I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 53: Mystique

Chapter 53: Mystique

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 14 chapters ahead at chapter 67. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After going through yet another explanation of the Avengers plan, but this time with the South Korean representative and Magneto, the South Korean representative instantly agreed with everything.

She was even more excited about it than the UK representative was yesterday. It seems that the demonstration of meta-human powers from today's UN meeting was really helping Peter's cause.

He now had the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and South Korea backing the Avengers Initiative.

Seeing as every country was delighted to get involved with the Avengers now, Peter told the president and the UN representatives to get a meeting with China, France, and the United Arab Emirates all together tomorrow.

If they all agreed, then Peter would have enough backing to bring the Avengers plan to the rest of the UN and 100% get their agreement. They didn't plan to be as secretive as Shield after all.

These secretive meetings are only to make sure it gets passed when that time came along. Peter was tired of meetings and just wanted to get the ball rolling on building the Avengers, which would happen soon.

With Starks money and Shields intel, it wouldn't take long for the Avengers to become a real thing.

Little does Peter know that as a member of the future Avengers council, meetings like these will be a fairly regular occurrence for him.

When the South Korean representative left the room with everyone else, leaving Peter and Magneto behind, Erik turned to Peter with a thoughtful look

"You want me to become a part of this Avengers Organization?" Magneto asks unsure of himself.

"Yes, and I'd like to get Charles involved too." Peter replies with a nod.

"This hero business is something that Charles would definitely go for. Me, on the other hand, not so much." Erik says with a shake of his head. "All I care for is the safety and well-being of my people. That's it."

"Haha, and you think that doesn't make you a hero?" Peter laughs at Magneto's way of thinking. "You rant about how you want to save meta-humans and keep them safe from harm. What do you think that makes you to them?"

"Their leader..." Erik replies with a thoughtful look.

"A leader can be a hero as well. In fact, they happen to make the best leaders in my opinion." Peter comments matter of factly. "I plan for the Avengers to be a group of the strongest people on this planet. We would keep the peace and handle any situation that calls for our assistance. Are you telling me that, as a leader of meta-humans, you don't want your people to be a part of this?"

"Meta-humans are the most powerful people on this planet. Anyone else in this organization of yours would be nothing but weak humans." Erik scoffs and shakes his head.

"Do you really think that meta-humans are the only super-powered group of people on this planet? Let's not even mention the threats outside of our solar system. There are people on this planet, who were born as normal humans, that could slaughter you in the time it takes to snap their fingers together." Peter says, referring to the Masters of Kamar Taj.

Of course, Peter has had the anti-surveillance function on his phone switched on since the beginning of this meeting. He wasn't worried about anyone overheating either, as he could sense anyone in the area.

"What do you mean by that?" Erik asked, not sure what Spider-Man was talking about.

He's been alive on this earth since the Second World War and hasn't seen a single person, other than mutants, who had any sort of superpower.

Not including Captain America, who was made that way in a laboratory and has been dead for a long while now.

"Why do you think I have my powers, yet I said that I'm not a meta-human?" Peter asks as realization slowly fills Erik's face. "I got my powers from another source and I've met others that are far stronger than myself."

"Why haven't I heard of these people?" Magneto asks, not fully believing Peter's words.

"They are very secretive, but they aren't the only ones out there. We have information on some other super-powered individuals on earth as well. After all, the Avengers need to do some recruitment after our establishment." Peter doesn't fully explain as he doesn't want to out Kamar Taj completely.

"On earth... Why do you keep using these terms?" Erik asks.

"I'm afraid that I can't explain any further." Peter says with a shake of his head. "You'll have to join to get more details."

Instantly, Magneto became quiet as the room descended into silence. He just sat there and looked at Peter in contemplation, reading his every movement and expression.

Peter didn't mind and waited patiently for Magneto's reply.

By this point, Peter was sure that the man before him hasn't radicalized into the true villain that is Magneto just yet. He was on the path to that fate, but Peter wanted to change that.

Not only to get rid of a future enemy but also to add a powerful ally to his arsenal. That arsenal being the Avengers organization.

Peter's vision for the Avengers, other than protecting the earth, is a true powerhouse that pretty much runs the world. Though they wouldn't actually have a position in any government.

They would become the thing that stops all conflict on the planet. All war would cease to exist. Governments, companies, and other organized groups would fear and respect them.

Every country on the planet would have its own nuclear deterrent in the form of the Avengers, who would protect the peace.

Of course, this would take some time to set up fully, but Peter was hopeful and ready to make it happen.

Soon enough, Magneto looked determined and spoke up.

"Fine, I'll join but I want a seat on the Council you spoke of earlier." Erik agreed but gives a stipulation as well.

"I'll have to speak about this to the other soon-to-be councilmen, but I agree so they should be amenable to the idea." Peter answers with a shrug.

Although he's been the one spearheading this whole project since Fury brought it to them, Peter isn't the one in charge. The Avengers Council would be working as a group to come to every important decision, and this happens to be one of those decisions.

Peter wasn't worried about Erik taking such a high position. He already planned to offer a similar position to Professor Xavier, and if he wants Magneto to join as well, the man wouldn't take anything less than being on the same level as his old friend/nemesis.

"Alright, here take this." Erik nods understandingly as he writes down his phone number. "Call me when everyone has come to a decision."

"Alright, I'll have an answer for you in a couple of days." Peter says as he accepts the number.

"I expect that you're going to offer Charles a council position as well?" Magneto asks.

"Yes, he was here for a similar meeting yesterday. Though he hasn't given me an answer and ran away today before I could speak about it." Peter says in mock annoyance.

After finishing their meeting, Peter walked Erik out of the building, but before he could fly away as he came, one of the workers from the UN building walked toward them.

It was a balding middle-aged man in a sh*tty tan suit, which didn't seem to be the right size. He was an assistant that would do grunt work during meetings. Fetching supplies, refreshments, and the like.

As he gets closer to them, his demeanor and walk suddenly changes from a modest conservative man to the swinging hips of a confident woman.

Instantly, a smile graced Erik's lips as he sees this change happen, realizing exactly who this is.

After the person's walk changed, scale-like movement shuddered along their skin and clothing, as their entire being morphed into a beautiful naked blue-skinned woman with orange-red hair and yellow eyes, similar to Nightcrawler.

[Insert picture of Mystique here]

"Raven, as ravishing as ever." Erik says as he leans forward and pecks her on the cheek.

"Erik, It seems our cause is changing." Raven says with a smile. "Though I like the way things are headed now."

"Of course, you do." Magnetic says with a laugh. "You just want to spend time with Charles again. As for our cause, It's always been the same. The only thing that's changing is the plan."

"I guess you're right..."

A/N: 1446 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king, I choose to be lazy today. Give stones though. Or else 😡]


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