I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 176: Iron Man 3?

Chapter 176: Iron Man 3?

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As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord

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Following after MJ, Peter pulled back enough to watch as she handled whatever situation was going on down the street.

'This is a good time to test her, I suppose.' Peter thought as they arrived at the location of the alarm and automatic gunfire.

Five armed gunmen hid behind the large pillars in front of a bank as they shot at police, who surrounded the building and cut off all chances for them to escape.

Each criminal had duffle bags over their shoulder, which were most likely filled with whatever they robbed from the bank.

As for the police, they hid behind the cover of their cars and returned fire toward the five bank robbers. A few cops have already been shot, which wasn't a good sign, though no one seems to have died yet.

Taking a quick look for any hostages, Peter found the bank to be completely empty inside and out. Well, besides the armed thieves.

'No wonder they started shooting...' Peter thought as the gunfire continued. 'They had no hostages to trade, so they couldn't escape peacefully.'

Taking a closer look at the door, Peter saw a closed sign hanging from the window, explaining exactly why there weren't any hostages for them to take.

'This should be a perfect opportunity for her.' Peter thought as he sat on a rooftop across the street with his legs dangling off the edge.

Just as another cop took a bullet to the shoulder, a black shadow swung over the cop cars in her and shot some expertly aimed webs, which sealed the gunshot wounds of the few policemen that were hit.

"Who the f*ck is that!?" One of the robbers yells as he turns his gunfire toward the new arrival.

"Did Spider-Man change his look?" A cop asks in confusion.

"Isn't that a woman?" A female officer questioned as she noticed some womanly curves.

"That should do for now." MJ muttered as her spider senses started blaring.

Acting quickly, MJ shot a web at the bank and yanked it, dodging the rain of assault rifle bullets that came flying her way.

"That's not how you should greet a lady!" MJ yells as she soars toward the man that shot at her feet first.

Before anyone could react, the bottom of MJ's boot was planted into one of the robber's faces, launching the man backward.

*Crash Shatter!*

Flying off of his feet, the man broke through the bank's glass window and fell to the floor unconscious, surrounded by shards of broken glass.

"What the?" One of the armed men grunted in confusion as he got a good look at MJ. "You're not Spider-Man?!"

"It's a girl?" The man beside him asks in confusion.

As soon as they noticed that they weren't dealing with Spider-Man, and instead it was a woman, the armed men seemed to calm down and relax a bit.

"What are you? Spider-Mans bitch?" One of them asks as they all laugh and aim their guns in her direction.

Luckily for them, the large concrete pillars were blocking the police still, so they didn't have to worry about getting shot, as long as they kept behind cover of course.

"Yeah, and I'm about to turn you four into my b*tches..." MJ threatens as she felt disgusted by their lingering gazes on her body.

Though situations like this were bound to happen, as her suit is tight and showed off the contours of her body very well.

'Did she just admit to being my b*tch?' Peter thought as he heard and saw everything from his vantage point. 'Not that I mind...'

Just as MJ made those dangerous remarks, the robbers didn't hold back anymore and opened fire in her direction.

Kicking off the ground, MJ launched herself into the concrete overhang of the bank, missing the bullets with relative ease.

"Stand still you little sl*t!" One of the robbers yelled as they tried to follow her movements with their rifles.

Not standing still for too long, MJ kicked off of the roof, continuously dodging bullets as she shot a web at one of the gunmen.

As the web stuck to his chest, MJ pulled hard, picking the man up off the ground and sending him into the concrete roof above.

"Aaahhh!" He yelled in fright and smacked into the overhang.


Instantly falling unconscious from the impact, his body hung from a thin web, dangling him from the bank like a holiday decoration.

Continuing to the rest of the armed men, MJ took them down one by one as if she were dealing with toddlers.

Stringing the knocked-out thieves up and leaving a quick message behind for the police and media, MJ waved to the surrounding police before swinging away.


"Did I do a good job?" MJ asks expectantly as she arrives at Peter's location.

"I would give you a B+ for your first time." Peter hands out her grade after a moment's thought. "Good work."

"Huh? Only a B?" MJ asks incredulously. "I plugged the wounds of those cops! That should at least bring it up to an A!"

"No, you let them shoot too much for that." Peter shrugs off her complaints uncaringly. "You have to remember that we live in a very crowded city. Stray bullets can easily hit civilians, especially when they're high caliber bullets like today."

Peter learned this lesson himself fairly early on when some stray bullets tore through a nearby apartment building and almost killed a little girl in her bed.

The girl's mother came running outside just as Peter was wrapping things up for the police, and tore into him as well as the criminals for what almost happened to her daughter.

"..." upon hearing this story, MJ's former accomplished feeling faded away.

She knew at that moment that being a hero was more than just fighting bad guys and acting cool. It was about protecting people as best as you could.

"So, you're my b*tch, huh?" Peter tried to lighten the mood as he smirked under his mask.


Though he received a hard punch on the shoulder in return.

"Ugh..." Peter grunted as he rubbed his shoulder. 'Maybe giving her superpowers was a bad idea?'

Across the street, the Police rushed forward and arrived at the front of the bank with their weapons drawn and ready to fire.

They didn't have a good view of what happened, so they had to be careful in their approach nonetheless.

Arriving where the criminals took cover, the police were amused to find the bank robbers hanging from the roof, though that wasn't the only thing that caught their eyes.

Webs covered the front doors and windows of the bank, spelling out something in an intricate design.


-Long Flashback End-

(Back to the 5-month time skip)

With those in his life now super-powered up to protect themselves, Peter was able to sleep soundly. They can now defend themselves even if the enchantments he placed on them were to ever fail.

'Though I hope that time never comes...' Peter thought as he drove to school in an old rusted 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429 with MJ in his passenger seat.

The car is in terrible shape at the moment, as Peter just got the engine running last night, but soon enough it will be in pristine condition.

Arriving at the school parking lot, the car's tailpipe shot out a small cloud of black smoke as they parked, scaring off any nearby students.

"Eh... I'll have to work on that." Peter muttered as he and MJ avoided the smoke on the way inside.

It's been about 2 months since school started, and everyone was shocked when a young Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson strolled in on the first day with text books in hand.

At first, everyone thought there was a new transfer student, but when it came time for attendance to be called in their first class, the buff muscle head answered to a shocking name.

Ned Leeds.

This shocked everyone, even the teacher, though no one was more flabbergasted than Flash Thompson.

The former bully himself, who would always find a way to mention Ned's weight in the conversation now found himself staring in jealousy at that same person.

It was an amusing day at school to say the very least.

Although there is now a rumor floating around that Ned does steroids, that's better than people thinking he was a meta-human.

Of course, he would have been treated well thanks to Peter's influence on mutant stigma in this world, but it still wasn't worth the trouble that it would bring Ned and his family.

Other than school, Ned has been antsy to get out in the field like MJ, who patrols the city on her own at this point.

When he saw news of the new hero Silk appearing, Ned wanted nothing more than to join his friends.

Sadly he was locked in his house at that time, and even now Peter won't allow him to have his debut.

"How come MJ gets to fight crime and I don't?" Ned whined like a child when Peter stopped him earlier in the school year.

"Ned, MJ has my spider powers, so she has a built-in warning system along with a bunch of other abilities." Peter explained as he admired Ned's best effort at a superhero suit.

It was basically a sweatsuit with an S painted on its chest alongside a ski mask to cover his identity and a pair of warm winter gloves.

The worst part was the repurposed sheets that were now being used as a cape...

"She can dodge bullets with ease." Peter says as his voice turns more sympathetic. "You need more training than her and a better suit..."

"Hey! What's wrong with my suit!"

After that, the conversation degraded into Ned defending his 'work of art' as he called it, though at the end of the day he understood Peter's point.

Since then, Peter has spent a bit of his spare time training Ned how to fight, which was moving slowly as Ned never fought anyone in his life.

As Peter walked into School, his phone buzzed. Taking it out, he found a news alert in his feed.

[Ten Rings Bomb TLC Chinese Theatre?]

"Huh? Isn't that in the city?"

A/N: 1733 words


[Give me the stones and I'll give Peter Extremis so he can be even more powerful. Don't and I'll wipe the universe of all Extremis remnants! hehehahaHAHA!💥]


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