I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 143: Research Complete

Chapter 143: Research Complete

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 146. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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-Time skip - Two Weeks-

Another two weeks passed while Peter was waiting for Mystique to contact him about the mission that he gave her. Throughout these two weeks, Peter has stuck to a very similar schedule, except now his time after school was open since Peggy didn't require any more tests.

Speaking of her test results, Peter was finally able to go over them without interruption, and boy did he learn a lot.

First, the physical enhancement to her muscles, organs, tendons, bones, etc. is on a level a bit below Captain America. Peter didn't think that her body would reach that level of power, but the combination of Dragon Bones and Super Soldier Blood seemed to do the trick.

'I wonder how powerful she would have been if I used my blood instead?' Peter wondered as he looked over the results.

After all, Peter is far stronger than Steve.

Secondly, the results also allowed Peter to see the longevity effects of the Elixir, which was amazing, to say the least.

The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.

Cells go through a natural life cycle that includes growth, maturity, and death. This natural life cycle is regulated by a number of factors, but that doesn't matter right now.

As cells age, they function less well. Eventually, old cells must die, which is a normal part of the body's functioning. New cells take their place with time, but the capacity to continue replacing cells with fresh ones reduces over time.

This causes aging and inevitable death.

Peggy's cells seem to be moving through that same cycle but at a much slower pace. So slow, in fact, that she may be able to live for 300-400 years before either dying or needing another dose of the Elixir.

'Hmm, I wonder what Steve's lifespan is?' Peter wondered if the Super Soldier Serum affected Steve's aging at all. 'I'll have to give him the Elixir otherwise...'

After all, two lovers being separated by death is a pretty sad reality. Peggy has already had to live 70 years without Steve, so adding to that already large number seemed cruel.

'Eh, I'll worry about that when I have a larger stockpile of dragon bones, or possibly a more viable replacement for them...' Peter thought dismissively, as Steve is still fairly young.

Next, Peter covertly scanned Peggy with a spell that tested her body for traces of Chi energy, which was said to enhance due to the Elixir's use.

Everyone has Chi in their bodies, but only those that were trained to harness it could wield their inner energy. Since every living human had Chi, Peter cross-referenced Peggy's Chi levels compared to some random people, which he stealthily tested during his patrols.

If he could give a ranging number for the normal human Chi level, Peter would place that around 23-37. Meanwhile, Peter had a whopping 186, and he hasn't taken the Elixir yet.

As for Peggy, she had a Chi level of 153, which was only a little less than Peter, so it had to be good. Of course, Peter didn't know the average Chi level of someone from K'un-Lun, so for all he knows, this could be a very meager amount.

'Maybe I can test one of the Chi masters from Kamar-Taj?' Peter thought, hoping that they wouldn't find it disrespectful or something.

Although Peggy had all of this usable Chi, Peter battled with the idea of telling her or not. Revealing this to her will open up a whole new world, as Peggy would no doubt search for someone to teach her how to harness her energy.

On the other hand, Peggy already has Super Soldier Powers and Peter didn't want to deal with the questions that would follow.

'No doubt, everyone would want the Elixir even more than they already do...' Peter thought as he remembered Tony asking if he could get the 'Immortality' drug next.

Thanks to Jarvis, who runs everything in the tower, Tony saw every test that Peggy went through, especially the tests on her cells.

'When Tony learns that the Elixir also gives energy powers as well, he would become even more annoying and insistent than he already is.' Peter lamented over the decision to tell her or not.

After thinking for a good while, Peter concluded that he would play it by ear. If the Ancient One reveals herself fully and joins the Avengers, then Peter would offer Peggy's name to one of the Chi masters of Kamar-Taj as a possible Disciple or something.

As Peter was thinking this...


-Peggy's POV-

Peggy Carter was given a second chance, which she would not throw away carelessly. A second chance to be young and with the man she loved was all Peggy could ever ask for after all.

Since she decided to take this second chance seriously, Peggy has jumped right back into her former army and Shield training. Thankfully, the procedure not only made her young again but packed on a good amount of lean muscle as well.

The transformation reminded her of a minor version of the experiment that transformed Steve into the man he is today.

Although Peggy was instantly given the body of a super soldier, the same couldn't be said for the former skills she picked up throughout her long life.

The worst of it all was her martial arts, which were extremely rusty due to a lack of use. Peggy couldn't exactly practice Krav Maga from her hospital bed after all.

Now that she was able-bodied, Peggy made constant use of the advanced gym equipment in the Avengers Tower, sharpening herself back into the warrior that she used to be.

Which is where she was at this very moment, covered in sweat and striking out at a human-shaped dummy.

*bang bang bang...*

Using the practice combinations that she remembered from her training, Peggy stuck the target nonstop. As she was doing this, Peggy felt an odd sensation run from her core, through her arm, and toward her clenched fist.


When that same fist made contact, the dummies head snapped off and flew across the room, only stopping as it embedded itself into the wall.

"What the..." Peggy muttered as she didn't use enough power to do that.

Yes, as a super soldier, Peggy could do such a thing with raw strength alone, but she was especially careful not to ruin any of the equipment. Unlike Steve, who breaks at least one piece of gym equipment a day.

Looking at her hand in confusion, Peggy found a tiny speck of golden light coming from under her fingernail, though it disappeared so quickly that she wasn't sure if it was real or not.

'Maybe I'm just seeing things?' Peggy thought but wasn't convinced.

Looking between the damaged wall and the destroyed training dummy, Peggy didn't know what to do.

"...I'll just blame this on Steve."


-Peter's POV-

Other than going over Peggy's test results, Peter has officially studied planet Morag and its neighboring moons and sun enough to predict the tides fairly accurately. That combined with the very in-depth map of the planet was all Peter needed to find the Orb.

Through all of his research, Peter learned one very important thing.

Every three hundred years, which just so happens to be when the tides recede enough to reveal the temple that holds the Orb, an odd event occurs in Morags solar system.

The sun, moons, and Morag itself become completely aligned. Obviously, this alignment affects the tides heavily and causes them to recede for a short while, before coming back full force and covering the whole planet in water for some time.

Thanks to this revelation, Peter took all of the research he gathered and made a simulation of this event. Jarvis was very helpful in this step as well.

Once the simulation was complete, Peter pressed a button and a big hologram of Morag appeared. The planet was about 97% ocean with the only piece above water being the area he built his base.

"Run it, Jarvis." Peter calls out.

"Yes, sir. Running simulation now." Jarvis responded and the hologram began to move.

Immediately, the tides receded and the planet went from 97% water to 91%. Not a huge change but it was certainly enough.

"We did it!" Peter exclaimed to Jarvis, who helped him a lot during this expedition.

"Congratulations, sir." Jarvis replied normally.

"Now all we have to do is search the coasts based on this simulation." Peter says happily.

With this Peter narrowed down the search for the Orb by a lot. Before knowing this, Peter would have searched a much larger part of the ocean, wasting tons of valuable time.

Especially since a few islands appeared in the simulation as well, which Peter wouldn't have thought to search as they weren't there beforehand.

Now, all he has to do is search the simulation's receded areas.

'I'll have the Orb within the week!'

A/N: 1502 words :)



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