I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 169: Xander

Chapter 169: Xander

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep. /AlienWarlord

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Opening a portal, Peter and the Avengers Council stepped out in front of a towering militarized building. All around them was a futuristic metropolis with ships flying here and there.

"This is way better than Morag..." Tony mutters as he and everyone else spin in a circle to get a good look at their surroundings.

Of course, the ships stayed clear of the huge military building, though they seemed to be allowed to fly just about everywhere else.

The amazing part about the city was the plethora of greenery. If an area didn't have some sort of purpose, then in its place would be a patch of grass, trees, and/or bushes.

'It would be hard to implement something like this in New York...' Peter thought as he compared Xander's capital city to his own concrete jungle.

"Welcome!" An older woman with white blonde hair and an alien military-style blue suit walks out of the building. "When Jarvis said that you could open portals, I must say that I didn't believe him..."

[Insert picture of Irani Rael here]

Staring at the golden portal behind her new guests, Irani Rael descended the steps of the Nova Corps headquartered followed by a small group of armed soldiers, who watched the group of Avengers vigilantly.

"Speaking of Jarvis, which of you would that be?" Irani says as she stands in front of the group.

"That would be me, Ma'am." The speakers from Tony's suit go off, though his face mask was open so she knew that he wasn't the one that answered. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

"Hmm, an automation?" Irani asks in confusion, as she originally thought that Jarvis was a flesh and blood person.

"Jarvis is an Artificial Intelligence." Peter says as the portal behind them closes. "We had him contact you because he has complete control of Ronan's old fleet. It was the easiest method."

"I see..." She says and turns back to Tony. "Either way, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Jarvis."

For an advanced society like the Xandarians, a being like Jarvis wasn't anything new. In fact, high enough level AI can register as citizens of the Nova Empire and receive the same rights as any living being.

"Should we talk inside?" Peter asks as the crowd grew silent for a moment.

"Yes, right this way." She nods and leads the group to the main entrance of the building, where even more armed guards stood with solemn and serious looks. "I'm afraid that weapons aren't allowed past this point. You'll have to leave them with the guards."

As Irani says this, a few guards move toward them with carts to hold their guest's weaponry.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Peter took his new hammer from his back and placed it on the cart.

As soon as the Nova Corps members saw this hammer, they couldn't help but look at Peter in respect. After all, how could they not recognize the signature weapon of one of their biggest enemies.

Seeing Peter following their rules, the others started offloading their weaponry as well.

Of course, Tony was a bit stuck, as he didn't want to hand over his Iron Man armor, so under the gazes of the very serious guards, he stood unmoving and unwilling to follow along.

"Huh?" Noticing this, Peter offers Tony a choice. "Tony, you can either stay out here and explore the city, or I can send your armor back to the Tower and you can join us inside."

"..." Tony's ears perked up at the possibility of skipping on the inevitably long meeting that was about to unfold. "See yah!"

Without a second thought, Tony waved as he turned around and shot off into the air to explore. As Tony flew off, they all watched as he almost crashed into a small transport ship, though he was able to maneuver his way around it at the last second.

"Why give him the choice to slack off?" Charles asks with an annoyed frown. "He'll always choose that option..."

"It's fine, Tony isn't exactly needed and he tends to become annoying during long meetings, so this is for the best." Peter says with a shrug as he turns to Irani. "Please continue."

"Yes, just one more thing." She says as her gaze falls on Fury. "Please turn in all of your weapons."


A staring contest ensued between the two before Fury sighed and walked back over to the cart. With an annoyed look on his face, Fury started unloading weapon after weapon from his body.

The guards watched in shock as over and over, Fury pulled weapons out of nowhere and handed them over.

Three pistols, five knives, a taser, and a few other miscellaneous weapons later and they were finally allowed inside.

Following after Irani while admiring the alien architecture, they arrived at a meeting room with a large balcony that overlooked the city outside.

"Please have a seat." She offers as an egg-shaped table and chairs appear out of the floor.

"Alright, let's get straight to business." Peter says as he takes a seat at the head of the table with the view of the city behind him.

The guards that followed Irani around didn't look pleased by this action, though their boss didn't seem to care, as she simply sat somewhere else, so they kept their mouths shut.

"Yes, should we start with introductions?" She asks as everyone was seated. "My name is Irani Rael. I control the Nova Corps as Nova Prime."

"Spider-Man, I fight crime and protect the earth. I'm also a co-founder of the Avengers with everyone else in this room." Peter says as everyone else introduces themselves next.


"Avengers?" She asks as everyone seemed to mention that name.

"The Avengers is a bit like the Nova Corps, except that we're all enhanced individuals." Peter reveals, receiving a raised brow from the Nova Prime.

"It's very rare to find so many enhanced individuals in one place, and you're all from planet C-53?" She asks, curious to know what was so special about Earth.

Especially since C-53 has a reputation as a very weak and primitive planet.

"Yeah, we're all native to the Earth." Peter says as he waved his hand.

"Is that how you were able to defeat..." As she was speaking, a golden portal opened above the table and an open coffin fell out, landing on the table with a light bang. "... Ronan?"

As she said his name, Ronan the Accuser could be seen laying lifeless inside the coffin with his head disconnected from his shoulders.

Peter was tired of her probing questions and decided to get the show on the road. They could answer all of her questions once they were officially allies.

"I know it's not the most pleasant gift, but it proves our claims. We also have a detention center filled with his surviving subordinates. If you're interested, that is." Peter reveals.

Peter hoped she would take the Kree soldiers, as he had no idea what to do with all of them. He and Tony have already run all of the tests they could on them, so they were just taking up space at this point.

"We would be happy to take all of them off of your hands..." Irani says as she motions for the nearby guards to take the coffin away.

At this point in the meeting, Irani Rael has already noticed who the leader of these people was. They didn't have to say a word for her to see how Spider-Man took the lead during this whole encounter.

"Good, I'll deliver them later." Peter nods as the coffin is carried off. "Now onto the real business. How does the Nova Empire feel about starting an alliance with us?"

The room goes quiet for a moment as Irani looks a bit embarrassed.

"The emperor isn't interested in any alliances at the moment." She says with an ashamed look on her face.

"Was it Thanos' name that scared him off, or the fact that we're an unknown planet?" Peter asks, unbothered by her answer.

He expected this to happen after all.

"If I'm being honest, both." Irani admits.

She spent the last few days petitioning to the emperor and anyone that would listen, hoping to help form an alliance with Earth, though sadly, it wasn't a possibility.

Of course, she wouldn't give up petitioning for this alliance. Especially after hearing about the number of enhanced individuals on C-53. Irani had a gut feeling that there was something special about the Earth and would follow that feeling, as it helped her get this far in life.

"Although we can't be allies at this very moment, I was however able to secure a handsome reward for your good deeds." She says as a hologram appears from the table, showing a large fleet of Kree warships. "These are captured warships from our recent war against the Kree empire. Some are perfectly functional while others as in need of some love. They now belong to you."

The plan was simple. If she couldn't Ally with them, then she would arm them up enough to help in their fight against Thanos and anyone else that would come knocking.

This move would strengthen their relationship and still leave room for a possible alliance in the future.

The best part was that these ships were going to be scrapped anyway, so the loss on their part was practically nothing.

'I was not expecting this...' Peter thought as he saw the ships.


[Only the stingy would not give a few stones to a man in need. Are you stingy?🤨]


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