I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 2: 1st Day of School

Chapter 2: 1st Day of School

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 5 chapters ahead at chapter 7. I'll be writing 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Though, I don't think I regret it anymore..." Peter thought as he stared at himself in the mirror.

Looking down at the cup attached to his hand, Peter tries to control his spider powers and once again sets the cup down in the sink.

Still, he couldn't get the cup out of his hand, but after a few more tries it came loose and sat in the middle of the sink.

Staring at his hands, Peter saw nothing wrong with them whatsoever. Though he couldn't say the same about his wrists.

On the underside of each wrist right below the hand is a small hole. As he was inspecting the hole in his right wrist, a white substance shot out and covered Peter's eyes.

"Ahh!" He yelps and pulls the sticky web from his face, looking down at it in wonder.

Luckily, Aunt May didn't hear him yell, so he didn't have to make something up again.

Deciding that it may be best to just take a shower and worry about this later, Peter opens the shower curtain and turns the valve, shooting water from the shower head.

But, as he twisted the valve, Peter put a bit too much power into it and the knob broke off like it was made of styrofoam or cardboard.



After cleaning up and fixing the valve the best he could, Peter got dressed, ate his breakfast, and saw Aunt May off before taking the subway to the 36th Avenue Station, which is right next to Midtown High.

Walking up to the school, Peter takes in the sight of Midtown School of Science and Technology, also known as Midtown Technical High School.

Seeing all the students hustle and bustle into the entrances, looking their best and ready for the first day of school, Peter couldn't help but feel excited.

He never liked high school in his past life. Even before his parents died and the bullying started, school life was never a fun or exciting thing for him, yet this time around Peter is ready to seize the day and enjoy himself to the fullest.

Peter decided on the train that he wouldn't waste this second chance. No other person that commits suicide gets these kinds of perks, at least he doesn't think they do, so Peter would live his new life however he pleases and make the best of every situation.

Walking inside, Peter went straight to the main office and asked for his schedule. He couldn't find it before he left but knew it wasn't a big deal. The staff in the office only had to look up his name and print his schedule. It took less than a minute.

They also gave Peter his locker number and combination.

Thankfully, the old Peter was a prepared person and already packed a backpack for him to take, which he appreciated.

After a quick trip to his locker to drop off some books, Peter heads down the hall looking for his first class of the day. On his way down the hall, a slick-haired teenager with an evil grin pops out from behind a locker and tries to purposefully bump into Peter, who was looking at his schedule.

Flash Thompson.

[Insert picture of MCU Flash here]

"What's up Penis Parker!" The slick-haired teen greets loudly just as he was about to bump into Peter, drawing everyone's attention.

Peter didn't need his spidey senses to know what was going on, but instead of stepping away, Peter puts a bit more power into his next step.


"Urga!" Flash gets sent tumbling backward and grunts in pain as he hits the floor.

"Oh, hey Flash." Peter looks up from his schedule for a moment before swiftly walking past the fallen bully, acting like nothing happened.

"What the f*ck just happened?" Flash muttered as he grabs his shoulder in pain.

Everyone who saw it, thanks to Flash's loud greeting, was rather amused. Most of the first years knew Flash and Peter, who has always been Flash's punching bag, so seeing the little guy win for once was certainly surprising and refreshing.

They just wondered if it would last and what Flash would do to get back at him later on. To these teenagers, this is the peak entertainment.

Of course, Peter didn't plan on being a punching bag anymore. He didn't care for being popular, partying, or anything like that. The one thing that he'll put his foot down on is being bullied. Especially by such a sh*tty version of Flash Thompson.

Back to Peter, he found his class and took a seat near the window. No one else has arrived yet so he simply waits patiently for class to start.

Up until now, everything has led Peter to believe that he's in the MCU. His apartment, Aunt May, his appearance, Flash's appearance, and even the school is an exact replica.

He has a few options laid out before him. Of course, Peter planned to collect the infinity stones or destroy them as a last resort. They are far too dangerous to be left to whoever gets their hands on them.

He also should give the Ancient One a visit. She would make a good ally and maybe he could learn some of the mystic arts if he's able to.

So far that's all the plans Peter has set in stone. Everything else is up for debate. Maybe he'll contact shield and learn some martial arts from them, but he's sure that would come with a price, so it may not be the smartest idea. Though, he could use that connection to find information about the tesseract.

As Peter is thinking of future plans while looking out the window, in walks a chubby Filipino teenager. He scans the room and immediately B-lines straight to Peter's desk.

"Dude, is it true?" He sits in front of Peter and turns to look at him questioningly.

"What?" Peter asks on reflex as he turns to see his new classmate.

Ned Leeds, Peter Parker's best friend.

[Insert picture of MCU Ned here]

"What do you mean what?!" Ned starts acting as if something epic happened. "Is it true you got one over on Flash? Everyone is talking about it."

"Huh? Yeah, I guess." Peter says with a shrug. "He tried to bump into me so I bumped into him harder."

Hearing these words out of his best friend's mouth, Neds' eyes go wide as his mouth hangs open.

"Close your mouth. Bugs will fly in." Peter says jokingly.

"Dude, Flash has been tormenting us since middle school started. I'm just amazed that we finally got one over him!" Ned acts like Peter climbed the highest mountain and carried him the whole way.

"Relax, Ned." Peter tries to calm him down. "We only bumped into each other and he's most likely going to do something about it."

"You're right..." Ned finally understood the problem they have. Though it's not really a problem for Peter, he won't say that.

Peter actually felt pretty comfortable with Ned. He reminds him of the few close friends he had in his past life.

Before they could speak more about it, the class began to fill rapidly and the teacher arrived as well. Unsurprisingly, Ned, Flash, Liz Allen, and Michelle Jones are all in Peters homeroom class.

Elizabeth "Liz" Allan (née Toomes) is the daughter of Adrian Toomes and Doris Toomes. Her father is the future alien weapons trafficker, Vulture.

[Insert picture of MCU Liz here]

Though, Peter doesn't have to worry about that until after the Chitauri invasion concludes.

Liz was also Peter's crush in the first spider-man movie, but based on the look Ned gave him when she walked in, she was his crush here too. Well, not anymore.

He's sure she's a nice girl but Peter has his sights set on another target so to speak. Speaking of, Peter turns his head to see Michelle Jone, otherwise known as MJ. She looks exactly like the actress that plays her in the movies, Zendaya.

[Insert picture of MJ/Zendaya here]

Just like the granny version of Aunt May, Peter didn't like the MJ in the Tobey Maguire spider-man movies, but this one is a million times better. Which is why he planned to ask her out on a date. Though not today.

Peter has so much to do today. The second school ends, he plans to go to a secluded area and test out his new powers. Though he would have to be careful with surveillance cameras. That's how Tony Stark found his identity in the movies.

Of course, that's not the only reason he's stalling to ask MJ out on a date. In both lives, Peter has never had a girlfriend. Let alone been on a date before. He was always too nervous and when he started getting the courage to do it in his past life, the accident happened and ruined everything.

Also, Peter is currently broke and needs money for the date, which should be easily acquired with his newfound powers. He could simply ask Aunt May for cash but they don't seem like the wealthiest family.

That's another plan to add to the top of the list. Find a way to steal some money unnoticed. Maybe pickpocket people in Manhattan? That would be the simplest and fastest way to get money. Or he could sneak into a bank and steal a few bands. Though that would be a bit too risky compared to pickpocketing. He only needs pocket money anyway. At least for now.

A/N: 1590 words. How's it going? Good?



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