I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 715: New Eyes?

Chapter 715: New Eyes?

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters /AlienWarlord🛑


The golden barrier glows softly above the village of Amegakure, keeping the outside world at bay. Peter stood at the center of it all, his gaze turning serious as he declared, "Alright, it's time to give Madara's eyes back."

Nagato tensed, his heart racing as Peter's words settled over him. His hands instinctively moved to his face, his fingers brushing over his Rinnegan as if trying to reassure himself that they were still there. The weight of what was about to happen—the loss of his eyes, the thing that had defined him for so long—made his stomach churn with uncertainty.

Yahiko and Konan immediately moved closer to Nagato, their concern evident in their eyes. They could see the hesitation in his posture, the way his hands trembled slightly as they hovered near his face.

Yahiko's voice was calm, but filled with concern as he spoke to his friend. "Nagato… you don't have to do this," he said gently, his eyes flickering to Peter and Madara, both of whom stood watching. "I know you made a deal, but if you're not sure, we can figure something out. We'll protect you, no matter what."

Konan nodded in agreement, her hand resting lightly on Nagato's arm. "It's your choice, Nagato. If you don't want to give them the Rinnegan, then maybe we can give him something else?"

Nagato swallowed hard, his thoughts racing. His friends' support meant the world to him, but he couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. Peter had already fulfilled his end of the bargain—he had brought peace to Amegakure in a matter of hours, something they had all thought was impossible. Could he really back out of the deal now, after everything Peter had done?

As if sensing his internal struggle, Peter's expression hardened slightly, his gaze shifting to Yahiko and Konan. "Nagato made a deal," Peter said, his tone firm. "And that deal has been fulfilled on my end. Now it's time for him to fulfill his end of the bargain."

Konan's eyes narrowed, but she remained calm. "You said you would give him new eyes in return," she reminded Peter, her voice steady. "You won't leave him blind, right?"

Peter nodded, his expression softening slightly as he addressed Konan's concern. "That's right," he said. "Once I get the Rinnegan, I'll give Nagato a new pair of eyes immediately. He won't be left in the dark."

Yahiko and Konan exchanged a glance, their expressions still filled with doubt, but they nodded in understanding. Even though they were still uncertain about the situation, Peter had shown that he was willing to honor his word. Still, they couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in their chests.

Suddenly, Madara stepped forward, his presence imposing as he moved closer to Nagato. His crimson Sharingan spun lazily in his eyes as he looked down at the younger man, his voice cold and commanding. "We're not asking anymore," Madara said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "The Rinnegan belongs to me. It always has. It's time you upheld the deal, or there will be consequences."

The weight of Madara's words hung heavily in the air, the threat clear. Nagato's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his mind spinning with a thousand different thoughts. He didn't want to lose the Rinnegan, but… Peter had already proven himself. And deep down, Nagato knew that fighting back would be futile.

Despite the fear gnawing at his insides, Nagato took a deep breath and nodded slowly, his voice quiet but resolute. "I'll do it," he said, his heart heavy with the decision. "You've fulfilled your part of the deal, so I'll honor mine."

Yahiko and Konan both looked at Nagato with surprise, their eyes wide with disbelief. "Nagato… you don't have to—"

But Nagato cut them off, his voice firm as he shook his head. "No," he said, more decisively this time. "This is the only way. I trust him."

Peter smiled, clearly pleased with Nagato's decision. "Good choice," he said lightly, snapping his fingers.

In an instant, a golden glow surrounded Nagato, enveloping him in a soft, ethereal light. His eyes widened as he felt a strange sensation, like the very power inside him was shifting, moving out of his control.

Slowly, the glow intensified, and Nagato felt the world around him begin to fade. Darkness crept into his vision, and for the first time in years, he felt truly vulnerable.

The Rinnegan, once a part of him, floated from his eyes, hovering above Peter's outstretched hand. Nagato's heart pounded in his chest as he felt the Rinnegan leave him completely, the connection severed.

The world went dark.

Nagato stood still, his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths as he adjusted to the sudden loss of his sight. "…"

For a moment, he felt nothing but fear—fear of the unknown, fear of what would happen next. But despite the darkness surrounding him, there was also a sense of peace. He had honored his word, and in doing so, he had trusted Peter to do the same.

Peter, the Rinnegan floating above his outstretched hand, glanced down at the eyes with a satisfied smirk before turning back to Nagato. "Don't worry," he said softly, his tone gentle. "You won't be blind for long. I'm a man of my word, after all."

Yahiko and Konan remained by Nagato's side, their hearts heavy with concern as they watched their friend stand blind and vulnerable. But they didn't speak. They trusted Nagato's decision, even if it pained them to see him like this.

Meanwhile, Madara's gaze was fixed on the Rinnegan, expecting Peter to hand over his eyes immediately.

But instead of doing so, Peter eyed the Rinnegan, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know," he said casually, "before I give these back to you, Madara, I think I'll run a few tests on them."

Madara's eyes narrowed, a flicker of suspicion flashing through his crimson Sharingan. "Tests?" he repeated, his voice cold and edged with irritation. "What are you talking about?"

Peter waved a hand dismissively, his usual calm demeanor unwavering. "Relax. It won't take long," he said, his tone light. "These are the highest-level Sharingan and Rinnegan in existence. I'm curious to see how they work. If I can understand them well enough, I might be able to help Itachi and Shisui evolve their eyes into something like this."

At Peter's mention of his students, both Itachi and Shisui perked up, their eyes widening slightly as they glanced at the glowing Rinnegan. They had both been working to master their Sharingan, but the thought of achieving the Rinnegan—or something even stronger—made their hearts race with excitement.

Peter's gaze flickered to them for a moment, a small smile tugging at his lips. 'Or who knows,' he thought, turning his attention back to the floating Rinnegan. 'Maybe I could even make myself a pair of powerful eyes. The Rinne-Sharingan in the show was pretty cool, after all.'

Madara's eyes narrowed further. "Fine," he muttered. "But make it quick..."

Peter, seemingly unbothered by Madara's growing impatience, raised his free hand, and with a swift motion, began drawing glowing spell circles in the air around the floating Rinnegan. The circles were intricate, filled with runes and symbols that pulsed with a golden light, encircling the eyes as Peter began his analysis.

The others watched in silence as the spell circles spun around the Rinnegan, each one emitting a soft hum as it gathered information. Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato exchanged confused glances, unsure of what Peter was doing. Even Itachi and Shisui, who had seen Peter use magic many times before, were watching with rapt attention.

Yahiko, his voice filled with uncertainty, spoke up next. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Peter, still focused on the spell circles, glanced briefly at Yahiko before offering a reassuring smile. "Relax. I'm just studying them," he explained. "I want to understand how they work, that's all."

Madara, clearly growing more agitated by the second, took a step forward, his presence imposing. "You had better not damage them," he warned, his voice low and dangerous.

Peter met Madara's intense gaze without flinching. "I'm not going to damage them," he said, his tone calm. "And even if I did, what would you do about it?"

"…" Madara remained silent, his lips pressed together as he realized there was nothing he could do.

The golden spell circles continued to rotate around the Rinnegan, scanning the eyes with meticulous precision. Peter's mind absorbed the information they gathered in real-time, processing the complex nature of the Rinnegan's powers and the unique relationship it shared with the Sharingan. The intricate chakra pathways, the genetic factors involved, and the sheer potential that these eyes held—it was all flowing into Peter's consciousness.

As the spell circles completed their task, they slowly began to fade, the glowing symbols dissipating into the air as the magical analysis came to an end. Peter blinked, his mind now filled with the knowledge he had sought, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.

"Alright," Peter said, lowering his hand as the final traces of the spell faded away. "I'm done."

Madara's eyes narrowed further, his patience clearly wearing thin. "And?" he asked, his voice filled with barely concealed frustration. "What did you learn?"

Peter smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "A lot," he said cryptically, offering no further explanation. "But don't worry, your eyes are fine."

Madara sighed in relief, turning his attention back to the floating Rinnegan.

"Here," Peter said, casually handing over the eyes to Madara.

Madara stepped forward, his gaze never leaving the glowing Rinnegan in Peter's hand. He reached out, taking the powerful eyes with a sense of reverence.

Peter watched as Madara carefully replaced the Sharingan eyes he had been using with his original Rinnegan. As the connection was made, Madara closed his eyes, a deep breath escaping him as he felt the overwhelming surge of power coursing through his veins once more. His full strength had returned.

Madara stood there, silent, his eyes still closed as he savored the sensation. "…"

After a brief moment, he opened his eyes, the swirling patterns of the Rinnegan now dominating his gaze.

Peter, watching with a smirk, took the discarded Sharingan eyes that Madara had been using and casually stashed them in his storage necklace. He had plans for those eyes later, but for now, they were tucked away safely.

While Madara continued to take in the return of his full strength, Peter turned to the blind Nagato.

"Hold still," Peter said softly as he approached Nagato.

Nagato, though initially startled by Peter's words, did as instructed, standing still as Peter raised his hands once more. A soft golden glow enveloped Peter's palms as he began to weave his magic. This time, the spell was different—gentler, more focused.

Nagato blinked, unsure of what Peter was about to do, but before he could ask, a warm sensation spread across his face. The golden light seemed to seep into his skin, and slowly but surely, something incredible began to happen.

Peter wasn't giving Nagato someone else's eyes. He was healing him—regrowing his original eyes.

Nagato's body shuddered as the magic flowed through him, and after a moment, he let out a gasp. His knees buckled, and he collapsed briefly, his body trembling as he felt an overwhelming sensation of weakness wash over him.

"Easy," Peter said calmly, catching Nagato's arm to steady him. "You'll feel a little weak at first."

Nagato took a few deep breaths, his vision still blurry as he blinked repeatedly, trying to adjust to the sensation of having his original eyes again. But then, something remarkable happened.

A wave of energy surged through his body, filling him with a sense of vitality he hadn't felt in years. His muscles, once worn and fatigued, felt stronger, and his mind, once clouded by the constant strain of the Rinnegan, felt clearer than ever.

Peter stepped back, allowing Nagato to fully take in the transformation. "How do you feel?" he asked, a knowing smile on his face.

Nagato blinked again, his vision now fully restored. He glanced around, his eyes wide with disbelief as he took in the world with his own sight for the first time in what felt like an eternity. His body felt… lighter, stronger. He hadn't realized just how much of a toll the Rinnegan had been taking on him until now.

"I… I feel…" Nagato stammered, his voice filled with awe. "I feel amazing."

Yahiko and Konan, who had been watching in silence, rushed over to their friend, concern and joy mixing in their expressions. "Nagato?" Yahiko asked, his voice filled with hope. "Are you okay?"

Nagato nodded slowly, a look of disbelief still on his face. "Yes… more than okay. I haven't felt this strong in years…"

Peter crossed his arms over his chest, his smirk widening as he explained. "You see, the Rinnegan wasn't yours, so your body was constantly fighting to sustain it. It was draining your stamina and chakra at an alarming rate. That's why you always felt so weak. But now, with the Rinnegan gone and your original eyes restored, your body is finally back to where it should be."

Nagato's eyes widened in shock as Peter's words sank in. He had always assumed that the Rinnegan was the key to his power, the very thing that would someday make him strong. But in reality, it had been draining him this whole time.

"I never realized…" Nagato muttered, his voice trailing off. He glanced at his hands, clenching them into fists as he felt the strength surging through his body.

Yahiko and Konan stood beside him, both of them smiling with relief and happiness.

For a brief moment, the trio celebrated together, their hearts light with relief and hope for the future. Nagato was free—free from the burden of the Rinnegan, free from the constant drain on his body, free to live his life as he had always dreamed, peacefully on Amegakure.

But just as they were beginning to smile and laugh, something changed.

Nagato's body tensed suddenly, his eyes going wide with shock. A sharp, agonizing scream tore from his throat as he collapsed to the ground, clutching his head in pain.

"Nagato!" Konan shouted, rushing to his side, her heart racing with fear.

Yahiko knelt down beside him, his hands shaking as he tried to help his friend. "What's happening?!" he cried out, his voice filled with panic.

Nagato's eyes—now his original eyes—suddenly flashed a bright, unnatural blue, a light so intense it made Yahiko and Konan recoil in shock. "?!"

A/N: 2500 words :)




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