charles sends a disapproving look toward his former rival.

"..." Erik was speechless as he didn't think of this.

He treated every member of the former Brotherhood of Mutants as subordinates no matter what the age, but now that he saw Charles' reaction, maybe he was going about things a bit mistakenly.

"I agree, which is why they will be enrolled in Xavier's school." Peter says and gets a nod of agreement from the man himself.

"I'll gladly take them." Charles says.

"You want us to go to school?!" The pyromaniac of the bunch yells questioningly. "F*ck that!"

He was already p*ssed off about his lighter getting taken away, so this just launched him over the edge. After all, he can't start a fire with his ability and needs his lighter for that very reason.

The other children were going to join in but they all noticed a very threatening glare coming from the man that they fear more than anyone else, Magneto.

Each of them was rescued from different facilities that exploited them for their mutations, but they all had something in common.

The last day in those facilities was accompanied by agonising screams and the blood and guts of every person that held them captive. All of this was done with ease by the man himself, Magneto.

Even the loudmouth Pyro shut his mouth and hid behind Blob's huge form upon seeing Eriks displeased face.

"Uh... We'll go to school, sir." Avalanche spoke for the group that was cowering from their leader's pointed glare.

"Good, then that's settled."


After that day, it was decided that all meta-human children that didn't already have loving and supportive families would be relocated to Xavier's school. Those that did have families who cared for and wanted them needed more finesse.

Charles would have to visit the parents or guardians and try to enroll them just as any other boarding school.

Speaking of Xavier's school, the United Nations agreed to fund them, but sadly, didn't agree to allow children from their countries to attend said school.

Why would they?

After all, each meta-human child will be a goose that lays golden eggs for their respective country. They would be idiots to send them all to America without at least instilling some national pride in them first.

Charles was definitely bummed out about this, but as the Avengers gain more notoriety and power, maybe something can be done to guarantee these children's safety.

Who knows what the future holds?

A/N: 1735 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES? Or I'll rain hellfire down upon you from the heavens. As king that is my right!]


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