I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 172: Neds Transformation

Chapter 172: Neds Transformation

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"Who's that?" May asks as she saw an unfamiliar naked man in her living room.

"What do you mean, Ms. Parker?" Ned asks in confusion, still unaware of the changes that have taken place to his body. "It's me, Ned..."

"..." May looked at Peter in shock as Ned stood to the side, holding a slimy towel over his family jewels.

Without a word, Peter waves his hand and conjured a tall mirror in front of Ned, shocking him even more than May.

"Huh? Who's that?!" Ned repeated the same words as May as he stared at himself in the mirror.

"It's you, Ned." Peter says with a smirk.

Not only did the Elixir make Ned a few inches taller, but it also removed all of the excess fat from his body. Though the fat didn't just disappear, it was used as fuel to build a very muscular body.

While Peter had a slim and muscular build, Ned now has a body similar to Steve. In short, he looks like a shredded bodybuilder.

"Dude..." Ned mutters as he looks between both the mirror and Peter. "Holy sh*t!"

He started freaking out and without noticing he began to feel up his body, trying to make sure that the mirror wasn't some sort of illusion.

"I-I'm not fat anymore..." Ned stutters as a stray tear drips down his cheek.

Being the fat kid in school takes a toll, as children are very candid with their thoughts. Even teenagers will use anything against you if they don't like you enough.

Flash especially, though he wasn't a bully anymore.

Ned, like any other overweight kid, learned early that he had to laugh with the fat jokes, or simply ignore them depending on who was saying it.

Over the years, he grew callous to anything related to his weight, as he heard it all a million times.

Seeing himself as a sort of Greek god was just too much of a shock to Ned. His mind couldn't handle it as years of trauma due to his own body image came to the surface all at once.

"Let's get you in the shower, Buddy..." Seeing this happening in real time, Peter opened a portal to the bathroom and helped Ned walkthrough, as his body wasn't used to such a dramatic change yet.

Escorting him into the shower and turning it on, Peter could still see some stray tears falling down Ned's stunned face.

"I'll go get you a new towel and some clothes." Peter says as he walks back through the portal.

"Peter!" Ned called out, stopping Peter in his tracks.

"Yeah?" He asks, looking over his shoulder.

"Thank you..." Ned says emotionally.

"What are best friends for, right?" Peter says with a warm smile as the portal closes, leaving Ned in the bathroom alone.


Sometime later, Ned exited the bathroom in one of Peter's outfits, as any of his old clothes would be too large now. Although Peter's clothes were a bit tight on him, they really showed off the definition of his new body.

As soon as Ned walked down to the living room, he rushed over to Peter and wrapped him in a big hug, lifting Peter off the ground with ease.

"This is the best day of my life!" Ned exclaimed as he spun around with Peter in tow.

Seated on the couch, May, Grace, and MJ watched with mixed expressions on their faces.

Grace and MJ were shocked beyond belief, as they hadn't seen Neds change yet. They saw Ned on a regular basis, especially MJ, so they didn't fully believe that the person in front of them was actually Ned.

"Okay okay, calm down." Peter says as Ned puts him down.

"Ned, is that really you?" MJ asks as she walks over in surprise.

"Oh yeah!" Ned answers excitedly as he starts flexing like a bodybuilder, though he knew none of the poses so he came off clumsy and idiotic.

'Yup, That's Ned...' MJ thought with a roll of her eyes.


"So, did you get Peters spider powers?" MJ asks as soon as Ned stopped making a fool out of himself.

"Uhh, I don't know..." Ned answers with a shrug. "I'm definitely stronger though. That's for sure."

"Let's test it out." Peter declares as he walks off into the kitchen. "I'll be right back."


Only a minute later, without anyone noticing, an egg came flying out of the kitchen door and smacked Ned in the back of the head, exploding upon impact.

"What the!" Ned exclaimed as he flinched and grabbed the back of his head, getting a handful of egg yolk in the process.

Turning toward the kitchen door, everyone found Peter standing there with a carton of eggs in hand.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you didn't win the gamble." Peter says with a shake of his head.

No Spider sense means that he most likely doesn't have any spider related powers.

"It's okay." Ned says as he does his best to hide his disappointment. "This is already more than enough. Thanks again, Peter."

"No problem." Peter says as he walks over and pats him on the shoulder. "Although you didn't get my spider powers, it looks like you definitely got the effects of the Super Soldier Serum."

Of course, Peter already told them about his and Tony's experimenting with the serum, so they already knew.

"..." Ned smiles upon hearing Peter's words, though that smile is soon replaced by a contemplative look. "I need to come up with a Superhero name..."

"You need a suit as well." Peter adds another task for him to figure out.

"Um, how are we supposed to explain Ned's new look?" MJ asks as she realizes that they have a whole school of people to answer to, not to mention Ned's family.

Silence fills the room in an instant...

"Since it's summer, we can explain Ned's transformation as the results of extreme diet and exercise, though people may think that you took steroids. It would be a bit hard to believe, but there shouldn't be any major problems. As for his family, we only have to worry about your parents." Peter says as he thinks for a moment.

After a second of silence, Peter contemplated the possibility of performing some mind magic on Neds parents, but soon threw that thought away.

"Ned, you can tell them that you woke up with superpowers. They'll probably think you're a meta-human. Just make sure to keep them quiet because having powers can attract a lot of unsavory attention." Peter explains.

Hearing Peter's plan, Ned was a bit disappointed by his words. Since MJ's mother was allowed to know about everything, then he wanted to tell his parents as well.

Of course, he would respect Peter's decision, as it wasn't his secret to tell in the first place. This all started with Peter, so he would have to be the one to give permission, and Peter wasn't very close to Ned's parents in the first place.

They didn't have a bad relationship or anything. It's just that Ned's parents don't speak English, so there has always been a sort of language barrier between them.

Maybe someday Peter would let Ned reveal everything to his parents, but that time wasn't now.

As for the rest of Ned's extended family, like his grandparents, cousins, etc., they can get the same excuse as everyone at school. They don't live with him and only visit for holidays and reunions, so they weren't a problem.

"Sounds good." Ned nodded in agreement. "Should I go and tell them now?"

"If you want, but you'll miss out on everyone else getting their powers next." Peter says with a shrug.


After some thought, Ned decided to run off home to explain the good news to his parents. He couldn't hold in the excitement and wanted to see their reactions.

"I'll be back tomorrow!" Ned said as he ran out of the door at the fastest speed he has ever moved in his life.


After some cleaning up from Ned's procedure, it was finally time for MJ to go through the same thing.

Standing in front of the metal coffin, MJ looked nervous, though she was also pulsing with excitement.

"You ready?" Peter asks as he finished refilling the elixir, made with his own blood of course.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous..." She says as Peter pulls her into his chest from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You'll be asleep the whole time." He whispers in her ear and plants a soft kiss on her cheek. "It'll be over before you even know it, I promise."


"Awww..." Grace exclaims as she and May peek their heads out from the kitchen door, ruining the moment completely.

"Why are they always like this..." MJ muttered as Peter let go of her.

"Who knows." Peter sighed alongside her.


After stripping off all of her clothes off, MJ lay in the coffin completely nude, looking up at Peter who was crouched above her.

"Ready?" Peter asks, noticing the nervous look on her face alongside the loud pounding of her beating heart.

"...yeah." She answers back after a short pause.

"Okay..." Peter says as he pokes her neck the same way as Ned. "Love you."

"!" Hearing Peter's sudden declaration, which he has never said before, MJ's eyes go wide as she swiftly drifts off into a deep slumber.

Smirking at her expression, Peter closed the lid and hit the lever, releasing the elixir and starting the process.

"That was so cute!" May practically squealed.

Grace felt the same way, though she was too nervous for her daughter to show it at the moment.

'They always find a way to ruin the moment, don't they?'

A/N: 1627 words


[🤒A sickly man stands before you with a worn metal cup in hand, he holds it out while asking for but a few measly stones. It would save his life, he said. Do you scorn him and pace off in disgust, or do you do the kind thing and hand over your worthless rocks?🔸]


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