I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 70: Daddy’s Home

Chapter 70: Daddy’s Home

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 80. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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*Knock Knock*

As the noise came from the front door, everyone wondered who it could be. After all, the snow was starting to come down fairly heavy, so it would be almost impossible to drive by this point.

"Is it a neighbor?" May thought out loud as Grace walked over and opened the door.

Standing outside was none other than the man himself, Director Nick Fury. He is dressed in all black as usual but it's far more casual than his usual tactical gear.

"Hey..." Fury says awkwardly.

Since the day he got that soul-crushing reaction from his daughter a couple of months ago, Nick has been keeping a good distance from his family.

Though that became hard when he listened in on the surveillance tape of MJ and her boyfriend, god he hated that word, and heard what his daughter said while crying.

"I just wish he would have showed up tomorrow or something... He didn't even say goodbye... I just want to know why..." Listening to these portions of the recording was hard and punishing for him every time.

Especially when he heard that his daughter thought it was her fault that he left, which is just nonsense. In fact, it was the opposite. Fury found it very hard to separate from his family because of MJ and Grace.

Just the thought of them makes Fury want to return home, but he knew it wouldn't be a good idea. Especially with all of the warnings that Spider-Man has been dropping recently.

Sadly, humans are emotional creatures. Even the great Nick Fury feels lonely without his family on Christmas. So, against the man's better judgment, Fury picked up and left last minute, ditching anyone that could have been following him with countless experienced maneuvers.

He had to be careful when it came to his family after all.

The snow was a killer but he managed to show up around dinner time with a present for MJ that he picked up at a 24-hour drug store. Sadly, It was the only place that was open.

As he knocked and the door flew open, Fury saw his wife standing there with a puzzled look on her face. However, that puzzled look didn't last long as a shocked and angry look appeared soon after.

As Fury was preparing himself to once again face his wife's anger, suddenly, a resigned look appeared on Grace's face as she turned to look over at MJ for a brief moment.

Fury wasn't the only one to hear the conversation between Peter and MJ. Her daughter seemed eager for her father's return. Even if she didn't want to admit it.

"Come inside..." Grace steps aside with a resigned sigh.

Nick didn't know what got into his wife, but he knew it had something to do with MJ. Walking inside, Fury got a good look at the holiday decorations, including the tree, and smiled lightly.

If anyone from Shield saw such a look on their leader's face, they would instantly believe this man to be an imposter.

That smile soon morphed into a frown when Nick saw Peter sitting very close to his daughter on the floor by the tree.

Peter found all of this interesting and knew that MJ wanted to see her father again, so he didn't mind Fury's bad timing.

MJ was silent as she watched her father be invited in by her mother. The last present Peter gave her was tightly grasped in her right hand. Thankfully, the present wasn't fragile, or else she would have crushed whatever was inside by now.

"Hello again, Mr. Watson." Peter greets the man with an awkward smile, which seemed to increase the glare he was receiving. "May, this is Nick Watson. MJ's father."

After flashing a knowing look toward her nephew, May introduced herself to Fury. She knew everything about Nick Fury, as Peter told her.

Looking over at MJ, Peter could tell that she was torn between yelling at her father, hugging him, storming out of the room, or flat out ignoring the man. He gave her a comforting side hug, which only made Fury's frown deepen.

After a moment of silence, MJ decided on the latter and ignored her father's presence completely. Choosing to focus her attention back on Peter.

"What were we doing?" MJ asks and Peter taps the present in her hand. "Oh, yeah..."

MJ turns her back to Fury and starts opening the present, causing her mother to sigh in relief. She would feel bad if MJ reacted badly and this ruined her first Christmas with Peter.

"Take a seat." Grace orders Nick as she gestures toward the couch.

Not willing to ruin his chance, Fury follows orders, sitting there with a gift bag on his lap, forgetting to take off his coat.

'Sad divorced dad vibes.' Peter thought as he turned to watch MJ open his gift.

Unwrapping it fully, MJ found a jewelry box underneath and flipped that open as well. Inside the box was a heart-shaped locket with 'P&M' engraved on it.

"Thank you." MJ mutters as she takes it from the box, revealing the golden necklace attached to it.

"Open it up." Peter instructs.

Listening to him, MJ presses a tiny button on the side and the locket pops open. Inside is a picture of them together from the time they had a picnic at the top of a skyscraper.

"..." Without a word, MJ bounced off the ground and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck, throwing him to the ground and landing on top of him in the process, the necklace still clasped tightly in her hand.

"I'm guessing you like it?" Peter comments with a laugh as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"I love it!" MJ answers enthusiastically.

MJ isn't the type to like expensive or flashy jewelry, and Peter knew that. This is why he made sure to make this gift as sentimental as possible. Because otherwise, MJ would never wear such expensive jewelry. After all, the locket and necklace are high-quality gold and cost around 30 thousand dollars.

Though, Peter would never tell her that.

"Ahem..." Fury cleared his throat in the background.

Instantly, MJ remembered that others were in the room and leaped off of him, glancing at her father in embarrassment before swiftly ignoring him once again.

"Well, put it on!" Grace encourages from the background.

"Want some help?" Peter asks as MJ tries to clasp the necklace but has a hard time getting it on.

"Please..." MJ nods and hands over the necklace.

While he was clasping the necklace around her neck, Peter could feel the glare from Fury the whole time.

"There you go." Peter says as he backs up and takes a look.

After getting ambushed by Grace and May, who wanted a closer look at the locket, MJ ran off to the bathroom to look at the necklace in the mirror.

While she was gone, Grace and May ran off to the kitchen, leaving Peter and Nick behind in the living room.

"So, how have you been?" Peter tried to make some small talk but Fury just looked at him in annoyance without answering. "...Okay..."

Silence filled the room once again as they waited for the girls to return. Peter was actually enjoying this, as he knew Fury well enough as Spider-Man to find this whole situation fairly amusing.

"You should take off your jacket." Peter tries to help the guy out a little. "You're giving off sad divorced dad vibes."

Looking down at himself, Fury sighed in annoyance, reluctantly agreeing with Peter's words. Once he took the jacket off, he looked a bit better but the cheap gift bag still made him look like a divorced dad.

Though it wasn't as bad as before.

When MJ returned from the bathroom with a smile on her face, Fury stood up and handed over the gift bag.

"I wasn't planning on coming, so I picked this up on the way here. If you don't like it, that's okay. You can regift or return it." Fury says, knowing that his gift wouldn't measure up to the necklace or anything else that sitting by the tree.

Fighting her own instincts, which wanted to continue ignoring her father, MJ reluctantly took the present and sat beside Peter once again.

"Go ahead. Open it up." Peter encourages her as he sees her hesitate to look inside.

"..." Peaking inside the bag, MJ's eyes widen as she pulls out a white bunny plushy.

MJ has a worn white bunny plush that she sleeps with. Peter has seen it countless times. The first time he saw it was when he snuck in to place the protection enchantments on MJ and Grace.

What he didn't know is that old bunny was a gift from her father. It was the last gift he gave her before disappearing.

"Don't you already have one of those in your room?" Peter voices his thought, causing Fury's eyes to widen.

"What were you doing in my daughter's bedroom?" He asks with a dangerous look.

Before Peter could answer, a savior arrived from the kitchen.

"Dinner's ready. Everyone to the kitchen!"

A/N: 1536 words



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