I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 165: Tony’s Big Day

Chapter 165: Tony’s Big Day

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep. /AlienWarlord

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After tearing the rat from his arm, Peter and Tony built a big and strong enough cage to hold the thing.

Although it was now basically a super rat, it would still live out its days as a pet in Tony's workshop, as releasing it was dangerous, and killing it was a bit of a cruel end for Chucky.

Once Chucky was secured, Tony and Peter basked in their achievement.

"We did it..." Tony exhaled a sigh as he flopped down into his computer chair.

"Yeah, all that's left is some minor tests and then we can start implementing the serum." Peter says, causing Tony to tiredly pull himself back up to his feet.

"Let's get to-" Tony starts but was quickly interrupted by Jarvis.

"Sir, I've made contact with the Nova Corps." Jarvis informs them.

"What did they say?" Peter asks curiously.

"Nova Prime Irani Rael has invited you to attend a meeting on Xander." Jarvis explains.

'That was her name...' Peter recalled as he heard Jarvis.

"How long would it take to fly to Xander?" Tony asks, excited about traveling to a populated alien planet this time around.

Morag was fun for a while but after he witnessed the barren rocky land and smelly polluted ocean water once, he felt as though he'd seen it a million times over.

The excitement of an actual alien planet filled with countless mysterious life forms and architecture seemed far more tantalizing.

"At full speed in a Kree ship... One week, sir." Jarvis answers after doing some quick calculations.

"...that's a waste of a week." Tony muttered as they needed to start administering the Super Soldier Serum.

"I think you're forgetting that I can portal us there in an instant." Peter says as Tony's mood brightens in an instant.

All that Peter will need is the spacial coordinates from Jarvis, who practically has a universal GPS now, thanks to his access to the Kree ships and their databanks.

"Perfect!" Tony exclaims as he gestures to the super rat in its reinforced cage. "That gives us more than enough time to finish and roll out the new serum."

"Sounds good to me." Peter says as he turns his attention to Jarvis. "Inform the Nova Corps that we'll arrive in a week's time."

"Yes, sir."


After a couple of days of rat testing, alongside a few other test runs, which produced some more super-powered animals, Peter was certain that the serum was working without any flaws.

Going over the blood tests of a monkey that was just turned into a super soldier, Peter and Tony relaxed as they ate big juicy-looking steaks.

"I feel bad for eating Cowabunga like this, but the serum made his meat so delicious..." Peter says as he reluctantly takes another bite.

As soon as the meat touched his tongue, Peter's eyes closed and he moaned in delight.

"Eh, I've come to terms with eating meat a long time ago." Tony says as he unabashedly shoves a big piece into his mouth.


After Peter finished his guilty yet pleasurable meal, the testing was complete. Every animal they administered the serum to was a complete success.

Not a single one of them had a bad reaction or symptoms that pointed to anything being wrong, nor did any tests they ran afterward show any problems.

"Who's first?" Tony asked as they stared at the human-sized chamber in front of them.

Everything was in place.

The chamber was open, multiple vials of blue Super Soldier Serums were plugged in place, and the old-school Vita Ray machines were powered and ready to go.

"I can go first if you're nervous?" Peter offered, trying to be nice.

Though Tony's ego didn't see it that way.

"Who's nervous?" He scoffs as he internally hyped himself up, while doing his best to forget the screams of every animal test subject that went through what he was about to go through. "I'll go first."

"You sure?" Peter asks as he could read Tony like a book.

"..." Tony doesn't bother replying as he strips down to his underwear and enters the chamber.

Instantly, metal bindings shoot out from the chamber and trap him in place, so he doesn't thrash around and screw up the procedure.

This happened to one of the animal test subjects, resulting in only a portion of its body acclimating to the serum.

'That wasn't a pretty sight to behold...' Peter cringed at the memory.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Tony calls out, wanting to get this over with.

"You got it." Peter shrugs and presses a large button.

Suddenly, the chamber slowly closed, locking the nervous Tony Stark inside.

'I don't think I've ever been more excited and scared at the same time before...' Tony thought as Peter walked up to the small window of the chamber and tapped on it.

"You okay in there?" He asks as he peers inside and sees a smirk on his best friend's face.

"Yup, hit me with it!" Tony exclaims.

"Alright..." Peter nods as he walks over to the control panel and flips a switch.

Instantly, the vials filled with blue serum begin to empty, flowing into the chamber in unison.

"Ow!" Tony shouts in pain as multiple needs eject and stick into his flesh, injecting him with every last drop of blue liquid.

"Good luck!" Peter calls out as he activated the Vita Radiation and slowly ramps the percentage from zero all the way up to 100%.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" Tony screamed in agony as his body went through a complete transformation.

'They went to 100% in the movie, so I should probably do the same.' Peter thought as he kept slowly turning the dial higher and higher.

"F*CK YOU!" Tony started cursing anything that came to his mind, doing his best to cope with the agonizing pain. "Aaahhh!"

"You wanted to go first..." Peter muttered as he didn't envy Tony's current position. "Next time don't act brave."

"I HEARD THAT!" Tony yelled and went right back to screaming like a dragon ball z character.

'Hmm, his enhanced hearing must be kicking in.' Peter thought as the dial hit 100% and the screams stopped.

Silence filled the room as Peter waited only a moment before shutting down the Vita Radiation with the flick of a switch.

As the dial lost its momentum and fell back down to zero, Peter pressed a button that activated the chamber doors.

White vapor-like smoke spilled out of the chamber as it opened, clouding Tony's image behind a fog.

"You alive?" Peter asks as the smoke clears, revealing the new and improved Tony Stark.

"Holy sh*t..." Tony mutters as he breathes heavily.

Standing in the chamber covered in sweat, a taller and far more muscular Tony Stark looked exhausted beyond belief.

"Damn, I didn't think I'd ever see your lazy a*s with abs." Peter jokes.

Tony may have been a healthy man before this, but he was far too lazy to train his body to a certain extent and tended to rely on his Iron Man armor, so this new body was a godsend to him.

'All the results with none of the work ethic to get there. Truly every person dreams.' Peter thought with a laugh.

As the chamber doors fully opened, before he could reply to Peter's words, the metal straps holding Tony up retracted. Instantly, Tony fell over and smacked into the cold hard floor.

Peter was positioned to stop his fall, but he took a step back and got out of the way just in time.

"You could have caught me..." Tony glares as he shakily picks himself up.

"Eww, no. Your naked and sweaty." Peter says with a shake of his head. "Besides, you're a super soldier now. Tripping onto the floor won't even put a scratch on your new body. If anything, you'll hurt the floor."

True to Peters words, the floor was cracked slightly from Tony's fall.

"..." Tony merely rolls his eyes as he stood and noticed his height difference almost immediately.

Normally, Tony and Peter were both the same height of 6 feet, though that's no longer the case. Tony now stands around 2 or 3 inches above Peter, which technically isn't much of a growth spurt compared to Steve's transformation.

Though Steve was practically a midget before his procedure.

Before either of them could comment on this, Tony saw his reflection in a nearby mirror and rushed over to get a better look.


"You done?" Peter asks as he waited almost five minutes for Tony to tear his eyes away from his own reflection.

"No..." Tony keeps his eyes on the mirror and flexes his newfound muscles. "Is it wrong that I find myself extremely attractive?"

"Yes, your probably g*y." Peter says teasingly. "Maybe that's why Pepper keeps turning you down. She must have seen something that we didn't..."

"Huh?" Tony jumps and turns away from the mirror to see Peter's teasing smirk. "Oh, shut up! You're just jealous that I'm hot now."

"Right..." Peter says sarcastically.

Before Tony could put his clothes back on, the door of the workshop swung open, and only three people could open them without restriction.

Two of them were already inside.

"Tony, have you finished the..." Pepper struts in and freezes in shock as she caught sight of Tony's chiseled body.

"I told you, I'm hot." Tony smirks over his shoulder at Peter as he stands proudly for Pepper to ogle him.

A/N: 1584 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES!🤡Honks big red nose🤡]


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